Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It was harder to track down Micah than I had thought. Looks like she's the queen of avoiding and ignoring. All of my texts and calls went unanswered, making me think that she had inevitably blocked my number. It had been two weeks and we're well into December. Finals are right around the corner before winter break starts. I wanted to speak with Micah before then, but she's making it extremely hard.

Things have also been a bit awkward with Jenny. We're not quite back to how we were and it hurts my heart to see us like this, like we're strangers almost. Miguel and I have taken to eating lunch with Jenny. I'm happy to say that Miguel and Jenny get along because I don't think I would've been able to handle if I had to split up time between them like I'll have to do with Micah and Jenny. The two had found common ground with both being people of color. White jokes have become a norm as of late.

Jenny and Greg are still broken up. The only hope I see for their relationship is the fact that they keep looking at each other with these love sick eyes. Though both are too oblivious to notice that the other is constantly watching. How they don't realize, I have no idea. It's kind of cute though.

"Oh, what about when people always ask where you're from?" Miguel slaps the lunch table as he shakes his head. "I was born and raised in America, now my ancestry is a different question."

Jenny laughs and nods along. "I actually have black women ask me that all the time. I didn't know I had to hail from a certain place. Can my family and I not be born in America?"

I shake my head at my two friends, rolling my eyes at them. It's nice to see that even with all the political stuff happening, they can tell jokes. It's also nice to see people telling jokes altogether. My eyes trail around the cafeteria, watching, observing. Two girls are sitting at the other end of the table, their heads together as they stare at something on a pink, glittery covered phone. Both of them are continuously gasping, making me wonder what they're looking at. My eyes then move over to the lunch line, people who came in late are still grabbing lunch. Chicken nuggets is the special for today, pb and j, salad, and a wrap are the other choices.

There's a small smile on my face as I feel content. Yeah, I can't get a hold of my best friend, but I can feel that we'll talk soon. It's like a ball is sitting in my stomach, constantly deflating then reflating as I think of what I'll say to Micah. I almost feel anxiety when I think of it, of all that could go wrong. Like if Micah decided she doesn't want me as a friend anymore. Or if Micah decided she hates my guts for no apparent reason. I don't even want to think of that.

As I'm surveying the cafeteria, my eyes catch Sebastian. He's sat next to Cody and from the looks of it, they're having an intense conversation. It's been a month since Sebastian and I have talked. It seems he had decided to heed my words and stay away from me. I don't know if I'm happy or sad about that. One part is relieved that I've had a break from Sebastian and his feelings, but another, bigger part misses him so much.

"Emie!" Fingers are shoved in my face, snapping repeatedly. My head juts back, not expecting the intrusion.

"What?" I frown, pushing the hand away from me. My eyes go to Jenny, silently questioning what her problem is.

"What's up, buttercup?" She asks me, one eyebrow quirked up. "You were completely out of it and you had this sad little look on your face like you were about to die or something."

I look away from Jenny, only to set my gaze on the intruding eyes of Miguel. I look away from him too, not wanting him to find what I'm keeping hidden. These last few weeks, Miguel had been reading me, at least that's what it feels like. I'll catch him just watching me, like he's putting together a puzzle.

"Nothing, just thinking that's all." I shrug, offering a smile to them both. "That's my thinking face?"

"Uh-huh, and Michelle Obama is my mom." Jenny gives me a deadpan look. "Don't think we didn't notice you staring at Sebastian. Honestly, what even happened between you two? I still don't know."

I lift a hand to wipe the sides of my mouth, something to keep my hands busy. "We just fell out of love."

"With the way you're looking at him? Yeah, right." Jenny is quick to shoot back. "Did Sebastian break up with you?"

I shake my head immediately. Nothing will get skewed under my terms. "I ended it with him. We had grown apart and it was time to go our separate ways. Sometimes, relationships just don't work out."

Jenny rolls her eyes and gives me a look like I'm stating the obvious, which, I guess I am. "Tell me about it."

I shake my head at her, glancing at Miguel to see that he's chosen to sit this girl talk out. "Your situation with Greg is different. If you just tell him what you told me, you guys can work it out, but you're both being too stubborn. Go talk to him, stop waiting for him to talk to you."

"But, Emie, I'm the girl!" I glare at Jenny after she says this.

"It's twenty nineteen, Jennifer. Man up and go get your boyfriend back. You're going to regret it otherwise."

Jenny is about to talk when the bell rings, effectively saving her. She gives me a smile, beaming happily as she grabs hr tray and reaches over to the large trash can that's at our table. She then grabs her purple backpack and throws it around her back. With a wave, she struts away, following behind the stampede of other students.

I turn to Miguel and give him a withering look, causing him to laugh. My lips slowly pull into a smile. It's been a while since it's just been the two of us. I like this new dynamic, but I haven't had a chance to ask Miguel how his family has been.

"Miguel, how is Aisha, actually, your whole family?" I ask as the both of us stand. I hoist my bag on my shoulder before gathering our trash and throwing it away. "How are Aisha's headaches? Better, I hope."

Miguel's face drops and his eyes become like thunder. He shakes his head, his curls moving wildly with the force. "Not good. Mom took her to our neurologist and...she's not good, Emie."

My heart drops into my stomach and I suddenly feel nauseous. That poor, little girl. She's too young to be going through something like this, something so aggressive. I think back to when I was playing dolls with her and how she had been sassily explaining to me how to play and what I should say. My heart breaks further and it feels as if I'm going to have a heart attack.

"Jesus, Miguel, I'm so sorry. But maybe it's nothing." I try, giving him my best smile though it's forced. I place my hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly.

Miguel shakes his head, his bottom lip red from him nibbling on it. "If it is something...Aisha might not make it this time. I don't know if her body would be able to withstand radiation again and she might have to go through chemo."

"She's strong, though," I mutter, hoping my words would penetrate his hard head. It seems like Miguel has already made his mind up and I'm not sure I'll be able to convince him that things will work out.

Miguel shakes his head and my heart drops further, falling to the floor. "She was so tired last time..."

Maybe Miguel is right and there may be no hope for Aisha.

*Hey everyone! Here's another filler, I'm sorry. I feel like my chapters are failing. Tell me, are you guys upset that this story doesn't have epic fights or insulting people? Like, are you sad it's not an unrealistic high school story? Please tell me. Anyways, I reckon there's 10-12 chapters left of The Beard. Awe...please don't forget to comment and vote. Thanks so much for reading!*

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