The Beard

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Hello! Thanks so much for opening this story and giving it a chance. I want to start by saying that my inspiration for The Beard is Alex Strangelove, the Netflix original movie. The movie is fine, it's enjoyable and I think it covers the struggle with sexuality okay... but I think it could've been done much better. 

Beard: Someone who poses as a significant other (girlfriend/boyfriend, wife/husband, etc.) to cover up the other's sexual identity.

Addressing the face of ignorance? Check. Suddenly getting hit with reality? Check. Wondering how things can change so abruptly? Check.

Who knew coming back from summer vacation could lead to so much heartbreak? Emerson "Emie" Badgley sure didn't. She expects to come back to a basic senior year startup with her best friends flanking her side and her boyfriend clutched close. After all, Emie is an amiable girl, and she's in a darling relationship with local dream guy Sebastian Caldwell.

Sebastian is the perfect gentleman and boyfriend. Well, for Emie anyway. Living in a compact town, they've known each other since childhood. As far as any school sweetheart goes, Sebastian and Emie are it. But when Sebastian returns from vacation with his family, there's a noticeable change in him and Emie can't place what.

As she tries to take their platonic, conservative relationship to the next level, Sebastian withdraws—avoidance and arguing are what they resort to. With such an abrupt reaction from him, it leaves Emie to ponder just what the issue is. Why is Emie's wish to take their relationship to the next level such an enormous problem? 

*I want to give a quick disclaimer. Any and every character here is a work a fiction. They were created with my mind and not based on anybody. Towns and street names here are also a work of fiction, created with my mind. If any of these places are real, it's a coincidence. If any of these people are real, it's a coincidence.

With that being said. The thoughts of the characters may not be my own. A character is a character. They have a role to play in a book. An author is an author and they only write. This does not mean what the characters feel is what the author feels.

And a final note. Please do not steal my work of art. A lot of time and patience has been put into creating this story. To reiterate a previous point, if it sounds familiar, it's a coincidence. As stated before, my inspiration for this was Alex Strangelove, the Netflix original movie. I enjoyed the concept, but not 100% of how it was done.

Thanks for reading, once again. Please enjoy.*

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