Chapter 33

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Arohi walked out of her room the next morning feel irritable and grumpy.  She hadn't slept properly all night, tossing and turning.  And worse, every time she heard a creak or any little sound she thought it was, Arjun...coming to her.  Her stomach tying up in knots in anticipation.  Ofcourse when that didn't happen all she could do was curse her stupidity and curse her "husbands" ability to make her want him when he was obviously sound asleep!  Coming to a stop outside her room, she could hear Riya's happy laughter, which made Arohi instantly feel better. Then she heard Arjun's deep husky voice teasing their daughter.  Arohi frowned.  The reason for her woes seemed fit as a fiddle while she would probably be falling asleep through her  first client's  bridal lengha fitting!  Had she mentioned how unfair life was?!  "Good moning Mama!" Riya exclaimed happily as she ate her yogurt.  "Good morning love." Arohi answered with a big smile, kissing the top of Riya's head.  "Morning!" she snapped, barely glancing at Arjun as she sat down.  Arjun hid a smile,  Mrs. Singhania was in her usual chipper mood this morning he thought to himself.  "Good morning Arohi."  "Sleep well?" he asked.  Arohi glared at him as she buttered her toast.  Getting no answer he smiled.  "I myself slept exceptionally well."  "Good for you!" she snapped.  Glancing at Riya who was looking interestingly back and forth between both parents, Arohi winced. She needed to be more careful around her curious daughter.  Pasting a fake smile on her face, Arohi said "I'm glad you slept well Arjun."  Arjun couldn't help the smirk that appeared on his lips.  Arohi tried not to glare at him, she really did...but he made it so damn hard.  She just wanted to reach over and slap that smirk off his face.  "I can drop Riya off this morning at school." Arjun said finishing up his coffee.  "Thanks." Arohi replied not looking at him.  "And I'll be home a little late after work so do you want me to pick up dinner on my way home?" he asked.  Arohi glared at him.  "Don't worry about picking up dinner." she replied in a strained voice.  Completely ignoring her, he turned to Riya "Sweetheart I guess we're eating in today, what should I tell Rose (The housekeeper) to make us tonight?" he asked.  "Lasagna!" Riya said excitedly.  And galic bread too!" she added happily.  Arohi was fuming! They had barely been there 24 hours and he was already making decisions for her.  "Riya, we're going over to DJ and Amar Uncle's for dinner tonight." Arohi said, ignoring Arjun's frown.  "OOOH, Riya said excitedly.  "Daddy, we go to Buddy's house for dinner okay?" she said looking at Arjun.  Arjun looked over at Arohi who now stared stubbornly back at him.  "Okay baby, you and mama have fun." he said getting up.  "I'll grab my things and your back pack and we'll get going." he said about to turn around.  "No daddy you come for dinner too." Riya suddenly said.  Before Arjun could reply Arohi did "Riya, daddy is working late tonight."  "And we have to go early because DJ goes to bed early, remember?"  Riya shook her head, with tears in her eyes.  "I want my daddy to come too!"she said stubbornly.  A frustrated Arohi glared at Arjun.  The bane of her existence.  This was all his fault, in just a few short months he'd won Riya completely over.  "Riya, stop crying."  "Daddy isn't coming with us." Arohi said a little too forcefully.  Riya's face crumpled at the sound of her mom's harsh tone.  Tears ran down her face as she cried for her daddy.  Arohi sighed and then saw "daddy" rush over and pull Riya into his arms.  Giving Arohi a look as he held his little girl.  "Shh baby it's okay." he whispered soothingly.  Arohi felt a lump form in her throat.  Because of Arjun she was now snapping at her little girl for no reason at all!  "Baby, I didn't mean to sound gruff." she said patting Riya on the back who turned around, looked at her mom with big eyes and then opened her arms up to her, to take her.  Arohi smiled and quickly took Riya from Arjun, hugging her close.  Arjun shook his head and smiled.  Their daughter had both parents wrapped around her little finger.  As he continued to stare at  a now  giggling Arohi and Riya he felt his heart skip a beat.  His girls, he loved them so much and they were here with him where they belonged.  He could see it as plain as the back of his hand that they were a family, a real family.  Now if only Arohi could realize it too.  They'd already lost so much time he wasn't going to let them lose anymore.

Putting Riya down, Arohi said "go and grab your back pack and then daddy will drop you off at school."  Once Riya was out of ear shot Arohi's smile turned into a frown.  "Did you see what just happened there?!" she snapped.  "My anger for you came out on my poor little baby!"  Arjun raised a brow and stared at her with a small smile.  "That's a reach, even for you Arohi" he said a little too smugly.  "I think you're not mad at me, you're mad at yourself." he said smiling.  Arohi's eyes widened.  "Mad at myself?"  "What would I have to be mad about at myself for?" she asked, folding her arms across her chest.  With one of his sexy smiles on his face,  Arjun took a step closer, and Arohi instantly took one back, her heart suddenly in her throat.  Arjun's smile just got bigger.  "Running again are we Arohi?" he asked.  "I'm, I'm not running!" she stuttered resolving to stand her ground.  "Whatever you say."  "I think you're mad about the little condition you put on our 3 months together."  "What, what condition?" she asked, her mouth going dry.  "Oh you know the one." he said, taking her hand and flipping it over palm side up.  "I don't know what you're talking about?' she said with a gulp, as he drew light circles with his thumb, over her pulse point.   "Don't you?"  "Tell me Arohi didn't you think about me being right next door to you last night?"  "Didn't you think about me while you were alone in that big bed?"  "Didn't you think about the last time you were in my bed and how good it had been?"  Arohi stared at him, her heart beating a mile a minute her skin feeling almost feverish.  What was he doing to her?!  "I'm reeeadddy" Riya sang from behind them, pulling Arohi out of her Arjun induced trance.  She pulled her wrist back and turned quickly towards Riya.  "Have a good day sweetie." she said softly kissing Riya's cheek.  Riya grabbed Arjun's hand and Arohi watched the two of them leave together.  Her breathing finally returning back to normal.  Sitting down she told herself he was baiting her.  That's all it was.  He knew her was him or to be more specific it was his kisses and caresses and voice and oh god the list went on.  But that wasn't enough to base a relationship or marriage on, she told herself resolutely.  And she wasn't the Arohi from a few years ago that had been selfish and too self involved to really think about anyone or anything but herself.  She had grown up and now their were too many relationships to consider.  Too many people that could be hurt if she made the wrong decision.  She needed to keep a clear head and yes she knew Arjun would try to be persuasive but she just had to be strong.  After all it was only 89 more days left of this torture.  Wincing at the thought Arohi got up to get herself ready for the day. 

Arohi glanced at the clock as she put Riya to bed that night.  Still no Arjun she thought with a frown, quickly telling herself she didn't care where he was.  But it was a little late.  He'd said he'd be late at work, but this was quite late she thought.  But I don't care, she reminded herself as she walked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of wine.  They'd had dinner with just DJ as Amar had had to leave for Dubai for an important meeting.  It had been nice to see DJ but lately Arohi had noticed a deterioration in her health which worried her.  DJ had reassured her it was nothing and that she was just tired, Arohi prayed it was just that.   Grabbing the remote control, she told herself she wasn't waiting up for Arjun she was just watching TV, catching up on her dramas.  "Oh look Kitni Mohabbat hai is on." she said with a smile.  "That Arjun, he's so good looking and sweet." she thought to herself and then a picture of her own Arjun flashed through her head and grudgingly she admitted that he wasn't so bad either, and when he wanted to he could be oh so sweet too.  Like he'd been that night when it was raining and he came to her boutique because he was worried about her getting home safely.  But as Arohi thought back to that night she also remembered the intense and passionate love making on her store room floor!  Taking a big gulp of her wine, she told herself to get her mind out of the gutter.  Trying to stop her wandering mind she turned back to the TV show.

Arohi had no idea when she fell asleep but as she groggily opened her eyes she felt a pair of strong arms carrying her.  Arjun's warm breath against her face.  "Shh, go back to sleep." he said, as she looked up at him with half open eyes and smiled dreamily.  "Hmm." she answered laying her head back down on to his chest and falling back to sleep in moments.  Arjun smiled softly down at Arohi.  She probably had not processed at all that he had been carrying her.  Tomorrow she'd probably have to show him how she felt about that by being grumpy and terse with him.  But for now she was his real Arohi.  The Arohi that trusted him and felt comfortable with him and... loved him. Laying her down on her bed, he tucked her in.  Slipping a wayward strand of hair behind her ear as she shifted in the bed.  Mumbling something he couldn't decipher.  He stared down at her lovely face for a long time, finally moving away and rubbing a hand over his tired neck muscles.  A special project he'd been working on, had come under major problems with two of his managers quitting.  He'd had to stay behind and do damage control.  He knew he had other management to handle this kind of stuff but he just felt better doing it himself.  One last glance at Arohi and the empty side of the bed next to her, had him wondering what she would do if he crawled in next to her and fell asleep.  Knowing her, she'd probably snuggle and burrow into him all night and then in the morning wake up and yell bloody murder.  Accusing him of all sorts of things.  But with a rueful smile he thought it might just be worth it.  A whole night just holding his wife might just be worth her temper tomorrow.  But shaking his head he turned around and left her room quickly before he acted on his thoughts.  He didn't want Arohi putting up any more walls between them and this might give her a reason to do just that!

"It's absolutely stunning on you Kritika" Arohi said to her young client who was having her very last lengha fitting before her wedding.  "I don't know." she said nervously.  "Do you think Karan will like it?" she asked,referring to her fiance.  Arohi didn't know much about Karan, she'd only met him a few times for his sherwani fittings.  But from those meetings one thing she did know, was that Karan was head over heals in love with Kritika.  "I'm pretty sure you could wear a bag and Karan would still think you're the most beautful girl in the world." Arohi replied with a smile.  Kritika blushed.  "You noticed that huh?"  "I've told him not to be so romantic in public, I mean what must people think!"  "But he just can't help himself." she said, still blushing prettily.  Arohi smiled. "Kritika, that's a first, telling your husband to not be so romantic!" "I would never complain about that." Arohi said with a laugh.  "Is your husband romantic too?" Kritika asked excitedly.  Arohi stared at her.  "My husband..." Arohi repeated slowly.  "Yeah, your husband." Kritika repeated.  Arohi paused and had a flashback of the romantic date Arjun  had planned for her at the enchanted park, one of many during their marriage.  And then a memory of the two of them at the top of the Eiffel Tower flashed through her mind, bringing a small smile to her lips.  He'd held her so tight, right beside her through her fears.   "Arohi?" Kritika called, pulling Arohi out of her thoughts.  "Sorry." Arohi said, shaking her head at herself.  "I have a salwar kameez that came in today."  "I want to show you it." Arohi said walking away from Kritka. She needed to clear her head for a few minutes.  Hearing her phone ring she snapped it up and was pleasantly surprised to hear Neil's voice on the other end.  "Where have you been?" he asked, skipping the unnecessary pleasantries.  "I'm sorry Neil, I've been so busy with the boutique and a few other personal issues had also arisen that I had to take care of." Arohi replied.  Yeah well this is important too Arohi."  "You and I met with Zeenat once and we haven't done anything since."  "She's asked us to design 6 new outfits out of which she'll choose 3 for her show."  "And today she sent us both emails saying she wants to see designs by next Friday.  That's one week from now!" Neil exclaimed.  Arohi bit her bottom lip.  She'd been so preoccupied by Arjun that she'd forgotten all about the designs.  How was she going to pull this off in a week!  "I have one of the designs ready." Neil snapped.  "Work on another one tonight and then we'll do the rest throughout the week."    Arohi sighed.  1 day to finish one design!  She hoped she could accomplish it.  She didn't know how she would juggle everything in her life but she'd just have to figure it out she guessed.  

Hanging up the phone she grabbed the outfit she'd been telling Kritika about and rushed back out front.  She shouldn't have kept Kritika waiting for so long!  But as she came outside she heard a very familiar laugh.  Arohi's mouth fell open as she saw Kritika giggle at something ARJUN was saying.  What was he doing here?!  Arohi thought.  "Hi babe." Arjun said with a smile as he glanced up and saw her.  HI BABE my foot! She thought, trying not to glare at him.  "Arohi, your Arjun is so funny."  "And handsome" Kritika said with a big smile.  And irritating." Arohi added, just so Arjun could hear.  "What are you doing here Arjun?" Arohi asked, plastering a fake smile on her face. "I missed you sweetie." Arjun said trying not to smile as he slipped his arm around Arohi and pulled her close.  "I was going to see you in a few short hours wasn't I HONEY?" Arohi asked, gritting her teeth and trying to get out of his grasp and not make a scene at the same time.  But Arjun being Arjun had no plans of moving.  "You two are so cute!"  "I hope Karan and I are this in love after years of marriage too."  Arohi looked up at Arjun, "I don't wish a love like ours on anyone!" she said softly.  Arjun stared at her for a moment and then turned back to Kritika.  "I'm sure you will, when you really truely love some one that love can never die if you don't let it."  "The secret of any great marriage is always working at it."  "Always being close to the one you love." Arjun said, tightening his grip on Arohi.  "Helping your significant other realize when they're making a mistake and guiding them to make the right decision." Arjun said giving Arohi a big smile.  And most importantly never giving up on your marriage."  "You're going to fight, that's normal but that doesn't mean you love each other less."  "You just work harder and never give up."  Arohi stared at Arjun in shock.  She knew exactly whose benefit he was saying all this for!  "Arjun, don't you need to get going home now?" Arohi questioned with a fake laugh.  "Isn't Riya waiting for you?" she reminded, him pointedly.  Arjun smiled.  "You're right I should get going."  "But you forgot something this morning." he said, pulling something out of his pocket.  Arohi gasped and stared at him, wide eyed.  It was her wedding ring, the one she'd returned the day after their separation.   "You left this behind Arohi, but don't worry I've been taking good care of it." he said softly, picking up her cold hand and slipping her wedding ring on her ring finger."  Arohi felt tears prick her eyes as she looked into Arjun's intense loving gaze.  "OMG!"  "That is so adorable!" Kritka burst out.  "You two are so cute, I...I need to call Karan I miss him suddenly!" Kritika said, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye as she rushed away.  Arohi closed her eyes, taking a moment to get her emotions under control again.  Wearing Arjun's ring again, was...overwhelming for her.  She didn't know why she was being so silly but this ring symbolized something so deep for them.  A love so pure, so intense, so destructive.  Opening her eyes she quickly wiped away any moisture and said "Go home Arjun!"  "And don't come back here!"  "It's bad enough that I have to live with you, I shouldn't have to see you here too!" she snapped.  Trying desperately to ignore the hurt look in Arjun's eyes, she turned around, busying herself with folding a sari  A few moments later she finally heard the jingle of the door opening and closing.  He was gone...she should be happy but as she looked down at her ring finger she realized once again she was nothing close to happy.

Arohi glanced at her watch as she quickly got out her car.  Running late as per usual she thought to herself as she made a mental list of everything that needed to be done tonight before she could actually get down to sketching.  With a sigh she unlocked the front door and came to a stop, as she saw Arjun carrying a sleeping Riya towards her bedroom.  Arohi walked over confused.  "She just fell asleep." he whispered as Arohi  leaned down and kissed Riya on the forehead.  Arjun came out a few minutes later to as usual... a frowning Arohi.  "Did she eat?" Arohi asked right away.  "Ofcourse," Arjun replied grabbing the remote control and flipping on the TV as he  threw himself on to the sofa.  "Did she eat properly?" Arohi asked.  Arjun rolled his eyes.  "I've fed Riya many times in the past."  "Most of the time she eats fine."  "What about her bath?" Arohi questioned.  Looking up at Arohi, Arjun replied.  "She ate and then she had a bubble bath and then we read and then she had her warm milk and as I started to read her another book she fell asleep." Arjun listed out.  "Oh..." Arohi replied, biting her lip.  It wasn't like Arjun hadn't done this whole routine before with Riya, it was just that now that they were living together, she hadn't expected Arjun to have taken care of everything.  And she sure hadn't expected to be able to start sketching early.  "Rose left your dinner in the oven." he said with a smile, turning back to his TV show.  Arohi stared at him and then Arjun heard her say softly, "Thank you."  "I have a lot of work to do tonight and I wasn't expecting this extra time."  "So thanks a lot." she repeated, turning towards her bedroom."  "No need to thank me...that's what husbands are for." Arjun said with a cheeky smile.  Arohi kept on walking.  The week continued in this manner with Arohi spending every spare minute she got working on her designs.  Thankfully her assistant manager had taken over at the boutique freeing up some of Arohi's time to work with Neil.   Riya ofcourse was her first priority so Arohi still tried to follow her usual schedule with her, but that wasn't always possible with the strict deadline Zeenat had given them.  That's where Arjun came in.  Arohi had grudgingly admitted to herself that he was nothing short of amazing when it came to helping out with Riya.  Arohi had been alone for so long that she hadn't really depended on anyone else to take care of Riya's needs.  But with Arjun it became almost natural.  Once he got home from work, Riya threw herself into his arms barely letting him even change before they started their night time rituals.  It was heart warming to watch the two together.  And even though she kept her conversations to a minimal with Arjun, she found that he was really interested in her work.  He never pressed but he made sure that she had the space and time avaialbe to do her work.  He'd given her full use of his study so that she would have quiet in the evenings to work.  And Neil who made fun of everyone got along with Arjun like a house on fire.  She had no idea what to make of that!

"I think we're done." Neil remarked, staring at his sketch pad.  Arohi bit her fingernail nervously.  She didn't know how she felt about their last sketch.  "Stop biting your nails, it's disgusting!" Neil snapped, grabbing his bag.  Arohi glared at him.  "If you weren't so good at what you do, I swear I would never speak to you!" she snapped back.  But she did stop biting her fingernail.   Neil smiled.  "You know you love me!' he said, walking towards the door with Arohi following close behind.  "Good night Arjun." Neil called.  Arjun smiled up from his laptop.  "Oh you're finished." he said as he stood up and walked towards Arohi.  "See you later man." Arjun replied.  The door closed and Arohi walked to it and locked it, still deep in thought.  "What's wrong?" Arjun asked.  "Hmmm...nothing."  Arohi replied, walking back towards the study.  Arjun followed her and stood behind her as she flipped through the sketches.  "Wow, those look great." he said.  Arohi turned distractedly towards him.  "What do you know about women's fashion Arjun that you think these are great?!" she said snidely.  Instantly regretting her tone. Arjun's answer was "You're so tense Arohi."  Arjun's hands suddenly settled on Arohi's shoulders.    Arohi tried to shrug them off, but he wouldn't let her.  Massaging gently the knots out of her tight neck.  Arohi continued to look at the sketches.  "Which one is your favorite?" he asked.  "This one." Arohi said, pointing towards a short ruched bubble, halter dress in a vibrant blue.  As he continued to massage her shoulder's he asked her some more questions which she answered positively.  "Okay which one don't you like?" he asked.  "Hmmm."  Tthat feels good." she said softly. Finally starting to relax a little.  "I don't like this last one." she said pointing at a sketch. "What don't you like about it?" he asked.  Arohi stared at it, trying to pin point what exactly was off about it."  "A little to the right." she mumbled and then sighed in pleasure as Arjun found the spot.  Arjun smiled.  "Like you said "what do I know about women's fashion," but let's say if I saw this on you I think I would think the one sleeved thing looks odd."  "One sleeve is long and then suddenly there's nothing on the other side." he questioned wrinkling his nose.  Arohi stared at it.  "This particular style would only look good with cap sleeves."  "The long one sleeve balloons out too much." she said slowly  "I'm just going to..." Arohi said distractedly, grabbing a pencil she started fixing things.  Arjun watched her work for a few minutes and then walked out slowly, shutting the door behind him.  A half hour later, Arohi walked out smiling.  "Now we're done!" she said happily!  Her infectious smile making him smile.  And then she yawned and her t-shirt rode up as she slowly stretched.  Arjun's smile slipped as his eyes skimmed over her.  He'd been very good.  He'd mostly kept his hands to himself in a bid not to distract her when she was so busy with her work and not to overwhelm her either.  But when she stood in front of him so relaxed and languid, how was he supposed to continue to keep his hands to himself.  Arohi threw herself on to the chaise and smiled some more thinking about Zeenat''s reaction.,  She just had a really good feeling about their meeting tomorrow.  "Thanks for being a third pair of eyes for me Arjun!" she said turning to look at him.  Her breath caught seeing the look in his eyes.  The look was intense and hungry and had Arohi feeling overly warm, within seconds.  It was the look she'd been holding her breath for.  She hadn't missed that Arjun hadn't made any advances towards her, he'd been on his best behavior and a part of her had wanted to break that iron cold restraint of his. .  She didn't need to think hard to know what part that was.  Gulping she stared at him not being able to look away.  Arjun finally broke the spell.  "Clearing his throat he said "I'm glad it all worked out."  'I'm sure your meeting with Zeenat will go over very well."  Arohi nodded.   "Thanks." she said softly.  "I should go to bed." she said standing up.  Arjun nodded his head.  "Bed, sounds good." he said in a husky voice as he too stood up.  Arohi felt her stomach tumble.  Did he mean the two of them in bed????  What was Arjun thinking she thought to herself? She didn't want Arjun's advances.  She didn't want him.  "But you sure as hell want him to want you." said the little voice in her head.  Arjun now stood infront of her, she waited for him to lean down and kiss her.  Kiss her until she melted and forgot all coherent thought.  With his mouth inches away from hers.  His hands behind his back he said softly  "Good night Arohi."  And then giving her a soft peck on the cheek he walked away.

Arohi stared after him open mouthed.  The kiss she had been expecting was nothing like the almost "brotherly" kiss Arjun just gave her.   The man that couldn't keep his hands off her, was suddenly immune to her." she thought irritably.  Hearing his bedroom door close, she sighed and then hearing her sigh, she shook her head at her stupidity.  This is what she wanted.  She asked for it.  She didn't want Arjun to seduce her.  She didn't want his kisses and caresses.  No she didn't..."I don't...right???" she asked herself with a frown.  "No i don't!" she suddenly repeated.  As she looked in at a sleeping Riya she repeated the same thing "I don't want him." As she got a glass water she repeated the same thing "I don't want him." And as she walked into her bedroom and stared at her big empty bed she frowned.  "I don't want him." she whispered with a sad pout. 

"That was fabulous!" Neil exclaimed as they left Zeenat's office the next afternoon.  Arohi smiled.  "It had been fabulous."  Zeenat had been very happy with their work.  She was going to decide which designs would go best with her new line and contact them when she'd made a decision."  "Let's go for drinks." Neil asked.  "Sorry Neil, but I've gotta get home."  "I haven't spent any quality time with Riya since we started on this project and I miss my baby."  "I'm spending the evening with her." Arohi said happily.  "And your good looking husband too?" Neil said, raising his brows and smirking.  Arohi frowned.  "Just Riya!" she snapped.  Neil shrugged in answer.  "I don't understand how you can even think about divorcing someone like him?"  "He's gorgeous, and he obviously loves and supports you."  "It must be the love making huh?"  Arohi stared at Neil in shock.  She was used to his straight forwardness but this was too much even for him.  "Are you asking about my love life?" she asked feeling herself blush.  "Yeah, that must be the problem, he must be lacking orselse why would you leave such hotness?" Neil remarked.  Arohi frowned.  "There is nothing wrong with our love life."  'Hmmm" Neil said with a shrug already starting to walk away.  Arohi quickly ran to catch up with him.  "Arjun is an amazing lover, I'll have you know!" she practically yelled and then looking around lowered her voice.  "There is nothing wrong with our love life!"  "Infact there couldn't be nothing more right with it!" she snapped.  Neil looked at her and then pointed at his phone    Arohi frowned and then she heard Arjun say  "Arohi..." through the speaker.  Arohi's eyes flew in horror to Neil's smirking ones.  Snatching the phone from Neil she turned off the speaker and snapped "Why does Neil have your number?!"  not knowing what else to say as her face turned beet red.  Arjun paused and then with a stifled laugh replied  "He wants to start playing football with me and the guys so I gave it to him."  Arohi frowned at her very gay and very smug friend.  Play football with the guys my ass she thought!  "Um, okay I'll see you at home." she quickly said.  Arjun paused and then she heard a chuckle.  "So the only reason you called was to tell me I'm an amazing lover?" he asked.  Arohi wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole.  She had been praying that by some miracle he hadn't heard that, but obviously that had been too much to ask for.  "I don't know what you're talking about!" she snapped gruffly.  "I can remind you or better yet show you." he replied in his deep sexy voice that instantly had her body responding.  "No thank you!" she replied primly.  And then she quickly hung up before he could seduce her some more, with just his freakin voice.  "I hate you!" she snapped shoving the phone at a laughing Neil.  "That was fun." she heard him say as she walked away.

"Mama these are so yummy!" Riya exclaimed as her and Arohi decorated chocolate cupcakes that evening.  "I know, I think you're preschool friends will love my Riya's yummy creations." Arohi said smiling as she watched  Riya put more icing on herself then the actual cupcake.  Arjun smiled from his spot on the sofa.  "Are there going to be any leftovers for daddy?" he asked.  "Ummm...okay daddy you have one too!" Riya said happily.  "I decoate she said taking a cupcake and spraying whipped cream all over it.  "It's done daddy!' she said holding it up.  Arjun chuckled as he put down his laptop and walked over to the dining table where Arohi and Riya sat. "Here you go." Riya said, shoving the dripping with whipped cream cupcake at him.  "Wow that looks so delicious."  "Is there anything my Riya can't do?" he asked.  "Eat it daddy!" she exclaimed.  "I will but first I need to take a bite out of my chocolate icing covered Riya." he growled making Riya squeal as he pretended to take a bite out of her neck.  Arohi smiled as she watched the two.  Her heart melting at the sight of father and daughter together.  They were so perfect with each other.  Arjun was such a natural father, so loving and caring.  No wonder Riya was just as much in love with him as he was with her.  "Mama! "Eat mama too!" Riya squealed "she got icing too!" Riya giggled.  Arjun looked up at a wide eyed Arohi.  Who sure enough had icing on the side of her chin.  "Riya, no I'll wipe my own icing." Arohi said softly not looking at Arjun.  "No, daddy get it!" Riya said.  Riya was getting way too stubborn, Arohi thought to herself.  Taking after her father!  Arohi opened her mouth to tell Riya NO!  When Arjun took a step towards Arohi.  "I'll get it." he said softly.  Arohi stood frozen staring at Arjun as he leaned in close to her.  Her heart rate rapidly accelerating.  Cupping one side of her face he light traced her jaw and lips with his thumb.  Arohi felt her stomach drop.  She couldn't look away from his intense gaze.  Wiping away the smudge of whipped cream he brought it up to his mouth, never looking away from her.  "Delicious." he said in a low, sexy voice.  Arohi's gaze settled on his lips.  Oh god those lips.  Those sexy lips that could drive her crazy with desire.  "Daddy!"  'Look at this one!" a completely clueless Riya called as she stuck out her newly decorated cupcake.  Arjun moved away first.  What the hell was he doing?  His daughter was two feet from him and he was consumed with desire for his unbelievably sexy wife.  "Riya, time to get ready for bed." he said, clearing his throat.  Riya whined a little but got up from the chair, following her dad out of the room.  Arohi walked into the kitchen, leaning against the counter as she pressed a hand against her still racing heart.  One touch from him and she was lost.  Did everyone feel this way, was this even normal?  Was it normal to want your husband this much that the mere sight of him got your heart racing. Shaking her head at her self she started cleaning up the mess they'd left in the kitchen.  No need for poor Rose to find that tomorrow morning. 

Arjun walked out a half hour later.  "She was asleep in minutes." he said as he started to help Arohi clear up the mess in the dining room.  "I'm not surprised." Arohi replied, busying herself with putting away the cupcakes.  "Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something."  Arjun began.  "I want my family to meet Riya."  "They've all been asking about her and now that she's comfortable with the news that I'm her dad it's time she meets the rest of her family." Arohi nodded slowly.  "So you want to go to Mumbai?" she asked.  "Yes, I want all three of us to go to Mumbai."  "I was thinking we could leave next Thursday and come back Sunday."  "Is that going to work for you?" he asked.  "It should..." Arohi replied hesitantly.  "But I'll stay with my parents."  "I'm sure your family doesn't want to see me too." she said softly.  "You're my wife."  'You'll stay where I stay."  "And who says my family doesn't want to see you?"  "My mom has asked me 5 times if you're coming and to make sure you do come!"  "And Rashi is visiting for 2 weeks so we'll catch her at the end of her trip too."   Seeing Arohi's hesitation he added.  "No one blames you Arohi."  "We were both to blame for what happened between us."  "Everyone is just excited to meet Riya."    "Fine, we can go." she said softly as she walked back towards the kitchen.

Arjun followed her in, setting down the spray can of whipped cream.   Taking a bite of his cupcake that Riya made, he said "oh these are good."  "Never ceases to surprise me what a good cook you've become." he teased.  "I remember when we were younger, you once burnt water." he added with a smirk.  Arohi glared at him.  "How does one burn water Arjun Singhania?!"  "You are such a story maker uper!" she said, with her hands on her hips.  "Story maker uper?!" he repeated grinning.  "I haven't heard that in ages!"  "A phrase made up by Arohi Ahluwalia so long ago."  "I'm so surprised it's not in the Oxford dictionary by now." he teased.  Arohi gasped.  "That is a real phrase!" she snapped.  "Sure it is."  "In Arohi's vocabulary it definitely is." he said with a straight face. Arohi stared at his smug face.  Just once, just once she'd love to wipe that self righteous, I'm perfect, no one else knows as much as me look" off of Arjun's face.  She watched him take another bite of his cupcake, and smirk at her.  That was the fine straw.  Picking up the can of whipped cream she sprayed him.  His shirt was covered with  cream by the time she was done. He was slow to react because he was so shocked.  But as she went for his face, he caught her wrist, forcing the can out of her hand.  It was Arohi's turn to smile smugly but as she saw the determined glint in his eyes, she gulped.  Sanity had returned and now she could kick herself for her foolishness.  As he took a step towards her, she quickly moved back.  "Arjun..." she said in warning.  "Don't come closer."  "I'm warning you." she said as he stalked her around the counter.  "You're warning me huh?" he repeated with a devilish smile.  "Now that's rich!" he said with a laugh as he took long strides and caught her against his chest.  "Arjun!" Arohi screeched as the whipped cream from his shirt rubbed on to her and her clothes.  "I think I missed a spot." he said spraying a little on her neck.  Arohi screamed and then whimpered as Arjun's mouth settled against her neck, licking and biting the cream off.  "I missed some here too." he said hoarsely as he kissed along her ear lobe.   Arohi was on fire.  Oh god what was he doing to her.  Her hands made their way to his hair as he kissed her neck and nibbled on her ear.  And then his mouth was on hers for a fiery, toe curling kiss.  Arohi pressed closer as his mouth made her crazy.  His lips leaving hers only for a second as he stripped off his T-shirt.  Kissing her again with all the pent up desire and passion he'd been feeling since she had moved in with him.  Since he'd found out that they were still married.  Arohi kissed him right back.  Clinging to him as he quickly backed her up against a wall, holding her in place as he made love to her mouth.  Arohi was beyond understanding anything right now, beyond caring as she felt him reach for her t-shirt and then stop.  His dark intense gaze raking over her, his breathing heavy he said "Arohi, if you don't want this, you have to tell me to stop now."  "Because in 5 minutes I will not be able to stop."  he said roughly.  Arohi's answer was to pull his head down for another hot kiss.  Arjun moaned but pulled away.  All but dragging her out of the kitchen and towards her bedroom.  Stopping only for a moment to kiss her and pull off her t-shirt before he pulled her along again.  Closing his door behind him, she was in his arms in seconds.  Their lips touching every inch of bare skin they could as they helped each other strip out of their clothes.  Scooping her up, Arjun made his way into his batrhoom.  "You're all sticky."  "We should get you cleaned up." he said with a wicked grin as he placed her in the shower and followed her in.  Their love making in it's intensity was all consuming, but also had a tenderness about it.  Tenderness in the way Arjun looked at her and touched her.  And when he whispered "I love you Arohi." against her neck, Arohi almost said the words  that were screaming to come out.  Words she forced herself not to say but felt through every fiber of her being.  "I love you Arjun." she whispered much later on, as they lay cuddled together in Arjun's bed and she was sure he was asleep.  "I love you so much Arjun." she whispered squeezing her eyes against the onslaught of tears.

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