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Arjun held Arohi's hand tightly as they raced down the corridor leading to the emergency room at Lilavati hospital.  "There's Amar." Arohi said suddenly,  letting go of Arjun's hand as she ran to Amar.  He was standing staring off into space but as he saw Arohi appear in front of him, he closed his eyes in pain and then pulled her against him.  Arohi hugged him tight trying to comfort him as best she could.  "She's going to be okay."  She has to be!" Arohi said, pulling away and looking worriedly into Amar's face.  "What are they saying?" she asked, trying not stay calm for Amar's sake.  "Nothing yet." he said in a dull voice.  "I've been traveling too much for work, if I was here I could have seen symptoms, I might have been able to prevent this." he said miserably, as he dropped down into the nearest chair.  Arohi sat down next to him, putting a comforting hand on his arm.  "You couldn't have seen this Amar."  "And the important thing is that you acted quickly when she had her first seizure."  "You'll see she's going to be fine!"  "She has to be." Arohi said in a broken voice.  Amar slipped an arm around Arohi's shoulder pulling her against him.  "You're right."  "Everything is going to be fine." he said in a strong voice.  "She's much too feisty to not get through this."  "She's a fighter, always has been." Amar added.  His gaze shifting to Arjun, who stood a little ways away.  "Do you need anything?" Arjun asked as he approached them.  Amar looked away from Arjun without answering.  Arohi glanced from Amar to Arjun and then pulling away from Amar she stood up.  "Arjun, if you want to go home that's fine."  "I'll probably be here atleast until we hear some news." she said.  Arjun shook his head.  "No, I'll stay."  "I want to be here for you." he said, tucking a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.  "She's going to be fine." he said reassuringly.  Arohi nodded not being able to speak past the lump in her throat.  "Come sit down then." she said.  But the moment that Arjun sat down next to Arohi taking her hand in his and squeezing it reassuringly, Amar stood up and walked away.  Arohi stared helplessly after him and after a very moments pulled her hand from Arjun's.  "Arjun, maybe you shouldn't stay."  "Amar is already so upset, seeing us together is only making things worse."  "I'll call you when I hear something." she said.  Arjun stared at her for a moment and then nodded.  "Sure, but I don't want you cabbing it home after you're done here."  "Call me and I'll come pick you up."  "The time doesn't matter." he said.  Arohi nodded, letting him lean in and kiss her softly on the forehead.  "I love you." he said before he walked away.  "I love you too." she replied softly but he was already down the hall... too far to hear her. 

"We think she's going to be fine."  "She's had a minor stroke that seems to have effected her left arm."  "We don't know what damage it's done yet, but  she is awake now and responding well."  "No more seizures so that's a good sign too."  "I can't tell you just yet how long she'll be here for, again once we know the damage we should be able to give you a better idea."  "Dr. Mehta said reassuringly.  "Thank god!" Arohi said with a teary smile as she hugged Amar.  "See I told you she'd be okay!" she added as Amar squeezed her tightly.  "Can we see her?" Amar asked  "Yes, you will be able to see her.  "We're still running a few more tests so within the hour you should be able to go in and visit her."  Dr. Mehta replied.  Arohi excused herself to call Arjun while Amar asked the doctor some more questions.  "Hi baby." Arjun said on the first ring.  "Everything okay?" he asked.  Arohi quickly filled him in on everything she knew till date.  "Can you come pick me up in about an hour?"  she asked.  "Ofcourse." he answered.  Arohi quickly hung up as she saw a worried Amar walking towards her.  "I gotta go Arjun, see you in a bit." she said. 

"Amar, what's wrong?"  "What did I miss?" she asked.  Amar shook his head.  "The recovery, the doctor said her left arm has been effected, what if it's worse then they think?" he asked.  "You know how active she is."  "If she's not able to move around the way she wants that in itself is going to kill her." he said in an emotional voice.  "Amar, she's alive, everything else we can work on."  "The important thing is she's alive." Arohi said trying to comfort Amar.  "And you heard the doctor, he sounded very optimistic."  "We need to concentrate on the positive so that DJ can also be positive."  she added.  Amar gave her a sad smile.  "I've missed you." he said quietly.  "I've missed you as my friend...ever since Arjun's come back into your life even our friendship has been effected."  Arohi felt tears well in her eyes.  "Amar, I want us to be friends, I can offer friendship." she said.  "But that's it."  "That's all I can give." she added.  Amar didn't say anything.  She knew he wasn't ready to accept that, but now more then ever she had to be strong about her decision.  They had no future.  "I haven't had a chance to tell DJ yet about us Arohi."  he said quietly making Arohi look up at him with shock.  "Amar..." she began.  "I'm sorry okay."  "I just didn't know how to go about breaking her heart."  "And thank god I didn't tell her either or this stroke could have been a lot worse." he said angrily.  Arohi stared at him, almost like she didn't recognize him.  "DJ should know the truth." Arohi said quietly.  "She will, just not now obviously!" "Once she's recovered enough I'll tell her myself but right now please just pretend that everything is normal between us." he said.  Arohi didn't respond and thankfully a nurse came by at that moment to take them to see DJ.  DJ was barely awake but seemed to realize they were there with her.  Moving one hand to Amar and squeezing it lightly.  Amar's eyes filled with tears as he kissed her hand.  "You sure know how to get my attention!" he said.  "I know you didn't want me out of town so much but you didn't need to have a stroke to keep me here!" he said jokingly trying to lighten the mood.  DJ's eyes filled with tears.  Arohi kissed her forehead softly.  "You're going to be fine." she said quietly.  "Riya needs her DJ." "and so do we!" Arohi said in a broken voice.  "And you have to see our wedding too!" Amar said suddenly as she put his arm around Arohi.  Arohi flinched but didn't let her smile waver.  Amar talked a little bit more about their marriage and DJ's recovery until a nurse came in asking them to leave so DJ could rest.  As Arohi turned towards the open doorway she saw Arjun standing just outside.  Pain evident in his eyes.  She had no doubt he'd heard what Amar had said about their wedding plans.  Amar held on to Arohi until they walked out of the room and then Arohi shrugged out of his embrace.  "Arjun..." she began.  "Ready?" he asked softly.  Arohi nodded and followed as Arjun turned on his heal and started walking towards the exit. 

As they got into the car Arohi quickly launched into an explanation of what had just happened in the hospital room.  Arjun nodded his head in understanding.  "Okay." was his only answer as they pulled up infront of their home.  Arjun getting out quietly and opening the passenger side door for her.  "I'm glad DJ is going to be fine." he said as they walked into their home.  Arohi looked at him and finally let out the tears she'd been keeping at bay.  She'd been so scared that DJ wouldn't make it.  So scared that she'd lose someone so special to her.  Arjun pulled her against him letting her cry it out until there were just soft hiccups left.  Murmuring soft reassuring words to her.   "Thanks." Arohi said  with a small hiccup, pulling away from him.  Arjun gave her a soft smile.  "You're probably starving."  "Come and have some dinner." he said, after kissing her softly on the forehead and then pulling her towards the dining room table.  Arohi let herself be pulled along and as Arjun placed the food infront of her and then in an attempt to distract her told her stories about Riya's antics... Arohi found herself stared at him.  He was such a good man, she thought to herself.  Not just a good husband, or father or son or brother.  But also a good man.  He deserved better then the doubt and regret she'd been showering on him of late.  He loved her so much and he deserved to know she loved him just as much.  As he led her to their bedroom and helped her get ready for bed she felt herself lean on him even more then usual.  His strength giving her strength, as he undressed her physically exhausted body, pulling on her cozy pj's and then tucking her into bed.  She didn't speak as he pulled her into his arms.  Again giving her his quiet strength.  "Go to sleep babe, it's all going to be better when you wake up." he whispered, against her hair.   Arohi closed her eyes and did as he said because now she knew it would all be better tomorrow.  She knew because Arjun said it would be and more then anyone in the world she knew she could trust him to make it so that it really would be better tomorrow.

The next few days were extremely hectic for Arohi.  Between the hospital, the boutique and caring for Riya, she didn't have a moment to spare.  At the end of the night her Arjun was there to lean on just before she fell into an exhausted sleep.  She wanted time, lots of time to tell him exactly what she felt.   She had so much to say to him, her feelings sometimes overwhelmed her.  At times as she sat next to a sleeping DJ she would find herself thinking about how short life really was.  It could be taken away from you in an instant.  And usually with that thought came the fear that what if something was to happen to her tomorrow and she was never able to tell Arjun how much she loved him.  How her and Riya were her whole world.  How she didn't want to live in a world where she wasn't his wife and he wasn't her husband.  But there was never an opportunity.  Sophia had fallen ill as well so Arohi and Arjun were also busy with Riya and her every day activities.  There was never really a time to tell him that she had been so wrong.  So wrong in thinking that she might be hurt by him again.  Because she knew that he would die before he would ever intentionally hurt her  again.  He was her heart, and she didn't want to ever be in a world without him.  Live a life that didn't include her Arjun.  This weekend... She'd already made arrangements with Maya to help out with Riya one evening.  This weekend she would tell him everything she was feeling.  Until then she hoped he could see it in her eyes, hear it in her voice, feel it in her embrace...that she loved him beyond reason.   "Arohi." Amar called pulling Arohi out of her thoughts as she stared out of the window of DJ's hospital room.  "Oh Amar, sorry I was just lost in thought."  "They've taken DJ in for some more tests."  "Now that you're here I'll get going." she said.  Amar nodded.  "Thanks Arohi."  "I really appreciate everything you've done for DJ...and for me."   Arohi nodded.  "You and DJ have done a lot for Riya and I."  "I'll never forget that, and now that DJ is starting to feel better, maybe it's time to tell her we've called off the engagement."  she said.  "I think we should wait."  Amar replied quietly.  "I think you'll soon realize that Arjun is not the man for you."  "I just hope it's before he hurts you again." he added with some anger.  Arohi sighed.  "Amar..." she began with some anger of her own.  But was cut off by Arjun standing at the door.  A bouquet of flowers in his hand.   Walking to Arohi he handed her the flowers.  "There are for DJ." he said softly.  "DJ doesn't need your flowers!" Amar snapped.  "What are you doing here?"  "No one wants you here."  "And when are you going to stop blackmailing Arohi and just give her the divorce she wants!" Amar asked angrily.  "You're shameless for forcing her to stay with you against her will!" he added giving Arjun a look of disgust.  "Arohi and my relationship is none of your business!" Arjun snapped.  "You should concentrate your efforts on getting DJ well and spend less time worrying about me and my wife!"  "We're happy!" Arjun snapped.  "Happy!"  "And with you?"  HA... now that's a joke!" Amar said with a harsh laugh.  "I saw how happy you made her when she came to us broken and lost."  "A single mother to be!"  "I saw exactly what kind of happiness you brought her!" he said menacingly.  "Amar, please!" Arohi cried.  "That was a long time ago!"  she said.  "We were both at fault and..."  "Your only fault Arohi was marrying a creep like him!" Amar said poking Arjun in the chest with his finger.  A cold fury swept through Arjun.  "Amar I am warning you, back off!" he said with restrained anger.  "Or what?" Amar said poking him again.  "What are you going to do?" Amar asked.  "Hit me?"  "Go ahead, I expect nothing less from you!"  Amar said with contempt.  "I wouldn't even be surprised if in your anger you hit Arohi one day."  "That's the type of man you are!" he snapped.  After that everything happened so fast... Arohi screamed as she saw Arjun's fist connect with Amar's face and Amar go flying against the cabinet behind him.  Things rattling and falling on him off the cabinet.  "Oh my god Amar!"  "Are you okay?" she cried running to him.  "Arohi, get away from that bast**d!" Arjun said angrily.  Arohi looked up at Arjun.  "Arjun, you need to leave right now!" she said panicing "Please go!" she begged.  Arjun stared at her, pain flashing across his face.  "Arohi you heard what that bast**d just said to me..I want you to get away from him." he ordered.  Arohi stared helplessly at Arjun.  "Arjun, please go, we will talk about this at home!" she said as she helped Amar sit up.  Arjun stared at her, his eyes suddenly void of any emotion.  And then turning around he stalked out of the room leaving Arohi to look after him with a sense of dread.

Arohi stared at Amar as a doctor assessed the damage Arjun's punch had done.  "Broken nose." she heard from across the room.  A few moments later the doctor left the room promising to be back soon to deal with the injury.  Arohi stomped over to Amar who stared back at her with a pained expression on his face.  An ice pack against his nose.  "See what kind of man you want to be with!" he started  "SHUT UP!" Arohi yelled.  "I swear if your nose wasn't already broken I'd break it myself!"  "What the hell is wrong with you?"  "I don't even recognize you anymore!" she half yelled.  Amar opened his mouth to say something but again she told him to be quiet.  "I love that man!"  "He is an amazing person who has not only earned my love but deserves it!"  'Me on the other hand I don't know if I deserve his love!"  "He would do anything for Riya and me... and the things you said to him today...I just can't believe that was you!"  "When did my best friend become so hateful?" she asked.  "Did I do this to you?"  "If I did I'm sorry..I truly am but that's anger that should be focused on me not my husband."  "I will not hear one more bad thing about Arjun from your mouth."  "I understand this is hard on you BUT that is not Arjun's fault."  "He didn't deserve the hurt you laid on him."  "He would cut off his hand before he hit me."  "I don't want to see you for a while Amar!" she said softly.  Tears filling her eyes.  "I will still come and see DJ but I would appreciate it if at those times you would leave."  "I just can't be around you right now." she said wiping away her tears.  Amar stared at her and then angrily got up and left the room. 

It was late by the time Arohi walked into their place.  She knew Riya would be asleep and she prayed that Arjun would still be awake.  There was no more waiting for the right and special moment for her to admit everything.  Whatever needed to be said, needed to be said now.  The house was eerily quiet.   After checking on a sleeping Riya, she walked into their bedroom, which  along with the living room and dining room turned up empty.  Walking towards the back of the apartment she stopped outside of Arjun's open study.  He stood with a drink in his hand, staring out the window.  Lost in thought.  "Arjun." she said softly.  She saw him blink and then slowly bring the glass up to his mouth not saying anything.  "Arjun, we need to talk." she began.  "About what?" he asked.  "What's left to be said?" he asked softly, still staring out the window.  "I, I love you." she began.  And then she saw Arjun's eyes close in pain.  Slowly he reopened them.  "Now you love me?" he asked.  "No, yes, I've always loved you Arjun." "I was just scared and then when everything happened with DJ I realized that life is so short and could be taken away from us in an instant.  I've already waited too long to tell you how I feel.  How I've always felt."  "I kept waiting for a special moment to tell you in but now I realize it's not about the moment, it's the importance of the actual words."  Walking to Arjun she took his hands in hers.  "I love you with every breath, my every heart beat calls your name.  My eyes search for you the second I enter a room, and once they've settled on you I feel peace, and happiness."  "I was always scared of the love we used to have...calling it toxic and destructive."  "What I didn't understand until now, is our love was never toxic or destructive."  "Our love was, and is, real and true, it's passionate and caring, and it's pure and strong."   "It was US that were destructive and toxic because we never really understood the depth and strength of this love."  "We took it for granted."  "We took each other for granted."  "We would never do that now because we understand the importance of each other in our lives."  "We understand that without each other, we are incomplete."  We may be living, but we won't really be alive without each other."  "And that's what I was doing until you came back into my life."  "I had a heart but now my heart beats."  "You're my one and only true love."  "You're the only man I could ever love, will ever love." she said tearfully.  "Only you Arjun, I'm sorry it took me so long to realize it."   Arjun's big brown eyes softened as a tenderness settled over him.  "I love you Arohi, more then I thought it was possible to ever love someone."  "You and Riya are my life, believe me when I say I learned from my mistakes."  "Hearing Amar say that I could actually hurt you physically..." he began.  Arohi put a finger against his lips.  "I've told Amar that I don't want to see him for a while."  "He's a good person and unfortunately I'm bringing out the worst in him."  "I know his words shook you, they shook me too because I know my Arjun isn't capable of that."  "But I did hurt you badly at one time Arohi, are you sure you can move on from that?" he asked.  Arohi looked him straight in the eye.  "I already have."  "I hurt you just as badly do you think you can move on from that?" she asked.  "I forgave you a long time ago Arohi and you know that."  "I want to live in this present, focusing on the past has never been good for us." he said.  "I like that, focusing on our present and future." she added, letting him pull her into his arms.  "So you want to give this a go?" he asked his voice hesitant.  Arohi looked up at him.  "A go Arjun?"  "I want to give THIS...forever."  "I want to be yours forever and you to be mine till the end of time." she said smiling up at him with happy tears in her eyes.  Arjun grinned "I think that can be arranged." he said, leaning down and softly pressing his lips against hers.  When they finally pulled away, Arohi asked "So does this mean we're never going to argue or fight?" Arjun raised his brows.  "Do you think it's humanly possible for us to never fight or argue?" he questioned.  Arohi grinned "Hell no!" she said.  "And life would be pretty boring don't you think if you suddenly came to your senses and started agreeing with everything I said." Arjun remarked casually, earning him a glare from Arohi.  "Came to my senses huh?" she asked in mock anger as she pushed at his chest.  "I think I'm going to make it my personal mission to never come to my senses!" she said sarcastically.  Arjun grinned as he held her tight.  "I love my feisty Arohi, and I don't mind you fighting with me."  "Infact I encourage it." he said seriously.  Arohi looked at him questioningly.  "I encourage it because with every fight comes the making up." he said in a husky voice, as he kissed her neck.  "And god knows I love the making up." he added, unbuttoning her blouse."  Arohi felt a shiver run down her spine.  "I know, because you're so damn good at the making up." she said laughing, as he scooped her up into his arms and carried her towards their bedroom.  Staring up into his laughing eyes she saw everything she needed in life.  She saw happiness, and laughter, desire and love and she saw her future..she saw her forever.   Yup she had everything she would ever need and at any time she found herself wavering in life, all she needed was to look into Arjun's eyes and she would be strong again.

Arjun where are we going?" Arohi asked for the 100th time it seemed.  Arjun just gave her the same mischievous smile he always did "You'll see soon enough." he answered.  "It had been 2 weeks since Arohi's confession and she could honestly say she'd never been happier.  She loved and was loved.  She had a husband and a daughter and she looked to the future with hope, and she lived in the present with new found happiness.  "So you brought Riya here to stay with mom and dad and Shefali and now you're taking me where?" she asked, still confused at Arjun's secretiveness.  "Arohi, could you please just let me surprise you!" he said, sighing at her impatience.  "Fine!" she said pouting a little.  Arjun grabbed her hand and brought it up to his lips.  "I promise you'll like it." he said with a smile.  Arohi smiled back.  "You and me together anywhere and I'll love it." she said.  Arjun pulled her along getting them checked in and through customs.  "We're going to Las Vegas?" she asked questioningly as they walked to their gate.  "Yup!" Arjun said not volunteering more then that.  "You remember what we said last time we were in Vegas?" she asked.  "Yup, that we would never return." he said as they lined up to board the flight.  "Then?"  "Why are we going back?' she asked.  "Because we have some unfinished business there." he said matter of factly "And besides it's not like we got to see any of Vegas."  "Other then the inside of a club, and a little bit of the strip I don't remember much else." he said .  "Um, excuse me what about the Elvis Wedding Chapel we got married in???" she asked raising a brow.  "How could you forget that little stop...the one that kick started our journey!" she added.  "Hmm, yeah but there are so many Elvis chapels in Vegas I don't even know which one we would have gotten married at." he said, shrugging his shoulders.  Arohi frowned.  "Oh, I see." she said as they boarded their flight and Arohi threw herself into her first class seat.  It hurt a little that Arjun didn't remember much about there wedding or the chapel.  She was being silly, it wasn't like she remembered a lot herself."  "I've happy that we'll get to spend some time just you and me but do you think Riya will be okay?" she asked worriedly.  Arjun smiled as he brought her hand to his lips.  "Riya is going to get spoiled rotten between her daddu and nanu, we have nothing to worry about."  "Infact it might be hard to get her to leave!" he said with a laugh.  "Then maybe we shouldn't have her leave." Arohi said looking up at Arjun.  "Maybe instead of her leaving, we should join her there." Arohi replied.  Arjun stared at her.  "Are you saying we should move back to Mumbai?"  He'd been planning on having a conversation about where they should live, once they got back from Vegas, so was a bit surprised that Arohi had brought it up herself.  "What about the boutique?" he asked.  Arohi bit her lip.  "Maya is doing an amazing job managing it."  "I've been thinking that maybe it's time I open one in Mumbai?"  "Afterall that's where my original dream of starting my own business had started."  Arjun smiled.  "We still have your boutique."  "It's vacant and no one has been in it for years, but we still own the site." he said.  "But are you sure about this, Delhi has become home for you." he asked.  Arohi smiled.  "Home is where you and Riya are."  "And ever since we came and visited our families I've been thinking about how much I miss them, miss seeing them whenever I wanted."  "How much Riya is missing out on by not near people that love her so much."  "And now that I have contacts and an established business I don''t think it'll take me long to make my new Boutique a success."  "And if I wanted to continue to work with Zeenat it would work just as well from Mumbai as it would from Delhi." she added.  A big smile lit up Arjun's face.  "This is fantastic!" he said pulling her into his lap and kissing her soundly.  "Arjun!" Arohi squealed as they got looks from people around them.  "Let go!" she said trying not to laugh at the disapproving look an older woman "What?"  You're my wife?" he said, as she finally managed to wiggle back into her seat.  Arohi shook her head, a smile appearing on her face as she opened up a magazine to read.

"We're staying at the same hotel as last time!" Arohi said happily.  "Yes," Arjun replied as he opened the door to their suite."  "But not quite the same room." he said as they walked in.  "Oh my gosh!" Arohi squealed as she looked around the huge suite.  "This is the honeymoon suite." Arjun said pulling her into his arms and kissing her.  Arohi melted against him and when they finally pulled apart she asked "Haven't we already had a honeymoon?"  "We're going to have lots and lots of honeymoons babe!"  "Even when we're old and gray we will only be staying in honeymoon suites!"  Arohi burst out laughing. "At 80 I doubt we'll be doing any honeymooning!" she replied.   "Arohi, Arohi, you should know me better then that by now."  "I have a one track mind when it comes to "honeymooning."  "And that track hasn't changed in all these years you don't think something like age will keep me from getting what I want... do you?" he asked, pulling her against him again.   The bellboy knocking and bringing in their luggage, was the only thing that stopped Arjun from starting his honeymooning.  "So what should we do?' Arohi asked as she pulled a change of clothes out of her suitcase.  "Get ready, we're going out for dinner tonight."  "And then we'll see." he said with a slight smile.  Arohi gave him a quizzical look but then shrugging walked into the bathroom to get ready for the evening. 

Arjun took Arohi to a beautiful restaurant at the Venetian.  As they sat in the open courtyard it really felt like they were in Venice.  "I want us to go to Italy one day.'" she said wistfully.  Arjun squeezed her hand.  "We will, we're going to see the world together and I want Riya and our future children to experience as much of that as possible too."  Travel and learn about what the world has to offer."   Arohi smiled and the two of them fell into a comfortable conversation.  "You look beautiful." Arjun said as they finished up dinner.  Arohi blushed under his intense gaze.  He always had that effect on her.  "Thanks. she replied.  She'd worn an off the shoulder, midnight blue dress made from a soft lacy material.  It fell to just above her knees and fit her perfectly.  Her hair hung down her back in soft waves and her eyes and mouth had been done up to give a sultry sexy look.  "Would you like dessert?" Arjun asked.  Arohi shook her head no.  She wanted Arjun to take her back up to their room and make love to her.  That's all she wanted now.  "Let's go back up to our room." she said drawing little circles on his wrist.  Arjun's gaze grew warm.  "Not yet." he said in a soft husky voice.  "We have something else to do first." he said, pulling her up out of her chair.  Arohi smiled again questioningly as he guided her out of the hotel and on to the strip.  It looked the same but different, maybe because this time they weren't drunk!  Arohi gave a small laugh.  "What?' Arjun asked.  "Nothing, just thinking about the last time we were here."  Arjun pulled her into his arms as they stopped by the Belaggio water show.  "Remember the crazy drunk poses we did here. and remember you could hear music so we danced!" he said with a deep laugh.  Arohi smiled.  "I can't even believe that was the beginning of us...I mean the married us that is."  "God knows you've been driving me crazy since birth." she said with a roll of her eyes.  Arjun laughed and shook his head not bothering to argue.  "Whatever you say Mrs. Singhania."  As they kept walking he stopped.  "Wait do you hear that?" he asked.  Arohi listened.  "People, I hear people, cars and..." "No Arohi, do you hear the music?" he asked.  Arohi stared at him like he'd gone crazy and then slowly as she listened she could hear music.  Her eyes widened as Arjun pulled her to him and swung her around, there on the Las Vegas Strip sidewalk.  "Where is that coming from?" Arohi asked looking around.  Arjun shrugged, his eyes dancing with mischief.  "We danced here last time too." she said happily.  An older couple walked by them and smiled at the couple so obviously in love.  As the music came to an end, Arjun put his arm around Arohi.  I love you babe." he said.  Arohi pressed her head against his shoulder.  "I love you too."  As they continued to walk, Arjun suddenly stopped.  "Hey isn't that the Chapel."  "The Elvis Chapel?" he asked, pointed at a building.  Arohi stared at in shock.  "OMG it is Arjun!"  "Let's go have a look!" she said excitedly as she pulled a smiling Arjun towards the building.  "I can't believe we found it." she said walking into the tacky, over the top decorated building.  "This is where we first got married!" she said nostalgically.  "Feels like just yesterday a drunk you, was marrying a drunk me." she added a little sadly.  Someone saying "Well hello there!" had Arohi swinging around.  "OH my gosh it's the same Elvis!" she said excitedly to Arjun.  "It's Elvis who married us!" she added as Elvis came and shook their hands.  "So you're the couple that wants to renew your vows." he said.  Arohi stared at him in shock.  "No, you've been mistaken, it's not us we were just..." Arohi didn't finish as Arjun pressed his hand against her arm.  "We're the couple." he said, smiling into Arohi's face.  "And you've asked for the deluxe Elvis wedding package that includes..."  As Elvis spoke, Arohi stared teary eyed at Arjun.  "We don't completely remember our first wedding, so this is our chance to make sure we never forget it."  he said softly.  Arohi smiled and wiped away her tears.  "With the deluxe package I get my choice of which tacky veil to wear" she said happily. 

As they stood infront of Elvis, Arohi stared loving into Arjun's face.  In her hands she held a bouquet of fake flowers.  "Would you like to say your own vows." Elvis asked.  "Yes I would." Arjun said staring into Arohi's face.  "Arohi Singhania, you are the most amazing woman in the world, there is and never will be another like you, and I am so fortunate that it's me that gets to spend the rest of his life with you."  "You're strong, compassionate, intelligent, funny, and you have so much love to give."  You're beautiful inside and out and I see so much of you in our daughter which makes me so proud to know that she too will be a strong, loving confident woman."  "You were always the missing piece of the puzzle for me and now that you're back, everything is the way it should be."  "I promise to try my level best to keep you happy, fulfill your every wish and dream, be your partner and your friend as well as your lover and your confidant. "I look forward to a lifetime of happiness with you and our little family."  "I love you Arohi and always will."  Arohi paused trying to get her emotions under control.  Elvis quickly handed her a tissue and after a few moments Arohi was finally able to speak.  "If I'm amazing, then it's only because you make me amazing."  "I know that I can do anything as long as you are right by my side."  "I love you for so many reasons, their endless.  "Your support, your humor, your intelligence, your charisma, your ability to know exactly what I'm feeling, for understanding me."  "I love you for loving me with more intensity then I thought possible."  "I love you for giving me such a one of a kind, never dieing, passionate love story."  "I sometimes have to pinch myself to believe that I'm living this life with you."  I love you Arjun."  "Forever and even after that I will love..." Arohi said in a choked up voice as tears streamed down her face.  Arjun's own eyes glistened as he pulled her against him and gave her a kiss so sweet, so full of love it took her breath away.  Hearing Elvis clear his throat had Arjun and Arohi pulling away.  "Rings please" Elvis said.  Arohi stared at Arjun as he pulled out two rings.  One was a men's plain white gold band and the one that made Arohi gasp and look at Arjun, was a solitaire white gold 4 carat diamond ring."  "New beginnings call for new rings." he said with a smile as he slipped hers on her ring finger.  Arohi smiled lovingly as she did the same for him.  Reaching for her again, Elvis stopped Arjun.    "Not so fast!" he said.  "With the power invested in me I now pronounce you man and wife!"  "Now you may kiss the bride!" he said as Arjun grinned and pulled Arohi against him for a passionate kiss.  Before he pulled away he whispered wickedly in her ear "Now it's time for the wedding night!"  Arohi couldn't help the thrill of anticipation that ran through her.  But first they had their tacky wedding photos taken and as Arjun asked if she okay with having another Elvis wedding instead of something more elegant, Arohi shook her head.  "There is no where else in the world I would want to renew our vows."  "Our marriage has never been ordinary, why should our wedding have been."  she added as they posed for photos.  "I'll tell you what else won't be ordinary." he said nuzzling her ear.  "Our wedding night."  "We never got one, and tonight I plan on rectifying that siltation!" he said hoarsely, kissing her lips sweetly.  As they finished up in the chapel, Arjun ushered her out to a waiting town car.  "Back to the hotel or do you want to do something else first?" he asked hesitantly.  Arohi smiled.  "You've promised me a wedding night, I'm holding you to it Mr. Singhania!" she said with a giggle as he pulled her to him for another kiss.

Arjun carried Arohi into their suite closing the door behind him with a soft thud  Gently putting her down.  Suddenly all the laughter dieing in their throats as things suddenly shifted in the atmosphere in the room.  Arohi looked around and let out a little gasp.  The room was filled with candles and rose petals lay strewn over the bed.  The fireplace was lit giving off a soft glow and a bottle of champagne sat next to the bed.  "It's beautiful." she said breathlessly as she felt Arjun's arms wrap around her from behind.   "You're so beautiful Mrs. Singhania." he said in a soft husky voice.  "You make me feel beautiful." she said quietly feeling him pull her closer by the hips as he kissed the nape of her neck.  Arohi bit her lip, closing her eyes against the pleasure his one touch could bring.  Turning her around her pressed his lips against hers, his mouth possessing hers, making her press closer and closer as she lifted herself on to her toes.  Her arms winding around his neck.  Arjun moaned against Arohi's mouth.  His hands slowly moving to her back sending shivers up her spine as he unzipped her dress.  Arohi broke off the kiss staring into his eyes that were dark with desire.  "I'll be right back." she said with a soft smile as she backed away from him.  Arjun smiled softly watching her grab her bag and walk into the bathroom.  Moving to the fireplace he slowly started to unbutton his own shirt, pulling it out of his trousers.  His gaze shifting towards the bathroom door as it slowly opened.  And then his heart stopped.  Infront of him stood his siren wife wearing a long black silk and lace negligee.  Tiny straps held it over the shoulders where it deepened into a long v over the bodice.  The back completely bare. The skirt had slits on both sides exposing  the entire length of her legs.  As she approached he soft glow of the fireplace, Arjun continued to stare at her transfixed.  The firelight shining through the transparent black silk of her negligee, leaving very little to the imagination.  He continued to stand there like a statue until she stood right infront of him.  His name spilling breathlessly from her lips.  "Arjun.."  His eyes suddenly flashed as he pulled her against him.  "You're so damned beautiful!" he said stopping and then swallowing as if it was difficult for him to speak.   His finger trailed slowly down her cheek and over her soft plump lips.  Arohi felt a tremor run through her from his soft caress.  Slowly his lips moving to hers, for a hot greedy kiss.  Arohi opened her mouth against his,  kissing him back just as intensely.  His hands slid over the soft silk of her negligee molding  it against her body making Arohi whimper.  "I love you." she said breathlessly as he kissed her neck and then planted little kisses all the way down to her shoulder slowly pushing down the tiny straps there.  "I love you so much Arohi." he said back, looking deeply into her eyes.  "Let me show you how much." he said hoarsely as he kissed her passionately.  Arohi groaned.  Her need for him growing every second.  Placing her hands on his  shoulders, she slipped his open shirt off, letting it fall to the ground.  Moving her lips to his throat she planted little kisses against the column of his throat making him groan with pleasure.  Bringing her mouth back to his, he kissed her sweetly, deepening the kiss until she tugged at his belt wanting to be as close to him as possible.  Arjun's hands moved from skimming over her body to the tiny straps holding up the negligee. Slowly pulling down the whisper of silk that covered her body.  His mouth trailing down her body, kissing and touching until Arohi was whimpering.  Her hands roughly pulling at his trousers until they too were on the ground.  His hot gaze raked over her making her heart pound.  Picking her up he placed her gently on the bed. Following her down he kissed her and loved her until she couldn't take it anymore and then finally he gave her what she'd been waiting for.  Their love making was so beautiful, every caress, every loving word, every sigh, every look making it even more powerful, even more intense, even more perfect.  Tears filled Arohi's eyes as Arjun whispered "I love you" against her lips.  And this time she was ready to say it back.  "I love you too Arjun, I love you too."

3 months later

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Riya, Happy Birthday to you."  "I'm four!" Riya squealed as she blew out her candles and her parents laughed from beside her.  "Yes you are!" Arohi said as she kissed her precious baby.  "When is  my gift coming?" Riya whispered loudly in her mom's ear.  "Soon." Arohi said with a mischievous smile earning a questioning look from Arjun.  "Happy Birthday Sweetheart!" Neha di said, hugging Riya close to her.  Arohi looked around at their family and friends all present to celebrate Riya's 4th birthday.  Her eyes landing on her husband who was helping Riya put on her b-day hat.  Life had sure changed in a year.  Everything was different and the overwhelming happiness she felt sometimes, brought tears to her eyes.  Making eye contact with DJ,  Arohi walked over and put her arm around her.  DJ had come to Mumbai especially for Riya's birthday.  "You feeling okay?'  Arohi asked.  "I don't want you to over do it." she said.  DJ shushed her.  "I'm fine!"  "Don't worry about me, I still have a few years left in me."  "I still have to see another great grandchild from you and see Amar settle down himself." she said.  Arohi smiled as Amar came and stood next to her and DJ.  "Is DJ talking about my marriage again?" he asked.  "Ofcourse, "Arohi replied.  She was happy that things were some what normal between her and Amar again.  She'd given him some time and space and then contacted him.  He wasn't completely over her but she had high hopes that he would find someone who could make him a lot happier then she ever could."  "Did Amar tell you I set him up on a date?" DJ asked with a smirk making Arohi turn astonished eyes on Amar.  "What?"  "When and with whom?" she asked a red face Amar.  "Don't start planning a wedding yet!" he said shaking his head.  "We've just been out twice."  he replied.  "And???" Arohi questioned.  "And...she's nice, she'd DJ's Rehabilitation therapist, she's helping her to get the use of her left arm and hand back." he explained.  "And she's so pretty, and such a sweetheart." DJ added.  Amar rolled his eyes and smiled sheepishly.  "As I've said we're just getting to know each other."  "We'll see if it goes further."  Arohi nodded happily.  She prayed that this girl could be the one to make Amar happy.  Excusing herself she wandered over to the parents,  the dad's deep in conversation about something.  The moms laughing and sipping their tea.  A smile made it's way to Arohi's face as she saw this happy scene.  It was so good to see their families together again.  "I am getting so fat!" Neha said as she stuffed a piece of cake into her mouth.  Arohi smiled putting her arm around her pregnant sister.  "You're beautiful and you know it!" she said.  "And...and I love you, for everything you've done for me and for trying to show me the way when I was lost." Arohi said.  Neha smiled.  "I'm your big sister, it's my job to try to protect you, even if it's from yourself." she said with a giggle as Arohi frowned and tickled her.  "I'll let that go cause you're carrying my niece or nephew!" Arohi said, catching Arjun's eye from across the room.  A smile lifting to his lips as he listened to whatever Arvind was saying.  Arohi smiled back feeling the familiar fluttering of butterflies in her stomach.  Some things never change she thought to herself.

Later on that night, Arohi walked into their bedroom only to have Arjun pull her into his arms.  "I haven't had a second alone with you today." he said kissing her neck.  "I love being back home but atleast in Delhi we had some alone time!" he said with a boyish pout making Arohi laugh.  Pulling away she said  "Arjun, too late,, you've done something that will guarantee we won't be having any alone time for a long time!"  Arjun stared back at her, his brows raised.  "What have I done now?" he asked, trying to pull her back into his arms.  "I'm sure whatever it is I can fix it in bed!" he growled as he started to kiss her neck again.  Pulling away she stared at him, and then holding his hands she said "Arjun, this isn't something that needs to be fixed." Moving his hands to her flat stomach she continued "This is something that's already perfect because we made him or her with love."  Arjun stared at his hand on her stomach and then his wide eyed gaze quickly shifted up to her tear filled eyes.  "Is this what I think it is?" he asked slowly.  Arohi nodded and smiled tearfully at the same time.  Arjun gave a burst of laughter as he pulled Arohi into his arms.  "Oh my god!"  "We're having a baby!" he said laughing as he twirled her around the room making her laugh.  "Placing her back gently down on the ground,he captured her face in his hands.  His eyes now wet with his own tears.  Pressing a soft loving kiss on her lips he whispered.  "You've made me the happiest man in the world." Pulling her to him he held her gently still in awe over the news Arohi had given him.  Arohi smiled in his arms.  Their family was growing and nothing could be better then that.

"It's a boy!" Arohi and Arjun heard the doctor yell as they heard the loud cry of a baby.  Tears fell down their faces as their little boy was placed in Arohi's arms.  With a proud Arjun staring down at his little face.  "He's so perfect." Arjun said in awe as he touched his little fingers.  Arohi couldn't stop crying.  Their precious child was here."  "They were parents again and Riya had her long awaited birthday gift.  "Hi sweetheart." she whispered gazing down at his little face.  "We're your mommy and daddy." she said.  The baby let out a loud cry as if to say "I know, now feed me already."  Arjun and Arohi both laughed.  "He's just like you!" they both said in unison to each other.  Later on as the room was filled to capacity, Arohi looked around.  Her parents, Shefali and Arjun's parents fawning over the baby.  Riya securely in her daddu's arms as she too looked down at her little brother.  "I wanted a sister." Arohi could hear her saying to everyone around her.  DJ stood with Neha di who held her own little girl in her arms.  "Richa you have a baby brother to play with now." Arohi could hear DJ saying.  Amar and his wife Alka stood hand in hand as they talked to Arvind jiju and Rashi and her husband Rishi.   That only made the smile on Arohi's face bigger.  She was so happy that Amar had found real love.  "What's put such a big smile on my beautiful wife's face?" Arjun asked from beside her as he leaned in and kissed her forehead.  "Our children, our love,  our family and our life." she said softly as she squeezed his hand.  "I'm so happy." she added tearfully.  Arjun slipped his arms around her and looked around the room.  A smile brightening his face.  "Those are all reasons to smile." he said.  "But for me the biggest reason to smile is you."  "You are the reason for all this." he said softly looking down into her face with so much love.  Happy tears shone in her eyes.  Slowly everyone started to take their leave, until only Arjun, Riya, their little boy Rehaan and Arohi were left.  Rehaan asleep in Arjun's arms and Riya asleep next to Arohi on her hospital bed.  Arohi moved over so that Arjun could settle on to the bed beside them.  Handing Arohi the baby he slipped an arm around Arohi. Contentment shone in his eyes as he stared at his children and then at his wife.  "Perfect, you three are as perfect as it gets." he said softly as he kissed her upturned lips.  The four of them cuddling together on the too small bed is a memory that would forever be imprinted on Arjun's brain.   The saying "Happily ever after" came to mind from one of the endings of Riya's fairy tale books.  The only difference was their story wasn't ending...it was just beginning.  Just beginning...


Hope you all enjoyed it!!

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