Chapter 10

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Arohi paused and stared after Arjun as he walked away.  Then her gaze shifted back to Abhi.  Taking a deep breath she walked to him.  She stood behind him and noticed how rigid his back was and that he clenched his one fist to his side.  "Abhi" she said softly.  There was really no way he should have heard her above the loud music in the club.  But, Arohi saw him stiffen and slowly turn around.  He stared at her with hurt and anger.  "What can I do for you Mrs. Singhania?" he asked with barely contained anger.  Arohi stared at him, her eyes welling with tears.  Abhi had been her best friend, she had never wanted to hurt him.  Abhi stared at her, and swore when he saw her tears."  Stop crying Arohi" he said harshly.  "I'm sorry Abhi." she said with more tears.  Abhi grabbed her arm.  "Come with me." he said as he pulled her along and opened a door leading her outside.  "Stop crying!" he said angrily.  "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for hurting you." Arohi repeated.  "I can see that, in fact I did see that." Abhi shouted.  "You and Arjun in the cozy little booth together."  "Abhi, it's not what you think."  "Please can't we put this behind us some how."  "I miss you, you were my best friend." Arohi cried.  "I didn't want to be just your best friend!" he snapped.  "It was supposed to be me in Arjun's place."  "You and I should be married right now."  "Not you and Arjun."  "Abhi, what's done is done."  "What's the point in hurting yourself over this? "  "What's the point?!" Abhi asked grabbing her arm.  "The point is you should be mine."  "Abhi, let go you're hurting me" Arohi said with new tears welling up in her eyes.  Abhi instantly let go.  "I'm sorry." he said in  a broken voice.  "I've been in love with you for years. "  "Did you know that?"  Arohi shook her head.  "When I finally got you to notice me, I thought this is it." "Now that we're together you will fall in love with me."  "But we all saw how that turned out."  he said giving a humorless laugh.  "I turned out to the biggest losers in more ways then one."  "I lost you, and my supposed best friend and I was humiliated in front of everyone."  "My best friend marries my girlfriend."  "Do you know what people were saying about you two?"  "That you two must have had something going on the whole time you were with me."  "Why else would you two get married." 

Silent tears fell down Arohi's face as she listened to every word.  "I, we, didn't mean to hurt you Abhi."  "Arjun and I didn't want to get married."  "We don't want to be married."  Our families forced it after they found out about the Vegas incident."  "Vegas was a drunken mistake."  "A very big drunken mistake."  "Please Abhi you have to believe that."  "If there's one thing Arjun and I have in common, it's that, you would be the last person in the world we would want to hurt."  Abhi stared at her with tears in his eyes.  Wiping her tear stained face she turned around to leave.   "I don't blame you Arohi."  he said softly.  "And I don't hate you."  "I could never hate you." Arohi turned back around to face him and smiled through her tears.  "Thank you Abhi." "You don't know what that means to me." she said.  Abhi just stared at her.  "I better go back in." Arohi finally said.  "Everyone must be looking for me."  "Bye."  Abhi just nodded his head and looked away.

Arohi woke up alone in bed.  Arjun was already gone.  She'd noticed it was becoming a habit of his lately to come to bed after her, and leave before she woke up.  It had been three days since the Abhi incident and Arjun and Arohi had avoided eachother since that night.  Which surprisingly hadn't been so difficult because Arohi was at university all day and Arjun at the office.  If they did have to share a meal together they usually sat at opposite ends of the table and never looked at eachother.  But as Arohi got herself ready for the day she wondered how long they could go on like this.  Living together, but not dealing with eachother.  Shaking her head she tried not to think about it anymore.  Her life used to be so simple.  "What to wear?"  "Where do go for dinner?"  "Which party to attend?"  One stupid drunken mistake and her life was spiraling out of control. 

Arjun looked up at Arohi as she walked down the stairs.  Their eyes met, and Arohi quickly looked away.  "Good morning" she said to everyone as she approached the dining table.  Ignoring Arjun.  "Arohi, you remember your dad and I with the girls are leaving tonight for his friend's daughter's wedding?"  We should be back the in 3 days.  Arohi nodded.  "I remember."  "So it'll be just you and Bhai alone at home" Shefali said with a giggle.  Great Arohi thought as she glared at Shefali.  "You two should go out for dinner or to a movie or something" Arjun's mom suddenly said.  "I've noticed you two barely spend any time together."   "Arjun, I want you to take my daughter in law out of dinner tonight."  Arjun choked on his drink.  "I'm too busy at work." he replied.  "Too bad!" his mom answered.  "Make time!"  "This time is very important in your relationship."  "When the kids come, you'll get so busy with them you'll regret wasting this time in your lives.  "KIDS!" Arohi and Arjun both said in unison.  Arjun's mom continued as if she hadn't heard them.  "Your honeymoon is booked."  "You two know that right?"  "I have exams." Arohi lied giving Rashi and Shefali a "don't even think about saying otherwise" look.  "I'm working on a major project."  " I could never leave right now."  Arjun responded.  Arjun's mom stared at the two.  "We'll postpone the honeymoon for a few weeks."  "Your exams will be finished by then, and that'll give you time to pass on your project to someone else. She said looking first at Arohi then Arjun.  Arjun and Arohi both opened their mouth to say something but seeing the look on Arjun's mom's face, they stayed silent.  Atleast that's bought us some time,  Arohi thought to herself. Maybe by then she would have already driven Arjun crazy enough that he would have filed for divorce.

Arjun was exhausted, he rubbed his eyes as he drove home.  He'd been doing so many early mornings and late nights at work.  It was taking a toll.  Today he had left the office a little earlier then usual.  Hoping to have a nice hot shower, dinner and then bed.  He parked his car in the driveway and using his keys opened the front door and came to a stop.  There were women everywhere, young and old.  Drinking glasses of wine, holding articles of clothing against them.  Some in various forms of undress as they tried things on.  And at the centre of it all, was his lovely wife Arohi.  "Mrs. Arora that dress would look amazing on you."  "It's couture."  Arohi said with a smile to a middle aged woman.  "The color would be perfect on your skin tone."  "And it's a steal at that price."  "Only worn once."  The woman smiled and said "You sold me on it."  "I'll take it."  Arohi smiled as Mrs. Arora handed her the money.  Arjun stared at Arohi.  What the hell was she doing?  Arohi looked around and smiled at her "customers."  Quite a turn out she thought proudly to herself.  "I want this leather jacket Arohi." Tina said as she came and stood next to her holding a short black leather jacket with the tags still on.  "You can have it."  "Just add 10% to the tag attached."  10%! Tina whined.  "Yes!"  "If you were to try finding a jacket like this right now it would be double the price."  "10% is nothing."  "Some friend you are!" Tina said as she handed over the money.  "I'm your friend in need right now, so I need to be ruthless."  Arohi said with a smile.

As Arjun tried to make his way to Arohi he was interrupted. "Hi Arjun,"  Arjun turned around as he heard a voice that was all too familiar.  He forced himself to smile.  "Hi Natasha"  "How are you?" he asked.  "Fine, now that I've seen you." she drawled tracing a finger down Arjun's chest.  Arjun backed up.  He knew all too well how crazy obsessive Natasha was.  He'd dated her a year ago and learned quickly that she was a "few cards short of a full deck."  He tried to let her down easy, but she had become obsessed.  It had taken a lot of work to get her off his back  and now she was in his house.  "What brings you here?" he asked hesitantly.  "Your wife, actually.  Arjun's eyes widened.  "My wife?" he questioned.  "Well her clothing sale actually."  "She called me, inviting me to a designer clothing blowout."  " I don't wear anyone's hand me downs but when she mentioned the designer labels and that 70% of the items had never been worn, I just had to come check it out."  "She's got some amazing things here, and I got to run into you." She smiled at him wickedly.  "I didn't know you were married now Arjun."  she said with a pout suddenly.  "Is that why you wouldn't return my calls before, were you already with Arohi?" "No, I mean yes."  "Sorry, that was the reason."  "Um, Will you excuse me."  "I just need to go speak to my WIFE!"  Arjun said emphasizing the last word.  He was going to kill her, he thought to himself.  "Okay, and hey give me a call sometime" she said flirtatiously.  "Yeah for sure." Arjun said as he walked away.

"No, Mrs. Rai I can't take a penny less then the tag."  "This is a designer purse."  "From Milan."  "You won't find anything like this here." Arohi said when she felt someone grab her arm.  WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU UP TO?!  Arjun said in a clipped tone.  Arohi turned towards Arjun slowly.  "Are you blind?"  "I'm making myself some money."  "Why?!" he asked.  "Because, dear husband you've left me no other choice."  As Arjun opened his mouth to say something he paused.  Infront of him stood his biggest, most important client's wife Mrs. Ahuja.  "Arohi, how do you think this would look on me?" she asked holding up a dress that was much too small for her.  Arohi paused for a second, staring at her and then the dress.  Oh my god, he prayed, please say it'll be great.  Please don't say that she would need two of those dresses to fit one of her.  "You know Mrs. Ahuja, I really like it."  "But I don't think the color is right for you."  "You have such a lovely complexion and your beautiful hair."  "Here let me see whatelse I can find for you."  Mrs Ahuja smiled radiantly.  '"You're so right." she said following Arohi.  Arjun let out the breath he was holding.  As Tina walked by he grabbed her pulling her to the side.  "What's happening here?" he asked getting right to the point.  "Oh nothing, other then Arohi is selling some of her clothes to raise money for the "My husband and My dad are ruining my life Arohi fund."  Arjun blanched.  "SHE IS NOT!"  He shouted and then as females started looking up at him, he quickly lowered his voice trying to calm down.  "Tell me that's not what she's doing and telling people."  Tina smiled mischievously.  "You should know Arohi by now."  "You know if you push her hard enough, she will go crazy on you and do something rash."  "This is her rash." 

Arjun stared after Tina as she walked away.  Yup, he was going to kill Arohi.  No doubt about it.  His family were away, he could hide the body and no one would be the wiser.   He nodded his head as he glanced at yet another ex girlfriend who was waving at him madly trying to get his attention.  He turned around and then he heard "Arjun darling." Arjun closed his eyes and sighed.  Just when he thought it couldn't get worse then it already was.  Apparently he was wrong, it could get much worse.  "Yes, Kavita" he said turning around.  "Darling, when did you get married?" Kavita pouted.  "All the good ones are off the market so quickly."  Arjun just stared at her, almost helplessly.  What do you say to that.  "I really missed you after we broke up."  "You never tried calling either."  "Kavita, that was 4 years ago, I really don't think we should rehash that."  "Especially since she had threatened suicide the last time he had seen her if he didn't marry her. Arjun thought to himself.  "Now if you'll excuse me." he said.  "Darling, why don't you call me, we can get together for drinks and then maybe go over to my place." she said touching his chest.  "I'm married now and my wife is really crazy possessive."  "I shouldn't even be talking to you."  "The last girl she saw me speak to went missing mysteriously."  Kavita's face turned white.  "Seriously, but she looks so innocent." she said.  "I know."  "Those are the ones that are the craziest."  He quickly walked away. 

"Arohi, I need to speak to you." Arjun said as he squeezed his way between a group of women digging through various articles of clothing.  "I'm busy." she snapped.  "Please Arohi" he said gritting his teeth.  "It's important."  Arohi sighed.  "Husbands, they can't do anything for themselves, can they she said."  The women around him laughed as they agreed wholeheartedly with her.  "Arjun, he heard Mrs. Ahuja say.  "Your Arohi has a real eye for fashion." "But I still don't understand why she's selling her clothes."  Before Arohi could open her mouth."  Arjun quickly said.  "Oh because she's getting a whole new wardrobe."  "We're going to Paris and London for our honeymoon and she wants to buy all new things."  "But in order for that to happen she needs room in her closet."  "That's why she's getting rid of things."  Arohi rolled her eyes.  "Let's go Arohi." Arjun said grabbing her arm and dragging her away, up the stairs to their bedroom.  He shut the door and crossed his arms across his chest and took a deep breath

"What are you doing?  "Why are you doing it?"  And what is it going to take for you to stop doing it?" he said calmly taking a deep breath in between every sentence.  "I think you know what and why I'm doing."  "As for what is it going to take?"  "Let me think."  "Nothing."  "You did this Mr. I will cut off all financial support for Arohi and leave her to beg me for money."  Arjun closed his eyes and tried not to reach over and wring her neck.  "I didn't say that."  "I got you the damn credit card."  "I don't care what you spend, just make what's happening downstairs stop."  "I can't believe you contacted my client's wives and my ex girlfriends.  "Believe it!" Arohi snapped.  "You're going to play dirty, well so am I!"  "You want me to ask you for money for every little thing."  "Well that's not happening."  Arohi said with arms crossed across her chest.  Arjun was seething with anger, ever since that horrible night in Vegas this stupid girl was trying to drive him crazy.  He willed himself to calm down and tried using another tactic.  "Tell me this." he asked.  "What will you do once all your clothes are gone?"  "What will you wear?" "I'm not selling any of my favorite things.  "This is just my "I LIKE" clothing."  "I've kept all my "I LOVE" clothing."  "Okay well what will you do when all that money is finished?"  "What will you sell next?"  Arohi stared at him for a while.  Truth be told she hadn't thought that far ahead.  But she wasn't going to tell him that.  "I have a plan."  Arjun smirked.  "I'm sure you do."  "You make this embarrassment stop and I'll add your name to my bank account."  "I'll make it joint for the duration of this marriage."  Arohi's eyes widened at she stared at him.  "So I wouldn't ever need to ask you for money, technically I'll have my own because as my husband what's yours is mine."  Arjun rolled his eyes!  "Sure, whatever" he said.  A smile spread across her face.  "DONE!"  "I want the banking stuff taken care of first thing in the morning if it isn't Arjun, you know what I'm capable of." Arohi said with a toss of her hair.  She walked out smiling.  Arjun stared after her.  Arohi you have messed with me for the last time.  Let everyone leave and then you watch what I do to you.

Arohi was practically jumping she was so happy.  This had worked out better then she had ever imagined.  Now that she thought about it, Arjun's money was payment for putting up with him.  As far as she was concerned this was the least he could do.  Coming downstairs, Arohi shut down shop, complaining of a headache.  Promising to contact everyone if she put on another designer sale.  As the door shut behind the last customer she smiled.  I win again, she thought to herself.  Giddy with happiness.  Calling his ex girlfriends was an idea that came to her a couple of nights ago when she couldn't sleep and couldn't help wondering why he still wasn't home.  Was he with a girlfriend? she had thought to herself.  That's when she had dug around through his stuff and found his little black book.  So what, she was a little curious, she thought.  She had a right to be, she was his temporary wife!  She had a right to know about her husbands past and possible present.  So she called the girlfriends and invited them.  But after meeting them she felt better.  Arjun hadn't been with any of them.  And according to Mrs. Ahuja, her husband had given Arjun's company a big contract.  So in all likely hood he'd probably been working late in the office.  NOT THAT SHE CARED!  She smiled and picked up some of the clothes still left.  She'd take them upstairs and put them away.

Arohi walked into her bedroom and saw Arjun standing by the window.  Smiling she went to her closet and opened it up.  "Everyone gone?" he asked. softly.  "Yup," she said happily.  "Good!" Arjun said.  Arohi smirked from behind the closet.  Then she heard the door shut.  He must have left she thought and then she heard the door lock.  That's weird she thought as she glanced from around the closet.  Arjun stood against the door and he was staring at her.  A dark dangerous stare.  "What are you doing Arjun?" she asked hesitantly.  Arjun didn't say anything but he did take a step towards her.  Arohi slipped out from around the closet.  "Arjun, stay right where you are?"  "Orelse I'll scream" she said.  "Go ahead and scream." he said as he loosened his tie and threw it on the ground.  "Arjun, I'm warning you." she said, all of her bravado from a few minutes ago gone.    "Don't take another step." she said as she took a step back herself.  Arjun kept stalking towards her slowly.  "What you did today, the embarrassment you caused me."  "What are my clients going to think of me?"  "That I make my wife sell her own clothes to make money!"  "Do you know how embarrassing that is for any man."  He said everything in a calm tone, but the anger in his eyes rivaled the calmness of his voice.  He started unbuttoned his shirt and Arohi kept moving back.  "Arjun, it wasn't like that." she said almost hysterically as she backed up faster now.  "No one thinks anything of you." "I made it sound like I just had too much stuff and wanted to get rid of it."  Arjun's eyes if possible got even darker.  "RIGHT!" he barked at her.   "Arjun I will scream." she said hysterically now because the look in his eyes had clearly shifted from anger to something else.  His shirt unbuttoned he slipped it off and threw it on the ground.  Arohi's eyes widened.  "What are you doing?" she screamed and then she hit the side of their bed and Arjun was right in front of her pushing her back.  She went tumbling on to their bed and he followed her down.   His mouth was on hers before she could react.  It was a hard punishing kiss and Arohi struggled underneath him until she felt him soften the kiss.  Arohi stopped struggling and kissed him back.  This was the kiss she was used to from Arjun.  The intoxicating kiss that drained her of any rational thought.  He moaned when he felt her open her mouth.  His hands traveled up and down her body and her hands shifted to his hair, running her hands through his hair.  She moaned when he pulled away and started kissing her neck and then working on the buttons on her shirt.  One by one they fell open as he kissed her again again. Her fingernails dug into his back as he kissed along her throat to her neck.  As his warm hands settled on her stomach she pulled him back for another kiss.  "Arjun please." she whispered.  Arjun looked at her, his eyes clouded with passion.  "Please what?" Arohi he asked as he gave her a kiss that left her whimpering.  "Do you want me Arohi?" he asked. Arohi didn't say anything but as his lips touched hers again this time more forcibly she was forced to admit yes she did want him.  "Arohi, I can't hear you." he asked.  "Yes!" she finally said.  "Yes, Arjun I want you."  Arjun kissed her again making her moan underneath him and then he stopped "GOOD!"  "But I don't want you" he said as he forcefully pulled away and off of her.  Arohi stared up at the ceiling.  She couldn't think straight as she watched Arjun get up and walk away from her. 

Arjun walked into the bathroom and leaned his head against the door.  He was such an idiot, he thought to himself.  Why did he think he could teach Arohi a lesson.  Instead he himself had learned a lesson.  He wanted her now even more then he wanted her before.  He had convinced himself that after the Abhi incident he wouldn't go near Arohi again.  But today he'd lost his mind.  That was the only explanation.  The second his lips had touched hers he forgot all about the revenge he'd planned.  Letting her go right now had probably been one of the hardest things he'd ever done. 

Arohi sat up.  What had just happened?  Shaking her head as if to clear it she ran back  in her head what just took place.  He wanted her, she knew it.  The way he kissed her and then he pulled away.  The more she thought about it the more angry she became.  He just wanted to hear her say it.  She watched as he walked out of the bathroom looking freshly showered in a pair of grey sweats and a royal blue t-shirt.   He looked at her and then looked away, his lips a thin line.  Arohi glared at him and then realized her stupid shirt was still unbuttoned.  She quickly buttoned herself up and rounded on him.  "What were you trying to prove there?" she asked.  "Not trying, I believe I did prove it."  "What exactly?"  "What did you prove?" she asked. "That I don't want you."   "But you obviously want me." he said.  "Excuse me, but it was you that came to me with that stupid "enemies with benefits" proposal."  "I'm over that now."  "And please try to keep your hands off of me. Arjun snapped.  "You're a piece of work Arjun Singhania."  A real piece of work!"  "Thanks" Arjun said switching on the TV as he sat down on their bed.  Arohi marched over to the TV and turned it off.  "That was not a compliment!"  "And just for your information I don't want you either."  Arjun laughed.  Arohi felt her blood pressure rise!  "You could have fooled me" he said with another laugh as he switched on the TV again.  "I believe I did fool you."  " I felt sorry for you because I embarrassed you in front of your little girlfriends and your client's wives today."  "It was just pity."  "Nothing else."  "So get that into your head." she snapped.  Arjun turned and glared at her.  "I think while everyone's away I'm going to sleep in the guest bedroom." he said getting up.  "I don't feel like looking at your face."  "Fine!" "Suit yourself" she snapped.  Arjun got up, grabbing some of his things and opened the door slamming it, as he walked out.  Arohi stared at the door and felt a lump form in her throat.  "Why they hell are you crying?" she said out loud as she brushed away a tear that slid down her face. I will not cry she told herself.  She forced herself to get up and get ready for bed.  But as she got into the lonely bed by herself, again, she felt that lump rise again.  Giving into her sorrow this time, she let the tears fall freely and sobbed herself to sleep.

The next morning she waited until she knew for sure Arjun had left for the office.  She hadn't had dinner the night before but amazingly she wasn't hungry for breakfast either.  She just felt drained.  She went to her classes, and when Tina tried to convince her to skip her last class, but she declined.  She didn't feel like being around giggling, carefree Tina right now.  Not when her own life was such a mess.  After class she called her sister.  "What are you doing?  she asked.  "Nothing just got about to leave work."  "I'm bored.  Should i come over?" Arohi asked. "Since when do you ask?" her sister said.  "Sure come over."  "Hey is everything alright?"  "Everything is fine." Arohi said gloomily.  "Actually I won't come over, just come meet me at Roy's cafe."  "I'm starving I haven't eaten since yesterday."  "I'll make you something at home."Neha said  "No, I feel like Roy's."   Neha sighed "Okay, I'll meet you there." 

As Arohi walked into the cafe she looked around for her sister.  She didn't see her but she did see Abhi.  He had seen her too.  She gave a small smile and he returned her smile.  She slowly made her way over to him.  "Hi Abhi."  "Hi" he said.  "How are you?"  "Fine, thanks" she replied.  "Just felt like a Roy's burger." she said.  "Let me guess extra mushrooms hold the meat" he said smiling.  Arohi laughed.  "You got it."  "We used to come here a lot."  "Yeah and you always ordered the same thing."  Arohi shrugged and smiled.  "I'm a girl of habit."  They smiled akwardly.  "I better go, my sister is supposed to meet me."  Abhi nodded.  "It was good seeing you Arohi," he said.  "You too." she said softly.  As she took a step to leave her phone beeped.  Checking her text message she saw that Neha had texted that she wouldn't be able to make it because a work emergency had come up.  Arohi sighed as she turned to walk away.  "Everything okay?" Abhi asked.  "It's fine, di can't meet me afterall."  "That's fine, I'll get it to go."  "Well, if you want you can eat with me." he said.  "Really?" Arohi said with a big smile.  Abhi laughed.  "Yes, really."  Arohi sat down and slowly they became the old Abhi and Arohi.  Arohi the chatterbox and Abhi the friend she missed. 

Arjun was starving.  Another day without lunch, lately it was becoming a normal thing.  Life/Work balance had gone out the door.  He quickly stepped into Roy's to grab a sandwich before his next meeting.  He waited in line, and as he glanced around his eyes settled on Arohi and Abhi.  Arohi was telling Abhi something and the two of them were laughing.  And Abhi had those same worship filled eyes directed at Arohi that he used to have before.  Arjun felt liked he'd been kicked in the gut.  He quickly left before either one could notice him.  What were Abhi and Arohi doing together he wondered to himself.  Last time he checked Abhi hated the both of them.  When did things change?  How many times had they seen eachother?  Arjun had so many emotions running through him, but the one that he didn't want to address at all was the one that was most prominent.  Jealousy.  He had felt hard cold jealousy when he saw Abhi staring at Arohi like that.  She was his wife dammit!  No other man but him should be looking at her like that.  As soon as the thought entered his mind. he pushed it out.  Don't be an idiot he told himself.  What Abhi and Arohi do is none of your business.  Remember this is a marriage in name only.  But as he walked back to his office that knot in his stomach that had formed when he saw the two together only got tighter and tighter. 

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