Luca ~surprise~

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It has been nearly three months since I've last seen my boyfriend Luca. It sucks because he lives in Canada and I live in Florida with my brothers Jackson and Austin. We all go on tour together and Luca and I usually spend all that time together. But this time it was different. I wasn't asked to go on the boys of summer tour this year. And it sucked since this was the only time I could see Luca. I mean yeah they were coming to Miami but I honestly didn't wanna go.

As I go to sit on the couch in the living room my brothers burst through the door after 3 months of being on tour.

"SURPRISE!" Jackson literally screamed at the top of this lungs.
"Hey little sis!" Austin says hugging me.

"Wait.... aren't you guys supposed to be on tour?" I ask.

"Well, yeah, but today we were already in the area so we thought we'd stop buy and see you." Austin responded.
"Wait, is my twin not happy to see me" jack says and pretends to die.

"I am happy to see you! We're twins, this is the longest we've ever been apart. It sucks dude." I say hugging my twin brother as he stands up.

"Y/N, who's your favorite sibling" Austin randomly asks.

"Uhh no comment" I say knowing that if I said Jackson, Austin would feel bad.

"Well I know it's Jackson, so i know this HAS to change your mind" Austin says picking up a big ass box.

"Jack, should I be scared?!" I ask hiding behind him.

"No, not at all" he says pushing me towards Austin.

"Open the box little sis! Hurry up dude you might kill what's in it" Austin says as I slowly go towards the box. I open the box and right before I could look in it, my boyfriend who I thought forgot about my existence, jumps out. And I hug him as hard as I can and he kisses me.

"I missed you so much, Luca" I say in tears.

"I missed you too. Y/N/N" he says in tears and wiping mine.
"To be honest, when my brothers should up and you didn't, and after you didn't text all me summer, I thought you forgot about my existence." I say into his neck.

"Aw baby. I would never forgot about you. Bro come on! I love your dumbass!" Luca says kissing my cheek. I think I turned pink from blushing so hard because he's never said he loved me before.
"I love you too" I said before my brothers came in as we were kissing.

"Okay, okay, we didn't bring you to makeout with Y/N"Austin said pulling us apart.

"Austin shut up you're just jealous she's getting more than you!" Jackson said pulling Austin out of the room. Causing Luca and I to laugh.

"So I wanna ask you something..." Luca said
"Okay, ask away" I smiled.
"Would you like to finish the tour with me, than after we go to Canada and we hang out and do couple things and cuddle since we can't go out in the snow" Luca says holding me.

"Of course I want to! But do my parents know I'd be in Canada with you?!" I asked concerned.
"Yep. I've talked to them about it and you can stay as long as you want" Luca smiles.
I have no words so I kiss him again.
"I love you so much!"
"I love you more!"

The endS

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