Chapter 24

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"Riya, shona,,let's go."  "Mama is so late." Arohi said as she grabbed Riya's back pack.  "I put shoes on by myself" Riya said sitting down and slowly starting to slip her shoes on.  It took everything Arohi had to stop herself from grabbing the shoes and putting them on Riya herself.  No, she's asserting her independence Arohi reminded herself.   A few minutes later Riya stood up and said "all done!"  Arohi looked down at Riya's shoes, each on the wrong foot.  Sighing, she smiled at her baby's beaming face.  "Good job!" "Tanks" Riya replied grabbing her mom's hand and pulling her towards the door.  As Arohi drove Riya kept her steady chatter going.  "Maria is my fend Mama."  "We play in pak all the time"  "She likes to play ring around rosie."  "She's my best fend."  Arohi smiled.  "Yes baby, she is your best friend."  Pulling into Riya's daycare she could see Rosa who owned the daycare and two other little girls playing outside on the swings."  As Arohi unbuckled her car seat, Riya jumped out and ran to her friends.  "Where's my kiss?" Arohi called.  Ria quickly ran back, planted a wet kiss on her mom's cheek and turning ran towards her friends again.  "I love you baby!" Arohi called smiling as Rosa walked over.  Rosa had been taking care of Riya three times a week since she was a year old. She was a godsend who treated the children she took care of as her own.  "And most importantly Riya loved her!  She always looked forward to her days with Rosa.  "Rosa, I'm going to be a little bit late today picking up Riya."  "I need to meet with some of the models for the fashion show."  "No worries,"  "Take your time."  Rosa answered staring at the playing girls.  "But I tell you, all work and no play is not good for someone your age."  "You should go out and have fun."  "How's that good looking boyfriend of yours?"  Arohi raised her eyebrows and looked at Rosa.  That was the other thing about Rosa.  She was very blunt and had no qualms about saying what ever was on her mind.  "Amar is not by boyfriend." Arohi said already turning to her car.  "Well you need a boyfriend..a pretty girl like you wasting away her youth!"  "When is this construction finishing?" Arohi asked changing the subject and pointing towards the new apartment building across the street.  Rosa frowned.  "I don't know but I am fed up with all this noise."  "Hopefully they'll be finished soon."  "If not then they'll be hearing from me!"  Arohi hid a smile as she looked up at the tall building.  Waving bye to Riya she climbed into her car.  As she glanced at her watch she grimaced.  SO LATE!

Arjun walked through the construction sight.  Things had taken much too long with this site and he wasn't happy with the progress.  Grabbing his phone he called his project manager.  Voice mail! He thought with irritation as he left a quick brisk message.  Pocketing his phone he started to walk to his car when he notice a little girl standing across the street.  Staring at a ball that was now in the middle of the road.  Arjun walked over and grabbing the ball he walked over to her.   "Here you go." he said handing her the ball.  "Tanks!" she said frowning at him.  Arjun couldn't help but smile.  She was too cute.  "Why are you out here alone?" he asked looking around for an adult.  "My mama said not to talk to sangers!" Riya replied still frowning at him.  Arjun crouched down to her level.  "Your mama is exactly right." he said staring at her.  There was something oddly familiar about this little girl.  "But you shouldn't be out here alone."  "Where is your mama?"  "Work."  "My Rosa over dere" she said pointing to the back of the house.  Arjun smiled at the sound of her little voice.  "Okay, well let's take you over dere" he said motioning for her to lead.  He watched as she hopped and skipped in front of him, all the way to the back.  A frazzled looking  older woman came around the corner.  "Riya!"  "You are in big trouble young lady."  "You know you're not supposed to leave the house without telling me."The woman said hugging Riya to her.  "Dis man find my ball Rosa"  Rosa noticed "dis man" at that particular moment.  Frowning she gave Arjun the once over, pushing Riya behind her.  "Who are you?" she asked suspiciously. "My name's Arjun."  "I was just leaving the construction site  and noticed Riya out on the street."  "You should keep a better eye on her."  "What if she was to have gone out on to the road?" Arjun asked with a scowl.  Rosa glared back at him.  "Don't you tell me how to take care of children?"  "I have grandchildren your age that I've raised!"  'I know how to take care of children."  "Arjun was taken aback. "You just worry about all the noise that construction over there is causing!"  "If it's not finished soon I'm going to be marching myself to the Council office and filing a complaint!"  Arjun shook his head and started to back away, when he heard.  "See you mister."  His smile returned.  "See you Riya." he replied returning her wave. 

As Arjun got into his car he looked back at the little house where he'd just met the cutest little girl.  A smile played on his lips as he thought about her.  It was weird but the little girl looked oddly familiar, almost as if he had met her before. Shaking his head he pulled his thoughts away from Riya and back to his work.  He'd been in Delhi for 4 days, and so far  had spent most of his time at the office.  But tonight he'd get to spend some time with Seema.  He'd promised her dinner tonight at her favorite restaurant, Saltaire. It would be good to see her.

Arohi smiled as the last customer  left her boutique.  Locking the door behind them, she leaned against the door and sighed.  She needed a vacation!  She'd been going non stop for so long it would be wonderful if her and Riya could go lie on a beach somewhere. But Riya sit still long enough to lie on a beach had Arohi shaking her head and smiling.  Her little princess was not the sitting still type!   Knocking on the the door, pulled Arohi out of her thoughts.  She turned to find a smiling Amar on the other side.  "Hey," she said as she let him in.  "Are you done here?"  "Yeah just have to put a few things away."  "Okay good, cause we're going out for dinner." he replied.  "Dinner?"  "No, Amar I'm meeting with some models now for the fashion show."  "I know!"  "The plan is you will go do your model stuff, and I'll go pick up Riya, and get her settled at home."  "DJ will put her to bed."  "And you can meet me at the restaurant."  "No Amar, seriously not tonight."  "We're going to Saltaire." he said mentioning Arohi's favorite restaurant.  Arohi pouted.  "Not fair!"  "Dangling my fave restaurant in front of me."  "Come on, we haven't been out in weeks and weeks."  "You need a change, I can see it."  "You're working too hard."  Arohi sighed.  "Fine,"  "I'll meet you at Saltaire at 8:00."  Reservations are under Mr. and Mrs. Raichand." he said walking quickly to the door.  "Amar!" Arohi called laughing.  Amar smiled back at her and rushed out of the shop.

"Thanks everyone for coming out."  "I'll see you all next week for the dress rehearsal and then the shows on Friday." Arohi said with a smile.  As she turned around to leave she heard her phone ring.  "Arohi, have you left yet?"  "Just about to."  "How's Riya?"  "Good, here I'm putting her on."  "She wants to say good night."  Arohi smiled, as a few seconds later she heard her baby's cute little voice.  "Hi mama"  'Hi sweetie pie."  "How was your day?"  "Good, I had lot of fun paying." "Oh you had lots of fun playing?" Arohi asked.  "That's good."  "And I saw sanger."  Arohi frowned.  "You saw who?"  "Sanger, mama"  "But he nice."  "He got my ball for me."  "He?"  Arohi asked worriedly.  What HE was around her child?  "Baby, where was Rosa?"  "She dere too."  "Oh, okay," Arohi said slowly.  I'll ask Rosa about this "sanger" tomorrow she told herself.  "Okay baby you be good for DJ and I'll see you soon."  "Okay good night."  Arohi heard Riya passing the phone back to Amar.  "Okay, I'm about to leave so we should reach there at the same time." Arohi agreed and hung up. 

"Hello Mr. Raichand."  "Your table is ready."  "Would you like to wait at the bar for your guest or go right to your table?"  "I think I'll wait at the bar, Charlie." Amar answered turning around and heading for the bar.  Arohi probably started talking to the models or something he thought.  He'll have a drink while he waited. As he sat down at the bar and ordered a gin and tonic he looked around.  Restaurant was pretty busy.  He remembered the first time he brought Arohi here.  She had loved it.  They had stayed late into the night.  It had been hard to get her to come out and she had called to check up on Riya every half hour.  But eventually she'd relaxed.  Thinking of her reminded him of what an amazing woman she was.  So strong and resilient, cool headed.  Raising a child and running a successful business by herself.  She was everything he could ever want in a partner.  Caring, smart, sweet, sexy."  Definetly sexy he thought with a smile.  "Amar!"  Amar pulled himself from his thoughts and turned towards the person that called his name.  "Seema!" he said laughing.  Seema took a few steps and walked into his arms.  "It has been too long!"  "How are you doing?"  "Really good." Amar answered.  "And you?" he asked looking past her to a tall, good looking guy standing behind her.  Seema laughed.  "I couldn't be better."  "Amar let me introduce you to Arjun, my boyfriend."  Amar smiled at Arjun and the two men shook hands.  "Good to meet you," Arjun said.  "So what's new?"  "What's happening?" Seema asked  "Same old."  Amar answered.  "Nothing new to tell."  "How's your little princess?"  Seema asked.  Amar smiled.  "She's terrific."  "Just turned 3 last week but acts like she 20!"  "Yesterday she told me to get up from where I was sitting because apparently I was sitting in her seat!"  Arjun smiled.  Amar was obviously a proud father.  "That child is too cute."  "Last time I was at Armaan she was following her mom around with a measuring tape."  "Trying to get her measurements so she could make her dress."  "That sounds like my girl" Amar said with a laugh.  "Hey, I'm glad I saw you today."  "I'm throwing a little dinner party at my place this Friday to welcome Arjun to Delhi."  Arjun rolled his eyes.  "She's just looking for a reason to throw a party." he said. Amar laughed. "Sounds like Seema!"  "When we were in Uni she was the one to organize the largest parties on campus!"  "And usually for no apparent reason."  'Seema smiled wistfully.  Those were the days huh?" "So Arjun, where are we welcoming you from?" Amar asked.  "Mumbai."  "That's home"  'I own a construction business and have offices both here and Mumbai."  "I'm going to be working out of this office for atleast the next few months."  "If not longer" Seema added looping her arm through Arjun's. Hearing a phone ringing they all looked towards their phones.  "That's me" Arjun said.  Excusing himself to take the call.   "Anyways, as I was saying, party at my house on Friday,"   "You and Arohi have to be there." Seema said.  Amar nodded as he took a sip of his drink.  "What's up with you and the new guy?"  'Looks pretty serious." Amar said with a smile.  Seema looked back to where Arjun stood.  "It is." she said smiling.  Turning back to Amar she said smiling. "Hey are you here by yourself?"  "I'm supposed to be meeting Arohi."  'But she's still not here yet."  "Which is odd." he said frowning.  Pulling out his phone he quickly dialed her cell.  "Hey, where are you?" he asked when she picked up on the first ring.  "Amar, I was just going to call you."  "I have a flat tire!"  "Can you come meet me."  "Ofcourse, I'll be right there."  Amar quickly got her location.  "Gotta go,"  "Arohi has a flat tire and needs me."  "Seema smiled.  "And you need her!' she said teasingly.  "Okay, so don't forget you and Arohi dinner, Friday, my house."  "Amar nodded rushing off.  "Where did your friend go" Arjun said as he returned.  "To his lady love."  "She had a flat tire so he's gone to help."  Arjun nodded.  "He seems like a nice guy."  "He is..."   Seema answered as they walked to their table.

"Sorry about dinner." Arohi said as she tucked a sleeping Riya into her bed and closed the door part way.  "That's okay."  'We can have dinner any time."  "Actually speaking of dinner."  "I ran into Seema and she is having a dinner party in honor of her boyfriend moving to Delhi."  "And she's invited us."  "When is it?" Arohi asked as she tidied up the living room and put away Riya's toys.  "Friday."  "Sounds like fun." "So we're going?" "You're not going to back out?" Amar asked.  "Yes, we're going" she answered with a smile.  "And we're staying out late!"  "And I'm having wine!" Amar smiled and pulled her into his arms.  "That's my girl!" he said against her hair.  Arohi stiffened.  "My girl."  Arjun used to refer to her as that.  Why was she thinking of him after so long she thought irritability.  Amar pulled away.  "You okay?" he asked.  "Yup, just tired." she answered.  "Okay, good night."  "I'll see you tomorrow."  Arohi nodded and watched as he walked to the door blowing a kiss at her as he shut the door behind him.  Arohi shook her head and started to get herself ready for bed. As she sat down on her bed and rubbed lotion on her arms,  Arjun's face flashed in front of her eyes.  Arohi frowned.  Where did that come from she thought.  As she got into bed her restlessness took over.  "I love you Arohi." Arohi tried to push the words out of mind. But she couldn't help but remember the very first time Arjun had told her he loved her.  In the rain, after the concert in the park when she had run away from him.  She'd loved him so much.  She still remembered the feel of his lips against hers as they stood in the rain pledging their love for each other.  She'd felt so happy.  Like her love story was complete.  The man she loved, loved her back.  Little did she know the man she loved would also be the one to rip her heart out.  Turning to her side she tried to push his image out of her head but that was easier said then done.  Sighing as a tear rolled down her face she knew that tonight would be one of those nights that ghosts from her past would haunt her.  Closing her eyes she willed herself to fall asleep.

Arjun stared out of his living room window at the City in front of him , blanketed in darkness.  Most people were asleep.  But tonight sleep eluded Arjun.  Untouched drink in hand he stared out at the eerily quiet city.  Soon it would be coming back to life.  The people, the sounds and the smells of the city making it alive again.  But for now, the city slept.  He didn't know what it was that had erased his sleep tonight, maybe the little girl he had seen earlier today.  Thinking of her brought a  soft smile to his face.  If he had, had a daughter she'd be about that little girl's age he guessed.  What would she have been like?  What kinds of things would she be doing right now?  Moving away from the window he walked up to his bedroom, as he slowly got into bed and closed his eyes he saw the face he tried very hard never to think about.  Arohi.  Even though he hated himself for it he couldn't help but wonder where she was.  What was she doing?  Her musical laughter rang in his head.  He clenched his hands into fists as she remembered the feel of her soft skin.  Her beautiful face flashing in front of his eyes. He gritted his teeth.  Her beautiful, cold, deceitful, lieing face!  But even with those thoughts he still found himself thinking about the good times they had.  The love and intense passion they shared.  Sighing he knew that tonight would be one of those dreaded nights where no matter what he did he wouldn't be able to stop thinking about everything he had lost 3 1/2 years ago.  And how empty his life had been ever since.

"Buddy" Riya squealed from on top of Amar's shoulders.  "I so high!" she said as Amar walked towards the playground.  "Yes, my princess, you're so high." he repeated.  "Go faster!" she begged.  "You be my hosey!"  Amar held her legs tight and took off running, hearing Riya's excited giggles from above.  Finally stopping he let her down.  "Buddy is tired now." Amar said panting.  "Now it's your turn to carry me." he said pretending to climb on top of her shoulders.  Riya squealed with delight.  "Buddy, you too big!"  "I can't carrry you!' "You can't?" he asked.  "But you have to, I'm tired" he said making a grab for her.  Riya screamed and giggled as she took off running. 

Arjun jogged through the park flipping on his music and zoning out. There weren't too many people out at the park this time in the morning so he could have a nice run without trying to weave through people.  As he came around a corner he saw a little person whiz past him.  Halting quickly so he didn't hit the child, he saw a man chase after the child.  "Amar" he said out loud.  Amar caught Riya and threw her up in the air.  Listening to her giggles and smiling.  "Amar" he heard and looked at Arjun.  "Oh hey Arjun." he said walking over with Riya.   Arjun looked at the familiar faced little girl.  "Hi Riya" he said smiling.  "Hi Mister." Riya answered.  "Riya, we don't say that."  "This is Arjun uncle."  "Ajun Uncle" Riya repeated.  Arjun smiled as Amar put Riya down on the ground.  "Riya and I met yesterday outside, I guess her daycare."  "Oh" Amar said with a confused look.  "She'd lost her ball, I just grabbed it for her."  "Mister, I mean Ajun Uncle get ball for Riya." she said.  "I say tanks."  Amar ruffled her hair and smiled.  "You have a very sweet little girl there" Arjun said crouching down to Riya's level.  "I remember you said thanks."  "You have perfect manners."  Riya beamed at Arjun giving him a huge dimpled smile.  Arjun's eyes widened as he looked at her beaiuftul smile and dimples.  There was that feeling again.  Like he's seen her before.  Taken a back he continued to stare at her.  Trying to pin point what it was about her that made her so familiar.  "Buddy!'  "Lets go paygound" Riya said tugging at Amar's hand.  Arjun slowly stood up.  "Sorry Arjun, the princess needs to get to the playground."  "I'll see you at Seema's on Friday." Amar said already walked away.  "Sounds good." "Bye Riya." Arjun said smiling at her.  "Bye Ajun" she said letting go of Amar's hand and running towards the playground.  Amar took off after her, leaving Arjun to stare after the father and daughter.

"How do I look?' Seema asked twirling in front of Arjun.  She wore a black knee length spaghetti strapped dress that fit her perfectly.  Her hair tied in a low bun.  "Beautiful" he answered as the doorbell rang.  "It's party time!" Seema said with a smile rushing towards the door.  For the next hour Arjun was introduced to about 2 dozen of Seema's closest friends.  Everyone was friendly and welcoming.  "Having a good time?" Seema asked.  Arjun nodded.  "Yes, everything's great."  "And everyone is very nice." Arjun said slipping an arm around Seema's waist.  "Thanks for the party."  Your welcome she answered giving him a kiss on the cheek.  Hearing the doorbell ring Seema pulled away from Arjun to go welcome another guest and Arjun started a conversation with an Artist friend of Seema's. 

"Hi!"  "I'm so glad you two could make it!" Seema squealed as Amar and Arohi walked in.   Seema gave Arohi a big hug.  "I've been meaning to come by the shop."  "My new dress is in right?" Seema asked.  "Yes, come in anytime and try it on"  "If you need it adjusted I'll have it done for you right away." Arohi answered. Seema smiled. "Now that's service!' she said.  "How's Riya."  "She's great."  "A real chatter box" Arohi replied handing Seema her coat.  "Whoa!"  "I love your dress."  Arohi smiled.  It was actually one she had designed herself.  "Thanks" she replied looking down at her one shoulder peach chiffon dress that had little crystals traveling up the one shoulder.  The dress ruched along the sides from the bodice all the way down to her knees where it ended.  Her hair lay in waves down her back.   "Come, I'll introduce you to Arjun." Seema said.  Arohi's steps slowed...Arjun.  Seema's boyfriend's name was Arjun she thought to herself.  And then mentally giving her head a shake she chastised herself.  There's probably only a million Arjuns in the world!  What was she thinking?  Taking a calming breath and pushing Arjun from her mind she kept following Seema.  "Hmm," Seema said looking around.  "Now where is he?' she wondered out loud.  "Arjun?" a friend of hers piped in.  "He went into your wine cellar to grab some more wine."  Seema nodded.  "Sorry, he'll be back soon."  'In the mean time make yourself comfortable."  'Have a drink, grab soemthing eat."  Arohi smiled and looking around saw some familiar faces.  "I see one of my regular customers" "I'm just going to go say hi." she said to Amar as she moved away.  Amar grabbed a glass of champagne and heard "Hey" "How's it going?"  "Hey Arjun."  "Quite the turn out" Amar said looking around.  "Yeah, quite" Arjun said taking a drink of his beer.  The two made small talk and Arjun asked where Riya was tonight.  "She's with my grandmother."  "Probably getting away with murder."  "My grandmother is probably sneaking Riya and herself some cookies or cake from the pantry.  "She's diabetic, but the way she plots and plans ways to get to anything sweet is quite scary."  Arjun laughed.  "I'm sure Riya will keep a close eye and report back to you."  "Your wife didn't come?" Arjun asked looking around.  Before Amar could answer they got interrupted by an old university friend of Seema and Amar's.  Arjun excused himself and started to walk away.  "Arjun, could you pass this glass of champagne to the girl in the peach colored dress outside" "I'll introduce you two in a minute"  "I'm just having a small hor dourves criss in the kitchen."  Arjun grabbed the glass from Seema and headed outside.  As he walked out on to the patio, he saw two women talking.  The girl in the peach dress had her back to him. As he walked closer the other women hugged the girl in peach and then walked away past him back into the house.  The girl in the peach still with her back to him, stared out into the moonlight.  "Hi," "Seema asked me to bring this out for you." Arjun said as he same up behind her.  He saw her visibly stiffen.  Arjun frowned and waited for her to turn around.  Slowly Arohi turned around.  Please, please, please god don't let it be him.  But she would know that voice anywhere.  She knew she wasn't wrong.  Arjun froze as he saw a wide eyed Arohi staring back at him.  The glass of champagne slipping from his fingers and his ears rang as it broke into tiny pieces.  The two stared at each other like they'd seen a ghost.  Arohi didn't know how long they stood staring at eachother.  Was this another one of her dreams she thought to herself almost reaching out to touch him.  Arjun couldn't move.  He couldn't think, he couldn't speak.  Arohi, Arohi!  He couldn't believe it was her.  

"There you are." Arohi heard Seema say as she came up and grabbed Arjun's hand leaning against him.  "See I told you Arohi would still be out here, Amar" Seema said.  "You know how much she loved the view of the City from my balcony the last time she was here."  Arjun watched as Amar slipped an arm around Arohi's waist.  "I should have know." he said smiling at Arohi.  Arohi forced herself to look away from Arjun.  She couldn't breathe.  She seriously was feeling like there was no oxygen getting to her brain.  Maybe that's why she was feeling so light headed.  "Hey, you okay? Amar asked.  "You look like you've seen a ghost."  Arohi could feel Arjun's eyes boring into her.  "I'm fine."  "I, I just need a drink." she replied.  "Where's the champagne I sent for you?" Seema asked looking at Arjun.  "I dropped it" Arjun replied, too softly.  "Oh, well that's okay"  "Come on Arohi, we'll get you more."  "Arjun, you coming?" Seema asked, as the three of them started to move away.  'In a bit." he replied.  He could barely speak.  He was shaking.  Amar and Arohi were together.  Amar and Arohi were married!  They had a child."  "It just didn't make sense."  What was Arohi doing in Delhi?"  "What was she doing having children with another man!"  "What about their child?"  "What about him?!"  He felt so many emotions.  She was still just as devastatingly beautiful.  She didn't even need to try.  She could wear a paper sack and she would still be the most beaitful woman in the room.  She's been just as shocked as he had been.  Arjun remembered the feeling he got in the pit of his stomach when he saw Amar's arm slip around HIS wife's waist.  She''s not your wife, she's Amar's wife" said a small voice in Arjun's head.  Arjun squeezed his eyes shut.  He thought he was over all this so why was he letting it bother him.  He was over Arohi, he'd moved on.  He was thinking of marriage himself.  But thinking and doing were two different things.  Arohi was someone else's now.  The thought made him physically ill.  Whenever he thought about Arohi, which was more then he'd like to, he had for some reason never pictured her with anyone else.  Never even thought she'd be married again.   But not only had she gotten married, but she'd had a child with another man.  The thought of Amar touching Arohi, making love to Arohi made him want to punch something.  What are you doing? he asked himself harshly.  What the hell are you thinking?  You kicked her out of your life.  The end!  You're over.  You don't need, nor want her.  Forcing himself to turn around he walked back inside, to the party.

Arjun stood next to Seema, looking around he couldn't see the one person his eyes kept searching for.  Hating himself for even asking "Where's Amar and his, his...where's Arohi?" he managed to choke out.  "Oh Arohi suddenly felt sick"  "So Amar took her home."  "Sick huh?" Arjun muttered to himself angrilly.  "I just bet she was." he said drinking back his whole drink in one shot.   Maybe she was feeling sick because she remembered how she had killed his baby.  Or how she had deceived him.  Or maybe how she'd broken him.  Maybe she was remembering that!  Arjun thought furiously as he grabbed another drink.  Arjun brooded the rest of the evening.  He had stopped caring what anyone even thought about him.  Seeing Arohi had brought back all those old emotions.  It had brought back not only memories of their last night together but memories of happy times.  The time before lies and deceit had left their marriage in shreds.  When he could, he made an excuse to Seema about an important client meeting at 6:00.  Seema looked like she was going to argue but shrugging she smiled.  "I'll see you night after next for a movie." she said sweetly.  Arjun forced himself to smile.  "Thanks for everything."  "It was a great party." he said.  Seema wrapped her arms around him and lifted up her face.  Arjun leaned down and kissed her cheek quickly.  Pulling away he said he'd call her  tomorrow.  Seema watched as Arjun stalked out of her house.  "Hmm..I wonder maybe if he's not feeling well either." she thought to herself.

"Arohi, are you sure you're okay?" Amar asked worriedly as as he closed Riya's bedroom door behind him after tucking her in.  "I'm, I'm fine."  It's just a headache." she answered.  Amar stared at her for a few seconds and then nodded.  "Seema sure knows how to throw a party huh?" he said with a laugh.  "Yeah" Arohi agreed not making eye contact with him.  That Arjun seems like a nice guy."  'I know you haven't had a chance to talk to him but the breif conversations I had with him he seems to have a good head on his shoulders.  Arohi didn't say anything. "Arohi are you sure you're okay." he asked again.  "You"  "No, seriously I'm fine."  Arohi replied.  I just need to sleep it off.  Amar didn't look convinced but he didn't push Arohi either.  "I'll see you tomorrow"  he said as he walked to the door.  Arohi forced a smile on her face.  Hearing the door shut behind him, she raced to Riya's room.  Opening the door and seeing her little angel fast asleep.  Arohi caressed her little face and watched as Riya sighed and shifted.  What was Arjun doing here!  What if he found out about Riya!  Why was this happening?  If he was to ever find out about Riya, all hell would break loose.  And if he asked Seema questions about her then it was just a matter of time before he put two and two together and figured out Arohi's 3 year old daughter Riya, was his daughter too.  She couldn't let that happen.  She had to make sure that there was no further contact ever with him or Seema.  Arjun was in Delhi.  Arjun was Delhi and he was Seema's boyfriend! Suddenly she couldn't breathe.  She ran out of Riya's room and quickly opened a window taking large gasping breaths.  This couldn't be happening.  Just when she was completely secure and happy in her life, Arjun comes along and in seconds destroys every sense of security she ever felt. 

As she stared out her window she couldn't believe that she had seen him tonight.  He'd looked the same...but different.  Still unbelievably handsome, the same intense eyes that could be teasing one minute and dark with passion the next.  The same confidence and stature.  She knew that if he was to find out about Riya he would do everything in his power to take her from Arohi.  She knew how ruthless he was when it came to getting  what he wanted.  What was she going to do?  Even if she left she knew he'd find her.  Once he knew Riya was his he wouldn't rest until he had found them both.  No she couldn't run, she would just need to sit and wait.  And pray that by some miracle he would never come to know about Riya.  He hated her...she knew that.  Maybe that hate was still so fierce that he wouldn't bother asking Seema about her.  Just maybe things will be okay she thought to herself.  Just maybe...

Arjun woke  with a start.  His eyes wide open looking around trying to adjust.  Sitting up he reached for the glass of water next to his bed.  Just a bad dream he thought to himself.  He hadn't had one of them for a while.  The same reoccurring dream where Arohi and his baby were backing away from him and no matter how much he ran, and ran he was never able to reach them.  They were always just out of his grasp.  He shouldn't be surprised he had the dream tonight of all nights.  Seeing Arohi had been a shock.  But knowing that she had a husband and a daughter was a bigger shock.  As he laid back down, Riya's face flashed in front of his eyes.  Ever since he'd met her she'd pulled at his heart strings.  He had thought it was because of how adorable she was, but now he knew why.  It was because she was Arohi's daughter.  No wonder she looked so familiar to him.  Riya's mannerisms were exactly like Arohi's when she was a child.  A small smile appeared on his face as he remembered Riya telling him that she doesn't talk to "sangers"  He could picture Arohi saying just that.  But looks wise Riya didn't look like either Amar or Arohi.  How old is that he thought.  He didn't know much about children but she looked and acted older then a 2 year old.  That would mean that Arohi got pregnant within a year of aborting his child.  That didn't seem right.  "I need to talk to Seema" he said to himself.  "WHY?" "Why are you torturing yourself."  "Why does it matter?"  "You don't need to talk to anyone.  You're no longer in any type of relationship with Arohi.  He was in a relationship with Seema.  He needed to concentrate on that.  Resolving to not think about Arohi again he resolutely pushed her from his mind. 

But 2 days later as he left his construction site his gaze kept wandering to the little daycare.  No sign of Riya he thought to himself as he climbed into his car.  He stared over at the daycare and then shook his head.  You're an idiot! he said to himself angrily.  Putting his key into the ignition.  Hearing a text come in, he reached for his phone to check it and glanced casually towards the daycare again.  Still no one.  And then he remembered Rosa complaining about the construction noise. "Rosa had an issue with the noise I should let her know construction will be wrapped up within the week" he said to himself.  He quickly turned off the ignition and got out of the car before he could talk himself out of it.  Crossing over to the little house.  He walked up the pathway and knocked on the door.  Waiting, he knocked again.  No answer.  "You're  really an idiot!" he muttered to himself as he started to walk away.  Maybe they're in the back, he suddenly thought to himself.  Walking towards the back he saw the back door wide open.  "That's nice and safe" he mumbled to himself.  "Hello," he called from the porch  "Anyone home?"  "I home!" Riya called racing to the door.  Arjun smiled at the adorable child in front of him.  "Hi Riya" he said.  "Hi Mister."  " I mean Ajun Uncle"  How are you doing?"Arjun asked.  "Very vell, tank you" Riya responded making Arjun smile again as he crouched down to her level.  Did 2 year olds talk like this? He wondered.  Where's Rosa?" "She changing Maya diapee"  "I big girl."  "I wear pull up!" "You are a big girl" Arjun answered having no idea what a pull up was.  Again Riya's smile had him mentally taking a step back.  It wasn't like Arohi's or Amar's so why was it so familiar?  "How old are you?" he asked suddenly "This many she said holding up 3 fingers.  Arjun stared at the 3 fingers, his eyes widening.  "You're 3?" he asked slowly.  "YUP!"  Hearing Rosa call Riya, had Riya running towards the front of the house where the voice was coming from.  Arjun slowly got up, staggering back.  How could Riya be three?" he said himself softly.  That was impossible.  That's how old his and Arohi's child would have been.  NO, no that made no sense, he thought taking deep breaths.  Maybe Riya is only Amar's daughter! he thought to himself.  Yes, that's probably what it is!  Arohi was the step mother.  That was the only viable answer.  They didn't have a child. Arohi had aborted their child.  But even as he thought it, he knew it wasn't the truth.  The  truth was there right in front of him.  The reason Riya looked so familiar... was because she looked just like him. 

Arohi was exhausted.  She had barely slept the last 2 nights.  And to top it off, thoughts of Arjun plagued her every waking second. Glancing at the clock in her store room she saw it was closing time.  "Thank god!" she muttered to herself as she  pulled out 2 freshly steamed saris that she wanted to hang out at the front.  I'll just do this and lock up, she thought to herself.  Hearing the door ring she scowled.  Damn!  Should have locked up first!  Hopefully who ever it was, wasn't going to take forever browsing.  "I'll just be a minute" she called as she grabbed 2 hangers.  As she turned around, she gasped.  Arjun stood in front of her.  His arms folded across his chest, anger almost vibrating off him.  His eyes hard, dark and cold.   "What, what do you want Arjun?" she choked out.  Arjun just stared at her.  His eyes flashing.  "Arjun, I don't want you here."  'After all this time we have nothing left to say to each other." she stammered.  "I think YOU have something left to say to me Arohi."  "Something very important!" he grated out taking a step towards her.  Arohi's eyes widened.  "I have nothing to say to you."  "Arjun, I'm warning you, do not come closer!"  "You shouldn't be here!"  "We're divorced!" she said furiously.  With his arms to his side now, and his fists clenched he glared at her.  "Three  and a half years ago did you forget to tell me a very important detail?"  "A detail that derailed the course of our life together!"  Arohi stared at him.  Don't panic, she told herself. There is no way he could have pieced it together so quickly.  No way.  Seema barely even knew Riya's age.  No, he couldn't possibly know.  "Arjun stop talking in riddles!"  "You derailed the course of this relationship!"  "By cheating on me!"  "Don't forget that!"   "I'm expecting a friend any minute so I think you better leave!"  she said firmly.  The whole time feeling like her knees were about to give out.  "Don't you lie to me Arohi!" he said taking one last step and grabbing her arm, pulling her against him.  "I'm done with your lies!"  "For once in your life tell the truth!"  "I don't know what you're talking about!" she said as she struggled against him.  "Tell me about the abortion?!" he said through clenched teeth.  "I want to know about the abortion!"  Arohi stared at him in horror.  Why was he asked about the abortion?  "I don't want to talk about it!" she snapped looking away from him.  "Oh, you're going to talk about it!" he said dragging her to a chair in the far corner of the room and throwing her into it.  He grabbed another chair and placing it in front of her sat down, successfully blocked her in.  Grabbing her wrists he held her place.  "Talk!"  Arohi fumed.  "I'm not the stupid immature girl that you used to manipulate"  "I'm a grown woman with a successful business and..."  "And?!" he questioned.  "And a life of my own here!"  "You can't just come in here and start telling me what to do."  "And shouldn't you be with poor Seema right now?!"  'Bossing her around!'  "Telling her what to do?!' Arjun's lips became a tight grim line.  "Oh, is little Arohi all grown up now?"  "I bet having someone like Amar to help pave the way didn't hurt either?!"  "Always a man to help you huh Arohi."  "First your dad, then stupid me and now your newest puppy Amar!"  "You always know how to make us feel sorry for you."  "How to wrap us around your little finger."   Arohi felt a lump forming in her throat.  She would die before she ever gave Arjun the satisfaction of crying in front of him again!  "But I'm not here to discuss the poor stupid, gullible men in your life!"  "I want you to tell me Arohi?"  "I want to hear it from your mouth!"  Arohi glared at him.  "What?!"  "What do you want me to tell you?!"  I'm not a mind reader!"  "Tell me about the abortion." his said in a voice dripping with fury.  "Tell me every detail."  "How did you murder our child?"  "I don't want to talk about it!" Arohi yelled!  Trying to get up. But he wasn't having any of it!  Pulling her close so that they were face to face, inches apart he said in deceptively soft voice.  "Okay, then tell me about Riya."  Arohi froze, her eyes widening in horror.  "I, I don't know a Riya" she lied miserably.  Grabbing her chin as she looked away he forced her to look at him.  "Again, I'll ask, tell me about Riya?"  Arohi squeezed her eyes shut.  Finally she whispered.  "Riya is my daughter."  Arjun's eyes flashed dangerously.  "Who is her father?" he asked coldly.  Arohi stared stubbornly ahead.  "WHO IS HER FATHER?!" he roared.  "YOU!"  Arohi screamed, tears forming in eyes.  "You!'  she whispered covering her face with her hands.

Arjun stared at Arohi.  He had known it, but to hear it.  He had a daughter!  Riya was his daughter.  He wanted to laugh, and yell and celebrate, and cry and hurt.  He wanted to hurt Arohi for making him lose 3 years of his daughter's life.   "Why did you hide my daughter from me?" he asked.  Arohi didn't respond.  He waited.  Taking her hands from her face she quickly wiped her tears.  "Because I didn't want a man like you anywhere near my daughter!"  "A lieing cheating indiviudual that at the first sign of trouble in a marriage falls prey to adultery!'  "That's how much you loved me huh?"  "The second the going got tough. "You got going!"  Arjun glared at Arohi.  "You are passing judgment on me?!!"  "You, who first went behind my back to abort my child, and then didn't think it was necessary to tell me that you switched plans."  "Now instead of killing my child you were just going to keep her away from me!"  "She's not your child!"  "I'm her mother!"  "I gave birth to her!"  "She's mine!"  Arjun's eyes turned cold and mean.  "As far as I remember you didn't make our child on your own!"  "I was there too!"  "And I wanted this child from day one!"  "I loved my daughter from the second I found out about her!"  "And you, you selfish, selfish woman took from me the first 3 years of her life!   "Years I can never have back!"  "I tried to tell you!" she screamed.  "But you didn't want to hear it."  "That night in the hotel you were so consumed by your rage and your lust for that Natasha that you didn't want to hear anything."  "You didn't want to know the truth, admit it."  "Because in your eyes I had already done a wrong."  "I had already thought about the abortion."  "That's all you needed to find me guilty!"  "You are guilty!"  "You're guilty of keeping a daughter away from her father for 3 years!" he yelled. 'You're guilty of making a father suffer for three long years thinking about his DEAD child!"  "Longing for his child"  "And all along that child is here, with you, while you play house with another man!"  Arohi's eyes widened in shock.  "You're disgusting!" she snapped.  "No, you're disgusting, amongst other things."  "You wanted me to suffer for supposedly cheating on you with Natasha."  "That''s why you took my daughter away from me."  'You wanted to punish me through our daughter."  "You knew I was angry and you could have come to me the next day, the next week, the next month, hell the next year and told me that you didn't abort our child."  "BUT no you didn't do that!" he roared!  "As usual you thought just about yourself, and what was good for you."  "I can't believe a woman like you has been raising my child!"  Arohi pushed at his chest, hitting him.  "How dare you!"  "How dare you!'  "I have tried to do my very best for my daughter!" she cried.  "Yeah, by keeping her away from her father and the rest of her family!"  "In your warped mind all she needed was you!"  "What were you going to say when she asked about her father in a few years?" he asked.  "I was going to say you were dead!" Arohi replied furiously.  Arjun's whole body became rigid.  Grabbing her by the arms he held tight.  "Arohi, I promise you, by the time I'm finished with you, you will wish I was dead!"  Pushing her back he stood up.  "I want to see my daughter in my home by 9:00 tomorrow morning!"  "If she isn't there at 9:00 sharp, my lawyer will be coming to your home and once my lawyer is involved... that's it!"  "I'll make it that you never see my daughter again!"  Arohi ran after Arjun as he stalked out of the store room.  "You can't do that!"  "I'm her mother!"  "I can, and I will!" he said, shaking his arm as she grabbed at it.  "Arjun, please, please just leave us alone!'  "You have Seema now."  "Please just leave my daughter alone."  Arjun grabbed her wrist and lifted it from his arm.  Holding it in his grip.  "I have lost 3 years already Arohi because of you."  "I will not miss out on another minute of her life!"  "Remember what I said!"  "9:00 sharp!"  "And if were you, I wouldn't test me right now."  "Because, seriously, I have nothing left to lose!"  With that he let go of her wrist and taking a few more steps walked out of the boutique.  Leaving a broken Arohi to slowly slide to the ground and break down.

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