Chapter Nineteen

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"Emerson, it's a simple question," Miguel's voice sounds from next to me. He moves his head closer, bending his head to look at my face. From my peripheral vision he seems extremely closer.

"No, Miguel, it's not." I shake my head, keeping my head forward.

Miguel slaps the table and a pained groan leaves him. I finally look over to see him clutching his hand to his chest. A smile appears on my face before a small laugh comes from me. Miguel's head snaps over to me, his eyes set in a glare that's trained on my face. I can't help but laugh more at how he looks. His head is slightly bent and it gives his brow bone a protruding effect almost as if he's a Neanderthal.

"Emerson, this isn't funny. I'm being serious. It's an honest question," Miguel whines. He presses his hands together, interlocking them together.

I roll my eyes but with a small smile on my face. A laugh involuntarily bursts from me. "Fine. We can have party thing."

Miguel pulls his bottom lip into his mouth before he fist bumps the air. Another laugh leaves me as he now looks like a child who's just been told they can go to the store and they can pick out a toy. For some reason, my heart swells as I see the happiness on Miguel's face. Maybe it's because I know how hard he and his family has it or maybe it's because I actually care for him as a friend.

With that being said, it's been a week since Miguel proposed friendship to me. We had condemned our studying to just the library at school during lunch. I can honestly say that it has helped a lot. While we haven't had any tests, there have been study quizzes in our classes to help us get ready for the midterms. I've been doing fairly well and I'm a lot more focused on my grades.

As Miguel has promised, my mind hasn't really been occupied by my drama. I've almost successfully removed myself from the storms that are Sebastian, Micah, and Jenny. Though a certain heartache is still there.

"Cool, my house then?" Miguel's question pulls me from my thoughts. He's back to a normal position on the bench, his brow raised.

"Yeah, that's fine," I nod before realizing something. "Your parents are okay with that? I mean...I'm a bit of a stranger."

Miguel scoffs. "Are you kidding?" He asks rhetorically. "They'll blow a gasket when I come in with a friend, let alone a girl. I'll just tell you parents will probably think something is happening between us."

My eyebrows lifts up and I swear I can almost feel it in my hairline.Miguel and I stay staring at each other; his face blank and mine surprised. Not to sound like I have a bit head or anything, but I hope he doesn't want to pursue a relationship with me. I just got out of a five year long relationship and I'm still in love with my boyfriend who might love someone else.

"And another thing," Miguel adds, his face turning apologetic. "If you could just play along, okay? They really want me to find some-"

"Oh, no sir!" I speak loudly, my eyes wide and full of disbelief. I'm about to go on a tangent about how this friendship can't work when the curly headed boy start laughing. Laughing!

I reach over and push his shoulder. With his rambunctious laughs, he tips over easily with his hand shooting out to grab the table for balance. "Miguel! I was actually scared you actually wanted to get into a relationship with me. Jesus..."

He lifts himself back into a seated position, his grin wide and happy. Shaking his head, he turns to me slyly. "Maybe I do. This could've all been a ploy so we could grow closer."

Giving him a deadpan look, I merely blink.

"Okay, I kid. No, but my folks are fine with you coming over. They'll be happy to have an extra mouth to feed."

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