Chapter Thirty-Five

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Sebastian was finally back at school. The only thing is, he's been avoiding me and everybody else. I was happy to see he didn't have anymore bruises though. Just a scab on his cheek and slight discoloration from the fight with Cody. Speaking of Cody, I haven't seen an appearance from him either. I almost feel like he's moved or something, but who knows.

I sigh as I settle down on a table outside. It was currently lunch and to be honest, I kind of wanted to be alone with my thoughts. I had to figure out how to get Sebastian to talk to me and how to get Miguel to come around. Miguel was another problem. He's been avoiding me just as Sebastian has.

"Emie?" Someone calls my name. I turn and to my surprise, it's actually Miguel who's called out to me.

I perk up slightly, happy that he's finally talking to me. "Hey, hey." I move my bookbag from the bench and tap the spot next to me. "Sit. It's been a while since we've talked."

Miguel sits next to me, a small, nervous smile on his face. Her runs a hand through his curly hair. His hands runs down, landing on the back of his neck and rubbing the skin there. I've never seen someone so nervous before. Miguel begins fiddling with his fingers after rubbing his neck. I raise an eyebrow.

"Uh, Miguel?" I call out, bending my head so I can meet his gaze head on. "Are you okay? Did you want to talk?"

Miguel looks up at me, a frown on his face. He still looks tired as he did a whole month ago. It's hard to believe that it's actually been a month since I've talked to him, same with Sebastian. He turns to look at me, making me put my head back, straightening my spine so I'm not hunched over.


"You actually called me Emie." I acknowledge, my eyebrows raised in surprise. I didn't mean to interrupt him, but he had surprised me.

He gives a slight laugh, but I can tell it's forced, not his real one. "Yeah. Liste, Emie. I have to tell you something, okay?"

Slowly, I nod my head, giving him an unsure look. I can only hope that he's not about to tell me some terribly bad news.

"My family and I..." Miguel starts, sighing and rubbing a hand through his hair once again. "We're moving to the city."

My eyelashes rub against my cheeks as I blink rapidly. Of all the things he could tell me, I hadn't expected him to say this. Am I surprised, of course I am. We're a little over a month from graduation and he's moving away?

"You're moving? Why?" I ask and I feel s if my tone is a little on the rude side. It sounded too abrupt for my liking.

Miguel looks away from me, his gaze settling on a tree in the distance. "Aisha's neurologist is in the city. She also has a better chance at getting good treatment there." He informs, glancing at me for a second before returning his gaze to the tree.

"" Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy that Aisha will be getting the proper treatment, but I don't know. Maybe I'm just feeling reluctant because I got too attached.

Miguel shrugs. "Aisha's more important. Also, my family and I have also talked to the school. They've helped a lot and are going to allow me to finish my classes online, even passed the deadline to sign up for them."

Wow, I hadn't expected the school to be so understanding with Miguel's situation. I guess I just assumed that our small town school wouldn't really care for personal problems that happen at home, but I was wrong. And for them to allow Miguel to continue his classes online is amazing. Especially since the deadline for online classes was back in January. Looks like Miguel had it all figured out.

"And...your parents?" I ask next. Is it possible that over the month they had been getting things ready to leave?

"They already found jobs. They're going to start as soon as we get settled in, better paying too."

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