-Why do you hate me?- (TONY LOPEZ)

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HOLA BROS! I'm Y/N Hossler, Jaden Hosslers little sister. And I'm dating Tony Lopez, which all my best friends hate, but I ignore it. Should I ignore it? Maybe but maybe not...

"Y/n, come on, it's not that bad! You're overreacting!" Tony yells as I walk out of his room. "Just like you overreacted when I posted a tiktok in a crop-top?!" I yelled back. "That's different!" Tony tried to defend himself. "Not really, no." I respond before running upstairs and changing into what I had on before he said something, it was a blue crop top and jean shorts.

"Adios, tell Jaden I'll be back later" I say as I grab my keys walking to my car. "Where are you going?!" I hear Tony behind me. "To the store and somewhere you're not" I say getting into my car and driving to mcdonalds.

After I got fries, I just drove, I couldn't really go anywhere, so for the past three hours I've been driving around LA, ignoring every text I got. My plan was working until Tony found where I was. Do I know how? No, no I do not.

"Stalker" Was all I could say when he came up to my window. "I was worried, okay?" Tony choked out. "I deleted the tiktok.... I'm sorry for yelling about what you were wearing" He added. "Why do you hate me?" I said. "What? I don't hate you! I love you if anything" Tony quickly says. "You-you love me?" I say before crying again. "Yeah, I love you." He said. "Wanna go home?" I ask as it starts raining. "Yeah, I'm riding home with you though, Tommy dropped me off when we saw your car." "Okay, get in" I say and he jumps in the passenger door and we drive home.

Now, Jaden hates the fact we're dating, he thinks Tony is just a fuck boy. I mean I guess he's a fuck boy on tiktok, but he isn't like that.

"WHERE THE HECK WERE YOU TWO?!" Jaden yells as we walk inside. "we got into a fight." I responded sheepishly. "Of course you did. Just tell me you left next time" And with that Jaden walked away. Weeeeiirrrddd but whatever.

After about three hours of cuddling Tony, I decided it was time to get up and that's what I tried to do. Tony wouldn't let me go then Jaden was all of a sudden screaming and I was then let go before we both ran to see what was going on.

"Dude! What the hell?! That's my fucking song! Bryce you're an asshole who needs to not be near me right now" Jaden yelled.

"Maybe we should go to the hype house." Tony whispers to me right before Bryce went to punch Jaden, and of course Tony being Tony, he caught Bryce's hand.

"OKAY THAT IS IT! You two need to stop, Bryce, Angels and Demons is his song you did nothing, you don't punch people, people punch you and Jaden, you did nothing wrong, so I have nothing to tell you." I say and Byrce being the complete ass he is, just had to open his mouth.

"Of course you're on Jaden's side, but I guess you forgot the dirt I have on you." Bryce said and by this point, Tony was next to Jaden and I.

"What dirt Bryce? Y/n hates you"Jaden says and I mentally kill him. I know what the dirt is and he's going to twist it into making it about him and not what he did to me and I can't remember if I told Tony or not.

"The dirt is the fact we slept together. WHILE her and Tony have been together" Bryce said and Jaden and Tony just look at me. Then it hits me, I told Ondreaz what happened.

"I promise I can explain." I say rubbing my hands together like I usually do when I get anxiety.

"Y/n, YOU AND BRYCE?" Jaden yelled louder than he wanted.

"You better explain" Tony said stepping back and crossing his arms.

"I can, it was-" While I was trying to explain, Ondreaz walks in. I completely forgot he dropped Tony off, since his car is in the shop.

"Hey losers. Hold on, what'd I miss?" Ondreaz asks looking between his brother and I. .

"Y/n and I slept together" Bryce said almost bragging.

"That's not how I remember it" Ondreaz said causing Tony to step forward.

"He knew but I didn't?!" Tony yelled.

"Just listen to me! Before anxiety kills me and Ondreaz has to. It happened when we all went to that party a month ago. You, Nick, and a couple of our friends, either went dancing or to the bar and I was with Jaden and Bryce. Mads called Jaden and he went outside to talk to her and Bryce just randomly got up and I went to the bathroom, walking into Ondreaz in the process" I said.

"What does that have to do with the fact we slept together?" Bryce said.

"Shut up and let her finish." Tony said.

"Yeah, before I kill you, Hall" Jaden said.

"Anway, after I walked into Ondreaz, we talked then I went to the bathroom and when I finished, Bryce grabbed me as I walked out and he told me everyone left. Trust me I did not believe him but when I went to find Jaden, I couldn't find anyone and I later found out, you all went to another club because of something he said. So we went home, no one was there so I went to Jaden's room to try to call Tony and all of a sudden everything went black and I woke up with Ondreaz in my room." I say on the verge of tears.

"i didn't rape her." Bryce says rolling his eyes.

"Actually, you did. If I was five minutes faster, I would've been able to stop you but I wasn't" Ondreaz said and Tony walked over to Bryce and punched him.

"Jesus, Bryce maybe you should move out." Jaden says.

"That's all you have to say?" Tony says stepping away from Bryce.

"No actually. I needed you to move" Jaden said before punching Bryce.

"Can we all stop beating up Bryce and can we leave?" I say looking at the Lopez brothers.

"Yeah come on" Tony says before punching Bryce one more time and with that we left.

"So why didn't you two tell me?" Tony asks his brother and I.

"I was too scared..." I said before Tony grabbed my hand.

"And I promised her we would tell you together." Ondreaz said as we pulled into the driveway.

"Next time something bad happens, tell me. Please?" Tony says picking me up bridal style.

"We will, we promise" Ondreaz says while we walk inside, well I get carried.

When we got home/ the hype house, Tony carried me to his room and we laid down for a long time.

"Baby, I want you to know, that you can always talk to me" Tony says putting his arms around my waist.

"I know that now. I love you" I say before kissing him.

"I love you too, mama" He says kissing me back.

Bro- I wrote this at three AM- it is a roller coaster /\/_/_\ lmaoooo there isn't emojis on my laptop

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