Chapter Sixteen

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The next couple of weeks seem to pass in a blur. Each of us, Jenny, Micah, and I are separated. Things are awkward when we see each other and the eye contact is tense. I've tried to reach Micah but she has completely distanced herself. I can understand if she needs time. I haven't tried to contact Jenny nor has she tried to contact me. It gives me the impression that she no longer cares. Then it makes me so angry because she's not taking responsibility for the hurt she's caused.

"Emie, I don't understand why you guys are acting this way." Sebastian says as he plops down next to me. "Y'all have been friends for ages. It's been weeks, this should've blown over already."

I shrug, not even wanting to talk about the situation. There's not much I can do but give it time and patience. It seems as if I don't care, but how can I talk to people who don't want to talk to me? Not only that, but Angela was right. I was put in the middle of this without even wanting to be there. But I guess that's the price I pay for have two best friends who don't like each other.

"What's there to understand?" I pick at the lasagna the cafeteria chose to serve today. "Jenny is homophobic and she targeted Micah. Micah wants nothing to do with Jenny and because Jenny is one of my best friends, she has distanced herself from me. I stopped talking to Jenny because I won't stand for the hate she's spewing. I've been put in the middle when I don't want to be.

Since this school year has started, I have been getting shit on. I'm tired of it. First it's you, telling me you've been using me and that you don't love me. Now my best friends are wait. Not feuding because what Jenny said is unforgivable. I'm tired of dealing with it! This school year has been nothing but terrible. So stop trying to pressure me, Sebastian, okay? I just feel so much pressure and I hate it."

I stand to my feet and grab my bag. Once it's firmly on my back, I grab my tray and throw it in the trash. Right now, I don't have to patience to deal with everything. So instead of listening to the boy who broke my heart and looking at the girls who are making me choose sides, I'll take myself to my next class early.

Only a force sidetracks me as soon as I step from the cafeteria. I stumble on my feet, nearly tripping and falling to the ground. Someone grabs my arm but they end up tripping too, causing both of us to fall. A pained groan leaves my mouth as this person lands on me. They not exactly light.

"So sorry," A male voice says as they lift themselves off. I look up to see an unfamiliar guy. "I wasn't paying attention."

My hand is grabbed and I'm pulled up. I come face to face with the tannest guy I've ever see. His ashy brown hair is long and messy, but it oddly works for him. Looking at his eyes, I see they're a pretty hazel when the green is pretty noticeable and it blends so well with the light brown. His teeth are white and pretty. No flaw in them making me think he's possibly had work done. Maybe braces and teeth whitening's? He's wearing a necklace with a seashell as the charm. As his top, he's wearing a tank top that says "Just Flow" and he has some khaki shorts on. He looks like a surfer boy.

"It's okay. I wasn't paying attention either." I tell him as I push the hair from my face. "You're very new." I say seeing as he's never been in this school or town.

The mysterious boy gives me a big smile. At least he's nice right?

"Hey, since we're rather clumsy together, can you show me to the office?" He asks taking a look down at the paper in his hands. Looking closer, I see it's a map of the school. "And yes, I'm very new."

He laughs lightly before showing me the map. I push his hand down lightly. "No need." I say to him with a small smile. "It's right behind you." I point past his shoulder towards the door that had a sign above and on it saying "Main Office."

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