Chapter 30

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"Mama, is Sophia coming over today?" Riya asked as Arohi tied her shoelaces.  "Yes baby, she'll be picking you up after preschool." Arohi answered as she stood up and smiled at her little girl.  "Are you and daddy going out for dinner again?" Riya asked.  Arohi paused and then shook her head no.  "No, baby that was last week." she said.  Last week...almost 7 days since Arohi had last spoken to Arjun.  7 days since they had had any contact.  But that hadn't kept Arohi from thinking about him countless times a day.  He hadn't called neither had he dropped by for any more surprise visits and now that Sophia was helping out with daycare, Arjun would just have Sophia bring Riya over to his place.   Whatever! Arohi thought to herself as she grabbed Riya's backpack and headed to her car. It was actually good this way, a clean break and they didn't end anything on bad terms.  She had wanted this all along.  She knew that nothing could come out of them trying for a real relationship.  So it was good that Arjun hadn't tried to push for more.  Too bad this little pep talk she gave herself on a daily basis didn't make her feel better.  In fact it only made her feel worse.  No more spending time with Arjun, no more laughing and talking, no more kisses or hot passionate love making.  "Mama!" Riya exclaimed, apparently for the second time.  "I ask you question mama!" "Sorry beta."  "What was your question. Arohi asked.  "When we sleep over daddy's house again?"  "We?" Arohi asked.  "Baby, that was just a one time sleepover."  "But you can sleepover at daddy's whenever you like." Arohi replied.  "No, you too mama!" Riya demanded.  "No sweetie, only Riya." Arohi tried to explain.  "But you can sleep in daddy's room again."  "Last time I see daddy he said you're allowed." Riya answered in her childish innocence.  Arohi blushed.  Great!  Now what was she to tell her 3 year old daughter, no sweetheart when Mama sleeps over there is very little actual sleep happening.  "Okay Riya we'll talk about it later." Arohi said as they thankfully pulled up infront of Riya's preschool. 

"Mrs. Singhania, I forgot to give you these emergency contact forms that you and your husband will need to fill out and sign."  "As they are already delayed could you please have them back to me by tomorrow?" Mrs. Singh asked as she handed Arohi a folder.  "Sure," Arohi replied as she waved goodbye to Riya who was already running off with some little friend.  Forms that needed to be signed by her and Arjun...hmm.  "I should call him."  "These are obviously important forms that require his signature right away."  "I should take them to him." she said speaking out loud to herself as she walked outside.  Before she could change her mind she was puling out her phone and dialing his number.  "Arjun, here." she heard him say as she almost hung up.  Stop acting like a teenage girl calling her crush! Arohi told herself.  "Hello." Arjun said louder this time.  "Hi Arjun, it's Arohi." she said briskly.  Arjun leaned back in his chair and smiled.  "Arohi...what a surprise."  "I was wondering how long you were going to hide out for." he said.  "Hide out?!" Arohi said with outrage.  "Speak for yourself!"  "You're the one that hasn't called or tried to see me once!" she snapped and then winced as she realized what she had just said.  Arjun's smile on the other end just got bigger.  "So you've missed me?" he asked softly.  "NO!" Arohi snapped back quickly.  Making Arjun chuckle.  "I'm sorry I haven't contacted you, I've just been extremely busy at work and had a bit of a cold for a couple of days and.."   "You've been sick?" Arohi asked worriedly.  "Why didn't you call and tell me?" she demanded.  Arjun gave a small laugh.  "I'm fine, it was just something small."  "A days rest and I was fine."  "But thanks for worrying about me."  "Next time I'm not feeling well I'll come over for some of your tender loving care." he replied softy.  Hearing no response he asked "Arohi are you there?"  "Yes, I'm here." she replied.  "Riya's preschool has sent some documents that require your signature." "Should I bring them by the office?"  "Leave them with your assistant?" she asked.  "Actually I'm working from home today."  "Do you mind bringing them here?"  he asked.   "Um, I guess not." she answered slowly.  Thinking back to the last time she'd been in his house and what had happened.  "I'm just leaving her school so I should be there soon." she said as she hung up.  Arjun stared at the phone in his hand.  He hadn't called because he had wanted to give Arohi some space to figure out her feelings.  He knew in his gut she still loved him and it had killed him not to see her but now he knew she had missed him and he hoped that she'd maybe realized her true feelings for him.

Pulling up to his apartment Arohi felt the ever familiar flutters in her stomach.  It's just Arjun she reminded herself.  Why are you nervous..there isn't much you two haven't done that you should be feeling nervous right now, she said to herself.  But still the fluttering continued as she stood infront of his door about to ring the doorbell.  Taking a deep breath she did just that, and was surprised to see Arjun open the door.  "Hi," she said trying not to stare, but not being able to help herself.  He wore a light gray button up shirt, which was open at the throat, and black trousers.  His big beautiful brown eyes staring back at her with a hint of a smile.  Why was it that every time she saw him he just got hotter.  "Arohi, come in." Arjun said moving out of the way to let her in.  His eyes skimming over her appreciatively.  Arohi as usual was looking as sexy as ever.  He didn't think another woman could hold a candle to her and today wearing a pair of form fitting skinny black pants and a leopard print sleeveless sheer blouse with leopard print heals she looked incredibly hot.  Arjun had had to stop himself physically for reaching for her and hauling her against him for a kiss.   "Where's your housekeeper?" Arohi asked looking around.  "Her daughter's sick so she asked for a day off."  Arjun answered.  "Hmm," she answered not even knowing why she asked about the housekeeper.  Anything to keep her heart rate under control.  Pausing she suddenly couldn't think of a word to say to Arjun.  Licking her bottom lip nervously she stared back at Arjun.  Arjun's gaze settled on Arohi's lips and he almost groaned.  She had no idea what she was doing to him.  Finally he asked  "You wanted me to sign something Arohi?"  Arohi felt her face turning red.  She was standing there like an idiot staring at him when she was actually there for a purpose.  "Yes, some documents for Riya's school." she said, shoving the folder in Arjun's direction.  As he took the folder from her their fingertips touched and Arohi quickly pulled her hand away.  A small little touch and she felt her body tingle.  No wonder when he kissed her she was ready to fall into bed with him, or apparently storeroom floors as well!  "Here you go." Arjun said, handing Arohi the signed documents back.  Arohi was careful this time to make sure they didn't touch.  "Thanks, I should get going." she said about to walk around him when suddenly he stepped infront of her.  Arohi quickly stopped and looked up at him nervously.  "What's your rush Arohi?" he asked with a sexy smile.  Arohi gulped.  "No, I should really get to work." she said quietly trying to move around him again but once again he blocked her way.  "Come on, atleast have a cup of coffee with me." he said in the same husky voice he used when he wanted something from her.  And to date it had never failed.  "Um," Arohi said trying to get the word "No" to come out of her mouth.  "Okay." she finally replied retreating a few steps so she could atleast put some distance between them.  Arjun filled two cups of coffee and walked to the sofa handing her one as she sat down.  She took a sip and tried not to remember what went on the last time they'd been in this very room together. "How was Riya this morning?" Arjun asked.  Arohi smiled.  "Great as usual."  "And asking a 100 per usual!" she added with a smile.  "She got that from you." Arjun said giving her a smirk.  "Do you remember how many questions you would ask about absolutely everything?" he said..   "I think through the ages of 6-8 every sentence out of your mouth would start with Why?"  "Why do we have to go here?"  "Why do we have to do that?"  "Why isn't the sky pink?"  "Why does Arjun get to do that and I don't?"  Arjun said rolling his eyes.  Arohi glared at him as she banged her cup onto the coffee table.  "I was a very inquisitive child?"  "Too bright for the likes of you to understand Arjun!" she snapped.  "Those questions just showed my thirst for knowledge!"  "But I expect nothing less from you."  "While I was asking questions and learning you were beating up young innocent girls and throwing mud on their pretty dresses not to mention eating their chocolate that they had saved to eat later and just because you are such a pig and gobbled yours down in minutes you felt it was necessary to eat mine too!" she said out of breath from her tirade.  Arjun stared at her with his mouth open.  "I never beat you up." he said finally.  "You pulled my ponytail!" she snapped.  Arjun's burst of laughter filled the room. 

"Why are you laughing?!" Arohi asked staring at him as he practically shook from his laughter.  "I can't believe you've been holding a grudge over some chocolate." he said in between his laughter.  "I haven't been holding a grudge." she said suddenly starting to stand up.  She felt stupid and embarrassed.  Arjun saw her move and grabbed her around the waist pulling her successfully into his lap.  "ARJUN!" she yelled in surprise.  "Do you know that when you're angry you look even sexier." he whispered against her ear making her eyes go wide.  "Arjun, let go of me!" she said trying to stay calm.  "Do you know that when you get all fiery and your eyes start to flash all I want to do is kiss you until those same eyes darken with desire for me, and your lips whimper against mine begging me to make love to you."  Arohi had to try hard to control her whimpering now.  And they hadn't even done anything yet.  "Arohi, tell me what you want." he said softly as he pressed little kisses along her ear and bit her earlobe gently.  Arohi felt herself leaning back against him, arching her neck, inviting him to have a little taste.  And taste he did as he traced little kisses along the side of her neck and then suddenly bit down gently making Arohi bite back a moan.  "What do you want Arohi?" he asked again.  Arohi turned around to face him.  Her face flushed with desire.  "I want you." she said softly, staring into his eyes.  Arjun smiled.  "Good girl." he replied, before his lips devoured hers.  Arohi turned herself fully around, practically straddling him as she kissed Arjun back.  Arjun's hand made it's way to the nape of Arohi's neck as he held her  face in place as he kissed her deeper and harder.  Arohi's hand's were in Arjun's hair, pulling him closer as she melted into his kiss.  When he finally pulled away from her and looked into her flushed face he felt his breath catch.  No other woman could ever make him lose control like Arohi did. Only with Arohi did he feel so much tenderness and love that he wanted go slow and not rush through their love making.  He wanted  to look into her eyes when she sighed in pleasure as he touched her.  But at the same he  wanted her so fiercely and desperately, he felt so much passion and desire that he practically shook from his need to have her.  No matter how many times he made love to her, his desire for her only increased.   "Let's slow down." Arjun said kissing her softly.  But Arohi didn't want to slow down.  She deepened the kiss touching him everywhere she could reach.  Her hands fumbling with his buttons and in her rush breaking one.  "Sorry." she said in a voice that didn't sound like she was sorry.  "Off!" she said as she struggled to pull his shirt off and kiss his neck at the same time.  She was going to kill him the way she was touching and kissing him he thought as he took a deep breath  But today he wasn't going to let her have her way.  He gently took her hands off his body and held them away from him.  Making Arohi look up at him with big eyes.  "You don't want to make love?" she asked hesitantly.  Arjun almost groaned.  "I want nothing more then to make love to you Arohi."  "Then?" she asked, about to kiss him again.  "Then nothing." he said slowly lifting her off his lap and standing up, pulling her up with him.  Arohi stared up at him with raised brows.  Arjun brought her hand up to his mouth and slowly kissed each finger tip.  "I want to take my time Arohi."  he said.  "I want you to remember how good it had been between us Arohi." he said gently kissing her wrist and then up her arm.  Arohi felt herself growing warm as he moved up her arm to her shoulder.  "I want to make you feel so good Arohi." he said in a husky voice as his lips pressed against the side of her throat making Arohi sigh against the overwhelming sensations he was arousing in her.  And then his mouth finally made it's way to her lips and Arohi felt her whole body tingle.  As he continued to kiss her, Arohi felt herself melting against him.  Then he carried her to his bedroom, putting her down and slowly undressing her, kissing and touching her, driving her crazy but not giving into her demand to make love to her.  "Not yet." he whispered as he laid her on the bed and kissed her again with so much passion that Arohi felt tears well in her eyes.  He just kissed away her tears as he continued to caress and kiss her until she couldn't stand it anymore.   Finally making love to her and as he looked into Arohi's flushed face she felt something she'd been trying to pretend wasn't there between them.  She felt love.  And as she cried out his name she knew that everything had shifted.  Her heart had shifted and she also knew that she loved him with every fibre of her being.  She would always, just, love him.

"You okay?" Arjun asked a while later as they lay against each other.  Arjun's chest against Arohi's back, his arm wrapped tightly around her.  Arohi couldn't seem to stop crying.  She knew why she was crying, it was because she'd fallen back in love with Arjun.  Hell if she was honest with herself she'd never fallen out of love with him.  And today when he had loved her so tenderly her heart had felt so full and she wanted to wish away the almost 4 years of their life apart.  She wanted to wipe out the one day so long ago that they're whole lives had changed forever.  The day that they had both broken each other's hearts.  Another tear rolled down her face as Arohi squeezed her eyes shut.  Not being able to answer Arjun's question.  Arjun slowly turned her so that she was on her back and he was looking down at her with a worried expression on his face.  "What's wrong Arohi?"  "Did I hurt you?" he asked.  Arohi kept her eyes closed as more tears streamed down her face.  "Baby, Arohi, tell me what's wrong?"  "What hurts?" Arjun asked urgently.  My heart, Arohi whispered to herself.  Her heart hurt for all they'd lost and for all they couldn't have and for all the love that she felt for Arjun.   Opening her eyes she stared up at him.  Arjun searched her eyes trying to figure out how to help her.  Slowly she raised her hand up to his cheek, softly caressing it.  Arjun turned his face into her palm and kissed it softly.  Turning back to her he gently wiped the tears from her face and cupped it softly as he leaned down and kissed her tenderly.  I love you Arohi, Arjun said in his mind over and over again.  He had wanted to tell her today that he loved her.  He had hoped that their love making today would have shown her that he was still so in love with her but seeing her tears and how emotional she was, made him hold back from saying the actual words.  He didn't want to overwhelm her, because from experience he knew that when Arohi felt overwhelmed she retreated.  And that was the last thing he wanted. 

That night after Arohi had tucked Riya in, she stood staring out her window at another rainfall.  The rain was pouring down and Arohi felt a certain melancholy settle over her.  Finally what she'd been feeling for  quite a while, had a name.  It was love.  She didn't know why she didn't recognize it earlier, after all she'd been in love with Arjun before.  The fact of the matter was that she did recognize it.  It had been there always, even when she told herself she hated him for sleeping with Natasha...she had still loved him.  She'd still ached for him.  She'd still cried for him.  She had recognized it was love but she didn't want to admit to herself that she was still so heart wrenching in love with him.  She didn't want to admit that in the last couple of months that love had become even stronger, even more over powering then it had been even when they had been married.  She didn't know what he felt, but she knew he felt something.  The way he'd made love to her, every caress, every kiss, every look,  every word he'd spoken during their love making had felt like love.  But she also knew they were completely wrong for each other.  The two of them together may be passionate and intense but they were also volatile.  When they loved they loved with everything they had, but when they hurt each other they couldn't seem to stop hurting each other.  And before it had just been the two of them.  But now Riya was in the picture.  And she didn't want Riya to be another casualty of their relationship.  She didn't want her daughter growing up in a family where her parents were too consumed by their it love or hate.  Riya needed stability, and let's face it, her and Arjun were not stable.  They'd tried being together and that had ended in disaster not only for them but for their families.  She'd picked up the pieces last time, she didn't know if she could next time around.

"Arohi, last months sales were double what they had been the previous year for the same month!" DJ exclaimed as she came out of the stockroom.    "I see you've been talking to the accountant again." Arohi said with a smile.  DJ shrugged.  "You do everything else, the least I can do is talk to the accountant." DJ answered.  Arohi frowned.  "You have lots of input to DJ."  DJ nodded.  "I don't want any more input."  "The shop is going to be yours soon anyways." DJ pointed out.  Arohi bit her lip.  "Are you sure you want to sell the shop to me?" she said.  "No, I don't want to sell it to you."  "I want you to have it."  "You made this pile of rubble what it is today."  DJ said with a smile.  "DJ, don't be silly!"  "I would never take it from you." Arohi said moving towards DJ and giving her a hug.  "But thank you for offering." she added as she picked up a sari to hang up.  "Marry Amar." she suddenly heard DJ say quietly.  Arohi slowly turned towards her.  "Sorry?" she asked,  "Arohi beta, please marry Amar." DJ said again with tears in her eyes.  Arohi's own eyes grew wide as she rushed to DJ.  "DJ, why are you crying?"  "Where is all this coming from?" Arohi asked.  DJ shook her head trying to control her tears.  "He's so sad, and so lost."  "And he loves you so much Arohi, you and Riya are his life."  "I can't see him like this." DJ said heartbreakingly as she sat down in a chair.  "DJ, what do you mean?"  "I just saw him this morning and he was fine." Arohi said.  DJ shook her head in denial.  "He tries to show you he's fine but inside he's not."  "I know my grandson, his eyes don't sparkle anymore."  "He seems to be lost in thought all the time."  "His laughter seems to be gone."  Arohi felt tears prick her eyes.  "How could I have not noticed that DJ?" she asked.  "He's my best friend, and he's upset and I haven't even noticed." she said shaking her head angrily at herself.  "Arohi, I have never asked anything of you and even now I will not force you, all I ask is you think about what I have said."  "He has always been there for you."  "Always understood you."  "He's been Riya's father, and, and he's a good man." DJ said in a broken voice.  "I don't know how much longer I have on this earth but before I go I would like to see my Amar settled."  "And it would be a dream come true if it was with you and Riya."  Tears fell down Arohi's face as she knelt on the ground and hugged DJ.  "Be happy." DJ said as she hugged her back.

"Is there a reason you haven't been returning my calls for the last four days?!" Arjun asked as he stood at Arohi's  door the next evening.  Arohi stared at him taking in his  features hungrily as if she was memorizing them.  "I've been busy." Arohi finally answered, not inviting him in.  Arjun stared at her.  Something had changed.  He wasn't sure what, but he didn't like it.  "May I come in?" he asked as he continued to stare at her.  "No." she answered and then gasped as he pushed past her.   Closing the door she said "Riya just went to bed so keep your voice down!"  Arjun looked at her.  "I have no reason to raise my voice...or do I Arohi?" he asked shrugging out of his jacket.  "Don't get comfortable!" she said feeling her mouth go dry as she looked at how his t-shirt hugged his broad shoulders.  "Why have you been avoiding me?" he asked.  "I haven't been avoiding I said I've been busy." she replied.  Arjun stared intently at her, as if he was trying to read her.  And then slowly he moved towards her.   His knuckles brushing against her cheek.  "What's wrong?" he asked softly.  Arohi tried not to react to his touch.  "Nothing, why would anything be wrong?" she asked.  "That's just it, I don't know."  "We make love, it's amazing and then suddenly you start avoiding me."  he said.  "We're not married anymore Arjun, I don't have to answer to you!"  "We made love, and that's it!"  "We're not in a relationship!" she snapped turning away from him.  Arjun's vise like grip on her arm had her swinging back around and against him.  "What's your problem?!" he said furiously.  "If we're not in a relationship then what are we doing?" he asked.  "We're having sex!" she snapped cruelly.  Arjun's eyes darkened dangerously.  "Is that what we're doing?" he asked softly.  "Just having sex!"  "We've never just had sex." he said in a deceptively calm voice.  "And you're not the type of woman to just have casual sex so don't reduce what we're doing here to just  something physical, we're much more."  "I am in love..." he began angrily when Arohi cut him off "Amar asked me to marry him and I said yes!"

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