Chapter 7

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Arjun frowned as he stood staring out his office window.  Arohi had been in his house for less then 24 hours and she had already turned his life upside down.  He gagged remembering that disgusting halwa he had been forced to eat.    He had to put her into her place before she really drove him crazy. She had to have a weakness that he could use against her.  Maybe tonight at the reception he'd figure something out. 

Arohi stood in her petticoat and blouse.  The peach colored sari covered in rhinestones that she was planning on wearing to tonight's party, in her hands.  She knew Arjun wouldn't be home for another hour, atleast that's what she'd heard him say to his mom.  Good she thought.  She could get ready and then start planning how she was going to sabotage him further.  As she thought back to this morning and his expression  at the breakfast table, she giggled.  Oh, Arjun Singhania why would you even bother messing with someone like me.  I'm so much smarter then you, she thought.  A smile still played on her lips when she heard the door open.

Seeing Arjun she yelled  "Don't you know how to knock?" as she tried covering herself up with her sari.  "Why would I knock to enter my own bedroom?" he snapped. "Because this isn't just your bedroom now, it's our bedroom, atleast until you give me what I want."  "Arohi, I've already told you I'm not interested in you so no matter how much you beg I will not give you what you want." he said with a smirk.  She stared at him suspiciously.  What did he mean not interested in her, not give her what she wanted.  "What are you talking about?" she." snapped.  "Exactly what you're talking about." he said looking her up and down as he walked towards her.  She stared at him for a few seconds until she finally realized what he meant.  "You're disgusting." she said wrapping her sari tighter around herself.  "When I say give me what I want, I'm talking about a divorce."  "NOT what you're insinuating."  "I would rather die then have you touch me." she said making a disgusted face.

"This morning when you were moaning and burrowing into me, was that you preparing to die?"  Arohi glared at him as a blush crept up her cheeks.  Arjun smiled slyly.  "Did you find your pajamas?" he asked in a tone implying he didn't believe she lost them in the first place.  Arohi's eyes flashed as she turned on him.  "Arjun, you should be very careful about what you say."  "Lately I've been in the cooking mood and I may want to start making certain new dishes just for my new husband to try."  Arjun's face turned white.  "I'm sure your dad would want you to try everything I make, every last bite, after all I'm the new bride."  Arjun glared at her and grabbing a towel went into the bathroom.  "Arjun, the shower is perfect."  "Just the way you like it." she said as he slammed the bathroom door behind him.  She smiled and continued to tie her sari. 

Arohi smiled as Arjun's mom introduced her to a couple at the reception.  "Congratulations, you two make a beautiful couple." the women said smiling at Arohi.  Arohi forced herself to smile.  The last thing she ever wanted was to be a "Couple" with Arjun Singhania.  Excusing herself she made her way to her mom and her sister.  "Where's jiju?" she asked.  Neha pointed towards the bar where her husband Arvind stood with Arjun and Arjun's friends.  Arohi made a face when she saw Arjun.  But grudgingly she admitted he looked really good in his light grey suit and blue shirt.   If it was just the suit it would be one thing, but she'd seen Arjun shirtless, she knew what a hot body he had.  She found herself staring at him and as he made eye contact with her she looked away.  Drooling over the enemy's hot body was not in the plan she told herself angrily. 

Arjun had caught Arohi staring at him more then once.  What was she up to he thought?  With her, he'd learned that he always had to be on alert.  You never knew what she might be scheming.

"Arjun," "Arohi," his dad called motioning for the two of them to come up to the front to cut the cake.  A knife in Arohi's hand with him close by was never a good thing Arjun thought to himself.  They pasted on the fake smiles and as Arohi held the knife handle Arjun put his hand over hers.  As their hands touched they both looked at eachother.  A little current had gone through Arohi when she felt Arjun's hand on her own.  They had looked at eachother startled. Together they cut the cake and everyone cheered. "Feed eachother." her sister said excitedly.  Arohi forced herself not to glare at her sister.  "No that's okay," Arohi said as Arjun shoved a huge piece into her mouth.  Arohi sputtered and choked on the cake.  "Oh sorry, was that too big of a piece?" "You have such a big mouth I thought a big peace would fit fine in it." Arjun said sarcastically.  Arohi's eyes flashed murder as she tried to finish the cake in her mouth.  She cut a piece even bigger ready to throw it on Arjun's face when she saw her dad.  Her dad looked at her, and shook his head "no" like he knew exactly what she was about to do.  DAMN! she thought as she took a small piece of cake and shoved it into Arjun's mouth.  Arjun smiled down at her. 

"Ji, Nani," Arohi said as Arjun's Nani made her and Arjun sit next to her.  "Arohi beta I have always thought you were the girl for my Arjun."  Arohi sighed.  Apparently everyone had thought that.  What part of them fighting and arguing all the time made people think they were perfect for eachother? She would never understand that.    "Arjun is a good boy," "he always listens to his Nani."   Arjun smiled leaning down and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "You're a good girl too, albeit a little feisty."  Arjun smirked at Arohi." Arohi ignored him.  "But feisty isn't a bad thing."   "I think Arjun needs someone like you," "he would walk all over a seedi saddi girl."  "No, I wouldn't" Arjun said interrupting.  Nani shushed him.   "I was the same way with your nanaji."  Arohi smiled at Nani. "These men they need strong women." His grandma said looking at him.

"Arohi as you know my days on this earth are limited."  "Nani don't say that." Arohi said putting her arm around her.  "Well I'm no spring chicken anymore" she said. "But before I go I have only one wish."  One wish that you could fulfill Arohi."  "Me?" Arohi asked. Nani nodded giving her a sad look. "Anything for you nani."Arohi said smiling.  "Really, you promise?" Nani said sounding like an excited child.   "Ofcourse."  Arjun looked from his grandmother to Arohi, watching the drama play out.  He knew exactly what his nani wanted, but poor Arohi had no idea what she was promising.  Smiling he thought it was nice to see Arohi on the receiving end for once.  "Arohi you've made me so happy."  "So in 9 months time I will have my first great grandchild." nani said happily.  "WHAT?!" Arohi yelled and then looking around she softened her voice forcing herself to stay calm.  "What is your wish Nani?' she questioned.   "My wish is to hold my Arjun's child in my arms before I leave this earth."  Arohi stared at her with horror.  "I, um, no, um, yes. I think mom is calling me I better go see what she needs." Arohi said getting up so quickly she almost fell as she turned and ran as far from Nani as possible.

Arjun chuckled as he watched Arohi run away.  Probably for the first time at a loss for words.  Giving his grandma a tight squeeze he whispered "don't ever change." Then he got up and walked over to the bar.  Arohi saw Arjun at the bar and she practically stomped over.  "I can't believe what a world class loser you are." she said gritting her teeth.   "Ofcourse, I was bound to get the world class loser title, after all I did marry you." he said nonchalantly.  Arohi glared at him.  "You could have warned me." she snapped  "What? and miss the opportunity to see you squirm."  "I don't think so." he said   "You've promised Nani my child."  "How are you going to  go about doing that A-ROHI?" Arjun said shaking his head and laughing as he took a drink from his glass.  A blush crept up Arohi's cheeks.  Listen you freak,..."   "Hi lovebirds." Arohi heard her sister say in a sing songy voice.  Arohi turned her glare on her sister.  "Great party."  "You two just look so adorable together." she said smiling happily.  Arivind jiju stood next to her smiling down at Neha like she'd said the most amazing thing.  "Is there something you needed di?" Arohi snapped.  "Well, it's not so much as what I need, it's what you two need."  "Please stop talking in riddles." Arohi said in a frustrated voice.  "Alright, alright."  "So, I just wanted to let you know that we, as in the family have booked your honeymoon for you two as a wedding gift."  Arohi's mouth fell open.  "Honeymoon!"  "With whom?" Arjun asked.  Arohi wanted to rip his head off.  "With Prince William." she snapped!  "Who do you think my sister would book my honeymoon with?"  "You!" "You freak!"  "I'm not going on any honeymoon with you." he snapped.  "Oh and I'm just dying to go on a honeymoon with you." she snapped back!  Neha and Arivind looked at the arguing couple.  "Is this really a good idea?" Arvind asked his wife.  "YES!" she answered.  "Will you two please stop arguing and listen for a second." Neha said.  "Honeymoons are fun," "you two will get to spend some time together and hopefully get over this animosity towards eachother."  "Di, may I speak to you for a second?" Arohi snapped pulling Neha away from the guys.  "What are you doing?" she snapped at her sister.  "You know we hate eachother so why would you even think about planning something like this?" Arohi questioned.  "Because, you two are married, like it or not so please learn to make the best of it." Neha said patiently.  "No, I will not." Arohi said stubbornly.  "Not even if the honeymoon is 4 days in Paris and then 3 days in London."  Arohi's mouth fell open.  "Paris! London!" she practically screamed.  But then calming down, said said "both places will be tainted by the presence of my non-husband Arjun."  "Why don't I go on my honeymoon with the person that loves and cares about me the most.."  "Myself." Arohi asked sweetly.  "First of all I don't even want to know what a non husband is."  "Secondly, don't be stupid, you can't go on your honeymoon by yourself!" her sister said shaking her head.  "I guess this will mean no shopping on Bond street in London, no Harrods, no Picaddily Circus, no Eiffel Tower, no french bakeries,no designer shops, no Champs-lyses, no Louvre.  Arohi's eyes had glazed over as she pictured herself wearing a chic designer outfit, carrying loads of shopping bags from designer French shops, stopping off in a French bakery for a croissant and a cappuccino. Walking through the Louvre and seeing the Mona Lisa.  She smiling as she thought about how jealous her friends would be of her new designer labels.  As her eyes seemed to focus again she saw Arjun. If she went on this so called honeymoon it wouldn't be alone... With all the good came the very very bad.

"For the last time Arvind I am not going to any honeymoon with Arohi."  "I am barely surviving having her in my house and in my bedroom, I sure as hell wouldn't punish myself by going away with her."  "Arjun, give her a chance she's not as bad as you make her out to be."  " Oh no, I know for a fact she's much worse then I make her out to be" Arjun said.  Arvind sighed.  What had his wife gotten him into here.  Why had he agreed to play matchmaker.  Just because he was a friend of Arjun's didn't mean he could convince him to end a 23 year old feud.  "Arjun you know the trip is to London and Paris right?"  "So, I've been to London several times." "As for Paris, when I need to go i will." " Yes, but your honeymoon is scheduled for 2 weeks from now."  "That is the same time as the builders and planners convention right outside of London."  "You could attend that too." "Make so many new contacts."  Arjun's ears perked up.  "Really?" he said.  "I don't remember hearing about any convention."  "Oh it's an annual thing I'm surprised you haven't heard about it."  "I can send you information for it if you're interested."  Ajrun stared at him.  "I'm not agreeing to anything but send me the information and I'll look it over."  Arvind nodded trying not to smile.  Living with his wife he had learned to be a little sneaky too. 

"Hi everyone, I just have a quick announcement to make." Rashi said. "It's time for the first dance."  "Could I please have my brother and bhabhi come up on to the dance floor and have their first dance as husband and wife."  Arohi groaned.  Was this night ever going to end.  Glancing at Arjun she saw he was still standing at the bar.  Had he forgotten the reason they were in this siltation was because of alcohol.   Arjun finally pushed away from the bar and walked over to Arohi, grabbing her hand he walked her to the dance floor.  Arjun placed his hand on Arohi's hip and pulled her closer and as she placed one hand on his shoulder and the other in the palm of his hand.  She felt a shiver travel up her spine as she noticed how close he was.  The music started.

Pee loon tere neelay neelay nainon se shabnam
Pee loon tere geelay geelay hoto ki sargam
Pee loon hai peenay ka mausam
Tere sang ishq taari hai
Tere sang ik khumari hai
Tere sang chain bhi mujhko
Tere sang bekraari hai
Tere sang ishq taari hai
Tere sang ik khumari hai
Tere sang chain bhi mujhko
Tere sang bekraari hai
Tere bin jee nahi lagda, tere bin jee nahi sakda
Tujhpe hai haare maine vaare do jahan, kurbaan, meharbaan, ke main toh kurbaan
Sun le zara, tera kurbaan

Hosh mein rahun kyun aaj main
Tu meri baahon mein simti hai, mujh mein samayi hai yun
Jis tarah ki koi ho nadi, tu mere seenay mein chupti hai sagar tumhara main hoon
Pee loon teri dheemi dheemi lehron ki cham cham
Pee loon teri saundi saundi saanson ko har dum
Pee loon hai peenay ka mausam
Tere sang ishq taari hai
Tere sang ik khumari hai
Tere sang chain bhi mujhko
Tere sang bekraari hai
Tere sang ishq taari hai
Tere sang ik khumari hai
Tere sang chain bhi mujhko
Tere sang bekraari hai

Shaam ko milun jo main tujhe
Toh bura subah na jaane kyun kuch maan jaati hai yeh
Har lamha, har ghadi har pehar
Hi teri yaadon se tadpa ke mujhko jalati hai yeh
Pee loon main dheere dheere jalne ka yeh gumm
Pee loon inn gore gore haanthon se hum dum
Pee loon hai peenay ka mausam
Tere sang ishq taari hai
Tere sang ik khumari hai
Tere sang chain bhi mujhko
Tere sang bekraari hai
Tere sang ishq taari hai
Tere sang ik khumari hai
Tere sang chain bhi mujhko
Tere sang bekraari hai
Tere bin jee nahi lagda, tere bin jee nahi sakda
Tujhpe hai haare maine vaare do jahan, kurbaan, meharbaan, ke main toh kurbaan
Sun le zara, tera kurbaan
Movie: One upon a time in Mumbai.

Looking up into Arjun's eyes she couldn't seem to look away.  He unconsciously pulled her closer, as he looked at her with such burning intensity making her feel hot all over.  Her gaze shifted down to his lips and her mouth went dry.  Arjun looked down at Arohi.  He wondered how she would react if he pulled the pins out of the neat little bun she had put her beautiful hair into tonight.  What if he took out the pins and ran his hands through it making it all wild and sexy like it had been that night in Vegas when he'd married her, when he kissed her for the first time and couldn't stop kissing her. The night when she was a different Arohi and he had been a different Arjun.

As the song ended Arohi and Arjun walked off the dance floor in different directions.  Not wanting to think anymore about what had happened to them for a few moments on the dance floor.

Arohi yawned as she walked out of the bathroom.  Arjun was already in bed, turned to his side.  She placed 2 pillows in the middle of the bed and grabbing Mr. Softy Ahluwalia got into the bed.  For a few moments they laid in silence and then Arohi asked softly "Have you talked to Abhi?"  Silence.  Maybe he's a sleep Arohi thought.  "I've tried several times to get in touch with him."  "He wants nothing to do with me." Arjun said in tonelessly.  "Abhi is the last person in the world I would have wanted to hurt." she said softly.    Arjun didn't respond, closing his eyes he tried not to think about the fact that Abhi will probably never forgive him.

Arjun woke up with Arohi draped all over him. He looked down into her face, so innocent as she slept.  Her leg was flung over his leg and her head was on her chest with her hand placed on his stomach.  He stared down at her, she looked so soft, smelled so good, fit so perfectly against him.  Then he frowned and shoved her off him.  Arohi didn't realize she was falling until she actually hit the floor.  "Ow!" she yelled rubbing her arm and trying to wake up at the same time.  Arjun hadn't meant for her to actually fall on the floor.  He had just wanted to get her off of him, because being that close to her was making him feel things he didn't want to feel towards Arohi.  She glared at him from the floor her eyes half closed.  "What was that for?" she yelled.  "We can't share this bed anymore." he said getting out of the bed.  "Are you going to sleep in the bathtub?" she asked.  "No, you are."  "Excuse me." she said standing infront of him.  "I'm not sleeping anywhere but on my bed." she said pointing  towards the bed.  "You are such a selfish jack ass Arjun." she said just getting warmed up.  " I can't believe you threw me off the bed!"  "You don't think I'm going to let this go do you..."  Arjun was barely comprehending what she was saying as he looked at her, all wild hair and flushed looking,her eyes flashing her t-shirt had ridden up showing her stomach, Her lips, her damn lips moving rapidly as she continued her yelling.   "You are such a loser, I just can't believe I was tricked into marrying..." Arohi didn't get to complete her sentence because at that moment Arjun grabbed her hips, pulling her roughly against him and kissed her. 

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