Part 2 (Bryce Hall's little sister)

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This is terrible I'm so sorry 💀😂


"Sup losers, ready to get pumpkins?" Bryce says as the rest get in. "Yeah also people are meeting us there" Kio says as Josh pulls out of the driveway. Then I remember who's meeting us and one of the tiktokers is my ex......

While we were driving, I kept getting notifications from Instagram and twitter. I knew that someone spilled about us going to the pumpkin patch so someone is probably hoping I'l say where we are, at least that's what I thought until Josh pulled over to get gas and took my phone to turn off the notification.

"Bro gimme my phone back" I whine trying to grab it. "Hold on, have you checked any of these?!" He exclaims and I just shake my head no.

"Give me the phone" Bryce says grabbing. "Well you're screwed." He finished.

"What do you idiots mean I'm screwed?" I ask.

"Look at your feed and tell me." Bryce says forcing my phone into my face. When I tell you I screamed when I saw the phone, I'm pretty sure Maryland heard me. Now you're probably wondering what the picture is.... well, it's of me and my ex, Payton Moormeier, kissing at a party a couple of months ago. It was right before he broke up with me too.

"I- how the heck did that get out? I might actually kill him." I say a little too loud and Nick rolls down the window.

"Who? And can I help?" He asks. "Hey! If he gets to help, can I?" Kio says which just starts a domino effect of everyone minus Quinton, saying they're going to help me kill someone.

"Payton, I'm going to kill Payton." I said in one breath getting into the car.

"Why?" Quinton asked and I really didn't want to tell him. "Nothing Griggs, don't worry about it." I respond sitting in the third row of the car by myself.

After the longest hour of my life we finally got there. I was ready to either watch Payton get beat up or to just leave, but of course that wasn't going to happen.

When we all got out of the car, Quinton literally ran from all of us, I tried to grab him but he kept running, which made me think he opened twitter.

After we all met up with everyone and Quinton was still nowhere to be found, Payton came over to me.
"Hey look I'm sorry I leaked that picture but I'm sorry I ever broke up with you" Payton said and I just wanted to slap him, but I couldn't.
"YOU LEAKED IT?! PAYTON I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!" I whisper-yelled, but more yell than whisper.
"Look I'm sorry, okay?" He said sincerely.
"No, you can't be sorry, after breaking up with me after how long we had to wait? After everything I did to make sure Bryce wouldn't kill you? I hate you and you can't change that, not now anyways" I say and he steps in to hug me and that's when Kouvor and Quinton come over.
"Hey Y/n/n! I love your hoodie, where'd you get it?" Kouvor asked. "Uh Quinton actually" I say looking dead at Payton and Payton grabs me and kisses me.
"Man am I going to kill you" Quinton yelled only loud enough for us to hear.
"No you're not because I'm going to get you first" Payton says as Quinton throws the first punch and Kouvor drags me away from them and Nick and Bryce go to where they are.

"GUYS STOP IT" Nick yells as Bryce grabs Quinton.
"HE KISSED Y/N!" Quinton yelled while trying to get back to Payton.
"He- HE WHAT" Bryce yelled.
"He kissed me- okay? Just can we please all stop!" I said walking to Quinton to make sure he was okay.

"I'm fine, I'm okay" Quinton said pushing me away.
"Okay jeez, have fun with that" I say gesturing to his face.
"Y/n?" Nick said as I walked passed him all the way to where Kio and Josh were.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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