The Holidays 1

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Harry was excited it was early in the morning. He, Draco, Luna, and Alisa were all going to spend the Holidays with Harry's parents. Draco was a nervous wreck. Alisa was a excited puff ball and Luna was over thinking the gifts she got Harry's parents.

They all got on the train and got ready to see Harry's parents. Draco was still so nervous. Blaise walked back to the group and asked for help on confessing to Neville. Pansy came back a few minutes later. She stood by Blaise and grabbed his wrist and pulled him away from the group. 


Draco, Harry, Luna, and Alisa stood in the center of the station chatting until someone came up to them and asked if they were looking for the road  back to idiot land. Harry looked up and recognized the lady who spoke to them.

"Why are you here!?" Harry asked a little upset. Draco tried to calm Harry down but couldn't. "You are more of an idiot than me treating a child like a servant!!" Harry exclaimed angrily. The lady looked at him sternly. 

"That is no way to talk to the person that raised you!!" Petunia said sternly. Alisa blocked Petunia from hitting Harry. "Get out of the way little girl." Petunia demanded. 

"Well don't try to hurt him!!" Alisa said angrily. Her eyes turned a furious red. Petunia watched Alisa's eyes change from silver to red. "Never ever hurt him again he doesn't belong to you he's not your toy!!" Alisa was screaming about how abusive Petunia and Vernon was, along with their son Dudley. 

"Don't hurt my sister!!" Draco screamed. There was a crowd around them now.  Lily and James were there watching on how Harry and his friends deal with the Dursleys. Luna pushed her way to the front and stood next to Harry. Alisa stood happily beside her brother. "I will not allow it." Draco said in an angrily tone. 

Petunia's eyes widened at hearing that Alisa was Draco's sister. Draco's fangs showed and Vernon gots scared. Alisa's fangs started to show scaring everyone who were afraid of vampires. Harry's powers seem to have taken a little more effect. He had fangs after he got mad at Petunia for hurting Alisa. Pansy and Blaise walked over to them and showed their fangs. Summer and Silvia did the same. More and more people got scared until nobody was around them, they continued to show their fangs. 

"Oh no...we are not dealing with these crazies again." Petunia said worried and scared. Draco backed up and grabbed Alisa's wrist. Alisa grabbed Harry's wrist and Harry grabbed Pansy's wrist. Pansy then grabbed Blaise's wrist. Summer and Silvia changed form and they were really getting mad at these bozos for being mean to Harry. 

At The Potters'

Harry and Draco sat down on the couch and started talking. Alisa and Luna sat on the floor talking and enjoying themselves. Sirius and Remus sat in the game room with James while Lily made dinner. Sirius and Remus were deeply in love and they could not separate without saying but in a flirty and childish way. 

Draco and Harry sat on the couch for about 15 minutes before Harry fell asleep on Draco's lap. Luna and Alisa sat on the floor for about 25 minutes talking about their crushes/relationships. Luna mentioned liking Neville a tiny bit but she mostly talked about her love for Ginny. Alisa never mentioned who she was in love with even though Luna already knew. Alsia was worried about how she didn't want Draco to find out that she loved an enchanted vampire princess. Alisa really did love Summer Snow and she was okay with Luna knowing that she loved Summer, but she was scared that Draco would go all mean on her for loving an enchanted vampire princess.

Lily called everyone over for lunch and they all ate. Alisa and Luna ate the most food and then started talking. Harry and Draco ate the least and then they left the table to go sit down on the couch. Lily and James went to the game room to talk to Alisa and Luna. Remus and Sirius was left alone in the kitchen. After 2 to 5 minutes Sirius kissed Remus. Luna told Lily about how she felt for Ginny Weasley and Mrs. Potter understood how Luna felt. Lily walked into the living room and Saw Harry and Draco sleeping. She flashed a quick smile. James also saw Harry laying with Draco. He smiled and it didn't go away for awhile. 

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