Chapter 18

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"Sonam, have a safe flight home and make sure you call us when you get there"  Arohi said hugging Sonam.  Neha laughed as she stood next to her "That sounded almost responsible Arohi."  Arohi turned around and glared at her sister and Arjun who hid a smile.  Turning back to Sonan she said "Ignore them"  "They can be so immature sometimes."  Sonam nodded and watched as Arjun jiju rolled his eyes and shook his head and Neha di and Arvind jiju just laughed.  No one ever took Arohi di seriously, Sonam thought to herself.  "Anyways call me and let me know what you think of your new school and if there are any cute boys in your classes."  "And make sure you study too." Arjun cut in giving Arohi a look for making the cute boys comment.  "BORING" Arohi mouthed to Sonam.  "Thanks for everything di."Sonam said with tears in her eyes.  It had been three weeks since their last and final talk about Rahul.   She seemed to be doing well and was ready to go home and start her life again.  "Be happy." Arohi said smiling.  "Everything else will fall into place."  Just like it did for us she thought as she glanced back at Arjun who was chatting with her sister and jiju. A round of hugs and goodbyes later, Sonam was gone.  As they turned to walk back to their vehicles, Neha pulled Arohi back, letting the guys walk in front.  "It happened didn't it?" Neha asked.  "What happened?" Arohi asked with a confused look on her face.  "The hot wild love making I predicted was coming your way!"  "DI!!!!" Arohi snapped her face turning bright red.  "Will you please shut up!"  Arohi said looking around as they walked through the crowded airport.  "I knew it!"  "I predicted it!"  "That's wonderful, would you like a prize now!" Arohi asked sarcastically.   "My prize is that my sister is happy and in love, what more could a older sister ask for."  Arohi rolled her eyes and laughed.  "You missed your calling di, you should have been an actress!"  "Whatever, so how has it been?" Neha asked.  "Great."  "Things have been really great between Arjun and I and..."  "I don't care how things have been, how was IT?"  Arohi stared at her sister.  "What is wrong with you?"  "You're a married woman yourself, you know how IT is?!"  "Yes, I know."  "But it was your first time."  "So how was it?"  They were way past their first time now,  Arohi thought blushing.  Ever since the first time they made love 3 weeks ago Arjun had been insatiable.  Not that she was complaining by any means.  He wanted her all the time.  "Making up for lost time" is what he liked to call it when he woke her up in the middle of the night to make love."  "Or practice makes perfect, when he joined her in the shower not noticing even when the water turned cold.  "Arohi!" Neha called waving her hand infront of Arohi's face.  "Sorry, yes the first time was amazing" she said remembering back.  And it had been, pretty damn amazing.  "Yeah the first time is pretty amazing" Neha said thinking back.  Arohi looked at her crazy romantic sister.  "DI!"  "Are we still coming over for dinner?"  Arohi asked changing the subject.  "Yes" Neha said snapping back to the present.  Come around 6:30."  Arohi nodded as they reached their cars.  "We'll see you two tonight." Arjun said holding Arohi's car door open for her. 

"It was sad to see Sonam leave."  "She's become a part of our lives now, it'll be weird not to have her around." Arohi said looking at Arjun.  "Yes, but her school is important."  "High school will determine which University she will go to."  And she has lost time to make up for too."  "She said she'll visit next winter so that'll be nice. " Arjun said. "You're right!"  "But must you be so stuffy when it comes to school and studying and getting into the right University." she asked.  "Yes, because it's important." Arjun replied.  Arohi sighed.  "I love you even though you're stuffy."  Arjun smiled at her "I love you even though your flaky."  Arohi's mouth dropped open in shock.  "Flaky. I'lll show you flakey!" she said hitting him.  Arjun laughed and pulled her to him.  "And I'll show you how a stuffy guy kisses." Arjun said capturing her lips for a hot sizzling kiss.  "Hmm." Arohi said when they pulled away.  "I think from now on I only want kisses from stuffy guy." she said breathlessly.   Arjun laughed.  "Let's go home and we'll see whatelse Stuffy guy is good at."  Arohi smiled and then frowned.  "We can't go home because we need to stop at Mrs. Aujla's house she wanted me to put together an outfit for her for a party tonight. " "Again!" Arjun asked.  "Mr. Aujla is a multi millionaire and he can't hire his wife a stylist" Arjun asked.  "I'm better then some stylist!" Arohi snapped.  "And besides Mrs. Aujla trusts my judgment."  "Apparently tonights party is considered to be quite the posh event."  "I know, we were invited too." Arjun said pulling out onto the road.  "We were!" Arohi asked.  "Well why aren't we going?"  "Because Neha and Arvind had already asked us for dinner." he answered.  Arohi smiled at him and taking his hand she brought it to her lips.  "You didn't go to some big business party because di and jiju invited us over for a bbq." Arohi asked.  "Yeah, believe me that'll be 100 times more fun then one of those stuffy parties.  "I love you." Arohi said sudenly reaching over and kissing his cheek.  "Are you sure we have to go to Mrs. Aujla's right now." Maybe we could just make a little stop at home freshen up." he said smiling.  "I don't think so!" she replied laughing at his crestfallen expression.  As they arrived at the Aujla's, Arjun turned towards Arohi.  "Promise me we're not staying longer then 20 minutes, Arohi."  "Mr. Aujla might be a great client but as a person he's a total show off."  "I don't want to spend any more time with him then I have to."  Arohi nodded and got out of the car heading to their door.

Arohi, you have incredible fashion sense." Mrs. Aujla gushed looking at herself in the mirror.  Arohi smiled "I knew this dress would look good on you." Arohi replied.  "Seriously you should do something with your talent."  "You have a knack for choosing the perfect pieces."  "You should open a boutique."  "I would shop there." Mrs. Aujla said excitedly.  "Thanks, but I don't know the first thing about running a boutique."  Arohi replied.  "What's there to know!"  "You rent a space, contact some designers, get your husband to finance the venture."  "Marketing shouldn't be a problem."  "I myself know so many people, you'll have tonnes of contacts just through me." Ms. Aujla replied still admiring herself in the mirror.  Arohi listened, and the more Mrs. Aujla spoke, the more excited Arohi grew.  She could totally own her own boutique.  As Mrs. Aujla and Arohi walked back downstairs to their waiting husbands, Arohi was bubbling over with excitement.  She couldn't wait to tell Arjun.  Seeing Arohi, Arjun practically jumped up.  Thank god, he thought.   If he heard one more time about how much money Mr. Aujla made in which stock he didn't know what he was going to do!  "Ready?" he asked Arohi.  "How do I look Arjun?"  Mrs. Aujla asked.  "Stunning" Arjun said smiling.  "Well it's all because of your talented wife."  "I was just telling her she should open up her own boutique."  Arohi grabbed Arjun's hand.  "That would be so cool huh?" She said excitedly.  "Yeah cool." Arjun replied starting to pull her towards the door.  "Okay, well we've gotta get going."  "You two enjoy your party and Mr. Aujla I'll see you on Tuesday for our meeting."  "Arohi, let me know if you need an investor for your venture, I might be able to help you."  Mr. Aujla said just as the two had made it to the door.  "Thank you so much but I'm sure Arjun will help me with the finances." Arohi said smiling and squeezing Arjun's hand.  Arjun remained quiet.  Saying goodbye they walked back to the car.  Once in the car, Arohi started talking.  "We could rent a space maybe on Mavery drive where all the posh boutiques are and I would need to make contact with some fresh new designers because I want my boutique to be completely different from the rest." "I would carry only the most exclusive quality fashion."  "I could..."  "Arohi you can't be serious about opening your own boutique." Arjun interrupted.  "What do you know about running a boutique?"  "Which designers do you know?"  "Do you even know how much time and money goes into starting a new business."  "You'll be doing 18 hour days for who knows how many years!"  "Have you thought about that at all?" he asked.  "I'll hire people to help me." "Hire people!"  "Arohi you still need to be heavily involved."  "And with the way the economy is going the last thing Mumbai needs is another boutique!"  Arohi stared at Arjun.  "You don't think I could do it."  That's the problem." she said.  "When you said you believed I could do anything I wanted, that was just lies."  "Arohi, I wasn't lieing!'  "I do think you can do anything you put your mind to."   "But start off with a reasonable expectation. "  "Fine you want to own a boutique, well work up to it."  "Make contacts."  "Became a stylist or a personal shopper, work for a desginer. or in a clothing boutique"  "Learn the business before you throw yourself into it without any background. "  "I know the business!"  "I've been shopping almost as long as I've been walking!'  "You know how much I love fashion!"  "I would be good at this."  Arohi said determinedly.  "Arohi, you would never have even thought about starting such a venture if Mrs. Ahuja hadn't mentioned it.  "And it's not as easy as she made it sound either.  "There is a lot of blood, sweat and tears involved in starting your own business. "  Arjun said as they pulled into their driveway.  "And you don't think I have what it takes!" Arohi said getting out of the car and slamming the door.  "I never said that!" Arjun replied as he got out of the car himself.  "You didn't need to." she yelled as she rushed inside and up the stairs.  Taking a deep breath Arjun followed her inside.  He sat outside on the patio with his dad for the rest of the afternoon until it was time to get ready for Aria's place.  Arohi stayed in Rashi's room letting herself be distracted from her anger towards Arjun.  She hadn't expected him to react the way he had. 

She walked into their room and stopped as Arjun pulled on a light pink v-necked Abercrombie t-shirt over his dark blue jeans. He was so gorgeous she thought.  She might be upset with him right now but that didn't mean she couldn't appreciate how damn good looking he was.." "Hi." he said as she walked past him.  "Hi" she answered not looking at him.  He took a step and caught her pulling her towards him until her back hit his chest.  "Don't be mad." he said softly, kissing her neck.  "I'm not mad!" she snapped.  Arjun turned her around and pulled her closer, placing her hands behind his neck.  "Oh really!" he said.  "You look mad." Arohi didn't respond.  "Baby, I just don't want you to be disappointed if this doesn't work out." he said looking into her eyes.  "So you already think I'm going to fail" she said starting to pull away.  "No, I don't"  "I just think it's a huge venture, why don't you slow down and really think about it."  "I have only felt this passionately about 2 things...You and this boutique!"  "I feel like I can do this." Arohi said looking at him.  Arjun paused and then finally smiling he said "Monday morning come by my office and we'll start work on a business plan."  "Then you can decide from there."  "Really!" Arohi said jumping up and down and hugging Arjun tight.  Arjun laughed at her silly antics..  "I love you" "I love you!" she said kissing him quickly on the lips and pulling away.  "Hey, my time is really valuable I think in payment I'm going to need more then a peck on the lips." he said pulling her fully against him.  Arohi smiled slowly.  "But Mr. Singhania. I'm just starting a business.'  "I won't have any money to pay you with."  Arohi replied.  "I think we can figure out a payment plan." Arjun said huskily as he leaned down and kissed her.

"You two are late!' Neha snapped.  Arjun and Arohi looked at eachother hiding their smiles.  Kissing had led to touching and touching had led to the bed.  "Sorry di, um something came up."  Arohi replied sheepishly.  "I'm sure it did!"  Neha said staring at the two of them.  "What can I do to help?" Arohi asked feeling her cheeks burning up.  "Why don't you wash the salad, and don't worry there's no strawberries this time." she said directing a smile at Arohi and Arjun.  Arjun raised his brows, leaning over and kissing Arohi's cheek before he went out to the patio to join Arvind.  "You two are so cute." Neha said.  Arohi smiled.  "Like you and jiju are?" "Yes, like me and your jiju.' "We got lucky, we have wonderful husbands who love and care for us very much." Neha said smiling as she cut vegetables.  "Yes, we did." Arohi thought to herself as she pictured Arjun's smiling face.  She loved him so much. 

Neha and Arvind walked outside with the side dishes  'Just in time" Arvind said smiling at his wife.  "Dinner is ready."  "As they sat down for dinner Arohi and Neha chatted non stop about everything under the sun.  Leaving their husbands to give eachother amused looks.  "So you're leaving for your honeymoon next weekend?" Neha asked.  "Yes just like you planned, London first and then Paris!"  "We can't wait." she said smiling at Arjun.  Arjun smiled back.  "Well all I have to say is hallelujah!" Neha said shaking her head and smiling.  "We've changed the dates on those tickets about 5 times."  "You two always had an excuse before."   "I'm happy to see things have changed for the better between you two."  Arohi stared into Arjun's eyes.  Things weren't just better between them, things were amazing!  "Arohi!" Neha said pulling Arohi's gaze away from Arjun's.  "You two want to be alone?" Arvind asked laughing  "NO!" Arohi replied.  "YES!" Arjun replied.  Laughter erupted around the table.  As dinner progressed,  Arohi filled her sister in on the boutique.  "Di, when Mrs. Aujla suggested I own my own boutique" "It was like a light bulb went off in my head."   "Ofcourse, that would be my dream job!"  "Best part would be I would be my own boss."  "Your own boutique?" Neha asked slowly.  "That's a lot of work and money."  "And the survival rate of a venture like that is very slim."  'Arohi glared at her sister.  "Wow, thanks for the support di." "My loved ones have been amazingly supportive today." she said frowning as she looked first at Arjun and then Neha.  "Arohi, she's just being honest."  "When you start something like this ,you need to go into with your eyes wide open. "  "Knowledge is power."  Don't you want us to be truthful with you?" he asked.  Arohi didn't respond.  "Fine, I'm sorry." Neha finally said ending the silence.  "I shouldn't have jumped all over your idea like that."  "You love fashion. you might succeed at this.  "Just blame my irritability on my hormones."  "They're so up and down with the pregnancy."  Arohi nodded and then gasped as Neha's words registered in her mind.  Her cutlery fell onto her plate as she screamed 'What?!" "You're pregnant!'  Neha and Arvind both smiled.  "Yes, you're going to be a masi in about 6 months." Arohi jumped out her seat and ran around to the table to Neha's seat.  "Oh my god I'm going to be a masi!' she said suddenly in awe as she hugged her sister.  "Oh my gosh, You have a little baby inside of you." Arohi said softly. "How are you feeling?"  "How's the baby."  "Who else knows?"" "Why did you wait so long to tell me?" were the questions that were coming out rapidly from Arohi's mouth.  Arjun walked over to the new parents, giving Neha and Arvind both hugs.  "This is wonderful news."  "Congratulations you two." Arjun said.  Arohi hugged her jiju next.  "I'm so happy!" she said.  Then turning back to her sister's flat tummy she said "Hi baby." "I'm your Arohi masi."  "We're going to have so much fun when you get here."  "You will be the best dressed baby in all of Mumbai."  "We're going to go shopping, and out for dinners and for movies, we're going to be best friends."  "I'll be your cool masi." Arohi said.  Neha shook her head at her little sister having a full conversation with the little baby.  The rest of the evening was spent laughing and  talking about the newest addition to the family.

Arohi stood infornt of the mirror, a pillow tucked under her tank top. "Hmm. she said to herself as she looked at her reflection from different angles.  Arjun walked out of the bathroom and stopped, his brows raised.  "What are you doing?" he asked.  "Do you have something to tell me?" he asked in a panic.  "I'm just seeing what I would lookl like pregnant." Arohi answered, still examining herself.  "Why?!" he asked.  "Just because. " she replied.  Seeing his confused look she said.  "I'm not pregnant and neither do I want to be anytime soon. but I was just curious."  Arjun let out the breath he had been holding.  "Okay, good!" "I mean I want kids but I think we should wait a while to have them."  "I want you all to myself for a while longer." he said pulling her against him.  This is how it'll be when we hug." she said as he strained to hug her.  "Aroh!" "Can you please remove the pillow and let me hold you properly!"  "Fine," she said pulling out the pillow and throwing it on the bed.  "Anything else?" she asked with her hands on her hips.  "Yes,...take off your tank top too." he replied.  "No!" Arohi said walking away from him.  "No??"  "Why not!" he asked.  "Because you've already gotten your payment today." she answered hiding a smile.  "You've gotten your payment and I have yet to see your work." she answered with a teasing smile.  "Oh, it that how it's going to be?"  "Arjun asked with a raise of his one eyebrow and a cocky smile.  "You want to make sure I've earned this afternoon's payment."  "Alright,. I'm a business man I can see where you're coming from."  "You want me to work, I'm willing to do just that." he said catching her around the waist and slowly moving his hands down to her hips.  Arohi bit her lip as Arjjun's hands slipped to the bottom of her tank, slowly pulling it up inch by inch.  "I don't want my client to complain, so please let me know if the service is not satisfactory." he said as he kissed her neck. Last thing I would want is a unhappy customer."  he said hoarsely.  "I'll rate your service once I see results." she said with a gasp as he bit the side of her neck.  "No problem" he replied as he peeling her tank top off of her.  "With a product like this to work with service has to be exemplary" he said as his gaze raked over her body.  His hands fell to the drawstring of her cotton shorts.  Arohi's sudden intake of breath as she felt his knuckles against her bare stomach, made Arjun smile.  He slowly pulled down her shorts.  Kissing her shoulder he said. "I don't think I'll ever get enough of you."  Arohi whimpered as his kisses followed the route his hands took of her body.  She tugged at his shirt and he let her pull it off him.  His lips moved slowly and sensually over hers until she was pulling him to the bed and pushing him down.  Their love making was slow and tender bringing Arohi to tears.  "I love you" she had whispered against his mouth.  "I love you too" he said kissing her tears away. 

"Come in." Arjun said hearing a knock at his office door.  Seeing Arohi walk in he smiled.  She looked beautiful as usual, her happy smile making her even more breath taking.  "Hi hubby "she said walking around his desk and seating herself in his lap with her hands at the nape of his neck. Arjun gave her an amused smile.  "How's your day?" she asked "Perfect now that you're here." he said nuzzling her neck.  Arohi smiled "Very good answer."  "Is that what you say to all your female clients."  "No, only to the hot ones that end up on my lap."  Arohi gasped and pulled back hitting his arm.  "What?!"  "You asked!" he said laughing.  "Hmm!" Arohi answered getting up from his lap.  "So are you ready to get started?" Arjun asked. Glancing at the time, he said. "We have an hour before my next meeting."  "I've already had my accountant to pull some stats and punch in some very rough numbers. "  "My business manager put together a very rough draft, business plan."  "Something for us to work with for now."  Siting down at his table with Arohi beside him, he asked "What are your demographics?"  "Um, I haven't really thought about it."  "Everyone." "That's way too broad Arohi."  "Well, I want to cater to older and young adult women."  "Maybe even children at some stage of the game."  "So only females?" he asked.  "Well, no, I guess I could carry clothing for men too." "Okay let me think about this some more." Arohi replied.  Arjun nodded jotting some things down quickly.  After that everything was a blur to Arohi.  As he asked question after question, wrote more notes and pulled out book after book of information for starting your own business.  Glancing at his watch he stood up kissing the top of Arohi's head.  "I think that was a good start." he said walking to his desk.  "Huh?"  was Arohi's bewildered response.  She felt completely and utterly overwhelmed.  "Okay, why don't you take all this information home and go through it this week.  Compile whatever information you can, and just ask me if you need help with anything."  "Then when we get back from our honeymoon in a couple of weeks we will have a more concrete idea of the business plan.  Arohi nodded still feeling dumbstruck  "Don't look so scared."  "I'll help you every step of the way." he said squeezing her shoulders. "But now I've got another meeting."  With a kiss to her forehead he was gone.   Arohi stared at the documents infront of her and then sighing she got up, stumbling  as she picked them up.  The blood, sweat and tears were about to start.

Arjun  read through his text messages as he waited in line at Roy's for a coffee.  Smiling as he saw a message from Arohi.  "I need a hug, please come home so you can give me one." it read.  She's been surprisingly working really hard on the business plan.  And he was proud of the initiative she had been showing.  Maybe he'd been wrong and she could do this, he thought as he glanced up and made eye contact with Abhi.  "What the hell" he thought shrugging as he walked over.  "Abhi can I speak to you for a few minutes." Arjun asked.  Abhi stared at him.  "I'm meeting a potential client,  so make it quick."  Abhi replied.  Arjun sat down.  "It's been months since everything happened."  "Can't we move past it now?"  "We've been friends for years."  "I know we'll never be friends like we had been, but atleast we can be civil."  "I'm really sorry man." Arjun said sincerely.  "What would you do in my place?" Abhi asked after a pause.  "i would be upset but I don't think I would throw away a friendship over a girl who never had feelings for me."  "Bullsh*t!" Abhi snapped.  Arjun sighed.  "Alright then."  "I wish you best of luck with everything."  Arjun said standing up.  "You're in love with her aren't you?" Abhi asked.  "Yes, I am." Arjun answered without hesitation.  "And she feels the same way about me." Arjun said quietly.  "You better keep her happy!" Abhi finally said.  Arjun smiled.  "I will"  "I'd do anything for her."  "Take care and I wish you the best man."  And with that Arjun walked away.

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