Chapter Twenty-Eight

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*Hi, I know I said updates Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday, but I completed this story and I'm trying to get updates going so I can edit and enter the wattys. I'm sorry for spam?*

It's official, Micah Nym is the hardest person to find. It had been a week and winter break would be the week after, meaning this is our final week before we leave school for half a month. That's besides the point. What I'm focused on is the fact that Micah Nym has disappeared off the face of the earth and I have no idea how she got away with it. What I do know, is that I'm going to try to ambush her on Friday. It's currently Wednesday, hump day to some.

I'm determined to see her and talk with her. It's been months since I've last spoken to Micah and it's making me think she wants nothing to do with me. That's going to change when I ambush her.

So when Friday finally does come, I'm more anxious than I had been all year. Maybe it's because I value Micah's friendship or maybe it's because I'm scared of what she'll say. Micah is one of the most down to earth people I have ever met and I don't think I'm ready to lose that forever, not her.

My eyes dart around the parking lot, searching through the students. I watch as people's faces light up at the fact that they'll have a whole two weeks off of school. Friends come together, hands held and arms entwined. Everyone looks so excited with wide smiles and enthusiastic movements. I can just imagine what they're talking about, planning this vacation.

The sight of small, frozen flakes cut me off from staring at my classmates. My head tilts back as I look up at the sky to see snow flurries coming down expeditiously. A flake falls into my eyes and I lift a hand up to rub at it. Shaking my head, I bring my head back down to resume looking for Micah. When I do, I catch sight of her running towards her car. My jaw drops because I assume she had seen me first and this is her way of ditching me.

I break out into a run, hoping that I can catch up to her before she gets into her car. But as I run, my ankles twist painfully, letting me know that I'm extremely unfit. I'm also already panting and wanting to end my pursuit, but the determination won't let me. I feel eyes on me as I run. It's almost enough to make me stop, not wanting to face possible humiliation. Then I remember we'll be out for two weeks, so who cares?

"Micah!" I shout. If I could take that back, I would, because now my throat is burning from the running and shouting.

She glances back at me, faltering on her running. Micah stumbles, but she's able to right herself. This gives me the perfect chance to catch up to her. Somehow, I manage to push forward, faster. My arms reach out for her and before I know what's happening, my body is colliding with hers painfully. The force of it knocks the wind out of me, causing my breath to hitch, my breathing stopping for a moment. My eyes widen as Micah is knocked down from me. Since the force was unexpected, she's unable to catch herself so we both go tumbling down with me on top of her.

"Fuck!" Micah shrieks as her body lands on the pavement. A groan leaves her as all the weight of my body is pressed against hers. "Emie, please get off of me."

"I can't," I mutter, laying my cheek against her book bag. I assume the force of that doesn't feel too nice on her spine.

"Emie, I swear if you do not get off of me..." Micah spits, her voice sounding agitated which is very understandable.

I sigh and start to force myself off of her. My muscles are already protesting after that short workout. Rather than waiting for any assistance, Micah begins pushing herself up from the ground. She sighs as she gets to her feet, turning to face me with an absolutely thunderous look. As my eyes trail over her, I see she now has a rip in her black jeans that hadn't been there before. Her hair is tousled and there's a small scrape on her chin.

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