Chapter 31

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"We're having sex!" she snapped cruelly. Arjun's eyes darkened dangerously. "Is that what we're doing?" he asked softly. "Just having sex!" "We've never just had sex." he said in a deceptively calm voice. "And you're not the type of woman to just have casual sex so don't reduce what we're doing here to just something physical, we're much more." "I am in love..." he began angrily when Arohi cut him off "Amar asked me to marry him and I said yes!" Arjun's eyes widened and Arohi saw them flash with anger. "What did you just say?" he asked furiously, still gripping her arm. "Ow Arjun, let go, you're hurting me." Arohi said. Arjun's grip loosened but he didn't let go. "Answer me damnit!" he half shouted. Arohi flinched at his raised voice. She stared at the wall behind him as she repeated. "I'm marrying Amar." Arjun's hand moved to her chin forcing her to look at him. "Atleast do me the courtesy of looking me in the eye when you lie to me!" he said with clenched teeth. Arohi's eyes widened. "I'm not lieing Arjun!" "I've thought long and hard about Amar's proposal and it's the best thing to do." "Ofcourse you'll still be Riya's dad, that won't change..." "BE QUIET!" Arjun said softly fighting to keep control of his anger. She would be marrying Amar over Arjun's dead body as far as he was concerned. "Best thing for whom exactly?" he asked. "Best thing for you, who is in love with me and about to marry another man, a man you'll never love." Best thing for Amar, who will go into a marriage where his love will never be reciprocated." "Or best thing for Riya who has two parents that love eachother but aren't married because her mother is being stubborn and instead of confronting her feelings head on and addressing her fears, she's running." "I thought we were past that now Arohi?" Arohi stared stubbornly back at him not saying anything. "Fine, you have no answer then let me make it clear to you, there is no way in hell I will let you marry Amar!" "Understood?!" "NO WAY!" "You're mine, you always will be, just like I'm yours." "If we weren't meant to be together we wouldn't keep finding our way to eachother." "It happened when we first got married in Vegas." "Even then we struggled through our feelings and in the end found love." "And now, how many years later we end up back together and still nothing has changed." "We're still just as madly in love with each-other as we were before." Arjun said adamantly. "NO!" "We are not!" Arohi said stubbornly. "Are you seriously trying to tell me you're not in love with me?" he asked. "Yes, I don't love you anymore." she replied, again not looking at him. "Look me in the eye Arohi!" he roared. "Look me in the damn eye!" Arohi looked up and stared at him. Tears gathering in her eyes and slowing sliding down her face. "I don't love you." she said looking into his eyes. Arjun's fingertip caught a teardrop as it fell down her face. With a sad smile he said "Arohi, you lips are saying one thing and your tears are saying something entirely different." "I'm inclined to believe your tears." "Don't do this to us." he said sadly. "I know you're scared, but give us a chance, don't ruin so many lives by rushing into a marriage with Amar because you're scared of what's happening between us." Arohi stared at him, the tears still sliding down her face. How badly she wanted to fall into his arms and believe that what he was saying was true. Believe that they could have a happily ever after. But she knew that couldn't be. Their love in it's intensity and passion was too volatile. It was all consuming but that wasn't always good when it came to two such strong personalities. They tended to hurt each other just as much as love each other. And she didn't want to hurt Arjun again, just as much as she didn't want to be hurt again. "Arjun, there is no point in discussing this further." "I have already said yes to Amar." Arohi said as she turned away from him again. She couldn't bare to see the anguish on his face anymore. Within seconds she was being slammed back against his chest, and then she heard his voice, dripping with cold fury. "Are you seriously ready to spend a lifetime with a man you don't love?" "A man that will never make you feel what I feel, not just physically but emotionally." Hearing nothing from Arohi he continued "If you decide to go ahead with this charade, prepare for a fight!" "I have the most to lose so if I have to play dirty I will Arohi!" "And I think you and both know from experience I am not a man to give up, especially when I know this is worth fighting for!" Arohi squeezed her eyes shut against his words.

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