Alex Lowe / Georgia Fair

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"Y/n, get your butt down here." Your mom yelled as you got up and ran downstairs. "Yes, mother?" You said sarcastically. "I need you to take your little sister and her friends to the fair and no is not an answer." She said harshly. "What else do you want me to do for the queen?" You said while rolling your eyes. "Don't you dare roll your eyes at me! And don't use that tone either." "If dad was here he wouldn't make me do squat for you." "If your dad was here then I wouldn't be here" "That wouldn't be that bad" You said rolling your eyes again before going back to your room to text your best friend, Alex.

 I got dressed then I grabbed my keys and phone

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 I got dressed then I grabbed my keys and phone. "KELSEY HURRY UP!" I yell not wanting to get stuck in traffic. "I'm coming!" She yells back and I go and wait in the car. After five minutes she finally came out and got into the backseat and I started driving to the fair. "I'm sorry Mom is being wacko again... You really don't deserve it." Kelsey said. "Thanks sis...." I say knowing she's up to something. "I'm not up to anything" She says and I smile to her from the mirror and before we knew it, we were at the fair. 

"Okay, let's meet up in three hours just to check in" I say and she smiles and runs off with her friends and boyfriend. Seeing her with her boyfriend just made me want Alex even more than I already do. I mean I miss him so much I'm wearing his hoodie. I feel like an idiot, just walking around the fair, with no friends and no boyfriend. I end up in the line at the Ferris wheel.  As I'm getting onto it, some guy who looks really familiar jumps onto it with me.  

"Nice hoodie and Beanie, y/nn." He said and I realized it was Alex. "I missed you, you idiot." I say starting to cry. "Come here" He says and pulls me into him. We get to the top and the Ferris wheel broke. "Alex, I'm going to die" I say starting to ramble, then out of no where, Alex kisses me. "Shut up, you're going to be fine, I'm right here." "Alex, I love you..." "I love you too, that's why I kissed you." He said making me blush like an idiot. "Alex, will you be my boyfriend." "Yes you dork." He says and kisses me again. "Hey guess what, before I forget to tell you" "What?" "You're finishing tour with me" Alex says. "You're kidding right?" "No babe, I'm not kidding." Alex says making smile like a dork because he called me babe. "How am I supossed to tell my mom?" "well, turns out you have a brother...." "Ha, I wish." "No, your internet best friend, aka Noen, is your brother." "That's why he followed me. That makes sense." "Yeah I know." Alex says and the Ferris Wheel starts moving again and we get off. 

When we get back to my house, our mom is passed out drunk and Kelsey loses it. "I can't do this anymore, Y/n, I love you, your my big sister, I hate it when mom makes you do stuff for me, I can't take her getting drunk, we have to leave...." Kelsey says and I agree. "Shall we go pack" I say looking at her smiling. "We shall" She says and smiles back and we run upstairs, then packed everything we could and stuffed my car.

"So, where are we going to live?" Kelsey asks. "Well dear sister, apparently we have a brother, and he said we're moving in with  him no questions asked." I said and Kelsey gasped. "That's awesome" She responded.  

We drove all day and night, stopped a couple of times, and after two days of driving, we finally made it to California. 

"Is this Noen's house?" Kelsey asked as Alex pulled into the driveway. "That's what he sent y/nn" Alex said. Kelsey ran to the door and Alex tried to wake me up. "Baby wake up." Alex said shaking me. "Carry me" "no" "fine" and with that I got out of the car and we knocked on the door and I saw the one person I wanted to see. "DAD?!" Kelsey and I yelled and we ran, well Kelsey did, I limped since i still had a boot on from when my mother broke my foot, to hug him. 

"You're not supposed to move in for another week?! And Y'n what the hell happened to your foot?" Dad said hugging us. "Mom broke it then we mentally took enough of her and we left." I said. "Well you're never going to have to deal with her again." He says.

After we all caught up and we met Noen and unloaded the car, Alex and I went to a drive in movie. 

"You know we're not really going to watch the movie, right?" Alex says looking at me. "I know." I said moving to the drives side and sitting in his lap after he turned the car off. 

"I love you so much." He says starting to kiss me while putting his seat all the way down. "I love you too." I said kissing him again. 

And that's how our night went, making out in the backseat of my car. 

The enddddddddddddd

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