Chapter 13

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Arjun pulled her on to his lap, never once releasing her from the intoxicating mind numbing kiss.  That's how Neha and Arvind found the couple a short time later.  Neha gasped at the sight in front of her.  Arohi and Arjun kissing.  "OH MY GOD!" Arvind said  next to her.  Arohi and Arjun continued to kiss.  No kiss wasn't an accurate word for what they were doing.  More like devour.  They were devouring eachother.  Arvind looked at Neha's open mouth and wide eyes and cleared his throat.  Nothing.  The kissing couple was still at it.  He tried again...this time louder. 

Arjun slowly opened his eyes.  "Really guys?!" he thought to himself.  "Was this really the time to interrupt them?!"  He slowly forced himself to pull away from Arohi.  Arohi looked completely dazed as she stared back at him.  "We have company." Arjun whispered against her forehead.  Arohi nodded and then her eyes grew wide, when she realized what he had just saaid.  She pulled herself a way so fast that she tumbled to the ground.  "Ow!" she said wincing.  Arjun got up from the bench, giving her his hand.  She quickly pushed his hand away and scrambled up, forcing herself to look at Neha and Arvind.  Her face turning red as she looked at the shocked look on her di's face.  Arvind jiju giving them a big smile.  "What?"  Neha stuttered..."How"..."When"  she asked shaking her head as if she just couldn't comprehend what was happening.  "It's not what it looks like."  Arohi muttered.  Arjun looked at her and tried not to smile.  Not what it looks like he thought, it was exactly what it looked like.  A few more minutes and Neha and Arvind would have walked in on a whole different scenario.  One where the two of them were ripping off eachothers' clothes. 

"I'm going to bed" Arohi said practically running from the garden.  Arjun looked at Arvind and Neha, shrugging he too walked away.  Neha turned to her husband.  "Those two hate eachother?"  she asked.  "Apparently" he said dryly.  "If those two hate eachother then I'm Mother Theresa."  Arvind laughed and put his arm around his wife.

Arohi's face was on fire.  She would never live down this embarrassment.  Of all people to find her, her jiju and her di.  Di, alone  was bad enough but, Jiju!  How would she ever look him in the eye again.  Especially after the way her and Arjun had been kissing.  Thinking of the kiss only made her blush more.  It had been the most intimate, amazing, and hot kiss ever.  She could still feel Arjun's lips on hers, she thought as she brought her fingertips up to her lips touching them softly.  Arjun walked into Arohi's bedroom and stopped.  She had her fingertips to her lips and she was staring off into space.  He smiled because he knew exactly what she was thinking.  Arjun cleared his throat behind her.  Arohi jumped.  Swinging around she looked at him and then looked away.  Picking up her pajamas she walked into the bathroom. 

Arohi walked out of the bathroom and ignored Arjun, only turning around when she heard the bathroom door close.  Taking a deep breath she leaned against her closet.  "He has no effect on me."  "He has no effect on me." she lied to herself over and over again.  Hearing the door open a short while later she quickly straightened herself away from the closet and glanced at Arjun.  "What the hell are you wearing?" she squeaked.  "What?" Arjun said looking down at himself.  "Where are your clothes?" she managed to get out.    Arjun stood infront of her in nothing but a pair of boxers.   "What did you think,  that I was going to sleep in my jeans and button up shirt ?" he asked shaking his head at her like she was an idiot.  "Yes!"  "Yes I did." she said angrily.  "Put on some clothes right now."  "You are not getting into my bed wearing just that!"   Arjun stared at her and then slowly walked towards her.  Arohi's eyes widened and she took a few steps back.  "What, what are you doing?" she stammered.  As he came and stood infront of her, he stared at her and then his lips spread into a gorgeous dimpled smile.  "Does me being so close to you make you nervous?"   "No, no." "Why would I be nervous?" she said clearing her throat.  "Are you worried you won't be able to resist me in just my boxers?"  Arohi's eyes widened.  "NO!"   "You have to effect on me." she stammered.  Arjun looked into her face and gave a small smile.  "Great now that's settled you won't have a problem with me just wearing boxers to bed". he said turning away from her and smirking.  Arohi stared after him.  Damn you Arjun, she thought.  How could she say no when she just told him he had no effect on her.  Arjun turned back the covers and got into Arohi's bed.  She stared at him. "Coming Arohi?" he asked smiling.  Arohi forced herself to move.  He looked way too smug she thought as she got into bed.  Her bed wasn't as large as his so they were way too close for Arohi's comfort.  "Good night." he whispered as he turned to his side towards to her.   "Night" Arohi said abruptly, turning away from him, making Arjun smile.

Arohi stared at the clock..2 minutes, 3, 4 , 6...8.  She could feel the warmth of Arjun's body, even though he wasn't touching her. He was too close.  10 minutes, 11..12.  Arohi's mind kept drifting to the kiss.  How did she even end up letting Arjun kiss her again?  She was mad at him, and then suddenly they were kissing.  How did that happen?  One minute, he was telling her about her beautiful smile, and the next she was in his lap.  Why had he been telling her about his beautiful smile?  Then Arohi ran the conversation through her head.  Arjun had been flirting with her.  OMG!  Arjun had been flirting with her!  Arohi sat up in bed and turned on the lamp.  "Arjun!" she said shoving him.  "Hmm?" Arjun said looking up at her.  "Get up!"  "I need to talk to you."  "Hmm." Arjun said closing his eyes again.  "GET UP YOU FREAK!" she said shoving his arm.  "I'm up, I'm up." he said looking at her and slowly sitting up.  "We're you flirting with me in the gazebo?" she asked suspiciously.  Arjun stared at her.  "That's why you woke me up?"  "To ask me that!"  As he started to lay back down again, she pulled his arm.  "You were flirting with me."  The question is why?"  "What are you up to Arjun?" she asked suspiciously.  Arjun stared at her like she'd lost her mind.  "I wasn't flirting with you." "But If I were, did you ever think it might just be because I wanted to."  "That there was no secret agenda."  Arohi glared at him.  "There's always an agenda, where you're concerned."  "You're up to something, and I'm on to you Arjun Singhania."  "I'm watching you." she said giving him one last glare, switching off the lamp and laying back down.  Arjun stared at the crazy girl in front of him.  Her ramblings, and crazy stories made his head spin.  Just because she always had an agenda didn't mean he did too.  Sighing he laid back down. 

Arjun and Arohi woke up at the same time.  Both pressed against eachother, facing eachother.  Arohi's face pressed into Arjun's neck, his arm wrapped around her tightly.  As Arohi opened her eyes, Arjun stared at her.  The two gazed into eachother's eyes and Arjun whispered "You do have a beautiful smile Arohi, and I was flirting with you last night."  "What are you going to do about it?" he asked   Arohi stared at him shocked and bit her top lip.  Giving her a soft smile he kissed her neck.  "You think about it." he said as he pulled away from her and got out of bed.  Arohi sat up and stared after him.  As he shut the bathroom door behind him, she laid back down.  "You're in big trouble."  she whispered to herself feeling her heart beating a mile a minute.  "You're in big trouble if you believe anything he says."

Arohi walked into the dining room to find her mom fawning over her to son in laws.  She was in her element, listening to the two of them compliment her cooking and her stuffing them with her rich food.  "Good morning" Arohi said sitting and making eye contact with no one.  "Good morning" Neha di said.  "Did you sleep well?" she asked with a smirk.  "YES, THANK YOU!" Arohi snapped.  Neha giggled and Arohi felt a blush creeping up neck.  She was never going to live the freakin kiss down.  She turned a glare towards Arjun, who was stuffing his face happily.  DEVIL she thought to herself.  "So, I was thinking maybe we should revisit the whole honeymoon thing again, now that things have changed." Neha said as her mom left for the kitchen.  Arohi glared at her sister.  Thankfully her dad wasn't there or else this would be beyond embarrassing.  "What have I told you about the honeymoon?" she said gritting her teeth.  "There will be no honeymoon!" Arohi snapped.  "I just thought after last night things definitely seemed different between you two."  "Very different," she said raising her eyebrows and grinning.   "Di you seem more worried about my honeymoon then I am."  "Well, I spent a lot of time organizing it for you two and it's a gift." Neha replied.  "Well since you spent so much time on it why don't you go in my place?"  Seeing Neha's shocked  face.  "With Jiju." Arohi quickly added.  "It's your honeymoon!" Neha said angrily.  "I've had mine!"  "If I hear the word honeymoon one more time I am seriously going to scream!"  Arohi said furiously as she took a sip of her hot coffee.  "Why are you freaking out?" Arjun suddenly asked.  "It was a very nice gesture on Neha's part."  "The least we can say is thanks."  "Thanks Neha" he said smiling at her.  Arohi stared at him in shock.  Lately that was becoming a permanent expression on her face.  "Who are you?" "And what have you done with the devil Arjun Singhania?" she asked.  "Arohi!" "BEHAVE!" her mom said sternly as she walked into the dining room with yet another big plate of food for her "BOYS"  Arohi glared at Arjun.  Thanking her sister for planning their honeymoon, what the hell was he up to!  And making her look bad on top of everything else.  "Where's Sonam?" she finally asked changing the subject.   "She hasn't come down yet." Neha answered.  Sighing Arohi got up.  The girl needed to eat.  "I'll go get her." she said. 

Arohi knocked on Sonam's door and got no answer.  Then she slowly opened the door and peaked inside.  Looking around she didn't see her.  Walking into the room she looked around and finally saw her cousin sitting on the floor leaning against her bed.  Lost in thought.  You're much too young to be so lost Sonam, Arohi thought to herself sadly.    Arohi gave a little cough to let Sonam know she was in her room.  She glanced her way and quickly wiped her tears.  "Can I help you?" she said glaring at Arohi.  "You didn't come down for breakfast." "So, I thought I'd see what was up."  "I'm not hungry."  Sonam said looking away.  Arohi nodded and then quietly went and sat down next to Sonam.  Neither one saying anything for a few minutes.  Then Arohi finally spoke. "It sucks when no one seems to understand you huh?"  Sonam didn't respond "Well, let me tell you it doesn't get better with age."  Arohi continued.   "Look at me, no one understands me."  "I'm 23 and still everyone treats me like a dumb kid that can't make her own decisions."  Sonam turned to look at her.  "Really?"  she asked.  "Yup, I mean I know everyone loves me and wants the best for me."  And a lot of times I do act like a dumb kid."  "But once in awhile I'd like for someone to see it from my point of view."  "I know!" Sonam said turning fully towards Arohi now.  "I feel that way too"  "Mom and dad never understand me or my point of view."  "Really, like they don't let you go out with your friends?"  "No, they let me go out?"  "But there's certain people they don't want me to hang out with."  "Oh like who?"  Arohi asked.  "Well, some kids that sometimes get into trouble."  "And really I'm not even hanging out with them."  "I'm hanging out with Rahul who's friends with those kids."  "Hmm." Arohi said  "Who's Rahul?"  Sonam smiled and hugged her arms around herself.  "He's this amazing guy that I met at school."  "He's so cool, and he really likes me."  "Well atleast he did until mom and dad made me come here."  Sonam said frowning.  "By the time I get back home he's already going to have been snatched up by some other girl."  "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that."  "I fully believe that if he's the one he'll wait for you."  Arohi said looking at Sonam.  Sonam didn't say anything.  "So tell me about Rahul."  "What kind of things do you two do together?" Sonam slowly opened up and starting tell Arohi everything about Rahul, including the shoplifting incident.  "So he made you shop lift for him?" Arohi asked.  " Well not exactly."  "He asked, but he didn't' force me too."  "He said it was up to me, if I wanted to."  "Hmm."  "But he must have stood up for you and told the police and your parents when you were caught that it was his idea not yours. "  Arohi asked.  "Um, well, no but that was to protect me too."  "He didn't want me to get into trouble with my parents for having a boyfriend."  "Oh" Arohi said.  "But he could have told your parent's he was your friend?"  Sonam didn't say anything.  "Anyways what happened to you because of the shop lifting?  Sonam explained how everyone stopped talking to her, and how all her old friends found out and called her a thief.  "What did Rahul do to defend you to them?"  "Nothing" Sonam whispered.  "Hmm,. what did your parents do?" Arohi asked.  "They went to the principal and complained that I was being harassed."  "My dad starting driving me to school so I wouldn't run into anyone that might potentially bully me."  "And then when they saw I was getting depressed they sent me here."  "Oh so they sent you here to protect you, not really punish you." Arohi asked.  Sonam nodded her head not meeting Arohi's eyes.  "If you ask me you have some pretty understanding parents who even after you shop lifted and got into trouble  were still on your side trying to protect you."  Sonam stared at Arohi.  "When you were born, I was 7ish but I remember clearly what Masi had said."  "She said that "Having and raising you were the most important things she will ever accomplish."  "Nothing else before you and nothing else after you will matter."  "Just you."  Sonam's eyes filled with tears.  "You remember that?" she asked.  "Yup I have an amazing memory."  "It's a gift!'  Getting up, Arohi said.  "We might sometimes, think our parents are ruining our lives."  "But they're also the ones that gave us life, someone that gives life will go to great lengths to protect that life."  "Just something to think about." "Now are you coming for breakfast?"  "You're too thin, we need to fatten you up."  "I'll come down in a few minutes." Sonam finally said.  "Okay" Arohi said smiling as she walked out the door.

  Arjun stood leaning against the wall as she walked out and shut Sonam's door behind her.  She jumped when she saw Arjun.  Narrowing her eyes at his smiling face she quickly walked into her own room.  Ofcourse, he was right behind her.  "Just when I think I have you figured out,  you do something that totally throws me off."  Arjun said shaking his head.  "I don't know what you're talking about?" she said rummaging through her make- up bag.  "You know exactly what I'm talking about."  Arohi frowned at him.  "What you said to Sonam."  "And how you said it."  "Helping her realize some things on her own."  Arjun said smiling.  "How dare you listen to a private conversation?" "I can add eavesdropping to your long list of despicable traits!" Arohi snapped.  Arjun  smiled and as Arohi spoke his smile just got bigger.  Until she finally snapped.  "Why are you smiling?"  " Because of this" Arjun said pulling her closer and giving her a smoldering kiss.  Arohi was left breathless as Arjun pulled away from her.  "I'm going to figure you out yet." But I'm going to take my time, slowly, going over every inch of you."  Arjun said trailing his finger down her face, sending a shiver down Arohi's back. Why did she feel like  he wasn't talking about getting to know the inner Arohi anymore.  "I'm going to go home now?"  "And I was thinking since mom's been on my back about taking you out,"  "to appease her, maybe I can take you out to dinner somewhere tonight."  Arohi's mouth fell open.  "Are you asking me on a date?" she asked incredulously.  "No!" Arjun said making a disgusted face.  "I'm just doing it to make my mom happy."  "You know she won't stop harassing us until I've taken you out."  "It's just  dinner not a date!"  Arohi stared at him and then finally said.  "As long as you're sure it's not a date."  "Not a date." Arjun said giving her one of his sexy smiles.  Arohi stared at him.  "I want Italian." she added.  "Done!"  "What time will you be home?"  "Or do you want me to pick you up from here."  "No, no I'll meet you at home around 6:00."  The last thing Arohi needed was her sister thinking her and Arjun were going out on a date.  She would never let that go.  And it wasn't a date, it was just to make her mother in law happy.  Her mother in law was so sweet she didn't mind sacrificing one evening for her happiness.  Hopefully dinner will be good and her and Arjun could ignore eachother in peice while eating their meals. 

"Arohi,"  Neha called running after her to the family room.  Both Arvind and Arjun had left for their respective homes and she could no longer avoid her nosy sister.  'Yes di" Arohi said switching on the TV.  "Yes di!"  Neha said snatching the remote out her sister's hand and switching the TV off.  "Tell me everything!"  "I don't know what you're talking about?" Arohi said with her arms folded across her chest.  "Stop lieing!"  "You know exactly what I'm talking about."  "Tell me about the kiss!"  "The unbelievable kiss."   "How would you know it was unbelievable?" Arohi asked.  "Believe me a kiss like that had to be."  "In one word the kiss was SCORCHING."    "I'm surprised you two didn't combust you two were so hot."  "How did a kiss like that feel?"  "All consuming." "Di, I am really uncomfortable talking about this and I think it's a little creepy that you're describing the kiss like you've replayed it a 100 times in your head."  Neha sighed.  "I have."  Looking at Arohi's expression she quickly added "Ofcourse I pictured it with Arvind and I." "Thanks for the mental picture."  Arohi said making a disgusted face.  "Anyways back to you two."  "There is no way you two can kiss like that and hate eachother so come on...spill."  "Don't leave anything out and tell me have two "done it" she asked giggling.  "No we haven't done IT!"  Arohi said screwing up her face.  "And neither were we planning on it."  "Oh you're planning on it."  "You don't kiss like that and not plan to have wild hot sex!"  "DI!" Arohi said gasping.  "What's gotten into you?'  "You'll know soon enough" she said giving Arohi a wicked smile.

Arohi walked into her home and sighed.   It was good to be home. Neha di had been driving her crazy with her unbelievable questions and comments and advice.  EEW!  Advice from her married sister.  Not needed thank you very much.  And if her and Arjun were to do it she was pretty sure he wouldn't need any advice about anything.  He would know exactly what to do.  Pausing she gave herself a good telling off.  Her and Arjun were not going to being making love.  She needed to get that out of her head!  She blamed her thoughts completely on her sister.  Saying hello to everyone and catching up she ended up sitting with the family for about an hour.  Looking at the time she realized how late it was.  Arjun would be there soon.  As if reading her thoughts Arjun's mom said.  "Arohi , go get ready."  "Arjun will be by to pick you up for dinner soon."  Arohi nodded and rolled her eyes at Rashi and Shefali's sly grins.   Going upstairs, Arohi freshened up and then pulled on a off the shoulder black knee length chiffon dress.  The dress was fitted until the very bottom where it flared out a little bit giving it a real flirty, whimsical look.  She left her straight falling down her back.  Her eyes made over giving a smoky look.  Silver crystal hoops hung from her ears.   Arjun opened the door to their bedroom and found Arohi brushing her hair.  She looked breathtaking, he thought.  Looking her over appreciatively.  Arohi fidgeted, she didn't know why she was nervous, but she was.  "Ready?" he asked.  "Yup.' she said.  "Okay, I'll be 5 minutes and then we can go."  Arohi nodded and pretended to look through her text messages.  True to his word, he wasn't long.  "Ready to go?" he asked and as she turned around to look at him, her heart stopped.  Must the enemy be so damn good looking, she thought.  So damn tempting.  He wore dark blue jeans and a pale blue shirt with a white jacket.  His hair spiked up.  His dimpled smile in place.  "You're immune" You're immune she kept repeating to herself as they left the house.  His mom waving happily after them.  Walking to the car Arjun made his way to her side, opening the car door for her.  Arohi gave him a look.  Why was Arjun opening the door for her?"  Once in the car they didn't speak for the first few minutes.  Arohi stared out the window and Arjun's eyes were on the road infront of him.  The CD player played

Aaa aa'.
Sajde mein yun hi jhukta hoon
Tum pe hi aa ke rukta hoon
Kya yeh sab ko hota hai
Hum ko kya lena hai sab se
Tum se hi sab batein ab se
Ban gaye ho tum meri dua
Sajde mein yun hi jhukta hoon
Tum pe hi aa ke rukta hoon
Kya yeh sab ko hota hai
Hum ko kya lena hai sab se
Tum se hi sab batein ab se
Ban gaye ho tum meri dua
Khuda Jaane ke mein fida hun
Khuda Jaane mein mit gaya
Khuda jaane yeh kyun huwa hai
Ke ban gaye ho tum mere khuda
Tu kahe to tere hi kadam ke
main nishanon pe
Chalun rukun ishaare pe
Tu kahe tho khwabon ka bana ke
Main bahana sa
Mila karu sirhaane pe
Tum se dil ki baatein seekhi
Tum se hi yeh raahe seekhi
Tum pe marr ke mein tho
Jjee gaya
Khuda Jaane ke mein fida hun
Khuda Jaane mein mit gaya
Khuda jaane yeh kyun huwa hai
Ke ban gaye ho tum mere khuda
(KHUDA JAANE:Bachna Ae Haseeno)

"You look really nice."  Arjun said softly to Aroh,i making her turn towards him.  "Thanks." she said looking at him suspiciously.  "Why do you always have to look at me like that?"  "Like what?"  "Like you think I'm planning something at all times." Arjun asked  "Well you are aren't you.  she replied.  "No, I'm not." "I have more important things to do then plotting against you.  "Besides it's getting old and tiresome."  he said with a shake of his head.  "Ah HA!"  Arohi said.  "Now for sure I know you're planning something."  "You never think our fighting is old and tiresome."  "Even these compliments you've been sending my way lately."  "I know there's something behind them. "  Arjun stared at her and then veering to the side of the road he slammed on the brakes and stopped the car.  "What was that for?"  Arohi yelled her hand on her heart.  Grabbing her wrist Arjun pulled her forward.  "Not everything is a plan, revenge, a plot!' he said furiously.  "The day you understand that, our whole relationship will change."  "If I'm telling you, you look good."  "Then I mean it!"  "You've known me your whole life," "Do I say things I don't mean?"  Arohi stared at him and shook her head no.  "Now stop analyzing everything that comes out of my mouth and every move I make."  "I'm asking you to take things at face value until I give you reason not too."  "Can you please do that?"  Arohi slowly nodded her head yes.  "And take this at face value too."  Grabbing her neck her pulled her face close to his and kissed her.  Arohi pulled away first.  Shocked at the intensity of his kiss and words.  "Now let's go for dinner." he said pulling the car back onto the road.  Arohi's heart took a while to stop racing.  What was Arjun doing to her.  She knew she was physically attracted to him.  But it was the other "stuff" that was starting to scare her.  The tender feelings she sometimes felt but quickly tried pushing away when she saw him, or when he touched her or even when she heard his voice close by.  If she didn't contol herself she might just end up giving herself a lot of unnecessary problems because Arjun was not a guy she could afford to fall for.  Falling for him would mean breaking her heart.

Arohi looked around at the elegant restaurant Arjun had brought her too.  "This is nice." she said looking around at the white table cloths and white roses and lily's at the tables.  "You're mom will be happy to hear you atleast brought me to a nice place."  Arjun looked at her and sighed shaking his head.  "What?' she asked taking a sip of her wine.  Arjun said nothing, just stared at his menu.  FINE!  "I'm sorry!" she said.  Arjun looked up at her with a surprised expression.  "Did you just apologize for something?"  "That's amazing." he said."  "That's unheard of."  "I think you've broken some sort of record."  She glared at him.  "Are you done?" she asked.  "For now." he said mischievously.   After ordering their drinks and appetizers Arjun settled back in his chair and looked at Arohi.  Arohi looked away until she couldn't take it anymore.  "What are you looking at?" she asked."  "You."  "I can see that, but why?"  "There should be a scar on your forehead from when you fell from our make shift tree house?"  "Where is it?"  Arohi touched her forehead.  "I didn't get one."  "I fully expected too, my mom was so worried that her daughter's face was ruined." "That no one would marry me."  "So she put all sorts of homeopathic ointments on it and amazingly it didn't scar."  "That was one of the scariest moments of my young life seeing you on the ground like that." Arjun said frowning as he remembered the incident.   "I know, I thought I was going to die" Arohi said.  "I didn't know what to do because I didn't want to leave you laying there alone but I had to get help."  " I know I just remembered you telling me over and over again that you'd be right back, right back."  "And you were." "With everyone else right behind you."  "I got into so much trouble because we weren't supposed to be up there."  "But I had dared you." Arohi said smiling.  "You were always doing things we weren't supposed to and getting me into trouble." he said rolling his eyes.  "Yeah,  it was pretty awesome." she said.  "It was a free pass to do what I liked and then have you take the blame, or shall I say have the blame automatically placed on you."  "Even then we couldn't live with eachother and we couldn't live without eachother." Arohi said giggling.  And then realizing what she'd said she blushed.  "What I meant was.."  "I know what you meant." Arjun said giving her an intense look.  Thankfully the food came and saved Arohi from further embarrassment.  "My pasta is delicious." she said.  "Let me try," Arjun said but instead of using his own fork he took her hand and guided her fork to his mouth.  "Delicious." he said as he kept his eyes locked on hers.  "Hmm."  Arohi said feeling herself get warm.

  "So what's the story with Sonam?" Arjun asked.  "She seems like a good kid, is she just testing her parents and being a normal teenager?"Arjun asked taking a bite of his dinner.  "I think it's more then that." Arohi said telling him what she knew about Rahul.  "What a jerk."  Arjun said after Arohi finished.   "Hopefully during this trip she'll realize what that guy really is."  Arohi nodded.  "Don't tell anyone." she said.  "I didn't tell Di either because I didn't want Sonam to think I'm talking about her."  "I don't even know why I told you. "  "You told me because you know you can trust me and I'm not going to talk about it with anyone but you."  Arjun said.  Arohi changed the subject.  The evening progressed along amazingly well to Arohi's surprise. There were silences at times  but because they'd known eachother for so long, the silences didn't feel awkward.  Most of the time their conversation flowed.  They fought at times during the conversation which was always no surprise but what Arohi couldn't believe was how much Arjun opened up to her about things, personal things that you would discuss with a wife.   A wife, meaning her.  His wife.  Still felt odd being Arjun's wife, but not as much as before.  Shaking her head at herself she directed her attention back to Arjun.  "Am I boring you with my work stuff?" he asked hesitantly.  "When I start talking about it I get too passionate about it sometimes."  "No, I like your passion."  Arohi said and regretted it instantly seeing the look in Arjun's eyes.  "What I meant was that I like listening to you talk about your work."  She said trying to back track.  Her face growing red.  "I think you like my passion is areas other then my work too."  He said as his eyes darkened.  Arohi's eyes widened and her heart beat quickened.  "Arjun, I think we should change the subject."  "Why?" he asked. "Because it's weird."  "We don't even like eachother and we're talking about this."  "Arohi, we like eachother." he said rolling his eyes.  "You need to stop using that  excuse for everything."  Arohi stared at him.  "You know what I think?"  Arjun said suddenly taking her hand.  "I think you're starting to like me a little too much."  Arohi's sudden intake of breath at Arjun's words was her only reaction.  "I think it's scares you, so you doubt everything I say to you and try to second guess my every move. "  "I do not!" Arohi said quickly.  "Yes, you do, and you know it. "  "I think you're scared of what you may feel for me."    Seeing Arohi's shocked expression Arjun said "Fine, prove it.  "Prove that you are not effected by me at all.' "How?" Arohi asked.  "Go on another date with me."  "Another date?" Arohi repeated her eyes widening.  "This is not a date."  Arjun rolled his eyes.  For a seemingly smart individual you can be very dumb sometimes."  "Ofcourse this is a date."   Arohi glared at him.  "You lied to me." she said angrilly.  "I didn't lie,  as you would say, I withheld the truth."  Arohi stared at his smirking face.  He was using her own lines against her.  "So what do you say?"  "Do you want to go out with me again Arohi Singhania?"  Arohi stared at the dimpled boyish grin on Arjun's face.  How could she say no to a face like that she thought to herself.  "Okay one date, sorry one more date."  "And that should prove to you that I'm completely immune to you."  "Arjun smirked.  "I think you proved just how immune you are  to me last night, in my lap."  Arohi blushed.  "Can we please change the subject."  "Sure, dance with me." he said getting up.  Arohi stared at him and his outstretched hand.  "Come on it's one dance, I won't bite."  "Unless you want me to." he said grinning.  Arohi couldn't help the smile that came to her lips.  "One dance!" she said.  They walked to the dance floor and Arjun pulled her into his arms.  Arohi tried not to react but when she was in Arjun's arms her body had a mind of it's own.

Kisi ko sapna lagey tu, kisi ko behti hawaa
Kisi ko bas baaton mein, kare pal mein yahaan wahaan
Kisi ke sau jhoot sun le, kisi ka sacch bhi gunaah
Kisi ka bas yaadon mein, kare hulchul saara jahaan
Te amo me te amo
Tu chhaanv hai, tu dhoop hai
Te amo me te amo
Tere hazaron roop hai
Koi samjha nahin, jo bhi hai bas khoob hai
Falling so crazy in love
Te amo me te amo
Tu chhaanv hai, tu dhoop hai
Te amo me te amo
Tere hazaaron roop hai
Kabhi lagey raaton mein main khwaabon se baatien karoon subah unhi
Khwaabon ko main kaabu karoon
Kabhi lagey taaron se bhi, unche udaane bharoon
Kabhi lagey baadalon se jaibein bharoon

Te amo me te amo
Taare ginu tere liye
Te amo me te amo
Saare chunu tere liye
Khwaab saare bunu tere hi tere liye
Falling so crazy in love
Te amo me te amo
Taare ginu tere liye
Te amo me te amo

Kabhi lagey mili nahin, tumse main khwaabon mein bhi
Kabhi lagey kahin toh hai ristha koi
Kabhi lagey chhu tumhe, yunhi khayalon mein hi
Kabhi lagey nahin nahin chori nahin
(Te amo: Dum Maro Dum)

As Arjun gazed into Arohi's eyes he knew he was in trouble.  Big trouble if he kept falling for her at the rate he was.  She fit so perfectly in his arms, like she was meant to be there.  why hadn't he ever seen it before.   Arohi tried to look away from Arjun's eyes but she couldn't.  They were so beautiful and so clear.  And she could only see herself in them.  Only herself.  That thought had her pulling away.  She shouldn't be seeing herself in Arjun's eyes.  That was way too dangerous for her piece of mind and even worse her heart.  "The fighting, the physical attraction, even the confiding in eachother, she could understand and deal with.  They'd known eachother forever, those characteristics were part of there relationship.  But she could never lose her heart to Arjun.  That would be her biggest downfall.  "Should we go?" she asked looking back up at him.  Arjun nodded.  They returned to the table where Arjun took care of the bill, and then they walked back to his car.  Arohi got in not saying anything this time when he opened her door for her. 

Arjun drove in silence, noticing the change in Arohi but not commenting.  She was probably thinking what is Arjun up to, what is he planning.  Arjun smirked to himself as an idea came to him.  Well if he was going to be blamed for plotting and planning against her, he might as well plot and plan against her.

"Where are we?" Arohi asked looking around as Arjun pulled into a parking lot of sorts.  "Prospect Point" he said turning the car off.  "WHAT?!"  Arohi yelled scooting away from him.  "Why are we here?"  "Why do couples come here?" he asked.  Arohi felt herself turning completely red.  "I know why couples come here but we're not a couple?" she stammered.  "But we are on a date and this is usually the place most people end up after their date."  "Where not most people!" she said looking around.  "We're different."  "I know we are." he said."  "We're doing things reverse."  "Marriage first, dating second."  "And since we're dating."  "One date doesn't constitute us DATING!" she said sternly.   "Sure it does, unless you're scared ofcourse."  "Scared." Arohi asked sitting up a little.  "I'm not scared of anything."  "Then we should have no problem." Arjun said leaning closer to her.  "Let's just look at the beautiful moonlit sky." she squeaked as he grabbed her hand and pulled her closer.  "I'd prefer to look at my beautiful wife and continue on to the next phase of our date.  Gulping Arohi asked "What next phase?"  "The making out phase" he said slowly bringing his lips down onto hers. 

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