Harry's Terrible Day

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Harry was so tired he barely brushed his hair and he always brushed his hair. Draco was completely concerned when he saw how tired Harry was and asked him about it. Harry was not going to answer Dra-Malfoy for a good bit of time. Malfoy embarrassed him yesterday morning. Harry was not in a good mood that day.

"Potter, are you okay?" Malfoy asked twelve times throughout the day. Harry ignored him until the thirteenth time. 

"Malfoy, listen I don't like you and I never will." harry lied, but Draco didn't see that which made harry feel relieved. Draco looked at Harry.

"Why did you have me give you the love potion yesterday at breakfast, Potter?" Malfoy asked Harry. Harry wasn't in a good mood to explain that, but he did anyway.

"Malfoy, look I did it because I thought you would get embarrassed by it. Clearly you didn't so I don't see the point in trying to embarrass the 'perfect slytherin' in front of everyone so leave me alone, Malfoy" Harry said this time he was sure he didn't have any feelings for him. "Oh and um...do you like creepy things?" Harry seemed curious now.

"Well I guess I mean I do love vampires especially the special ones that can change their form, Potter" Malfoy said answering Harry's question. 

Harry looked at Draco with confusion. "What kind of vampires are those?" Harry asked.

"Oh, their called enchanted vampires, Potter." Draco answered again. Draco realized what he ha just said and ran off to find his friends who were outside enjoying the sun. When he reached them he was completely out of breath. "Guys put your hoods up you can be sparkling right now Potter was following me." Draco blurted out to his friends.

"Why would you do that Draco?" Pansy asked concerned. She was now curious. Harry had indeed followed Draco. He was also out of breathe. Before Harry got there the three of them had their hoods up and started walking.

"Draco what do you mean they can take the form of other animals/people?" Harry asked concerned of how Draco new this. Pansy looked at Draco and hit him in the head.

"Draco can I speak to you alone? NOW!!" Pansy wasn't happy. Draco nodded. "Why would you tell him that enchanted vampires can change their appearance to look like other animals/people?" Pansy asked. Draco shrugged.

"Pansy it slipped. I didn't mean to say anything about our abilities believe me." Draco blurted out at Pansy. "Pansy please he followed me. I have nothing to do with it besides telling him that I like enchanted vampires. Believe me I would never say anything about who the enchanted vampires are. You know this Pansy I would never turn my back against someone I love with all my heart." Draco said hugging Pansy.

Pansy kissed Draco and was happy that Draco didn't  have a thing for Potter. "Draco, I didn't know you were in love with me." Pansy said realizing that. Draco stared at her and just stared at her. Harry walked over at the moment Pansy kissed Draco and his eyes widened.

"Pansy, listen to me. I'm gay. I'm not in love with you." Draco said breaking her heart. "As much as I would love to b with a pure-blood. I'd rather be with a half-blood." Harry watched as Pansy went into a complete shock.

"Some half-blood!! Draco you can't be serious right now." Pansy kept repeating the words over and over again. Harry tried thinking. Draco was talking about Harry but pansy and harry couldn't tell.

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