Chapter Four

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Sebastian's house is like three of mine shoved together to make one, and my house isn't exactly small. The Caldwell family comes from old money. Allegedly, one of Sebastian's ancestors found an oil well which set the family for life. Even now, they still get money from it every month. Not only that, but the Caldwells have a knack for investing in successful businesses all over the place. I never ask Sebastian about it, but I'm also pretty sure they own all of Elderwood.

Sebastian's house is a large, three-story structure that was built in the forties. Over the years, Caldwells just kept adding onto the original two-storied, simple, white picket fence home. Well, only two Caldwells, Sebastian's father and grandfather. Now the place has columns in front that hold up part of the roof which covers the porch. The pure white paint has weathered down to look like aged ivory. The wooden porch swing with squishy cushions and pillows gives the imposing structure a homely touch to match.

When I was younger, I once heard my parents bad-mouthing the Caldwell House. They aren't the only ones who would gossip as the structure looked like a plantation home. They all said that there was no way they built it in the forties because of that little detail. For a while, people hated the Caldwells, suspecting they were racist and rich snobs by showing off their wealth. It wasn't until fifth grade that everyone's attitude towards the Caldwells changed. By then, I already had a sweltering crush on Sebastian and his parents somehow found old receipts of when the place had been renovated each time. That was the end of that. Everyone just kind of let the matter go with their tails between their legs. Now, nobody ever talks about the Caldwells unless they're showering them with left-handed compliments.

Sebastian unlocks the main door and lets me walk in first before closing the door behind him and locking it back. I look around, seeing that it's different from the last time I was here. A grand marble staircase dominates the foyer. To the side was a large dining room with a beautiful cherry-wood dining table that could seat six. This is where the Caldwells have dinner every night. On the other side was the living room. A black, suede sectional had replaced the normal, cream-colored sofa. It was in the same place as the last, but now a new rug sits in front of it along with a large, glass coffee table I hadn't seen before. Looks like Missus Caldwell has been buying new furniture again.

What hasn't changed are the blue irises placed on the center of the coffee table. My stomach clenches as I stare at them, my lips quirking up into a weak smile. The flowers represent hope and faith, a reflection of my belief that Sebastian and I will make it past this bump on our road.

"Mom was so excited to be back that she bought new furniture," Sebastian says as he grabs my hand and leads me up the stairs. His room is on the third level. Once we step off the first set of stairs, there are two smaller pairs of steps, one on each side. When we walk up the set of small stairs, we immediately come up to a room.

Sebastian pulls me up the steps to go to his room, opposite Simon's. He pushes the door open, greeting me with the smell of fresh linen. Sebastian has always been a bit of a neat freak, so not a thing in his room is out of place. It's also one thing I love about him.

I look away from his blue walls and turn towards him just as he cups my face and pulls me closer to him. He's never been so proactive before. He initiates most of our kisses, but has never been this aggressive in showing his affection. If I can really call this aggressive.

Before I know it, I'm falling down on his blue, white, and black striped comforter. I have no idea what happens, but soon Sebastian's shirt is off. Did I remove it or did he? I do feel his hands moving my arms, holding them above my head and out of the way. I can't describe how I feel except his excitement is infectious. I know we're supposed to be talking, but our hormones decide otherwise.

"Sebastian," I moan as his lips trail down to my neck.

Maybe it's something I said, but Sebastian leaps off the bed in a hot second. It's so abrupt that I just lay there for a moment. When I sit up, he's pacing his room with his hands shoved in his hair, pulling at the blonde strands. I get off his bed and walk over to him, hoping I can calm him down somehow.

"Ten?" My hands pull at his arms, but he's too strong. "Please tell me what's wrong. What has been going on with you?"

Sebastian shakes his head. For the first time, I want to yell at him. Why can't he trust me enough to confide in me about what's bothering him? I want to be selfish, and I want to demand an explanation for him causing me such grief. I want to ask him why he's trying to ruin our relationship. Maybe if I show how hurt and angry I am, he'll realize how serious I am.

But I do none of that. Instead, I cradle him to me when I see tears in his eyes as a broken sob leaves him. Sebastian Caldwell starts crying, and he never cries. The only time I've seen him really break down is when his grandpa died back in tenth grade after a long battle with cancer. Other than that, Sebastian Caldwell is always smiling and always happy.

He hides his face in my neck as terrible sobs rack his whole being. His body is shaking with how violent his cries are and I don't understand why he is this torn up. This clearly has nothing to do with me, but what else could it be? School has only been in for a month and even then, Sebastian has never gotten bullied. His grades are good, and he spent the summer enjoying a nice vacation in Hawaii.

Suddenly, it hits me. How could I have been so blind to not see it? It has to be his parents. What else would have him being so sad that he lashes out at me and then suddenly starts crying? Maybe his parents are getting a divorce. Have they been fighting? From what I can remember, Sebastian's dad isn't the warmest guy out there. Does Simon know? Obviously, Sebastian does.

"It'll be okay. I'm here for you. You don't need to choose, okay?" I tell him, shushing him as he continues to sob into my neck and shoulder. "Your parents are doing what's best for you guys. If this is the right route to go, then they must feel that they'll be happier apart, so they've chosen to get a divorce."

Sebastian's cries slowly cease. He pulls away from me, his eyebrows are furrowed and he looks confused. He must not have thought I'd be able to guess that.

"What?" he sniffs. Lifting one hand to wipe his face, he steps away from me. "What are you talking about, Emie?"

"It's okay, Ten." I shake my head before grabbing his arm and leading him to the bed to sit. "Listen, I know it's hard, but it's what's best okay? Just be as supportive as you can."

Sebastian shakes his head. I can see his lips twitch as a smile peeks through, trying to make its way out. "My parents are fine, Emie bear," he states slowly as if I don't understand him. Well, he's right, I don't get what's happening. "No one is getting divorced."

My anger slams back into me with the force of a dumbbell. It hits me like a wrecking ball, smashing into my chest with so much weight that I lose balance although I'm sitting. My hand lifts to clutch at my chest, reminding me that both of us are shirtless. My cheeks turn red and suddenly I'm a lot more modest than I was a minute ago. I lift my arms to cross over my chest, happy I am still wearing my bra.

"Then what's going on, Ten? Why have you been acting so weird? Is it something that I did? Please tell me so I can fix it, I don't know what else I'm supposed to do for you. Are you angry with me? Have I said something?"

Sebastian shakes his head once again. He turns away from me and lifts his hand to wipe at his eyes again. Whatever he's hiding is eating into him, tearing him down. Sebastian lifts his hand and moves it to my face. It's wet and I can feel Sebastian's tears against my cheek.

"Emie bear..." He looks away for a moment, shoulders shaking with a silent cry.

"Tell me." I move his hand from my cheek and hold it in my own hands. I scoot closer to him to show him I'm here and not going anywhere.

"Emie," he bites his bottom lip for a moment. "I'm gay."

*1540 words before this. Edited: 4/23/20. Hey, thanks for making it until now, I appreciate you all. Don't forget to vote and comment, let me know what you thought. Think about joining my discord server. Thanks so much for reading.*

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