Chapter Thirty-Three

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I have no idea how long we sat here, but I know it had to be hours. If Sebastian hadn't fallen asleep on me, then I would've hounded him about where these bruises came from. Actually, that's not true. I couldn't do that to him, not when he's so upset and hurt.

My phone is stuck in my bag, so I'm unable to get it to check the time or anything. My parents are probably worried since I haven't called. My phone is also on silent, so I'm not sure if I have any calls or texts waiting to be answered. Sebastian does have an alarm clock on his nightstand that he doesn't use, but his body is blocking the way so I can't see what time it is.

When my arm becomes numb, I decide to try to remove myself from Sebastian's grasp. It wouldn't be so bad if Sebastian wasn't noticeably heavier than me. I'm also not the strongest person in the world so trying to pull my arm from under Sebastian and pushing him at the same time is very much killing my arms. He started to slip out of my grasp, so in a panic, I ripped my free hand back and pushed his shoulder.

Not expecting that to happen, I froze, my eyes wide and lips pressed tightly together. Sebastian's eyes flew open, by now I could barely see since it had gotten darker and the small amount of light there was, was gone. All I had were the glowing stars on his ceiling, so I could only just make out the whites of his eyes after my eyes adjusted and readjusted. Leaning closer to him, I watched as Sebastian closed his eyes again, falling back asleep. Luckily, he shifted, turning away from me and releasing my arm when doing so. I breathed out as I pulled my arm from the bed, though feeling nothing with how numb it is.

I got up from the bed and leaned down to my bag. Pulling my phone out, the screen lit up as I hit the home button. My eyes snap shut at the brightness before I open them slowly so my eyes can condition themselves to the sudden light. I'm met with five phone calls from my mom and about fifty texts. Not really, more like ten, but that was enough to get me calling my mom.

"Emerson, I know for a fact that you know you need to be home right now. Where the hell are you, young lady?" My mom immediately says when she answers.

I sigh into the phone. "I'm at Sebastian's-"

My mom gasps and I suppose she pulls the phone away because I hear her speaking, but it's muffled. "You better not be doing what I think you're doing." Mom suddenly says, her tone stern and leaving room for no arguments.

"No!" I deny quickly, shaking my head though she can't see me. "Sebastian is sleep right now after crying into my arms for hours. Jesus, mom, you know me better than that."

I hear her sigh in relief, making me roll my eyes. "Good," she says. "You still need to be home. Listen, I'll have your father come get you. He'll be there in ten minutes."

"I don't think I should leave Sebastian. He's not okay right now.

My mom groans. There's more muffled talking on the line before she comes back. "Sorry, baby. You gotta come home, the king has made his decision. Have Sebastian come over for dinner, okay?"

"Yeah, okay." I mumble. We say our farewells before hanging up.

I lift a hand to scratch at my scalp, feeling a sort of comfort from in. I then stand straight and climb into Sebastian's bed. For a couple minutes, I just watch him sleep. Whoever did this needs to be taught a lesson. Sure, Sebastian has his flaws, but he doesn't deserve this. I'd never ask for Sebastian to be abused like this, there's no reason for him to be. I hate that it had taken me so long to come and see him.

"Sebastian," I shake his shoulder, calling out his name softly. "Sebastian, wake up."

Sebastian groans, turning over to face me. His eyes are still closed, but I believe he's half awake now. I shake him again, tapping his arm softly. He opens his eyes and yawns.

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