Chapter Thirteen

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"Mom?" I call out once I finally get the door unlocked and step inside. I'm met with the sound of pots and pans clanging which can only mean that my mom is getting started on dinner.

"Hey, baby," my mom steps out of the kitchen, a pot in her hand. "And Jenny. Long time no see. How are your parents, honey?"

Jenny walks past me as I close and lock the door. Despite us only going to be here for a short amount of time, it's a habit I don't want to give up. I kick my shoes off, needing to step out of the Converse for at least five minutes. Having flat feet kind of makes standing in flat shoes treacherous.

My eyes trail over to my mom and Jenny. They're conversing like they've been friends for years. I guess you can say they have since Jenny has been in my life for a while. It makes me happy that my parents actually like my friends. It would make hanging out with them much harder.

"Mom, Jenny wants to have a sleepover at her house this weekend. Micah's gonna be there too." I interrupt them, knowing that we'll never get out if I don't.

I love my mom, but she's a talker. At forty-nine years old, she could still pass for thirty. I'd like to say it's good genes, but I know that my mom takes care of herself. Sometimes she also says it's love that keep her so young. The love of my father and the love of her child.

My parents had met and fell in love not long after school had ended their senior year. They had been living in Elderwood since they were born, but hadn't really given each other any thought. But with the building of a new library, both had volunteered because of their love for books and because they had nothing better to do. There had only been about three other teenagers who had volunteered and naturally they all bonded over the fact that they were young. It had been a coincidence that my parents had somehow fallen in love that summer.

Their relationship had been on halt though when my dad had chosen to go to school far from Elderwood. He had wanted to get out of our little town and stay far away, plus he's a smart cookie, so it had been easy for him. My mom, on the other hand, had already decided to skip college and stay in Elderwood. Their relationship had really been put to the test, but they made it out.

My moms hand in my face pulls me from my thoughts. She gives me a curious look, her lips set in a soft smile. I return the gesture, shaking my head to erase the daze that was still clinging to me.

"Why don't you guys go on up and get things together. I really need to start on dinner." My mom waves the pot around. When you come back from your sleepover, there will be chicken, cabbage, and cornbread waiting."

"Ooh, yummy," Jenny says, her hand laying on her stomach. "Now I can't wait to get home and see what leftovers I can find."

"Oh, you mean half a head of lettuce, some tomatoes, and cucumbers?" I raise an eyebrow at her, poking fun at the fact that Jenny constantly eats salads.

"Hey!" Her hand juts out, trying to grab me. She's too late as I jerk away from her and run towards the stairs. "I don't only eat salad, okay? Dang, you pick a favorite food and suddenly you're ridiculed for it."

A laugh bursts from my lips at her words. I shake my head as I walk up the stairs, Jenny slowly following behind. Once we make it to my room, I push the door open. I almost head to my bed before I remember that I'm meant to be packing an overnight bag. Heading to my closet, I glance at Jenny who take a seat on my bed.

"Whole weekend or just till tomorrow?" I ask her as I pull out one of my older book bags from a previous year. "Let me know now so I can pack my clothes."

"Whole weekend. You aren't leaving until Sunday night." She tells me. "Bring that fluffy blanket too. I love that thing."

I roll my eyes and nod my head as I stuff my bag with a couple changes of clothes and pajamas. With a reminder to myself to pack my bathroom essentials, I finish packing underwear and step from the closet.

"So, what's the real reason you want to have a sleepover. Don't give me that 'miss my best friend' crap either." I drop the bag and cross my arms, approaching this with intimidation.

Rather than seeing any nervousness, Jenny throws her head back and laughs. She lifts a hand to cover her mouth before bringing her head back to look at me, an eyebrow raised. Have I mentioned that I can't even intimidate a kitten?

"Damn, Emie," Jenny wipes a non existent tear from her eye. "Can I not actually just miss my bestie? Or maybe want to have a fun weekend with her and her degenerate of a best friend, also known as Micah."

"No, now spill."

Jenny sighs and throws herself back on her bed. She pulls her phone out and begins texting or doing whatever it is she's doing. "Nothing to spill. No tea here. I'm not trying to expose anyone because school only started a month ago. I literally just want a night with the only people I'm close to."

Suddenly I feel my heart drop all the way to my tush. I recoil slightly, feeling guilty that I had accused Jenny of having a secret motive behind this sleepover. She can just be extremely mischievous at times. Since she had willingly invited Micah without my influence, I figured something wasn't right. But I guess she really just wanted to hang out for the weekend.

"Geez, I'm sorry, Jenny." I lift a hand up to rub my face. My cheek and eyes stretch down as I roughly pull my hand down my face.

Too many secrets lately, because everything is causing me to be slightly paranoid. Now I'm thinking everyone is hiding things lately.

"It's okay, Em. I can see how you would think that," Jenny smiles, her teeth on show as if the whole situation is funny. "I mean, I did invite Micah. Something I'd never do."

"You're right," I shake my head, a small laugh leaving me.

"Anyways," Jenny stands to her feet, stretching. "Get the rest of your stuff so we can go. I'm gonna head to the car."

"You do that." I say, but she was already out the door.

I just hope our weekend is as fun as Jenny thinks it'll be.

*hello, hello. I'm sorry this chapter is so short. Well, shorter than every other chapter that's out. This is more of a filler chapter. I know there was a lot of dialogue, but you got a small insight into Emie's parents. More to come next chapter. I have so many plans for later on, especially revolving around their Halloween tradition or whatever. I hope you guys enjoyed reading. I know updates have slowed down. I've just finished editing my book Almost Gone (completed, btw...) and I've joined a plethora of contests. Plus with work and going to start college soon. Ugh, so much, but I'm trying to be better. Please don't forget to vote and comment!*

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