Chapter Eleven

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I had decided to ambush Micah once school was finished. Since she seems to want to ignore me, I will make her hear me. There was still five minutes left until school let out for the day. Once the bell rings, I'm going to race out of here as if my behind is on fire. Somehow, I felt in my bones that she would go equally as fast to avoid me.

I won't let that happen. This will never get solved if I continue to let Micah brood silently and alone.

When the bell finally rings, I shove my books into my bag, only half hearing as my teacher tells us to study for our test. I'm one of the first out the door, luckily. Looking both ways, I just so happen to spot Micah already making her way out of the school. I knew she'd try and pull a fast one on me.

I push my way past everyone, throwing out tons of 'sorry's' and 'excuse me's'. Bursting from the doors, Micah is already halfway to her car so I break out into a sprint. I hiss as my ankles feel as if they both suddenly just sprained. It's my body telling me that I need to start exercising more.

"Micah!" I pant, stopping with her as we both reach her car. "I won't let you ignore me. I know you're mad, so let's talk, okay?"

I catch her roll her eyes. She puts her hands on her hips and watches as I bend over, grabbing both my knees to catch my breath.

"Damn, Emie. Can you just let me be angry?" She huffs, dropping her arms with a small force. Micah shakes her head and unlocks her car. "Well, let's go and get in."

Straightening back up, I rub my stomach. I feel nauseous from that short run. Damn, I guess I really let myself go. Shaking my head, I go to the passenger side and get in, buckling up after. Micah starts the car and we sit in somewhat of an awkward smile as we wait for her vehicle to idle down.

"Let's go to my house, okay?" I suggest softly, testing the waters. Micah's only reply is a nod.

She puts the car into drive and heads out of the parking lot. A sign leaves me as I turn my head to look out the window. I already know that this will be an extremely long talk we'll have. I hope and pray that she'll contribute. Micah's never really been angry at me before so this is all kind of new. If anything, she's usually somewhat of a protector.

Before I know it, we're pulling up the driveway to my house. As soon as Micah parks and turns the car off, I head out and make my way to the door. Pulling my key from my bag, I push it into the slot and unlock the door. Micah takes her time coming to the porch and entering my house. I almost want to yell at her, but I don't. That will resolve nothing.

"Let's go to my room." I suggest once she finally comes in. I close the door and lock it before making my way to the stairs. When I notice Micah not following, I turn and look at her. "Micah...please? I really want us to talk and work through this."

Micah sighs and nods her head. I give a silent cheer as I turn and head up. This time I hear her behind me. When we make it to my room, I set my bag down and hop on my bed. Closing my eyes, I allow myself to breathe for a moment. The bed dips next to me as Micah takes a set.

With my eyes still closed, I ask her one thing. "Is it true?"

No reply is offered. No sound is made. The silence makes me open my eyes and turn to look at her. Her lips are set into a grim line, her eyes narrowed up at the ceiling.

"Are..." I clear my throat, feeling awkward to ask about such a sensitive topic. "Are you a lesbian, Micah? Or bisexual...maybe?"

Again, I'm met with silence until a laugh cuts through it and the tension. I lift up on one elbow quickly and turn look at Micah who's now laying back on the bed. She nearly falls off as she continues to laugh loudly. As soon as she stops, another leaves her in a booming sound that echoes in the silent house.

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