Tommy Unold ~Interviews~

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I'm Jaden Hossler's little sister, Y/n, I'm seventeen and I have the biggest crush on this guy, Tommy. 

"Y/n, come on. we're going to be late." Jaden says knocking on my door. "I'm coming! I just need my hoodie." I say looking for the one Tommy gave me. "You have like thirty hoodies, pick one, and let's go" He says opening my door. "I found it" I say grabbing it from the top drawer in my dresser. "Thank you, now let's go, your bags are already in the car" Jaden says picking me up along with my black xplr backpack. "Why do you always carry me to the car when we're late?" I say to my brother as he walks to the car still carrying me over his shoulder. "Because, you're going to remember something you forgot that's too easy to buy at cvs." Jaden says. "Yeah okay, fine, you're right." I say and he puts me down and I get into the car along with everyone else.  

An hour down the road, I got tired as heck so I laid across the seat, which also happened to be, Josh on the far left, Bryce right next to him, me in the middle, Noen next to me and Max on the far right. Then in the middle, Anthony was in the seat on the left and Chase Hudson, was in the other seat.

"Y/n, why are you laying on us?" Josh whines.                                                                                                        "I'm tired and you guys might be bony, but you're better than anything else." I whine back.           "I feel offended" Max said looking down at me, since my head was on his lap.                                         "I didn't ask." I say with a straight face, causing him to laugh really hard.                                                    "Would you two shut up" Jaden yelled from the front seat.                                                                               "It's not our fault you sat us together!" I yell back.                                                                                                 "We have been best friend goals since forever" Max said and we laughed again. 

"Hey, Jaden, weren't we supposed to pick someone up?" Bryce said trying to get me off of him.     "Yeah, we're almost to his house." Jaden says turning without a blinker and we all scream.          "He's going to kill us before we kill us" I say gesturing to Max and I.                                                               "Jesus, calm down" Jaden says turning into the guys driveway.                                                                     "I'm going to the front, I can't take Y/n. I love you little sis, but I'm dying" Bryce says and I sit up so he can jump in the front.                                                                                                                                               "When aren't you dying?" I say pushing him into the front.

"Who are we picking up?" I ask Max as he all of a sudden moves. "I can feel the love radiating from you." I say rolling my eyes at my best friend who moved to where Bryce was sitting.                   "You'll thank us later" Bryce and Max say at the same time and that's when I saw Tommy walking to the car.                                                                                                                                                                   "Get me out of this car" I say starting to get claustrophobic.                                                                              "Y/nn, it's going to be okay" Noen says rubbing my back before we switch places and I just smile. 

We got Tommy and he sat where Max was sitting at first and I was getting really tired and more claustrophobic than I was before and I texted Max and he told me to just lay down and that I'm probably over thinking this. I mean Tommy gave me his hoodie, so that means he has to like me, right? I'm just going to lay down, I'm getting too dizzy and the car is getting smaller and with me overthinking I lay down and I put my head on Tommy's lap and he smiled and put his hand with mine and held it. I fell asleep for two hours and I know we're still an hour away from the airport. 

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