-Skater Boi- Ondreaz Lopez

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Okay so long story short, I had cancer when I was 13, my best friend who is only a year older, Tony and His brother Ondreaz, never left my side. But, that was all six years ago, now they're just overprotective. I should also mention, I went through a phase where I was in-love with skater boys and boy did the Lopez brothers make fun of me.

"TONY! GET YOUR BUTT IN MY ROOM!" I yell out to my best friend, forgetting his wasn't home.

"What's wrong?" Ondreaz says running into my room. "What the heck are you wearing?" I say eyeing my best friend's brother. "It was a surprise but hey no changing the subject, why do you need Tony?" Ondreaz questions. "I don't feel good" i say pulling my blanket over my face. "And why are you embarrassed, wait, you're not dizzy or anything right?" He questions further. "Maybe... Just a little and I totally didn't throw up" I say still under my blanket. "Come on, we're going to the hospital." Ondreaz says pulling me out of my bed. "No, please no hospitals" I managed to choke out before getting pulled into Ondrea's chest. "Hey, I'll call Tony before we leave. He'll meet us there, then I can show you the surprise there" Ondreaz says cooing me. "deal... but can you guys lie so you can stay with me?" I ask looking at the ridiculously dressed boy holding me. "Always" He smiled before picking me bridal style and carrying me to the car. "I'm taking a nap. Good Night" I said before falling asleep.

Ondreaz's POV (Dang who am I)-

I can't believe this is happening. My brother's best friend and my crush, is in my front seat scared to death. I might be more scared than her, I can't lose her. I cried almost every time Tony and I would get home from the hospital when we were younger. Which reminds me, I need to call Tony.

~Phone Call~

Dre- Hey you need to meet me at the hospital.

T- Huh? Why?

Dre- It's Y/n...

T- Which hospital?

Dre- The one near the house, the big one

T- I'll be there in twenty minutes

Dre- Okay, I just pulled into the ER

~End Phone call~

As I walked into the ER holding Y/n, three nurses came over with a wheelchair asked me what happened and I explained it to them and all of a sudden, Y/n was taken away from me and I was asked to stay in the waiting room. Then a doctor came over to me.

"Hi, are you with Y/n Y/l/n?" The doctor asked. "Yes" Was all I said while I was thinking of what to say. "Only family is allowed back there, what's your relation?" "I'm her husband" I can't believe that just came out of my mouth. "Okay, does she have any other family staying with you two as well?" "Yes actually, her brother, he'll be here any minute." I say just letting the lies flow, I promised her we would do everything we had to do to be able to stay with her.

"Hey I'm here! Is she okay" Tony asked while panting. "As I was starting to explain to your brother in law, her cancer does seem to be back, which means she has to chose a treatment plan" The doctor says leading us to Y/n. Tony just looked at me like I opened hell. I mean, I would love to marry Y/n for real, I love that loser, I just promised Tony in high school I would never date his best friend.

"Hey Y/n, here is your husband and brother, I'll get the papers for you to be able to leave in the morning" The doctor smiles before leaving the room.

"who am I married to? Ramen noodles or skater b- wait a minute. Dre why are you dressed as a skater boy?" Y/n asked looking at me. "I was going to do this later but, here" I say passing her my phone, playing a video of us as kids when she said she wanted to date a skater boy. "Dre-" I cut her off before she could say anything and I played a video of Tony and I trying to skate. "I did all of this for you." I say trying not to cry looking between her and Tony.

"Did you tell him?" She says looking Tony who started shaking his head no. "Tell me what?" I question. "I love you, you moronic skater boy" She says. "Wait, really?" I ask. "Yes really" "Well good thing, because I am your husband" I say causing everyone to laugh. "So skater boi, will you be mine?" She asks and I just kiss her.

"Guys, gross" Tony says turning around. "Shut up" I said looking at my dumb brother.

"I love you too, Y/n" I say looking at the love of my life.

"Okay, before we all get side tracked, am I gonna die? Because at first I was okay with it, but now I really don't want to die or lose my hair Tony loves so much" Y/n says looking at us.

"You were okay with dying?" Tony says looking at his best friend. "I mean, yeah I guess." Y/n says and we just stare at her.

"I- we can't lose you, I would kill myself if you died." Tony said sitting next to Y/n. "I would too. You're the best thing that has ever happened to us." I say laying next to my girlfriend, wow... she's my girlfriend.

"I'm sorry, I just can't take life" She says and I just kiss her. "You know you can always talk to us." I say and Tony nods in agreement. Seconds later, the doctor comes in smiling.

"Great news, you don't have cancer, the test results got mixed with practice DNA and you're free to go" The doctor says handing Y/n a prescription for vertigo pills before leaving so she could change.

"Let's go celebrate" Tony says smiling.

"Turn around you goons" Y/n scowls before changing into her jeans and tank top. "Uh Ondre, can I have your hoodie" She says shaking from how cold she is. "Here loser" I say handing her my hoodie.

"LETS GO" Tony yells picking Y/n up over his shoulder and running out before a doctor could see him.

"I'm riding with Tony. Bye babe" Y/n says making me a little mad but she called me babe, oh my gosh.

"I, uh, Okay fine, I'll meet you guys there." I say blushing like an idiot.

"Bye skator boi" She says before she got into Tony's car and I got into mine and with that we went back to the house with chipotle.

"I MISSED YOU" I say bear hugging Y/n. "It was like ten minutes" She says patting my head.

"You two are weird" Tony says laughing.

"You're just mad our life is the movie, The kissing booth" Y/n says making us all laugh more.

"I love you, Y/n" I say hugging her. "I love you too, Skater boi" She says making me smile. "I'm your skater boi, forever and always" I say.

The End (1,1194 words)


Part 2 of Bryce Hall's sister should come out tomorrow! I had to delete Wattpad and I brought the wrong computer on a suicide trip to visit family so it's taken me longer to write part 2

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