Who are you- QGriggs (part 1)

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Hola, I'm Y/n Lopez, yep Lopez as in Tony and Ondreaz's little sister. I'm 15 turning 16 and I'm currently moving into the hype house from NV.
They're not telling anyone about me moving in yet, so this is gonna be interesting, especially since my best friends, Madi and Jaden live in the sway house (they're like my CA parents).

"HOLA LOSERS!" I yell walking into the hype house.
"Y/N/n!" Tony yells hugging me.
"Ondrea told me you didn't wanna come to The airport because you're lazy." I laughed knowing it's true.
"That is accurate information," Tony said laughing.
"I told you sis," Ondreaz said laughing too.

"Yo,Y/n," Thomas said walking into where we were and I just waved still engulfed in a hug with Tony.

"Hey Tony- I love you- but- can you let me go," I say in and out of breaths.
"Oh yeah sorry, I just missed that much," Tony said letting me go.

"Can I go to the swat house after I say hi to the rest of everyone?" I ask ondreaz giving him the puppy dog eyes. "I guess, but only for two-three hours." He says. "Okay, sounds good I'll be right back," I said before running to everyone's room saying hi and I went to Chase last since he wouldn't let me leave that fast.

"Y/N!" Chase exclaimed hugging me. "Hey Chase, it's been so long you're not an E-boy," I laughed making him scoff. "I'm still the king of E-boys and you know it," he stated in a matter-of-factly voice.
"Nah, Colby Brock is the king," I laughed pretending to droll. "Whatever go see Jaden and come back so I can beat you in crappy video games," He shortly laughed while pushing me out of his room. "Okay okay, I'll be back in 2-3 hours," I smiled and he nodded. I ran downstairs to my brothers and asked Tony for the keys to my car, (he drove down with the car before I came), then I left.

About 15-30 minutes later, I finally made it to the sway house. Like usual, I just drove up to the gate, got in, then I put my car in the same place I usually do when I come here and I went to the door, I would've just walked in, but the door was locked, so I knocked. Of course, the newbie opened the door.

"Who are you?" He asked shortly. "I'm Y/n Lopez, I'm here to hang out with Madi and Jaden." I say walking past him. "They're not here and they never said someone was coming over," he replied. "Actually, both of their cars are here so you're lying , but that's fine." I roll my eyes and start going to the stairs. "Where are you going?" He asked. "To Jaden's room, bye." I said walking upstairs.

"Hey Josh!" I say passing his room. "Hold up, Y/n/n?" Josh asked confused coming out where I was. "That's me," I laughed when he hugged me. "It's been way too long," Josh laughed. "I know, I mean I'm surprised you didn't sneak to NV to see me," I laughed. "I should've man," Josh said letting go of the hug. Josh and I have known each other since forever, I got stuck in Canada when I was 10 and he was 13.  I happened to run into him at a train station and we've been best friends ever since.

"You're right," I laughed. "But two things, 1, who's the new blonde? 2, are J and mads here?" I asked.
"To answer both of those, the blonde is Quinton and yeah just knock before you go in." Josh laughs and I blush. "Holy crap you think he's cute," Josh laughs. "No I don't, I just don't think he's ugly," I shrug and Josh just looks at me before going back into his room. Yet, little did we know that Quinton heard.

I knocked on Jadens door before hearing him say come in.
"Hey dad, hey mom," I laughed seeing both of them laying down. "Y/n/n! I MISSED YOU!" Maddie said getting up and hugging me. "My sweet child is back," Jaden said hugging me too.
"And I'm not going anywhere besides down the road," I laugh. "Wait, you're moving to LA?!" Maddi asked. "Yeah, into the shi- hype house with Drea and Tony," I said.

"See, as your honorary dad, you should move in with us," Jaden laughed. "I agree with that,"I smiled. "But it scuks that you can't," Madi sighed hugging me. "Jaden, Madi is squishing me," I breathed out and Jaden just looked at me like I killed him. 

"Excuse me? DId you just say, Jaden? Who's 'Jaden', I'm dad," Jaden said serious as heck. "Sorry dad," I mocked. "This is why I love you," Madi laughed. "Real quick though, why were you blushing when you walked in?" Madi asked me. "Oh uh, I may or may not have almost cussed out the newbie," I said rubbing the back of my neck. 

"You like Quinton, Omg," Jaden said shocked. "Yeah maybe, but I don't know him, at all." I sighed. "Then go get me water," Jaden smirked. "Padre, no," I laughed and Madi gave me the 'you may just wanna go' look and I complied before he could respond and I went to the kitchen. 

"Hey, I'm sorry about what happened before," Quinton sighed. "It's okay, I was being pushy, I'm sorry too," I smiled. "I'm Quinton by the way, but the new blonde works too," He laughed and I just blushed like an idiot. "How much of that conversation did you hear?" I asked still red. "All of it, but hey I think you're cute too," Quinton smiled. "Ha funny," I said getting Jaden his water. "Before you go back upstairs can I give you my number?" He asks and I open my phone and contacts and hand it to him. "Pass me yours and I'll do the same," I said and he did. 

After I got his number and he got mine, I had already been there for two and a half hours, so I ran upstairs with the water and gave it to Jaden. 

"Wow, took you long enough," Jaden smirked, again. "Sorry, I got side tracked and I gotta go, the traffic is apperantly really bad," I said grabbing my keys. "Be careful kiddo," Jaden says hugging me. "Come back here if something happens and your closer to here," Madi said. "Okay, I will and I'll see you guys tomorrow." I waved leaving their room. I said bye to Josh and Quinton before leaving. 

Traffic ended up not being too bad, and Chase and I ended up staying awake playing video games until 7am. 

We woke up around 4pm the next day and I checked my phone and Quinton tried to call and text me all day, oops. 

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