Chapter Thirty

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It was actually another few days before Sebastian and I could meet. The snow had gotten worse, leaving families stranded in their houses. Yesterday, it hadn't snowed so people were able to go and shovel their driveways and pathways. It was now Christmas Eve and the day I was going out to see Sebastian. I had dressed in a pair of sweats with some thermal leggings underneath. I want to be comfortable not cute. I have a sweater on underneath a thick jacket and some knockoff Uggs. As I walk down the stairs, I nearly slip, letting me know that I'll need to scrape up the bottom of my boots for tread.

I walk off the steps to see my mom, dad, and aunt Shelly sitting on the couch. They have the fireplace going, the TV playing a classic: How The Grinch Stole Christmas. The Jim Carrey version, not the cartoon and not the latest that just came out in theaters. I smile at the sight. Shelly is quiet, her eyes on the screen and her hands gripping a mug. My mom is nuzzled against my dad with his arm around her. It looks picture perfect and I would be with them if I didn't have this important business.

My boots slap against the hardwood, notifying everyone of my presence. They all turn their heads, Shelly losing interest once she sees it's just me. My mom gives me a small smile while my dad gives me a stern look. They motion me forward.

"So, let me get this straight," my dad starts, removing his arm from my mom to fully turn to face me. "Instead of staying in a warm house and talking over the phone, you're going to walk into the snow and freeze your butt off just to go talk to a boy in the park?" He glances at my mom, raising an eyebrow. "How is this okay?"

My mom rolls her eyes, slapping my dad on the chest lightly. "Because, we trust Emie to be safe and not stay out past an hour." she then gives me the same stern look my dad had. "We're serious, Emie. No more than an hour. We don't need you getting sick, okay? Tell Sebastian we said hi."

"I promise." I nod and start making my way to the door. When my hand is on the knob, Shelly decides to speak.

"Wait, isn't this Sebastian guy gay?" She inquires. My eyes widen as I turn to her, shooting her a deadly look. While my mom knows about Sebastian, my dad doesn't. "Why are you going out in the cold to see him?"

"What! Sebastian is gay? Why am I left out of the loop?" Dad wonders, shooting to his feet quickly. "Emerson, come back here. Di he break your heart? Has he always been gay?"

I turn around and shake my head. "That's what we're going to talk about."

My mom stands calmly. She places a hand on my dad's shoulder, patting it lightly. "Calm down, Ray. Emie is old enough to handle herself. You don't know what's happening and I think we need to let her handle this. This is the real world and Emie deserves to experience this."

I watch as my dad turns to my mom. They whisper to each other, shaking their heads and nodding at certain things. Their relationship makes me want to go out there and demand that Sebastian and I work through this. Seeing what love is and what it can be, I want that. But on the other hand, I want Sebastian to explore this other side of him. I want him to discover himself, not b stuck with me forever, no matter how much I may want this.

"I'm going. Sebastian is waiting and this is a talk that's been waiting for an extremely long time." Without waiting, I rip the door open.

The wind is hefty and quick to blow me away. I step out and close the door. Since my hood isn't on my head, my hair whips all around, slapping me in the face and forcing its way into my mouth. I push it back and grab the hair tie from my wrist to tie it up. Then I place the hood on my head, immediately feeling a small amount of extra warmth. With a sign, I make my way across the snow-covered lawn. Looks like we'll be having a white Christmas. Last year, there had been a spike in the temperature so we had a fairly warm Christmas which sucked to say the least. This year, though, all I see is white. Cars are covered in snow along with lawns, houses, and everything else.

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