Chapter Thirty-Four

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Sebastian wasn't around for another month. He had gotten a week of out of school suspension, then a week of in school suspension. Personally, I feel like the punishment was too harsh, especially for everything Cody had already done. Or maybe I'm just being extremely biased.

These other two weeks, well, I have no idea where Sebastian has been. Each time I've gone to his house, nobody has answered the door. I'm worried that something more has happened with his father. There's no way I'd be able to live if Sebastian were seriously hurt right now.

"Still no word?" Micah says as she walks into my room. It was currently Saturday. Micah and I had decided to hang out.

This was actually going to be the first time we're hanging out after making up. It seems we could never find the right time. Predominantly, all these situations kept popping up causing us to be sidetracked by what's happening. At least we had set this day aside to actually go out together. Our plan was to drive to the mall which was located out of Elderwood and even out of Crystalwood, our sister town. It was about an hour drive away.

I shake my head and throw my phone onto my bed. "Nah. It's been silent for this whole month. I'm starting to get worried."

Micah gives me a sympathetic smile and comes over to where I;m stood in front of my closet. "Don't be so worried. Sebastian is a big boy and he can most definitely take care of himself."

I give Micah an appreciative smile. "Thank you. I appreciate you and I appreciate this little outing we're going to have. I really needed it."

Micah nods and motions towards my closet. "I know, now get dressed. It's actually nice outside."

Winter had come and passed now. The snow that covered Elderwood had melted about two weeks ago and now we've stepped into spring. April was actually right around the corner, along with the end of the school year. Though it was still a little chilly outside, the sun still shines brightly through the clouds and the sky is actually blue. Flowers had also started to bloom again, causing a smile to alight on my face each time I saw a gorgeous tree filled with pink, white, and green.

"I'm gonna go talk to your heavily pregnant aunt." Micah notified, pointing her thumb at the door. "I'll be down there when you're ready."

I roll my eyes as Micah heads out of my room, closing the door behind her. Despite us not hanging out too much, Micah still managed to come over a few times. Usually it was for an hour or two, but it was enough time for her to actually bond with Shelly. Said aunt is actually in her ninth month of pregnancy and if it's possible, her stomach has grown even bigger. She was meant to be on bed rest, but she constantly finds a reason to be out of bed. Her due date was actually last week, but it seems the baby isn't ready to leave his nest.

I quickly get dressed, throwing on some jeans and a long sleeved shirt. We probably wouldn't even buy anything at the mall today, most likely just going to window shop. I grab some sneakers, happy I don't have to wear boots anymore. Once I'm fully dressed, I head downstairs. Micah and Shelly were currently sat on the couch, Micah's hand on my aunts stomach.

"The little guy doesn't move anymore?" Micah asks, looking over at Shelly.

Shelly only shrugs. "He's probably sleeping. Babies develop a sleep pattern when you move along in your pregnancy. He'll be up and kicking soon."

"Huh," Micah mutters, taking her hand back. "Interesting."

I step off of the last step and head towards the couches in the living room. "Okay," I say, letting them know of my presence. "I'm ready to go. Maybe we should catch a movie while we're there?"

Micah looks over at me and stands to her feet. She flicks her hair off of her shoulder before reaching down to grab her bag. "Good idea. Actually, yeah. I hate just walking around the mall."

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