Chapter 6

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Arohi tried to stifle her yawn.  She was exhausted.  The wedding ofcourse had made for a long day but then once she was at Arjun's house there was custom after custom to go through.  Normally that wouldn't be a problem except she had to follow those customs and traditions with Arjun.  Oh how she hated the sight of him.  But she did grudgingly admit he looked decent.  Okay maybe a little more then decent.  The gold and cream uchkin with some emerald green stones looked really good on him.  But she would never ever in a million years admit that to him or anyone else. 

"Arohi, I mean bhabhi we have one more game then you and Bhai can go upstairs to your room."  Rashi said giggling and making the other girls around her giggle too.  Arohi glared at them.  "What's the game Rashi, because seriously I'm done here." Arjun snapped.    "Bhai, I know you're anxious to get Bhabhi alone but one more game."his cousin Arti said sweetly.  Arjun rolled his eyes.  Alone with the psycho, no thanks. he thought.  "So here's the game.  This is a bowl of milk, you and bhabhi will put in your wedding bands and whoever finds their's first is the winner."  "The winner is who dominates in the marriage." Rashi said in a cheeky tone.  Arohi had zoned out until she heard "dominates in the marriage."  Interesting, she thought, smiling slowly. Arjun stared at the evil smile on Arohi's face.  She's dumber then she looks if she actually thinks she's going to win he thought to himself.  "Fine let's get this over with." he said taking off his ring."  Rashi took both rings and put them in the milk.  Then Arjun and Arohi faced eachother, glaring at one another.  "Ready, set, go" Rashi yelled.  They both put there hand in but Arohi couldn't seem to feel anything.  Oh my god, I have to win this she thought.  "Go bhai" she could hear Rashi yelling.  "Hmm, should of known, becoming friends with the enemy's sister was a bad idea."  "Look at her cheering for her brother."  Atleast Shefali was cheering for her.  "Go bhabhi, go!  Then Arohi saw the triumphant look on Arjun's face, he'd found something.  As he made a move to lift up his hand Arohi pinched it as hard as she could.  "OW" Arjun yelled dropping the ring.  Arohi grabbed a ring and held it up.  Her eyes wide with excitement.  "Bhabhi wins!" Shefali yelled.  Arjun glared at Arohi.  "No she didn't win, she cheated."  Arohi turned wide innocent eyes at him.  "Arjun don't be a poor sport now."  "You haven't changed at all, even when we were children he would throw tantrums when he lost."  "Which was often."  Everyone laughed while Arjun pictured his hands around Arohi's neck squeezing slowly.  "So Rashi what were you saying?"  "Who ever wins dominates in the marriage huh."  "She sent Arjun a knowing look.  Arjun's friends stood next to him teasing him.  "Arjun, hopefully you don't become one of those husbands that follows their wives around like little puppies." "Shut- up" Arjun snapped.

Arohi was so happy.  Even if the stupid game didn't mean anything she still was happy she'd won.  The look on Arjun's face had been priceless.  There were going to be many more looks like that on his face.  She would make damned sure of it.  "Bhabi let us take you upstairs to your new room." said Shefali interrupting Arohi's evil thoughts.  Arohi walked up knowing exactly where Arjun's room was.   She'd been in it plenty of times when they were younger.  But walking in it now it was no longer a boy's room, it was definitely a man's room.  Ofcourse someone, probably Rashi and Shefali had decorated it with flowers and candles for their first night.  But the blue and white room with it's  simple dark but elegant furniture was definitely a male dominated room.  She was going to have lots of fun redecorating she thought to herself with a smile.  "Do you need anything bhabhi?" Shefali asked.  "Nope."  "But can you just help me un pin this dupatta."  "I can't reach the pins in the back."  "Arohi, I mean bhabhi you can't unpin it."  "You need to wait for bhai to come into the room."  "It's your suhaag raat." she said pointedly.  "Yeah and you've been watching too many hindi movies."  Arohi snapped.  "Firstly , there is no suhaag raat for the two of us."  "We hate eachother."  "Second, even if there was I wouldn't be sitting on the bed with a big ghunghat."  "Being all shy and demure"  Rashi shook her head.  "Fine." she snapped. " But I still think tonight is going to be special for you two."  Arohi rolled her eyes.  The two girls left saying  good night to Arohi. 

First things first Arohi thought walking to the glass of milk sitting next to the bed.  I'll help myself to this. as she drank the whole glass.  She'd had the same issues with dinner that she had with lunch.  Eating off the same plate.  "EEW!  Then she went to work on her duppata which she finally got off and threw on the ground.  Her jewelry came off next.  And then she started pulling the pins out of her hair and throwing them on the ground.  Her shoes already lay at the foot of the bed.  She looked at the king size bed and started stacking the few teddy bears she was able to fit into her over night bag including Mr. Softy Ahluwaila onto the bed.  She had only brought an over night bag today with only essentials enough for today and tomorrow.  Her parents were bringing the rest tomorrow.  There was going to be a reception held at Arjun's house to welcome Arohi into their home. She didn't really think it was such a good idea since she was only going to be spending a short period of time here.  But she didn't want to hurt Arjun's parents by declining either.   Once she convinced or tortured Arjun enough to divorce her she's be out of here.  Only a matter of time. 

Lost in thought Arohi didn't see Arjun walk in.  "What the hell have you done to my room?" Arjun yelled.  "What?"  Arohi asked looking around at the mess she had created.  "Looks fine to me."  "It's a mess Arohi."  "I can't live in a mess."  "You can't."  "Well then you'd better learn."  she said smiling sweetly.  "And what are these stuffed animals doing on my bed. " "Your bed."  Haha, you're so funny."  Arohi said laughing to herself.  "Yes, my bed."  "Arjun this is no longer your bed."  "What?" he yelled.  "That over there," Arohi said pointing to the sofa "is your bed or there is the bathroom tub."  "Take your pick."  Arohi walked over to her over night bag to grab her pajamas.     "Arohi, I am not sleeping anywhere but on my bed."  "You want to sleep on the sofa or in the tub or on the floor or out in my backyard with the dogs, be my guest."   But I will be sleeping on my bed.  We''ll see about that, Arohi thought rummaging through her carry on.  Where were her pajama's she thought.  Arjun glared at Arohi.  She was such a pain in the ass he didn't know how he was ever going to be rid of her.  Arohi flung clothing out of her bag.  This was ridiculous she knew she had packed them.  After she had flung everything out she reached in and grabbed one last item, pulling it out she gasped.  She threw it back into the bag.  Oh my god she thought to herself please don't let the devil have seen that.  Arjun stared at her.  What was that she just threw back into her bag.  She was looking at him  nervously now.  Arjun walked over to her.  "What was that? he asked.  "Is that something you're planning on using on me tonight?" he asked suspiciously.  Arohi's face turned red.  "NO!" she snapped.  "It's nothing."  "Oh I think it's something." he said.  "Probably something to torture me with."  "I'm on to you wifey."  "Let me see it." he said holding out his hand.  "NO!" Arohi yelled grabbing her bag.  Arjun laughed and shook his head.  "Arohi, will you ever learn."  "You don't think I can get that bag from you?"  "Arjun, it's nothing.  I swear it's nothing." "Please just back off."  "Now I really have to see what it is." he said stalking towards her as she moved backwards.  "Arjun, don't take another step if you know what's good for you."  "Arohi, I think I've already told you how I feel about your idle threats."  "They mean nothing for me!"  Arjun stalked forward and Arohi kept moving backwards until she hit the wall.  She hugged the bag to herself.  There was no way she was going to let him see what was in it.  "Arjun one more step and I'll scream."  "Go for it he said, they're downstairs celebrating for some stupid reason.  No one is going to hear you.   

Arohi looked around trying to think of an escape route.  But there was none.  Arjun stood extremely close to her now, not touching her but close enough that he could.  "Give it over."  "Let's see what you brought to torture me with."  Arohi shook her head no hugging the bag tighter.  He grabbed on to the bag and within seconds had it out of her grasp.  "NO!" she yelled throwing herself at him.  He would never let her live down what was in that bag.  Arjun caught her as she came at him and as he tried to restrain her from injuring herself and him they fell on the bed.  Him on top of her.  Her hair all wild, her eyes wide, her lips, her lips Arjun thought as he remembered what it had felt to kiss those lips.  Arohi stared up at Arjun.  Why was he looking at her like that?  It was making her feel weird, all tingly.  She pushed at him.  "Get off me you freak."    Arjun blinked and got off her.  He paused for a second and then grabbed the bag pulling out whatever was in it. Arohi stared at him in mortified.  Arjun stared at what was in his hand.  A barely there short black see through piece of lingerie hung from Arjun's hand. 

Arjun looked at Arohi and back at the lingerie.  "What is this?" he asked.  "Nothing," she answered reaching for it but he pulled his hand back.  "Nothing?" "Well there isn't much of it but I wouldn't say this was nothing." Arjun said.  "But what I want to know is what are you are doing with it."  "Nothing, I am definitely not doing anything with it." she snapped.  "If you weren't doing anything with it why do you have it on our wedding night?"  Arohi's face turned bright red.  "Arjun, you loser give it back." she said jumping to try to get it from his grasp, but he kept it out of her reach.  "I think someone was hoping for a real wedding night." he said smirking.  "Drop dead." Arohi snapped.  "I want a wedding night with you?" "Please!" " I would rather walk over hot coals barefoot, I would rather fall to my death from the highest building in the world. I would..."  "Alright Arjun said interrupting her, I get the gruesome picture."  ""But I think you're lying."  "But if you want to try it on for me I won't stop you."  "But be warned I won't be tempted because..." looking her up and down he said with a disgusted look on his face. " You're not my type."  Arohi was livid now.   "I couldn't be your type Arjun, you're type has to be blind and dumb.  Arjun's nostrils' flared.  He grabbed her arm.  "You should be careful about what you say." "You know  just for tonight  I may switch my type to stubborn stupid girls who try to seduce me with sexy lingerie."  Arjun and Arohi stared at eachother until Arjun suddenly let Arohi go and threw the lingerie at the her.  "Here, you're boring me.  I'm going to bed."   Arohi held the lingerie back glaring at him.

She grabbed her bag and gathered up her clothes she's thrown onto the floor.  Amongst the clothes she found a note.  "Here's a little something that will knock Arjun's socks off."  PS I burned the flannel pajamas.  Love Neha di.

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