Joe W.~Leave me alone~

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Sup, I'm y/n and I have a twin brother, Matthew, my best friends are twins too, so life is fun. Or it used to be, in the start of Junior year, Matthew was in a car accident, he made it, barely but we all still hang out, but it's different. Jason got a girlfriend, Matthew doesn't talk, Joe hates me and I'm in love with him.

"You know, you probably should've been the one in the car accident, since everyone knows you were the twin that was a mistake." Joe said as he leaned against my locker. "Just admit you love me already, I can't stand the heat" I say rolling my eyes.
"I'm here everyday princess" he says and I just slam my locker.
"Cool, I didn't realize it." I say getting pissed.
"That's why I told ya"
"Imma go get in that car wreck now" I say walking to my class.
I heard him scoff behind me and it made me snicker.

"So today class we'll be learning about the ecosystem" my science teacher says and that was the last thing I remember before falling asleep.

"Here is your homework for this weekend" My teacher says causing me to sit up.
After I receive my homework I put it in my backpack and I head to my next class.

English went by very fast, as well as Math, thank god because it's time for lunch aka nap time.
I got the school lunch and I went to a table in the back away from everyone. I only ate a little because school lunch is shit. And with that I fell asleep. At least I did until Joe, Jason and Matthew appeared.

"We're sorry we've been distant." Jason starts. 

"I'm sorry I've been so quiet. I've just been scared about what Dad has been saying since mom died." Matthew says sitting next to me. Of course I was waiting for Joe to say something and Jason had to elbow him to get him to talk. 

"I'm even more sorry, I just, I can't do this. It's my fault you tried to- i gotta go" Joe says starting to cry before running out of the cafeteria.  

"Hold on, what did he mean you tried to?" Matthew asks. I just look at my best friends. "Joe has been bullying me, saying stuff that hits really close to home and I started cutting. But I need to find him." I say before they could say anything and I bolted to the boy's bathroom far away from the smokers and I walked in. 

"Hey Joey" I say leaning my back against the door locking it. "I'm so so sorry. Ba- Y/n/n please don't hate me" He said crying. "I don't hate you" I said wiping tears off my cheeks. "I love you... I don't know why I said any of the shit I said." He says looking at me. "I love you too, Joseph Waud." I said looking at my best friend who just closed the distance between us before lowering his head to mine before kissing me. 

"Please don't ask me to be your girlfriend in the boys bathroom" I say breaking up the kiss. "Okay okay. come on" He says and with that we leave the bathroom and we go back to lunch. 

"You're an asshole. I really hope you know that" Matthew says and I just look at him. 

"We made up, it's okay. Yell at him for something else" I say sitting back down. 

"Why must you be so forgiving" Jasonn says sitting down next to matthew. 

"Because, hating people isn't going to do anything" I say as the bell rang and we all walked to our next class. 

The rest of the day went by fast, and we were already getting into Jason's car. 

"Uh you passed our neighborhood" I say looking at Jason. "Shut up" Was all he said before he pulled into the parking lot of our favorite park.

"Come on sis" Matthew says picking me up over his shoulder and running to a random tree and he just left me there. I was by myself for about five minutes before Joe came over. 

"Remember when we carved our names in this tree?" He asked and I looked over and I saw our initials in a heart. 

"Wow, I can't believe it's still there" I say smiling. 

"Also remember when I promised you I wouldn't ask you to be my girlfriend in the bathroom?" He says and I just nod smiling like an idiot. 

"Will you be my girlfriend? And before you say yes, I promise I will never hurt you again and I will never let anyone not even Leo, hurt you" He says closing the distance again. 

"Yes I'll be your girlfriend, you moron. But even Leo?" I say smiling. 

"yes even Leo" He says kissing me. 

"I love you" 
"I love you too" He responds and we turn around to see our twins, cheering like idiots. 

The End

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