Luca Charlton ~yes you dork~

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You're at playlist live with your best friends;
Jerad Carrier , Jackson Felt, Cash Baker, Markie Warox and The one and only Luca Charlton but of course your brother, Chase Hudson. You guys all live very far apart from each other and whenever you're together you try and make the best of it. And that's exactly what you guys did then Luca did the unexpected.

Y/N's POV-

I just landed in Orlando my brother doesn't even know I'm here, I'm supposed to meet Luca and Markie at the exit but I kinda got lost and went to the wrong side of the airport causing everyone to go into panic mode. After about 10 minutes of me being lost I decided to text Luca.



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As I turned around I noticed something that I don't think I've ever noticed about Luca, his smile mixed with his hair and good looks, I think I'm in love with my best friend

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As I turned around I noticed something that I don't think I've ever noticed about Luca, his smile mixed with his hair and good looks, I think I'm in love with my best friend.

"I missed you moron" I told Luca messing up his hair.
"I missed you too, Loser" Luca said smiling.
Before Luca could say anything else, Markie attacked us with a very big hug.

"Hey, Markie" I say patting his back trying to get air.

"I missed you guys" he says as Cas comes running towards us making me move out of the way causing him to run into Cash and Maverick.

"Ow! Watch out, dude" Cash says with a voice crack.
"Puberty" Maverick and I say mocking Cash at the same time causing everyone to laugh.

"We better get to the car rental before anybody else gets lost" Luca says looking at me making blush for no reason.
"Hey shit happens, Mop Head" i say getting mad at Luca.
"Oh you did not just go there"
"Oh I just went there" I said smirking.
"It's on"
"Come at me bro" I instantly regretting it. Luca came up to me picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
"Luca, I hope you know that I will mop the floor with your HEAD!" I yell a little too loud.
"asinine idiot"
"Revolting ass"
"Okay that was just mean" Luca said pretending to cry.
"HA" I yell as he put me down making him just roll his eyes.

"You two are crazy in love" Josh says coming out of nowhere with Sam, Jackson and Jerad.

"Please, I rather die than date Y/n, we're best friends, that would be the weirdest thing ever if we dated." Luca said making kinda die inside, Sam being like my big brother since we're neighbors, gave me a caring big bro look which made me feel kinda better.

"Yeah, it would just be weird" I say fake smiling grabbing my backpack, walking away towards the bus/ van that's supposed to pick us up.

Luca's POV-
As Y/n and I ran through the airport, I realized something... I realized that I'm in love with my best friend. What's wrong with me?! She probably doesn't feel the same way. What am I going to do all weekend. So many questions ran through my head until Y/n yelled "Luca, I hope you know that I will mop the floor with your HEAD!"
"Sureeeee" I say tempting her.
"asinine idiot"
"Revolting ass"
"Okay that was just mean" I said pretending to cry.
"HA" Y/n yelled as I put her down making me roll my eyes.
You two are crazy in love" Josh says coming out of nowhere with Sam, Jackson and Jerad.

"Please, I rather die than date Y/n, we're best friends, that would be the weirdest thing ever if we dated." I said which kinda hurt, I'm pretty sure I nearly started crying.
And it hurt even worse when Y/n said, "Yeah, it would just be weird"

"I wish I could just man up and tell her how I feel. Welp. I have all weekend to tell her how I feel" I think to myself as we walk to where we're meeting up everyone else.

When we got onto the bus, I tried to save Y/n a seat, but she sat next to Sam instead, which really hurt but I wasn't going to let anyone sit next to me unless it was her.

"Sammy, what am I going to do." Y/n sighs looking at her other best friend, who's more like a brother to her, more so than her actual brother, Chase. "One, you're going to tell him and if he hurts you I'm going to kill him. Two, you. Need. To. Talk. To. Chase." Sam says and Y/n pretends to puke. "He doesn't even know I'm here." Y/n says causing Sam to gasp. "Well, now's your time to tell him." Sam says and he points yo Chase getting on the bus. "Nope." Was all Y/n said before she hid.

"Okay! Attendance." Tyler says and Y/n's heart dropped. I turned around and I saw Y/n hiding, I was confused at first but then Tyler said "Chase and Chloe Hudson." Oh crap.

"Tyler, my sister isn't here. Or at least she shouldn't be." Chase says and I saw Y/n stand up. "I'm here big bro." she winces waiting for him to start yelling. "You and me gotta talk. Now." He somewhat yelled and Y/n looked at me and Sam before she walked over and sat next to chase.

"I'm not mad, just disappointed, and pissed, why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Chase said to his little sister. "Because of why I'm here... Dad kicked me out so I figured I go on tour and I talk to you." Y/n says and I can't believe she didn't tell me that. "Wait what?!" Chase said. "It's too long of a story. I'll tell you later" she says sighing. "That's not all that's wrong is it?" Chase says. "Of course it not, how'd you know" Y/n says looking at him. "I'm your big brother, it's my job to know" Chase says. "Fine, I like Luca" Y/n said. "Yeah I know, you're best friends, remember?" Chase says laughing a little. "No dude I mean I like like him." Y/n says and my heart drops. She likes me too?! She can't know I know. "Just ask him out. But if he hurts you, I will destroy his blood line." Chase said making me scared to death but I would never hurt her, I love her too much.

We got to the hotel and I grabbed Y/n and I took her to this really cool part of the beach I saw when we drove up. 

"Lucaaaa why'd you kidnap meeee?! Noen is going to have a heart attack." Y/n says causing me to laugh little. "I wanted to ask you something...." "Yes I will help you hide the body." Y/n says with a serious face making us laugh. "Stop it loser, that's not what I was going to ask," "Get on with it I can hear Noen crying." She says making me smile. "IreallylikeyouandIwantyoutobemygirlfriend." I say speaking really fast. "I like you too, no, I love you, of course I'll be your girlfriend." Y/n says smiling. I lean in and kiss her and she kisses back. "I love you too. Now let's make sure Noen's okay." I say and we laugh and walk back into the hotel holding hands and Y/n lets go and runs to Noen and hugs him making him jump then Sam and Chase walk up to me. 

"Hurt her and die." Sam said. "I will destroy your bloodline if you hurt my baby sister." Chase said scaring me, again. "I won't hurt her, I promise" I say looking at them. "good" Was all they said before walking away. 

Y/n and I spent the rest of the mini tour together, not leaving each others sides until we had to leave. 

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