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"Thank you," the cashier says once I hand over a twenty dollar bill. He quickly counts out the change before reaching out and handing it to me.

After a small farewell, I grab paper bag that carries a chocolate croissant inside of it. My mouth waters just thinking about the warm bread and the bitter chocolate combination. A small smile rests on my face as I push my way past a couple of young individuals. The bell on the door rings as I step out of the pastry shop.

Immediately a cold breeze smacks me in the face once I step out. My hair flies everywhere, the short strands stinging my cheeks as they whip against it. Goosebumps rise on my arms and I wish I had brought a jacket instead of just wearing a simple red sweater. It doesn't protect me from the chill as much as I thought I would.

I stand still for a moment, taking in my surroundings. The smell of fresh bread and cookies still lingers strongly in the air from the shop behind me. I'm sure the whole street can smell it from this breeze that seems to constantly be here. Someone honks, breaking me from my daze. I hadn't even realized I had closed my eyes until that loud sound had disturbed me. Shaking my head, I look away from the street where cars are constantly zooming by, honks repeatedly being blown by impatient driving. I'm happy that everything is basically a walking distance where I work and live. If not then I'd be one of those people.

The walk back to my work place, Carter Designs. I've been living in New York for a couple years now.

After high school, I had done two years at the closet community college to Elderwood. While I could've gotten into a university, but the ratio of community college intuition and university intuition...well, there was no doubt which one I'd go with. During that time, I had decided to take an introduction to interior design class. I had immediately fallen in love with how creative you could be with just someone's home. With that being said, I had switched majors and signed up for an art school.

Three years later and here I am; twenty-two and just setting up roots in a company based solely on interior design. Of course, having basically just graduated, my parents do still help me pay rent and such, but I guarantee soon I'll be rolling in the big checks.

"Hi, Matilda." I wave to the black haired girl who sat at the front desk. She gave me a smile and a wave back.

As I go to walk away, Matilda calls me back. I turn, my brows furrowed, but the smile still present.

"I forgot, someone will be waiting for you in your office. Says they know you. Don't worry though, I have security on standby if anything crazy happens."

My nose tingles slightly as I snort at her words. Matilda is naturally a witty character and I'm happy to call her a friend. "Okay, I'll let you know first hand if anything goes down. Now let me get to work please!"

I wave goodbye to her before heading towards my cubicle. At the moment, I'm the lowest of the low at my job. Us on the first floor are merely support people. We handle the calls and appointments, passing them onto the right designer. Occasionally we'll be asked to decide between to pieces of furniture, but that's not too often.

Making it to my cubicle, or office as Matilda calls them, I round the corner of fabric covered metal and stop in my tracks. I can see the top of a blonde head and I'm not exactly sure who this is. They're sat in my chair, facing towards the blank screen of my desktop.

Frowning slightly, I take a small step forward. "Uh, hello? You came to visit me?" I question, confused by this visitor.

Nothing is said for at least a minute. Then slowly, the chair begins to turn. My heart stops and I gasp a breath, my eyes widening at the person sat in front of me. His bright, blue eyes stare into mine, his glowing mischievously.

And just like that, I'm sucked in.

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