Chapter 8

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Arjun pulled Arohi roughly to him and kissed her.  Arohi's initial response was shock.  Shock at feeling Arjun's lips agsinst hers.  Shock at being in his arms.  But that only lasted seconds, because as Arjun kissed her,  Arohi felt herself melting against him.  It wasn't a soft kiss, it was a hungry, intense, angry kiss.  And Arohi loved it.  But just as roughly as Arjun had pulled her to him, he pushed her away.  She stared at him wide eyed as she brought her fingers to her lips.

Arjun was furious.  Furious at himself for kissing her, furious at her for being her.  Arohi saw the anger in his eyes and frowned.  What was he angry about she thought.  He kissed her!  She opened her mouth to say something but he beat her to it.  "SHUT-UP" he said angrilly. "I do not want to hear it."  he said stalking in the direction of the bathroom.  Arohi stared after him.  Had Arjun finally lost his mind she thought to herself.  The slamming of the bathroom door made her jump.  How dare he she thought to herself as she paced  across the room. He kissed me, not the other way around.  I didn't want to be kissed, even though that kiss had been so freakin amazing.  Stopping, she thought to herself did he kiss her like that in Vegas?  How could she have forgotten a kiss like that!

Walking to her armoire she started pulling out clothes and throwing them on the floor as she tried to figure out what she'd wear today.  All the while the kiss still on her mind.  She finally decided on a long strapless pink and navy sun dress.  Staring at the bathroom door she frowned again.  Why did Arjun kiss her when he hates her she thought.

Arjun came out about 15 minutes later, his shirt still unbuttoned as he slipped his watch on, over his wrist.  Arohi tried not to stare.  Why must he always be half dressed around her she thought to herself angrilly.  He looked at her and looked away, ignoring her as he buttoned his shirt.  "What's your problem?" Arohi practically shouted not being able to help herself.  Arjun looked her up and done making it clear what his problem was.  "Hey!"  "You kissed me!"  "Personally I found it repulsive and hated it." she said making a face.  Arjun shook his head and rolled his eyes.  "You're the worst liar i have ever met" he said continuing to shake his head.  Arohi glared at him.  "You and I both know you loved that kiss."  "The way you were whimpering and pressing yourself against me."  "The only reason I kissed you was to shut you up."  Arohi's eyes grew wide, she was fuming.  "Seriously, I couldn't figure out a way to get you to stop your rant."  "This was the only option that came to me at the time."  Making a disgusted face Arjun said "don't worry I won't be repeating the mistake."  "You, you, you monster." she yelled.  Arjun smiled and grabbing his suit jacket and wallet he opened his bedroom door and walked out. 

Why the hell had he kissed her Arjun thought to himself as he ate his breakfast.  Things were complicated enough as is, kissing her only added to it.  She had just looked so damn hot this morning, all rumpled and sexy.  Stop it! He told himself as he thought back to the way she had felt against him.  It was bad enough that  she was never going to shut up  about the damn kiss.  He didn't need to keep remembering it too.   Remembering her words about finding the kiss repulsive made him smirk.  She had loved it.  He wasn't stupid, she didn't even resist and that had made him want to keep on kissing her.  The only thing that had stopped him was her soft little moans.  This was Arohi his nemesis he thought as he had pushed her away.  There was no way he could repeat that mistake.

Arohi breezed into the dining room.  "Good morning everyone" she said pointedly ignoring Arjun.  "Morning beta,"  "What would you like for breakfast?" Arjun's mom asked.  "I'll just have some of this toast." Arohi said taking the plate with the fresh toast  Arjun's mom had just brought in for him.  Arohi smiled sweetly as she took a bite. " Ramu kaka, could I please have some coffee." she called.    Arjun's mom said she'd go get it for her. "Thanks mom" Arohi said giving her a sweet smile. "Bhabhi," Rashi began.  "Rashi, we've known eachother all of our lives must you call me bhabhi?"  "Just call me Arohi like you have all your life."  "And you better not be calling me bhabhi at uni." " I'm telling you right now." she warned.  "Fine, I'll call you Arohi" Rashi said.  "But Bhabhi at home."  Arohi rolled her eyes.  "Speaking of university," Arjun said looking at Rashi and Arohi.  "Have you two dropped out?"  "No, we've been on break." Rashi said.  "Break?" "Well I know Arohi's whole life is one big break, but I do expect better from you." Arjun said looking at his sister.".  "Bhai!" "The whole uni was on break!"  "We're going back tomorrow." 

Arohi was livid,  "What did you mean my whole life is one big break."  "I'll have you know.."  Arohi began but Arjun cut her off.  "Alright have a good day everyone." Arjun said getting up and walking out of the room.  Arohi felt her blood pressure rising.  Turning on Rashi she yelled" I swear your brother is the biggest loser ever born." "He is so arrogant, so high and mighty."  "I am going to make sure I knock him off that pedestal of his."  "If I don't my name isn't Arohi Ahluwalia!"  "Singhania." Rashi said dryly taking a bite of her toast.  "What?!"  Arohi snapped.  "Your name isn't Arohi Singhania."  Arohi gave her a look.  "Alright then." Rashi said rolling her eyes and turning back to her breakfast.  Arohi took deep breaths to calm herself down.  She needed to take care of the thorn in her side by the name of Arjun, and quick.

Arjun arrived home late evening.  Making his way to his room he prayed that Arohi was not in there.  He really didn't feel like dealing with Miss Crazy right now.  He walked in and groaned.  "Don't you ever knock?" she snapped as she stood infront of the mirror turning this way and that way admiring herself.  All around her there lay bags and bags of STUFF.  "First of all this is my room." he said in an irritated voice.  "Second of all what the hell happened here?"  "It looks like a clothing store blew up in here."  Arohi glared at him.  "I went shopping." she snapped.  "I'm just trying on my purchases."  "Did you leave anything behind for the other shoppers?" he asked stepping over clothes. " Ha ha funny." she said rolling her eyes.  "What do you know about fashion?" she said looking him up and down and rolling her eyes again.  "Clearly not as much as you." he said as he threw his jacket on to the bed and walked into the bathroom.  A minute later he walked back out.  "How did you pay for all this?" he asked slowly.  "Not that it's any of your business, but with my money."  "What money?" he asked with arms folded across his chest.  "What money you freak?!" "My money!"  "I swear sometimes I wonder how you run a business, you're so stupid." she said turning back to the mirror.

"You don't have any money, you've never worked a day in your life." he said in voice meant for a 5 year old.  Arohi stared at him.  "Did you pay cash?" he asked, " No!"  "Credit card?"  "Yes, so what?!"  "Who pays that credit card?"  "My daddy" she said smugly turning towards another bag and pulling out two pairs of shoes.  Arjun stared at the shoes.  "Aren't those the same pair of shoes?" Arohi stared at them.  Smiling Arohi spoke to him as if she was talking to a small child.  "No, one is off white, and the other one is cream!"  She rolled her eyes and went back to what she was doing.  Arjun had to mentally stop himself from wringing her neck. " Arohi, seriously have you thought about getting psychiatric help?" he asked.  "Because you need it and while you're at it get your eyes checked because those are the same pair of shoes!"  Arohi stared at the shoes..."no they aren't." she said hesitantly.  Or were they? she thought.  Oh well who cares she thought going back to admiring herself. 

"Where's the credit card?" he asked her.  "What?" she asked.  "Arjun can you get lost I'm busy here."  "Where is the credit card?" he asked looking around for her purse amongst all the shopping.  "What are you doing?" she said as he flung things around.  "Don't touch that!" she yelled as he threw things on the ground.  Finding her purse he handed it to her.  "Give me the credit card".  "Drop dead!" she said turning away from him.  "Give me the creidt card Arohi, orelse."  "ORELSE?!"  "Arjun you should never threaten me." she said giving him a glare.  "You don't know what I could do to you...". " ARJUN GIVE IT BACK!" she screamed as he yanked the purse out of her hands.  "Give it back!" she said as he pushed her aside and unzipped the purse.  "Don't even think about it," "I'm warning you!" she said as she tried unsuccessfully to get it back. He pulled out her coach wallet and started going through the cards.  "4 credit cards!" he said  He went to his desk and pulled out scissors as Arohi watched in horror.  "NO ARJUN, you can't!" she yelled, launching herself at him.  He easily side stepped her.  "Watch me." he said.  He took his scissors and cut each card and when it got to to her platinum visa Arohi couldn't watch.  "Oh please Arjun not my platinum card," "do you know how much money you have to spend before they give you one of those?!"  She was actually begging.  Arjun smiled at he cut that one into little peices.  Arohi stared at him with a look of horror on her face.  Her best friends lay on the ground all cut up. 

Arohi couldn't help the tears that fell down her face as she grieved for herself and her friends.  Arjun stared down at her triumphantly.  "As long as you're my wife you're dad isn't going to be paying your shopping bills." he said.  "With that said, neither am I."  "I'll get you a regular credit card with a modest limit and you can use that."  "But if i see that you're over using it then I may need to cut that up too."  Arohi wanted to kill him.  "How dare you!" she said as she scrambled up and threw herself at him.  Arjun did not see that coming.  He'd been so over come with satisfaction.  Satisfaction at finally getting Arohi back.   She managed to punch him in the stomach and if he hadn't caught her she would have made sure she kneed him in an area that would have guaranteed Nani NO great gand children.  But she managed to scratch his neck and bite his hand.  "Ow!" Arjun yelled.  She was so vicious.   He wrapped his arms around her from behind so that her arms were caged too.  "Let me go!" she said as she tried to kick him.  "No, you need a stragiht jacket." he said.  "You're trying to kill me over credit cards."  Arohi struggled against him.  "They were mine!" she yelled.  "You had no right to take them and cut them up!"  "I have every right."  "I'm your husband." he whispered into her ear.  "So that doesn't mean you own me." she said still struggling.  "No, I dont' have a probelm with you spending money but what you have is an addiction."  "Just look at your closet."  "Half the things still have tags on them."  "Why were you snooping through my things?" Arohi snapped.  "I wasn't!"  "I was using 1 of the hangers out of the 2 you left me in there."  As she struggled against him Arjun felt himself pulling her closer.  Her chest was rising and falling rapidly as she tried to catch her breath. 

Arohi knew the second Arjun started to relax, his breath tickled her ear.  His mouth was just inches away from her ear.  His one hand now drifted down to her hip.  Arjun felt his mind start to wander back to this morning's kiss.  That hot kiss.  Would it be so wrong to kiss her again he thought as he slightly loosened his hold on her and placed his lips on her neck.  Arohi felt herself weaken as his lips moved from her neck up to her ear trailing kisses all long her ear.  She felt a shiver run through her.  His one arm loosened and his hand moved down to her stomach pulling her shirt up and putting his hand possessively on her stomach.  Arohi's breath caught as she closed her eyes and leaned against him.  Arjun continued to kiss her neck and  when he heard Arohi's soft sigh he turned her around and leaning down he brought his lips to hers... except they never did touch her lips.  Instead he doubled over in pain as she kneed him where it would hurt him the most.  Nani was definitely getting no great grandchildren now.   "That was for my baby." she said as she reached down and gathered up her platinum credit card in the palm of her hands, looking at it like it was her baby.  "Don't worry it'll be okay!" she said touching the peices left of the card.  She picking up her cell phone as she walked out of the room without a backwards glance.  Arjun was turning red and having problems breathing.  Still bent over.  He was dying, he was dying he thought and all because of some stupid credit cards.  Oh how he hated Arohi Ahluwalia.  He was going to make sure she paid for this, he thought, as he slowly made his way to the bed and keeled over.

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