Chapter Ten

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The next day, when I wake up, I simply lay in bed. My gaze is on the ceiling, but I don't actually see it. Thoughts run through my mind on just what I was thinking yesterday. How could I have just agreed to Sebastian like that? I must really be some lovestruck fool if I blindly agreed to get my heart shattered.

By the time my second alarm rings, I already feel exhausted from how the day will be. There will be a lot of questions from both Jenny and Micah. Speaking of Micah, I'll have to talk to her about what Sebastian said. Jesus, I hardly got onto him about saying such things in front of everyone. Hopefully, Mich is okay and she maybe doesn't care that the whole school knows her secret. Is it even true?

Anyways, once I'm finally in my bathroom, Sebastian is already outside honking. I'm not even dressed yet, having been too wrapped up in my thoughts. Quickly, I spread toothpaste on my toothbrush and dive into my mouth. The brushes are quick but thorough. After finishing there, I douse my face with water then dry. It's hardly a wash and I'm sure I'll be breaking out later today or sometime in the week.

I make haste with getting dressed. A pair of leggings and a t-shirt should do seeing as I'm not dressing up for anybody.

After throwing my hair into a ponytail, I pull on some shoes, grab my bag, and race down the stairs. Once outside, I see Sebastian bobbing his head to whatever he's listening to. Probably something slow and gentle. Subconsciously, a smile appears on my face as I watch him.

I make my way to the passengers side and pull the door open. "Hey!" I breathe, just now realising how out of breath I am.

He reaches out to turn the radio down before giving me a slow smile. My heart swells at the sight and I mentally command it to stop. I need to start dissolving these feelings I feel for Sebastian before I'm stuck forever. That's another reason I'm upset with myself for agreeing to be his beard. If I'm under Sebastian, I'll never get over him.

"Good morning, Emie bear." Sebastian unbuckles his seatbelt before leaning over to kiss my cheek. I know they flame up by my body breaking into a light sweat. "Ready to get to school and act like the last couple of days never happened?"

I furrow my eyebrows at his words. Is it that easy for him to just forget? I'll never be able to wipe what's been said out of my mind. And speaking of that, now is the perfect time to talk to him more about what was said with Micah.

I wait until Sebastian starts driving. I don't want to make us late if we just sit outside my house and talk. We had already skipped yesterday and my parents still haven't talked to me about that. Plus, we'll have all that school work to make up.

"Ten?" I call out to get his attention.

He glances over at me, the smile still on his face. "What's up?"

Taking a deep breath, I force myself to relax before diving into what I have to say. "I hate the way you attacked Micah yesterday. Now, I know that she said a lot of stuff too and there was no reason for her to do that, but I kind of expected more from you. You've been stressing, but I have never seen you so angry and I feel like that was a completely different side of you. What you said...and if front of everyone...that was inexcusable."

I take another breath, ready to speak again, but Sebastian beats me to it.

"I know, Emie." He sighs, tightening his grip on the steering wheel. His cheeks are red in-what I assume-shame. "I should've never gotten that angry. I felt so provoked when she came at me without even knowing the situation. She was just accusing me and being angry, and it made me mad that she would even entertain the thought that I'd purposely hurt you."

I really open my eyes now and look at Ten. He's truly innocent. We're humans, we make mistakes, and I know that was an out of character moment for him. Normally, he'd have walked away or replied in a calm fashion. Now I can really see that he's torn up about how he handled the situation. He feels guilty.

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