Brooklyn ( roadtrip )

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Your POV-
It was another boring day at the Roadtrip house. Everyone was still asleep, or so I thought, it was 12pm no one sleeps in that late unless they're hiding something. But I just brushed it off. Which I shouldn't have done... I went back upstairs to my brother Andy's room, but he wasn't there. Weird. I then went to the other guys rooms. They weren't in their rooms either. Oh I'm going to get pranked aren't I. As I'm going through what might happen to me I walk back downstairs and check the kitchen. And what I saw was adorable! Biscuit had a ribbon with a letter on it around his collar. When I looked at the letter I nearly died.

Dear Y/N,
I know we've been best friends since before we learned how to walk, but I wanna be more then friends. And since today marks 17 years of us knowing each other and being best friends, I thought I'd make it really special. Sooo meet me in the place we first hung out in high school.
~ Love, Brook

I was already nearly in tears. But I knew exactly where he was talking about. So I hopped in my car and drove to the park near my parents house and there Brook was, holding a bouquet of flowers and my favorite candy. And as I started walking towards him, the guys jump out and start singing all of their songs.
Brook's POV-
I've been in love with Y/N since middle school. I just never knew how to tell her or how Andy would react. I mean that dude is more protective of his sister than a momma bear is of her cub and it's kinda weird. But anyway, I asked the guys to help me set up an awesome/ romantic date for Y/N and I. And it turned out surprisingly well.
"Brook are you okay?" Jack asks.
"Just really nervous mate. Like what if she says no?!" I respond.

"She isn't going to say no." Andy says walking in while fixing his bow tie.
"I hope you're right Fowler"
"I know I am"

~Skip to when they start setting up the date brought to you by Brooklyn's perm~
"SHIT!" Jack yells picking up pieces of glass.
"Bloody hell jack. What did you break?!" I ask
"Just a lamp it's fine" Jack says walking away.
He's being bloody weird.

As we finished setting up and getting into place, I see Y/N walking towards where we are and Dayum she looks good. As she walks towards I see that she's crying. And I'm really hoping they're happy tears.

Y/N's POV-
I see Brook standing in a tux in front of this giant romantic outdoor movie and dinner set up. After I process what's happening I run into brooks arms and I kiss him.

Brooks POV-
Y/N ran into my arms and kissed me. I was so happy i kissed back. I haven't even asked her to be my girlfriend yet. This is the best Valentine's Day EVER!

After we let go of the kiss we watch movies and eat dinner and hang out. The lads sang a couple of songs and left around a quarter to 11.
Then I thought it would be a great time to ask Y/N to be my girlfriend....

"Hey Y/N/N"
"Hey Brook" she laughs.
"I have a question to ask" I say nervously.
"Ask away Brook" Y/N says blushing A LOT.
"Well.... here goes nothing... Will you be.... my girlfriend??" I ask blushing.
"Hmm? OF COURSE YOU BLOODY IDIOT!" She says laughing.
"I love you Y/N" I laugh.
"I love you too, Brookie" Y/N says and I kiss her.

ThE eNd.
I tried.. 😂 sorry if this sucks. BUT Happy Valentines Day! ❤️❤️

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