Bryce Hall's little sister (Qgriggs)

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Hi, I'm Y/n hall, I'm 15 (Turning 16 in NOV so yee), I'm also Bryce Hall's little sister, which because of, I got tiktok famous, especially since I now know a whole bunch of famous people.

Today, Bryce, Jaden, Josh, Quinton, me and pretty much the whole sway house, are going to the pumpkin patch for I don't know why.

"Bryce" I say tapping my brother's shoulder. He just ignored me. "Bryce" I said repeatedly while tapping his shoulder. "No Y/n, I'm not telling you why we're going to a pumpkin patch, just go get dressed." My annoying older brother told me while pushing me to my room.                                          "Fine loser" I say closing my door behind him.

I was going to just wear somewhat tight ripped jeans and a hoodie, but I couldn't find the one hoodie my dumb butt brought to LA. You're also probably wondering why I only have one, I wasn't supposed to stay with Bryce for more than a week, but our parents got a divorce so our mom mailed me all of my stuff, but my hoodie box has yet to arrive.

So here I am, with a really nice sports bra, ripped jeans, and my somewhat abs showing, walking to the laundry room, and I end up walking right into Bryce and the guys talking. Everyone, but Quinton, are like my brothers,  A.K.A overprotective as heck and dumb so of course they all thought that's what I was going to wear.

"Uh, forgetting something there?" Josh, AKA my favorite and best friend, commented.

"No, I don't think so?" I say messing with them.

"Dude, don't make me take my hoodie off to give it to you" Jaden said.

"I'm just going to carry her back to her room" Nick complained.

"I'll get the nun costume" Bryce says making laugh before walking to the laundry room.

"Where are you going?!" Josh yells, knowing two key things, the first being, the fact that I have a big ass crush on Quinton, the second thing being, the fact Quinton, who just moved in, was in the laundry room.....

I walk into the laundry room, then I saw him and I'm pretty sure I started shaking.

"Hey Y/n/n(nickname), where's your shirt?" He says kinda laughing in the proccess.

"Behind you" I say pointing to my hoodie behind him.

"You wear that hoodie all the time, do you not have another one?" He questions.

"No, I haven't gotten my hoodies from Maryland yet." I say and he grabs my hand dragging me on the other side of his house, away from my brother(s).

"Well now you have another one." Quinton says taking me to his closet, where he grabs a hoodie with, 'Griggs 03' on the back.

"This is your favorite hoodie though, Griggs." I say using his last name since he gets all cute and flustered when I do.

"Well Hall, it is. That's why I'm giving it to you" He says blushing like an idiot.

"Bro, why? It's not like we're close friends or dating. I mean we are kinda best friends but..." I say trying not to blush. I know Quinton doesn't like me. He blushes when he talks to a tree, so there's no hope.

"What? We're not dating?! I gotta change that." He says putting his arms around my waist.

"Griggs, what're you doing?" I question looking at my crush/best friend.

"Something I've been wanting to do for awhile." Quinton says putting our foreheads together.

"You might want to hurry before one of the guys come up" I say with a shaky voice and with that, he KISSED ME and of course I kissed back, but it was cut short due to Nick coming to look for us.

"Guys, what're you doing?" Nick questions looking at us.

"Y/n needed a hoodie since I accidentally spilled bleach on the only one she brought." Quinton says.

"Well would you hurry it up? We're all ready la- hold on, did you see her shirtless?" Nick says.

"I mean yeah, but it's not like I was staring at her." Quinton responds.

"Don't tell Bryce but let's go" Nick says grabbing my hand dragging me back to the kitchen. I wasn't there very long, before getting pulled to Josh's car, by Josh.

"Did you and Quinton kiss?" Josh asked me. "How the heck did you figure it out so fast?" I question my best friend. "Well I mean, you're happy, for real." He says starting his car. "Wait, how'd you know I was-" Before I could finish, Quinton got in and put his head on my lap taking up the whole middle seat. I forgot to mention that Josh has a G-Wagon.
(Ik he doesn't really have one but shhhh and go along with it) I started to push him off since I didn't know if he cared if Josh knew or not but Josh took care of it. "I know that you two like each other so you don't have to hide anything when it's just us three." Josh said and Quinton made sure no one was in the house window or outside and he leaned up and kissed me then when he heard Bryce, he sat up but in the middle.

"Sup losers, ready to get pumpkins?" Bryce says as the rest get in. "Yeah also people are meeting us there" Kio says as Josh pulls out of the driveway. Then I remember who's meeting us and one of the tiktokers is my ex......

MWHAHAHAHA Part 2 coming soon :} (mostly since Im too lazy and I need to post)

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