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Draco and his friends walked in to the castle. Harry followed slowly and disappointed. He knew he made the wrong choice. Harry wasn't in a good mood to talk. Ronald can over beside Harry and started telling him what he heard about the sorting. 

Draco seen that Harry was falling further behind. Draco walked back to Harry and pulled him to the front of the group. Then Draco went back with the other vampires. Harry was curious about why Draco had his hood up. Harry continued walking without slowing down again.

Draco and his friends put their hoods down when they reached the castle, Hogwarts, and Harry noticed that they only had their hoods up outside. He became really curious now. Pansy looked at Harry. Harry turned his head to face a light-dark skinned girl. She looked at him.

"I'm Hermione Granger." she said as if Harry wanted her to introduce herself. She stared at Harry. Harry just stared right back at her. "Are you going to tell me who you are?" she asked.

"I'm Harry Potter." he answered quickly. Harry looked at Ronald who was looking at Hermione. Ronald thought Harry would make good friends with Hermione. "And this is Ronald Weasley." Harry added to his introduction. Hermione stared at the red-haired boy and waved. Ronald waved back at her.

Draco, Pansy, and Blaise walked into the Great Hall all together and got ready to be sorted. Draco was acting brave about it, but at the same time was scared half to death about which house he was going to be in. Harry on the other hand was nervous about his house. Ronald was confident about it and he knew he would be either a gryffindor or a hufflepuff. Hermione was nervous just like Harry but also brave like Ronald. 

Pansy was called first. The sorting hat took at least 6 seconds to decide. "SLYTHERIN"...the hat called out. Blaise was next and he was sorted into slytherin as well. Hermione was next. The hat was going to put her in slytherin but she begged inside her head for it to put her and put her in a different house. "GRYFFINDOR"...the hat called out. Ronald was called next. He was also sorted into gryffindor. Harry was next. He sat on the stool for about 2 minutes for the hat to decide. Harry was confident but was also nervous. The sorting hat had 5 more seconds to decide the house Harry was in. "SLYTHERIN"...the hat called out. Ronald stared at Harry and was disappointed. Harry shrugged since he had no friends in slytherin. Draco was after Harry. The sorting hat put Draco in slytherin almost immediately. He sat down beside Harry. Pansy and Blaise moved so they sat beside Draco. 

Harry was confused at why Draco was sitting with him. He had the urge to ask him since Harry did push him away and rejected his friendship on the train. Draco knew that it was Ronald Weasley's fault of why Harry pushed Draco away. Harry was not concerned of why Draco's friends sat with him. it was clear that they didn't like him since he pushed Draco's friendship away and rejected him. 

Draco was more concerned for anything. He had no idea why he was pushed away like that. He did know that Ronald had something to do with losing his friend. Draco glared at the gryffindor table. Draco Malfoy did hate the Weasleys. Harry looked at Draco. Draco turned toward Harry and stared right into his eyes. 

After Dumbledore gave his speech to start the year off. The food appeared in front of them. Draco looked hungry. He had grabbed enough to fill his plate up and there was no space left. Harry grabbed five things and ate them. When he finished that then he got more. When dessert appeared he grabbed a little bit of it. Draco grabbed an entire bowl full. Pansy and Blaise didn't have dessert. 

After dinner was over everyone went to there common rooms. They located their dormitories as well and were told not to go into the girls/boys dormitories if you were the opposite gender. Professor Snape made sure that was clear to everyone. Harry and Draco were the only ones to say "crystal clear" at the same time. 

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