Chapter 34

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"Hmm" Arohi sighed as she felt little kisses along her shoulder.  She was dreaming about Arjun kissing her again.  As his hands travelled up her body and he nuzzled her neck, she sighed.  This was one of her favorite dreams, one she never wanted to wake up from.  And then suddenly her eyes popped wide open.  The little bite Arjun had given her didn't feel like a dream, it felt all too real.  "Good morning beautiful." he said in a husky sleepy voice.  Arohi stared into his face which was inches away from hers.  Images of the previous nights love making first in the shower and then later on in Arjun's bed coming back to her.  Arjun watched the play of emotions across her face.  Doubt being the prominent one as she bit her lip and continued to stare at him.  Here we go again, he thought almost angrily as he rolled away from her and laid on his back staring at the ceiling.  Waiting for her to tell him last night was a mistake.  Arohi glanced at him from the corner of her eye.  His face was set, his lips drawn into a thin line as he contemplated something.  Probably her and her flip flopping she thought to herself.  Neither one of them speaking for a few moments until Arohi finally broke the silence.  "I'm going to talk to Amar and break off our engagement." she said softly staring up at the ceiling.   Slowly she turned to face him.  "I don't know what's going to become of us."  "If there really even is an us."  "And as it stands I can't continue to lead Amar on."  "You're right I'm not in love with him and will never be.  And I can't continue this, especially not if I keep falling into bed with you every time you even glance my way."   Arjun grinned.  "Every time I glance at you?"  'Then we'd never leave this bed." he said pulling her closer to him.  Arohi snuggled closer.  She didn't know what was happening but what ever it was was between her and Arjun...she shouldn't have involved Amar into her insecurities.  Last night after Arjun had fallen asleep she had thought long and hard about what had happened and was happening.  And she knew her fears about the two of them weren't unfounded.  But she also knew she loved him, loved him so much that her every heart beat called out his name.  But she also knew love wasn't everything and this time around if things were too work they would have to be different.  She'd decided to give their marriage a 110% for the next 2 1/2 months and then after that they could decide what they were going to do.   "So what does this mean for us?" Arjun asked.  "It means we have 2 1/2 months to figure things out."  "And then we'll see." she replied.  Arjun smiled.  He had no doubt that 2 1/2 months would turn into a lifetime together.  "You can wipe that smug smile off your face Mr. Singhania." Arohi said sarcastically.  Arjun turned over, rolling Arohi onto her back.  "Instead of wiping off my smile why don't I just put a smile on to your face." he said as he kissed her soundly.  And true to his word Arohi smiled all morning long. 

Arohi glanced at her watch.  Amar would be here any second.  She'd wanted to talk to him as soon as possible but now that the time had come she felt nervousness take over.  What was she going to say to him, and how.  He was in love with her, thinking they were going to be married and she was about to break his heart.  She truly hated what she was doing to him but she just couldn't continue on with charade anymore.  She hadn't been honest with anyone, especially herself in so long.  It was time she stopped lying and hiding behind her insecurities.   Hearing her boutique door open she smiled nervously, as Amar strolled in.  "Hi gorgeous." he said, pulling her into his arms for a hug.  Arohi felt tears prick her eyelids.  She was a horrible person, she thought to herself.  And Amar deserved so much better.  Pulling away from her, Amar looked at her quizzically.  "What's wrong?" "Has Arjun done something?" he asked worriedly.  Arohi shook her head no.  As if the guilt wasn't weighing on her already, Amar's usual thoughtfulness was making things even more difficult.  "Sit down Amar I need to talk to you." she said slowly.  Amar looked at her and then with a sigh sat down.  "I don't know how to tell you this." she said in a broken voice.  Amar stared at her.  "Go ahead and just tell me Arohi." he said.  Arohi bit her lip and began.  "You know you're my best friend."  "You've been always there for Riya and I, and I can't ever thank you enough for that."  "But??" he questioned.  "No buts." Arohi said.  "You are an amazing, amazing person."  "Any girl would be so lucky to have you." she continued.  Amar stared at her, his eyes suddenly sad.  He knew what was coming.  "I'm sorry Amar" Arohi said in a broken voice.  "That girl isn't me."  "I, I can't be that girl."  "It wouldn't be fair to you when I, I can never love you the way you deserve." she said, with tears streaming down her face.  Amar stared at her stone faced.  "You can never love me because you're in love with that bast**d Arjun!" he said angrily.  Arohi winced.  "Amar please." she said choking on her tears.  "No Arohi, I think you owe me atleast that much...are you still  in love with that man?" Amar asked.  Arohi brushed her tears away and then looking him in the face she said "Yes, I don't think I'll ever not love Arjun."  "I don't think I've ever stopped loving him."  Amar gave a cold hard laugh as he stood up.  "After everything he did to you, you still love him?"  "How can you love a man like that."  "You're kidding yourself if you think he can ever love you as much as I do." Amar said furiously.  "Amar, I know this is hard."  'It's so hard for me too, but Arjun is a good man."  "He has always loved me and what happened between us was just as much my fault as his fault."  "But you and I not having a future has nothing to do with Arjun."  "I don't know if Arjun and I even have a future together but I do know that you and I in the future can only be friends...that's if you still want to be my friend?" she said choking back a sob.  "I'm so sorry."  "I will never be able to show you just how sorry, but I am so very very sorry." she said.  Amar stared at her coldly.  "I would appreciate it if you didn't tell DJ about this."  "I am leaving for London tomorrow night as you know, and after I get back I'll tell her  myself." he said  Arohi nodded.  "Amar..." she began.  "I think we're done here!"  "Atleast you are..." he said coldly as he stalked to the door and walked out without another word.  Leaving Arohi to weep for a friendship that now seemed to be lost.

The next few days passed quickly.  Arohi told Arjun about her conversation with Amar and even though he didn't care for Amar he did appreciate how hurt Amar must have been.  And how hurt Arohi was at losing a friend like Amar.  He'd held her while she cried and told him how badly she had felt.  She hadn't needed words, she knew there really weren't any.  She'd been wrong to do this.  But she had appreciated having Arjun to lean on.  Something she was finding she was getting used to again.  That night Arjun had helped her move her stuff into his room.  She'd first been hesitant because she was worried that their physical intimacy might cloud her judgment when it came down to making a decision about the two of them.  But since she'd decided to stop lieing to herself she could admit that no matter what her and Arjun couldn't live in the same house and keep their hands off each other.  So why fight it.  If it was only 2 1/2 months they had then she'd live it to the fullest.

"Mama, are we going to see Nanu and Nani ma too?" Riya asked as she bit into her pasta.  Arohi nodded "Yes, and you'll be meeting your daddu and Dadi ma too."  Arohi replied.  "Hmmm,..that's daddy' mommy and daddy right?" Riya asked for the 4th time.  Arohi glanced at a smiling Arjun.  "Yes baby it is." she answered.  "And then there's my bhus too." Riya said happily biting into her carrot.  "That's daddy's sister's right?' she asked.  Arohi nodded.  "Daddy has his sisters and you have Neha masi, where's my sister?" Riya asked innocently.  Arohi proceeded to choke on her drink.  "I want a sister too." Riya said abruptly.  "Daddy can you get me a sister?" she asked.  Arjun aimed a smug smile at Arohi.  "I'm trying my best." he said, earning a glare from Arohi.   "Riya eat your pasta please." Arohi said, trying to change the subject but Arjun wasn't going to let her off the hook so easily.  "Riya what if we got you a baby brother instead?" he asked.  "No I want sister." she replied.  Arjun laughed.  "What if we got you a brother and a sister?" he asked.  Water sprayed out of Arohi's mouth.  Her eyes flashing at him to stop.  Riya bit into her carrot again giving the idea some thought.  "I guess that okay." she said.  "But sister is mine."  "I change her diaper." she said matter of factly.  "Done!" Ajrun said with a smile.  "If we get you a baby sister or brother then you are on diaper duty."  "And maybe you can wake up in the middle of the night and feed the baby too while Mommy and daddy sleep." Arjun teased.  Riya frowned.  "I little daddy, how I feed baby?"  "Only mama's can feed babies." she said in a tone that made it clear that her daddy didn't know what he was taking about.  All was silent for a total of a minute when Riya asked "Where will we get my little sister from?"  Arohi stared wide eyed at Arjun.  Clearing his throat Arjun replied.  "We'lll go to the hospital and get the baby." he answered, shrugging at Arohi's stern expression.  What?!   I wasn't as if he was lying!  "Will it be in mama's tummy?" Riya asked.  Arohi could not believe they were even discussing this with her 3 year old.  "Riya..." she began.  "How will it get into Mama's tummy?" Riya asked innocently looking from a shocked mama too a tongue tied daddy.  Arohi turned to glare at Arjun.  Her eyes saying "Why not talk some more about babies with your 3 year old!"  Arjun stared at Arohi and then Riya.  His face turning a little pink.  There was no way in hell he was telling his 3 year old where baby's came from.  "Santa brings it" he lied.  "Riya finish up and then it's time for bed." he answered as Arohi stared at him in shock.  "SANTA????!" she mouthed.  Later on as Arjun put Riya to sleep and Arohi tidied up Riya's toys she thought about how quickly Riya was growing up.  Her little questions weren't so little anymore.  They were becoming big, hard to answer questions.  What would they tell her if they decided not to stay together?   Pushing away the thought she told herself to live in the moment.  She didn't want to think about 2 months from now.  She just wanted these next couple of months to last and last. 

Arjun's arms wrapped tightly around Arohi's waist pulling her out of her thoughts.  "Come to the bedroom so Santa can bring Riya her present." he said against her ear.   Arohi smiled and then pulled away looking at him. First of all Santa is not bringing anyone any presents of that nature so please stop encouraging her!  She's never going to stop talking about this now and secondly... "Santa????" she said in mock anger.  "You couldn't have thought of something better then that?" she asked.  Arjun pulled her against his chest.  "What I don't look like Santa too you?"  Arohi giggled.  "Yeah your long white beard and big round belly definitely make you look like santa." she teased as she patted his 6 pack abs.  "You're right I'm not like Santa.  "Santa doesn't want you to be naughty, and I love when you're naughty." he said in a husky voice.  "Infact let's go to the bedroom so you can show me just how naughty you can be." he said pulling her towards the stairs.  When Arjun looked at her like that, she really didn't have the ability to say no...neither did she have the desire too.

Later on as Arohi lay wrapped in Arjun's arms he said "tell me about your pregnancy."  Arohi looked up at him.  "What?" she asked.  "Tell me about those 7 months, what was it like?"  "Did you have any cravings?"  "Did you feel sick throughout?"  "Tell me everything."  'I want to know everything." he said.  "Don't leave anything out." he added.  Arohi paused for a few moments and then started to talk.  She talked and talked.  Telling Arjun about her fears during the pregnancy, her joys, telling him about her feet swelling, her weight gain, her nausea returning in the 3rd trimester.  Arjun listened.  "And then Riya was in my arms and every second of that 19 hours of pain was seriously miraculously forgotten." she said.  "All I could think of was that my little girl was here."  "She was here and she was mine."  Arjun wrapped both arms around Arohi.  "I'm so sorry I wasn't there." he said in a soft, emotion filled voice.  "I missed out on the most important day of our lives."  "And I have to live with that." he said.  Arohi pressed a hand against his face.  Staring into his big beautiful eyes.  "You're here now." she said softly.  Arjun nodded as he leaned down and gave her a soft tender kiss.  He would never let his family go now.  Never.  As he pulled away, Arohi said "Want to hear about the first time Riya rolled over?"  Arjun nodded happily

Arohi yawned the next morning as they got off the plane that had just landed them in Mumbai.  Her and Arjun had slept maybe 3 hours the previous night.  Talking and laughing.  It had been like old times.  She was glad that she hadn't closed herself off from him.  These next 2 months were precious and she didn't want to waste them with anger.  As Arjun grabbed their baggage, Arohi started to feel anxiety settle over her.  How would everyone react to seeing her?  It had been almost 4 years since she'd spoken to Arjun's side of the family.  Would they even accept her back into their lives?  Arohi clutched Riya's hand tighter, lost in thought.  "Mama, too tight!" Riya said, pulling at her hand.  "Sorry baby." Arohi replied as Arjun approached them.  "You okay?" he asked after seeing the tense expression on her face.  She forced a smile on her lips and nodded yes.  The three walking together towards the exit.  "Bhai!" They heard as Rashi came running over to Arjun.  Arjun instantly scooped her up into a bear hug.  "Rashi!" he said with a fond smile as he finally backed away.  "How are you little sis?" he asked.  "Great, couldn't be better." she said as her gaze shifted to Arohi.  A big smile lit up her face.  "Arohi...bhabhi." she said tongue in cheek.  "It's so good to see you!" she said as she threw her arms around Arohi.  Arohi felt her eyes fill with tears as she hugged Rashi back.  Fond memories returning of them spending so much of their life together.    She owed so many people apologizes.  As Rashi pulled away she looked down at Riya who was staring up at Rashi with big eyes.  Rashi felt tears prick her eyelids.  Crouching down infront of Riya she said "You must be princess Riya."  "The most beautiful princess in all the land." she added.  Riya nodded.  "Do you know who I am?" she asked.  "Rashi bhua." Riya replied with a shy smile.  Rashi smiled.  "Could Rashi bhua have a hug please?" she asked.  Riya paused for a second and then put her chubby little arms around Rashi's neck.  Rashi hugged her against herself.  She was so happy that her brother's family was back together.  The happiness she now saw on his face had disappeared when Arohi left years ago, and now that happiness had finally returned and she didn't ever want to see it disappear again.  And Arohi...she'd always loved Arohi like a sister.  She was headstrong, and her brother was stubborn, and she knew that the fault lay with both her brother and Arohi.  And they'd seemed to work it all out.  A blind person could always tell how much they loved eachother.  How strong their feelings were for each other.  Even when they fought you couldn't miss the passion and attraction between them and more importantly the love.  She didn't think these two could really be happy with anyone else but each other.  "How's everyone doing?" Arjun asked as they walked to the car.  "Good, they all wanted to come with me to pick you up!"  "Now they're probably pacing at home.. waiting." Rashi said with a laugh.  "I know whom they're so anxious to see." he said, looking at his little girl who now held her bhua's hand.  "She's perfect." Rashi whispered as she walked next to her brother.  "She is isn't she." he replied with a smile.   

Arjun drove back home with Arohi in the passenger seat next to him.  Her mind wandering as she looked out the window at the City infront of her.  It had been so long since she'd been back "home"  The realization that she'd missed Mumbai...hit hard.  It was home..she loved Delhi, but her heart had always been here in Mumbai.  With Arjun..she thought as she turned her gaze towards him.  His one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding her hand securely in his.  Could they really be a  happy family again? She thought to herself.  Arjun seemed to think they could.  But Arohi who wanted this just a much as Arjun did...had her doubts.  Trying to clear her head Arohi directed her attention to Rashi.  "How do you like living in the States?" Arohi asked.  "It's been a great experience."  "I've met lots of great people and learned a lot."  "But I still miss my family and Mumbai a lot."  'I can't ever see myself living in the States as a long term move." she said.   "So we're not rid of you yet." Arjun said laughing as both Rashi and Arohi hit him on the arm.  "Tag teaming are we!" he said shaking his head.  "Some things never change!!  Arohi's smile faltered.  Some things do change and no matter what you do, they can never be like they were before.

As they walked into the house, Arohi fell back.  Her nervousness taking over.  Maybe she should have just stayed at her parent's place...after everything that happened how could Arjun's family ever want to see her?  Arjun's parents and Shefali stood in the entrance with happy smiles and tear filled eyes.  Arjun smiled at seeing them and then glanced back at Arohi, who was lagging behind.  Grabbing her hand, he squeezed it reassuringly as if to say.  "I'm right here."  Arohi looked up and met his mom's tear filled eyes as she quickly rushed over and gave Arohi a hug.  "Where did you disappear to Arohi?" she asked hugging her close.  Arohi hugged her back tightly.  She'd always been like a mother too her, and she shouldn't have expected anything less.  "I'm sorry." Arohi whispered.  His mom just hugged her tighter and then slowly pulling away she cupped her face in her hand.    "I'm so happy to see you two back together."  Crouching down she stared with awe at Riya.  Her precious granddaughter.  Her first grand child.  Not being able to help herself she pulled the little girl who looked so much like her Arjun, into her arms, squeezing her against her.  Riya stared wide eyed at her dad.  "Sweetheart, this is your dadi ma." he said softly.  Crouching down next to the them.  Arohi was struck by the resemblance of all three.  This was Riya's family, and Arohi had kept them away from each other for so long.  They deserved to know Riya and Riya had deserved to have them in her life.  They'd missed out on important milestones and Riya had missed out on their loving presence.  Arohi vowed that no matter what happened between her and Arjun she would make sure that his family was still a big part of Riya's life.  After hugs from Shefali and more intros to Riya, Arjun looked up at his dad.  Who wore a solemn expression his face.  "Hi dad." he said, walking over and hugging him.  Rudra hugged his son back, his eyes meeting Arohi's from across the room.  Gruffily he said.  "Don't I get to meet my grand daughter?"  Arjun nodded, calling Riya over.  "This is your daddu?" he said.  Riya looked up at him.  "I know you." she said.  Arjun's dad smiled tearfully.  "Ofcourse you do." he said picking her up.  "I'm your daddu."  "No, my nanu showed me picture of you."  "Lots of times." she said, making everyone look with surprise at her.  "My nanu said that you are his best friend and then sometimes he cry."  "Why you make my nanu cry?" she asked.  Rudra couldn't speak, not with the lump in his throat.  Arohi felt sobs wrack her body as she quickly turned away running towards the back of the house.  "We're sorry dad." Arjun said softly. "It sounds so hollow but we really really are sorry."  he said.  Rudra shook his head.  "Everything will be alright." he said.  "I should go see Arohi." Arjun began but was cut off by his dad.  "Let me go." he said handing Riya over to Arjun.  "When I get back I'm going to tell you a story."  "A story of two friends who no matter how much distance separates them, always love each other." he said smiling at Riya's excited nod.  "I love stories." she said. "Does it have happy ending?" she asked.  Rudra stared at Arjun "It most definitely does." he replied, turning away and walking in the direction Arohi had. 

Arohi couldn't seem to stop crying.  Being back in this house was such an emotional experience.  Being with people that have known her her whole life...that have loved her her whole life and that now have forgiven Arjun and her so easily.  it was just too much.  And hearing Riya's little story about the picture had just broken Arohi's heart.  Their dad's had been more then friends...they'd been brothers.  She knew for a fact that they trusted no one like they had trusted each other.  And her and Arjun had destroyed all that.  How could their friendship have lasted against the volatile destruction of their children's marriage?  And then the promises Arohi had taken from her dad.  Not to ever tell anyone about Riya.  She knew it had killed him to keep something like this from Rudra.  But for her he had.  For the umpteen time Arohi couldn't believe how much damage Arjun and her done.  Damage that she didn't think could ever be repaired.  "Arohi," she heard from behind her.  Arohi quickly tried to wipe away her tears.  "Ji, dad." she said quietly turning towards him.  Rudra came and sat down next to Arohi.  "You know when you and Arjun got married I didn't think I could ever be happier."  My best friend's daughter, whom I've always treated like my own, would now connect our two families together forever."  "I still believe that."  "You and Arjun have made some big mistakes, and those mistakes did a lot of damage.  We missed out on precious years of Riya's life.  "You two missed out on important years of your marriage."   But if you two learned from those mistakes, if you two feel that you can came out stronger, then I'm not going to say it was all worth it, but atleast it'll make you wiser for this next chapter in your marriage."  "It'll make you more understanding and less likely to give up so easily now that you two have been apart and seen how it feels to be without each other."  "At the end of the day your both are our children and we don't want either one of you in pain."  "You two have found your way back too each other, my only advice is don't waste this time."  "Time is very precious."  "We never get it back."  "Don't waste any more time dwelling on the past...look to the future."  "A future that is filled with hope and love."  Arohi nodded, tears falling down her face.  "Dad, I'm sorry."  "I know we broke yours and dad's friendship and..."  Arohi couldn't seem to go on.  Rudra shook his head and smiled sadly.  "Sid and I are children had put us in a tough position, but we never stopped caring about each other."  "Just because brothers spend some time apart doesn't mean they don't still love each other."  "We've been together since we were children, and we'll be together again."  "You don't worry about that."  "You and Arjun worry about strengthening your relationship."  "About building your new life together."  "Very few people get second chances..don't let yours go." he said, raising a fatherly hand to Arohi's head and giving her his blessing.  "We're glad to have our daughter back home." he said with a tearful smile.  Arohi suddenly threw her arms around him like she used to when she was little.  Crying as she felt a heavy weight being lifted off her shoulders.  Arjun watched the exchange between his dad and Arohi with tears in his own eyes.  Not wanting to disturb them, he turned away quietly.  His dad was right, very few people in life get a second chance at love.  He wasn't about to lose his.  

"Arohi, where's my blue shirt?" "I know I packed it." Arjun called from the bedroom as he rummaged through his stuff.  "It's in the closet." Arohi called from the bathroom as she dried her hair.  "It's not here!" Arjun replied, mumbling about why Arohi thought it was necessary to bring this much clothes for a 4 day trip.  "It's right here!" Arohi said from beside him as she pulled out his shirt that was tucked into a corner behind her things.  "Arohi!" he began looking at his wrinkled shirt and then stopped as his gaze drifted over her.   She wore a white frock suit with sheer full sleeves, delicate royal blue thread and crystal embroidery along her neck.  Velvet blue trim all along the bottom of the kameez with a tight sheer, white chooridar pujami.  Her hair still partyl wet.   She had the ability to make him completely lose his train of thought.   Pulling her against him he nuzzled her neck.  "Arjun!"  "Don't you need to get to work?" she asked, giggling and squirming against him.  "How can I got into the office when I obviously have such important work to take care of here?" he asked, biting her ear lobe.  "Arjun Singhania you better stop before someone comes along and stops you!" she said pushing at him and glancing at the door.  "No one will stop us."  "Everyone is too wrapped up in Riya." "No one will notice if we're missing for a little while." he said, bringing his lips to hers for a soft sweet kiss.  Arohi moaned against his mouth.  "Come on, you know you want to." he said in his deep sexy voice that had grown husky with desire.  Oh god did she ever want to.  "No Arjun!" she said, pushing and managing to get out of his grasp.  "I want to go catch up with Shefali and Rashi." she said backing away from him.  Arjun sighed.  "Alright..." he said sadly making Arohi laugh.  But as she saw him take a step towards her she quickly ran out of the room. 

Arohi had a wonderful day.  Catching up with everyone.  No one brought up the past, and decided to instead concentrate on the future and for once Arohi didn't feel guilty about that.  Instead she too wanted to focus on the future.  Feeling more and more confident that maybe Arjun and her and Riya could make a go at being a real family.   Riya and the family had taken to each other like a house on fire.  Her shyness wearing off quickly as she asked question after question about random things.  Everyone adored her and her curioisty. Pretty much fighting for her attenttion.  It was heart warming.  Arohi had also spoken to her parents and sister and the plan was for her to go spend the day with them tomorrow.  Oh how she wished she could bring both families together again.  But remembering Arjun's dad's words about "her dad and him working it out" she tried not to dwell on any of that.    As Rashi and Arohi lay on Rashi's bed later that afternoon, Arohi asked "Rash, haven't you thought about marriage yet?" Rashi looked at Arohi and then bit her lip nervously.  "Um, actually I have."  Arohi sat up looking excitedly at Rashi.  "So you're dating someone?" she asked.  Rashi nodded slowly and smiled.  "He's pretty much doing the same thing as me..studying and then planning on returning to Mumbai to work in his family business."  "They own a textile business." she said. "That is awesome!"  "So when do we all get to meet him?" Arohi asked.  "Not until we're done school."  "That's the next time he'll be back in Mumbai."  "But he recently told his parents about us and one of the reasons I came down for this visit is so that I can tell our family about us."  "This is so great."  "I'm so happy for you Rashi."  Arohi said with a big smile on her face.  Rashi grabbed her hand.  "I've missed you Arohi..I'm glad you're back." she said.  Arohi smiled.  "I'm sorry for leaving so abruptly and not returning your phone calls after Arjun and I split up."  "I was just very upset and not ready to talk to anyone..not even you." Arohi admitted.  "I'm glad you and bhai are back together, that's all that matters and now that I'll be getting married you're going to be the one designing all my outfits too!" Rashi said excitedly.  Arohi gave her a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.  She loved Arjun, loved him and Riya more then anything in the world.   But was love enough?   She knew she wanted this family...she wanted them all too be a family, but those fears..the fears that always seemed to plague her just wouldn't go away.  And now that she'd been accepted by Arjun's family again the last thing she wanted was to hurt them.  What could she do to dispel these fears of hers?  How could she move past happiness.  Was it even possible and worse, now a new worry had been added...disappointing their families again if things  didn't work out between her and Arjun. 

"How was your day?" Arjun asked later on that night as they all sat together as a family in the living room.  Riya having a book read to her from Shefali.  "Really good."  "It was nice catching up with everyone." Arohi replied.  "How was your day?"  she asked.  "Busy...there are so many new projects we're working on."  "I don't know how much longer I can stay in Delhi." he replied.  Arohi frowned but before she was able to ask more questions, Rashi spoke up.  "I wanted to talk to everyone." she said hesitantly.  Arohi smiled reassuringly at her.  "I've met someone."  "His name is Rishi Singh and he's during his Masters in Business Management."  "He's based out of Mumbai, his family owns Singh and Sons Textiles and Mills. "  "And he's very nice and well,..." Rashi's voice kind of drifted off as she looked nervously at everyone.  Arohi spoke first.  "This is amazing news!" she said happily hugging Rashi.  Shefali grabbed Rashi's hand giving her a reassuring squeeze.  Her dad started asking questions.  "Singh and Sons, we know of the company."  "I've met the owner Mr. Balraj Singh on more then one occasion."  "Honest and humble."  "Those are the two things I remember about him."  "So when do we get to meet this Rishi?" he asked.  Arohi glanced at a shocked Arjun who stood quietly not saying anything.  His face grim.  Everyone else seemed to be past their initial shock and happy for Rashi...except Arjun.  "Bhai...what do oyu think?" Rashi suddenly asked.  "I'll let you know once I meet him." he replied, turning on his heal and walking away.  Rashi turned worried eyes to Arohi.  Arohi gave her a reassuringly look and said "Riya time for bed."  "Oh Arohi, could she sleep with me tonight." Rashi asked.  "I want to cuddle with my sweet little niece." she said, hugging Riya to her.  Arohi nodded.  "Sure, that should be fine."  "Riya be good for your bhua."  Arohi added giving Riya a kiss good night. 

Arohi walked into the room quietly.  Arjun stood by the window staring out at the night sky.  Going up behind him she leaned her head against his back.  Her hand on his shoulder.  "What's wrong?" she asked.  Arjun didn't answer for a few moments and then finally turning around he wrapped both arms around Arohi, pressing her head against his chest.  "Rashi getting married."  "It's just so weird...she's still so young don't you think?" he asked.  Arohi stared up at him.  "We're the same age!" she said to Arjun, shaking her head at his silliness.  "You're different."  he replied kissing the top of her head gently. "No I'm not." Arohi said.  "Remember how immature I was when we first got married?"  "Rashi was 10 times more mature then me even then." Arohi replied.  Arjun nodded.  "That's true" he said wincing as Arohi pinched his arm.  "Rashi has always had a good head on her shoulders and known what she wanted."  "She would never  go for just anyone."  "I think this Rishi must be pretty special to have caught Rashi's eye." Arohi said with a smile.  Arjun grumbled a little bit longer.  "We'll see just how special he is when I meet him!" Arjun said.  "I know the company, dad was right... honest and humble are perfect words to describe the owners."  "Hopefully this Rishi has followed in his dad's footsteps."  "God knows boys these days..."  Arjun stopped talking as Arohi burst into laughter.  "What's so funny?" Arjun asked with narrowed brows.  "You!" she replied.  "Look at you.."boys these days."  "You make yourself sound ancient!"  she said with a smile.  "I'm not ancient, I'm mature Arohi!" he replied.  "Whatever you say Arjun."  Arohi replied, pulling away and backing up.  "I hope I don't need to bring in a cane for you soon." she said teasingly.  "Or maybe a hearing aid."  "I have noticed your hearing hasn't been that great lately when I ask you to do something." she said with a smirk.  "There's nothing wrong with my hearing." he said starting to stalk towards her.  "I just choose not to hear you." he said with his own smirk.  Arohi raised her brows.  "Oh I see, selective hearing."  "How nice!"  "Next time you ask me to do something I'll use that same method." she said, giggling as he caught her around the waist and whispered "I want to make love to you right now." into her ear.  "Did you hear that?" he growled against her neck.  Arohi sighed in answer.  "Where's Riya?" he asked kissing her neck.  "With Rashi, she'd spending the night with her." Arohi said softly.  Arjun grinned.  "I love my sister." he said, unzipping her kameez.  "And I really really love my wife." he said roughly as he slowly pulled her kameez down, kissing the bared skin leisurely.  Arohi moaned in pleasure.  Arjun's lips working their magic.  Moving away from him, she slipped out of the rest of her clothes until she was standing in just her lacy white bra and panties.  Arjun's hot gaze drifting over her.  "Your turn." she said softly, standing away from him.  Arjun smiled as he pulled off his t-shirt.  Arohi's mouth grew dry at the sight of his perfect chest.  "Come here." he said in his sexy husky voice.  Arohi shook her head no.  "The rest too." she said with a sexy smile.  Arjun's smile grew bigger as he moved to do what she had ordered.  "Your turn." he said to her.  "Everything off." he added hoarsely.  Arohi smiled and then taking her time teasing him she slowly meticulously took off one strap of her bra and then the other and then pulled the strap back on and off again until Arjun couldn't take it anymore.  Taking the few steps it took to get to her, he grabbed her to him.  "You are such a tease!" he growled making her giggle.  His lips settled on hers for a long hot passionate kiss.  Arohi felt herself being lowered on to the bed and Arjun's weight settling on to her and after that all she could concentrate on was the pleasure Arjun brought her.

"That was...WOW" Arohi said later on as she snuggled against him.  "Hmmm" "Amazing." he said softly.  "I love you Arohi." he said after a very moments.  Arohi kissed his chest, but didn't say anything back.  "How long are you not going to tell me what you're feeling?" he asked, feeling Arohi stiffen against him.  "I know you want to see what happens in the next two months but  I also know you love me too."  "So why don't you just say it?' he asked.  Arohi lifted her head and stared at him.  "I'm going to get my clothes." She said starting to pull away, but Arjun held on tight.  "No, you're not going anywhere until you answer me."  "What's your hesitation now?" he asked.  "We're happy, and we're together."  "We love each other, we have a child together."  "So what is the hesitation?" he asked baffled.  Arohi stared down at him at him for a few seconds and then finally decided to tell him the truth.  "I'm scared." she replied.  "I'm scared of our track record, I'm scared of what's going to happen once the "honeymoon stage" is over."  "I'm scared of getting hurt or worse hurting you." she said softly.  Arjun sighed as he pressed her head back against his chest.  "Arohi, life will never be perfect, our marriage will never be perfect...we'll definitely never be perfect."  "But one thing that will never falter, never has faltered if we're really truthful to ourselves is that we love each other."  We are madly and deeply in love with each other. " he said adamantly. "But Arjun is love really enough?"  "We were madly deeply in love when we hurt each other so badly before."  "We were madly deeply in love when we hurt our families."  "What makes this time different?" she asked looking at him.  "We've learned from our mistakes is what makes this time different!"  "We've learned what it feels like to not be together."  "Not be a part of each other's lives."  "Be incomplete."  "I don't ever want to feel that way again."  "You are my wife, the mother of my child, the woman I love."  "I want this to work so I will work hard to make it work."  "I would expect the same from you." he said forcefully.  Arohi bit her lip.  She wanted everything Arjun said.  She'd never known just how desperately until now.  But the hesitation was still there. "Arjun, please can we just take the next two months to reconnect and then talk about things."  "Then see what we're going to do." she said pleadingly.  Arjun opened his mouth to argue but then shut it.  He'd promised her these two months and he'd give her them.  He just wished that after their two months were up she would finally realize that they were meant to be together forever. 

The next two days were filled with family, both Arjun's and Arohi's.  Not together, like Arohi had hoped but she knew that would happen soon.  She just hoped that later on when Arjun and her made their final decision on whether they would stay together that would not cause a further rift between the families.  But she didn't want to think about that.  Live in the present had become her new motto.  Atleast for the next two months.  Arjun stayed busy mostly with work but he did make time to spend with both families.  Everyone welcoming him with open arms just as Arohi suspected.  "It was good to see everyone." Arjun said as they drove home from her parents place.  "Yeah, and Neha di sure dropped a bombshell..pregnant!"  'I can't believe it." Arohi said happily.  "I'm so excited for her.  "And Rohan will have a little brother or sister to play with soon." she added.  Arjun smiled.  "I think Riya would love a little brother or sister too." he said glancing her way.  Arohi frowned.  "Arjun, you promised."  "Let's not even talk about this until we actually know what's happening with us!" she said.  Arjun rolled his eyes.  "Yes, let's put our life on hold until you decide if I'm going to slip up again or do something that might rock the boat so that you can quickly doubt me and end this relationship."  "Am I always going to be walking on egg shells?" he asked quietly, glancing back at a sleeping Riya.  "Are you always going to be waiting for me to mess up so that you can justify the reason we can't be together." he asked.  Arohi felt her eyes fill with tears.  She didn't know how to answer Arjun.  Was there even an answer when she was infact waiting for that very thing.  She was infact waiting for him to mess up, or for that matter her to mess up.    When had she become such a coward, she thought to herself.  "I'm sorry." she said quietly.  "That's all I can offer right now." she added staring out the window.  Arjun didn't answer, staring straight ahead.  A few moments later she felt his hand take a hold of hers and give it a slight squeeze.  "I love you too much to let you go for now I guess that will have to be good enough."

"Red Roses!" Arohi's Assistant Manager, Maya exclaimed the next week.  They'd been back from Mumbai for a few days now, and even though Arohi had just spent a few days there, she couldn't help but miss it.  Delhi was her home, her business was here, she had  friends here, she'd built a life here.  But Mumbai had family...and a life without your family  and loved ones was a very lonely life Arohi was starting to learn.   "What are the roses for?" Maya asked bringing Arohi out of her thoughts.  Arohi pulled out the card and smiled softly as she read "I love you...xoxo Arjun."  "Just because," she said, breathing in the flowery scent.   "You're so lucky," Maya whined.  "I just meet losers and here you have a husband that's gaga over you."  "Every time he's in here, his eyes follow you around the room."  "It's so damn sweet!'  Maya said in a dreamy voice.  Arohi blushed.  She knew how Arjun felt about more the ever.  He loved her.  But she didn't know that other people could sense just how much too. "And have changed Arohi." Maya suddenly said.  Arohi frowned as she filled a vase with water.  "I've changed how?" she asked  Maya smirked.  "You who was always all business and when a customer is in the shop all attention must be focused on them...blah blah."  Maya began.  "Last time when Arjun was in the shop you wrote down Sheetal Kapoor's mom's measurement's down for Sheetal's bridal lengha.  "Sheetal is a size 4.  Her mom is a size 14!"  "But since you were so flustered by the way Arjun was looking at you, you made the mistake." Maya said with a laugh.  Arohi gasped.  "I did not do that!"  "Please Maya tell me I did not do that." she said in horror.  "You did and you can thank me for catching it." Maya said with a smile.  "Don't worry about it...who can blame you two love birds." she said wistfully.   Arohi walked away not believing she had made such a mistake but anything was possible when Arjun was close by.  Picking up her phone she dialed his number.  "Hi beautiful." he said picking up the phone on the second ring.  "Hi," she said with a smile.  "Thanks for the roses."  "I love them." she added.  "You're welcome."  he replied.  "I was thinking we'd go out for dinner tonight..just you and me." he said in a husky voice.  Arohi smiled slowly.  "That would be nice." she replied.  "And then for dessert you could wear that new outfit I bought you." he said softly.  "Outfit?" she questioned and then slowly comprehending what he was saying, she blushed.  Yesterday he had gave her a black lacy negligee.  Arohi had quickly shoved it in the closet when Riya walked in.  "I think that could be arranged." she said softly.  A slow smile lit up Arjun's face.  "So I'll pick you up around 6:30." he said.  Arohi agreed.  Feeling giddy with anticipation as she hung up. 

Arjun waited for Arohi in his car, she was expected out any second.  He'd missed her more then usual today..thinking about her even more then he usually did.  Her face and smile distracting him repeatedly.  Their trip to Mumbai had been a good one, infact a great one.  It was good to see both families and most importantly for them to meet Riya.  His sweet Riya.  But being in Mumbai also reminded Arjun how much he was needed in his Mumbai office.  And the sooner the better.  He just didn't know how he was going to do that with Arohi's life and business being here in Delhi.  He wasn't going to risk them living separately part of the week or having a long distance relationship.  He knew he wouldn't survive without his family.  He needed to talk to Arohi and get her input on this, see what she thought about possibly moving to Mumbai and maybe opening her boutique there.  He didn't know what her reaction would be, but he knew they could figure this out.  Glancing at his watch he sighed.  Late as usual, he thought,about to open his door so he could go and get Arohi himself.  But he stopped as she came rushing out.  A distraught, panicked expression on her face as she hurried to his car, wrenching the door open.  "Arjun," she said with tears in her eyes.   "We need to go to Lilavati Hospital."  "DJ has had a stroke!"  Arjun pulled her against him as she sobbed.  "Shh..everything is going to be okay."  he said, settling her back into the seat and taking the seat belt out of her trembling hands."  "She's going to be okay." he said reassuringly as he sped off down the street.

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