Chapter 28

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Tilting her chin up he looked down at her. "Arohi, I want you so badly." "Let me make love to you." he said softly. Without waiting for an answer, his lips pressed against her, leaving Arohi unable to think about anything but his passionate kisses and about how good it felt to be held by him again.

Arohi melted into Arjun's arms as he continued to kiss her, his hands moving slowly up and down her arms, sending shivers down her spine. As he pulled away from her and slowly kissed the hollow of her neck, Arohi bit back a moan. "You're still so sweet" he whispered as he bit down gently on her ear lobe. "And still so damn sexy." he continued as his lips came back to hers. And suddenly Arohi was pulling herself on her tip toes as she pressed into him and deepened the kiss. She heard him moan against her lips. Her hands playing with the tiny hairs at the nape of his neck as she pulled him closer and closer. His own hands moving to her hips to holder her closer and tighter. The kiss seemed to continue forever, both of them so lost in each other that at first they didn't hear the first cry. But as Arohi heard the second cry she quickly pulled away. Her eyes widening in horror as she quickly turned around and practically ran to Riya's room. Arjun stared after her, his breathing labored.

"Is she okay?" he asked from Riya's doorway a short while later as Arohi stood cradling a sleeping Riya in her arms. Arohi nodded and gently laid Riya back into her bed. Tucking her in and gently pressing a soft kiss against her forehead. Walking out of the room she was careful not to touch Arjun as she passed him. Arjun watched her slip out and he gently shut Riya's door halfway, then followed Arohi back into her living room. "We shouldn't have done that." Arohi said quietly as she turned to face him, making sure to keep a distance between them. Arjun didn't respond, just continued to stare at her, waiting for her to continue. "I mean things are already confusing enough between us, making love would just screw things up more." she said as she looked away from him, not making eye contact. "And now that you're planning on telling Riya that you're her father I don't want things to be confusing for her." "She needs to know that the relationship is between her and you...not me and you." Arohi said softly. Arjun folded his arms across his chest and stared at her with one eyebrow raised. Arohi watched him hesitantly. "I think that kiss was just a product of the anxiety and panic we went through today." "We were just trying to find solace in each other's arms after such a trying day." she continued. Arjun's narrowed eyes shrewdly stared back at her. "And..." she began. "Enough" he said quietly, but firmly. "I'm heard enough of your excuses." "Now let me tell you what your real reason for not giving into what was happening between us...what IS happening between us." "You're scared." "You're scared at how much you want me." "You're scared that everything between us is still as hot as ever, nothings changed." "Physically we're still drawn to each other like a moth to a flame." "You want me just as much as I want you." "And you know this is something we've never been able to control." "Almost 4 years later and I can still feel your imprint on my body." "You can still make me burn for you." "I'm man enough to admit that even after everything that's gone wrong with us, even after all our problems one thing that hasn't changed is how much I desire you." "How just the thought of you makes me want you." "And don't tell me you don't feel the same way because you and I both know you'd be lieing."

Arohi stared back at him. There was no use in denying that fact. She did want him. He was the first and only man to have touched her intimately, the only man that made her feel alive. His touch to this day could still make her tremble. His kisses from a little while ago had proved that all to well. But he was also the one man that had the ability to hurt her the most. The one man that could tear out her heart, if she wasn't careful. She wasn't that same Arohi she told herself. That Arohi that gave into temptation so quickly. And Arjun Singhania was temptation with a capital T. If Riya hadn't called out for her, Arohi knew she would be in her bed right now, if they made it that far, making love to Arjun. And as amazing as that would be, after it was all said and done she would have regretted it. She would have regretted it because not only were they wrong for each other, but he was with Seema. And she knew that seeing him with Seema was killing her now...if she actually let him make love to her she would never be able to separate making love from sleeping together. And so as much as she wanted him, as much as she needed him...she couldn't do that to herself again. She just couldn't.

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