Austin David Lynn ~it happens~

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This is a request from @dracomalfoy_weasly

Chloe's POV-
It's been exactly 4 years since I started going to the same homeschool group as Austin. We haven't really talked to each other a lot until recently. Our group has had plays every year and up until this year I only did the lights. This year we're doing the play "Robin Hood". There's just one problem with this play, and it's this kid Luca (not Lucas from tiktok). He's literally a sociopath. He's playing the sheriff of Nottingham and I'm p-playing his w-wife. It sucks so much! He always stares at me and my friend molly and at parts where we have to link arms he won't let go of my arm. So anyway today we start act one scene two. Wish me luck.

"MOLLLLYYYYYY" I squeal from across the room.
"CHLOOOEEEEE!!" She squeals hugging me.
"I missed you. It's been too long" I say being over dramatic. Then all of a sudden Austin comes over.

"Hey Isabella" he says talking to me since he knows how much I hate being called by my middle name.

"Hey David" I say back rolling my eyes. All I was thinking was how hot he was.

"So it's been like a week since you and molly have seen each other and you're happy yet when I walk over you look pissed" he says crossing his arms.
"Dude just shut up and walk away" I say grabbing molly and walking to the stage.

"Okay, places for the county fair! Sheriff and wife walk on linking arms." Our music teacher says. I look at Austin and molly then gulped.

"Hey pretty" Luca says winking grabbing my arm. I just internally died, I hate this kid. As we were walking on stage Luca held onto my arm so tight that I couldn't feel my arm, it hurt like hell and I'm pretty sure there were tears coming down my face. Right before I could say my last line, Luca pushed me down onto the stage and stepped on my ankle and it hurt so much. I laid on the floor in pain.

"You jerk! Why the fucking hell would you do that to her! She didn't do anything to you!" Molly said punching Luca. Austin came over to me and helped me up.

"David be careful!" I say as my ankle bends the wrong way again.

"Sorry C" Austin says.

Then everything hit me at once, LUCA SAW ME FLIRTING WITH AUSTIN WHILE WE WERE TALKING ABOUT ME AND DANCING! "Austin... do you think he broke my ankle?" I say as my dad walks in and Molly breaks Luca's arm.

"I don't know C, he could have" he says hugging me.

"What the hell happened!" My dad screamed looking at me and Luca.

"That dumbass broke Chloe's ankle" Austin says picking me up. I'm After that we went to the hospital and no one cared about me but Molly, Dad and Austin. Everyone else was worried about Luca. Gross.

-Skip to after you get home from the hospital with your broken ankle-

"Hey, Austin. Can I tell you something?" I ask.
"Yeah sure" he says looking at me weird.
"I like you. I mean I like like you. So I was wondering-" before I could finish Austin kissed me.
"Will you be my girlfriend"
"YES!" I say making Austin laugh.
"I love you dork"
"I love you too"

The end

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