Cash Baker ~best friend's brother~

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Maverick Baker and I have been best friends since I was in kindergarten. Yeah I know, we're three years apart, but in high school I skipped two grades and we were in some of the same classes, okay? But, Cash and I were also pretty close, just not as close as Mav and I. I love Maverick and I always have, like a brother and he knew that. Every time I got a boyfriend, which was twice, him and Cash interrogated the crap out of them, and of course they broke my heart. The weird thing is, I knew that was going to happen because I'm in love with Cash... I'm in love in my best friends brother.

"Hey Cash" I say as I walk into the Baker house.
"Hey, Y/nn" Cash says and I start blushing and I turn around into Maverick.
"Hey Y/n, are you okay?" Maverick says as he stares me down knowing i might break.
"Y-yeah I'm fine. I just came over because; one, my parents are fighting, again. Two, because I'm bored" I say stuttering and he just starts laughing. I probably should've mentioned this, but, Maverick knows I like Cash.
"What're you laughing at?" Cash says and we turn around and start laughing at him.
"Guys shut up" Cash says getting all defensive.
"Aw, is the little baby upset" I say making him more mad.
"I don't know, are you?" He replies.
"I'm not last time I checked. But last time I checked, I was more man than you" I say smirking.
"We'll see about that" Cash says standing up.
"Oh no, the baby is being pissy" I say sarcastically.
"I wouldn't have said that" Cash says before picking me up over his shoulder.
"Okay" he says shrugging his shoulders before walking outside and dropping me into the pool.
"CASH BRO NOT COOL" I yell hearing a splash.
"Really thought I'd through you into the pool without jumping in too?" He says pulling me to
"Yeah actually." I say and Mav comes outside with towels.
"I love you Too much" Cash says out of nowhere and he kisses me out of nowhere.
"Wow" I say after kissing back.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks and I noticed Maverick filming.
"Will you be my boyfriend?"
"Yes" he responds.
"Then yes I'll be your girlfriend" I smile before kissing him again.

And after we showered, no not together, and got
Warm, we had the best sleep over ever. I'm pretty sure Maverick was dying of laughter while we played what do you meme. It was the best.

the end
Short Ik

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