Chapter 9

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"Arohi can you please stop scowling."  "No boys are going to look at us if you keep frowning like that." Tina said as they walked down the hallway to their classes.  "I can't help it." Arohi replied   "Every time I remember what that MONSTER did to my credit cards it makes my blood boil."  "Well stop thinking about it."  "Your dad said he'll get you new ones so that's that!"  Arohi nodded.  "Did you tell your dad Arjun cut them up."  "NO!  I told him I lost my wallet."  "That was a 10 minute lecture in itself!"  "He'd never get me new ones if he thought his god's gift to the world son in law didn't want me to have them."  Tina laughed. "I don't think Arjun's going to mess with you again."  "Not after what you did to him."  Arohi slowly smiled.  "Maybe he'll think twice, next time he tries to outsmart Arohi Ahluwalia." she said laughing.  "Hi girls," Rashi said walking up. "What's up?"  "Nothing we're just discussing your brother" Tina said  "Nothing good, I'm assuming." Rashi said looking at Arohi.  "What do you think?" Arohi replied.  Rashi rolled her eyes. " Here's my class."  "I'll see you girls later." Arohi said walking into the classroom.  Rashi watched her.  Arohi had always been headstrong and stubborn, but her brother was really no better.  How were these two really going to spend the rest of their lives together without killing one another? What had their parents been thinking?!

"Who is that" Tina said looking over at a tall good looking guy having lunch in the cafeteria.  Arohi looked up.  "He's alright." she said.  "Alright!" "He's HOT!" her friend Riya said practically drooling.  Arohil rolled her eyes.  "Oh, well sorry, now that you're married to the hottest guy around any other guy would be considered "Just Alright!" Riya said giggling.  Arohi looked at her.  "Hottest!" "Please!"  "Arohi, do you know how many of us girls would make excuses to go over to Rashi and Shefali's house so that we could see Arjun?"  "Hoping he would notice us."  "Who knew you two had a thing going on."  "You could have warned us and saved a lot of girls some unnecessary heartbreak."  Arohi choked on her drink.  "First of all we didn't have a "THING" going on."  "Second, are you kidding me!"  "My friends were that desperate that they stalked Arjun?!"  Arohi asked in disbelief.  "Wanting Arjun isn't desperate." "He's the perfect guy."  "He's good looking, rich, intelligent, funny, great style."  "The list goes on." " What else could a girl want?"  "You forgot heartless, arrogant and conceited." she mumbled under her breath.  "What?" Riya asked.  "Nothing!"  "I'm done here."  "You still have one more class." Tina pointed out.  "Not in the mood." Arohi said as she got up to leave.  "Are you going home?"  "Yes, home to my parents," she said smiling.  Picking up her bag she walked away.

"Mr. Gupta, if that's what the client wants then that's what the client is going to get." Arjun said into his phone as he waited at a traffic light.  "Please get all the details and I'll go over them when I get to the office."  "I've just left my meeting now and should be there soon."  Arjun hung up, and as the light changed to green, a car sped by him.  Some one was sure in a hurry he thought as he saw the car weave in and out of traffic.  Arjun shook is head at the idiot.  Next light, he saw the car stopped, revving the engine as if he was in a big hurry to go.  The car looks familiar he thought but  as soon as the light changed, the car sped up again and turned.  Arjun turned aswell, there were barely any cars out on this stretch of the road but if there had been, this idiot would have done some serious damage by now.  The car sped up and almost went through a red light but at the last minute slammed on the brakes.   Arjun pulled up next to it and glanced in the direction of the drivers seat.  And stared at the driver.  It was his WIFE!  Her sunglasses on, she was staring straight ahead.  The light changed and she sped away again.

Arjun stared at the racing car in shock.  Was there anything normal about this girl he thought?   Now she was trying to kill herself!  Glancing at the time he sighed.  He had to make sure she didn't end up doing something stupid.  Damn you Arohi! he thought as instead of turning he followed in her direction. Arohi pulled into her parents driveway and turned off her car.  Walking into her house she looked around  happily.  "I missed you house." she said.  "Arohi!" her mom said coming up and giving her a big hug.  "How are you?" "Shouldn't you be in class?"  "No class is finished." she lied.  "Where's dad?"  "He's upstairs in the study, working on something."  Oh, so he's distracted Arohi thought.  Good!  "I'll just go up and see him."  She wandered up, passing her room and popping her head in.  "Hi room, I miss you."  "I'll be back soon." she said smiling.  Knocking on the den door, she heard her dad's "come in."  Seeing Arohi her dad's face lit up.  He got up and gave her a big bear hug making her giggle.  "I miss you dad." she said quietly.  "Oh beta, I miss you too."  "You were our ronuk."  "Now this house is empty without my Arohi's laughter."  Arohi's eyes filled with tears.  "Hey, no tears.  I'm happy the way things have turned out."  "I think Arjun is perfect for you."  "Please dad don't start on the Arjun thing."  Her dad said nothing.  "Anyways tell me what you've been up to." he said changing the subject.  Arohi launched into a summary of recent events, making her dad laugh. 

"Dad, I needed some money." she said.  "Money?"  "Yes, you know until my credit cards come in."  "Oh, okay you know where my wallet is." "Take what ever you need." he said.   "Thanks daddy." she said happily getting up and giving him a kiss.   "Let's go downstairs, your mom made kheer today."  "Are you staying for dinner?"  "No not today."  "I haven't told anyone at home."  "Okay I'll call Rudra and you all come over for dinner tomorrow night."  Arohi nodded.  As father and daughter happily walked down the stairs and into the living room Arohi stopped in her tracks.  There on the sofa chatting it up with her mom sat the enemy.  "Arjun what a pleasant surprise." her dad said.  Arjun put down his drink.  "Hi dad," he said getting up and shaking his hand.  "How are you?"  "Great now that you and Arohi are both here."   "Yeah great," Arohi said glaring at Arjun.  "What are you doing here?" Arohi asked through gritted teeth.  "I'm actually here to see dad." he said with an evil smile.  "Me?" "Sure"  "What about son?' ""Could we speak privately?" Arjun asked looking at Arohi.  Sid looked between Arjun and Arohi.  Arohi looked ready to kill Arjun.  "Sure, let's go into my study." he said.   The two men walked away.

Arohi wanted to kill him.  What the hell was he doing in her house in the middle of the day.  Did he not have a business to run?  She paced as she waited for them to come back.  If he said anything to her dad she would have to kill him.  He would seriously need to sleep with one eye open.  Arohi's dad and Arjun finally walked back in laughing.  "Thanks dad," Arjun said.  "No worries son."  "I see where you're coming from."  "What took so long?" Arohi asked with a fake smile.  "What was so important that you couldn't discuss it here."  "I had asked Arjun's input on a business venture and he did some research for me and wanted to fill me in."  "It was business, nothing that would interest you." Arjun said with a smirk.  "Oh." Arohi said taking a deep breath.  Thank god!  "Okay bye Arjun!" she said motioning to the door for him to get out.  "Arohi!" her dad said.  "Arjun, you and Arohi stay for dinner."  "I can't dad I  need to get back to the office."  "But Arohi you stay."  Arohi glared at him.  She didn't need his permission to stay for dinner in her own home! "Okay well tomorrow then, everyone come over tomorrow for dinner."  "I'll call Rudra too."  "Sure, sounds good."  "I'll see you tomorrow night." Arjun said as he ignored Arohi and turned around and walked out of the room.

"I better get going too." Arohi said glancing at her watch.  "I'll just grab that money." she said taking a step to leave the room.  "Arohi, wait a minute." her dad said stopping her.  She looked at him questioningly.  "I don't think I can give you that money."  "Why?" she asked slowly.  "Arjun told me how he felt about that and I can completely understand it."  "You're his wife. " "He's a good man and he wants to provide for his wife."  "He told me he's ordered a credit card for you."  "And if you need money he'll give it to you."  "I'm very proud that he's my son in law." her dad said with a smile.

Arohi was beyond angry.  "And what am I to you?" she asked calmly.  "Since Arjun is the son you never had, what am I?"  "Arohi" her dad began.  "No!"  "Seriously everyone has just been playing games with my life."  "When can I make my own decisions."  "I already have a father I don't need another one!"  "Instead of standing up for me you backed him up." I'm  married to a man I detest." " Now I need to beg him for money to buy myself a cup of coffee."  Tears spilled down her face.  "Aren't you happy to see how you've ruined your daughter's life?"  "But what do you care."  "Now you have your protege son to laugh and discuss business with."  "Arohi it's not like that!"  "NO!" "It is exactly like that." she yelled and then turning around she grabbed her bag.  "I don't need either one of yours money." she yelled as she walked out of the room.

Arjun glanced at his watch, 8:00.  It was just him in the office.  Stopping off at his in-laws had put him back a bit, but that was okay.  His father in law was a great guy and when Arjun explained the credit card situation to him,  he had understood right away.  Arjun really didn't care that Arohi spent money.  Well, he didn't like that she wasted so much money.  But she was his wife and if she wanted something it was his responsibility to get it for her.  He wasn't going to have his father in law suport her.  First thing this morning he had had his assistant order Arohi a credit card which was being couried over the following day.  Even though he had said it would be a modest limit and if she over spent he'd take it away, he hadn't meant it.  Like most things he said to Arohi, that too was said in the heat of the moment.  The limit was well above modest and he would never take it away from her.  He might go bankrupt with her spending, but he wasn't one to be controlling about money.  For as long as she was his wife it was up to him to provide for her. Even if he hated it.  

Arjun heard the door open and as he looked up from his computer, the door slammed.  Arohi stood in front of him.  The anger was vibrating off of her.  He didn't think he'd ever seen her this mad.  Not even during their forced wedding.  "Who do you think you are? she screamed rounding on him.  "Your husband." he said still seated.  "Stop using that for everything."  "So what if you're my husband."  "We don't have a husband wife relationship."  "Why are you meddling in my life all the time."  "You have no right."   Arjun got up slowly and stood in front of her.  "I have a right." he said.  "Like I stated before I am your husband."  "No you freakin don't have any rights."  "And I'm your wife on paper only!" "That's it until you give me that bloody divorce."   "You've gone too far now and I won't forgive this."  "I will make sure I pay you back for your latest stunt."  Arjun folded his arms around his chest.  He was getting angry now.  "What have I told you about your continuous threats?"  "I don't take well to threats." he warned.  " It's not a threat Arjun, it's a promise." she said in a suddenly sweet voice.  Arjun laughed and then looking at the anger return to her face he laughed again.  And suddenly he couldn't stop laughing.  "You're such a nut case." he managed to get out through his laughter.    And then he imitated her" Oh...Not a threat Arjun, but a promise."  Watching Arjun laugh was making Arohi angrier and angrier.  "Shut up!" she yelled but the jerk just laughed harder.    

"Shut up!" "Shut-up" she yelled again as she hit his chest.  When she went to hit him again he grabbed her hand and yanked her towards him.  His laughter disappeared just as quickly as it had started.  With dark flashing eyes he bit out.  "How many times do you think I'm going to keep putting up with your physical attacks before I push back?"    Arohi struggled against him.  "So you would hit me?" she asked, her eyes wide.  "No, I wouldn't hit you!" he said in a disgusted voice.  "I don't hit females."  "It wouldn't be a surprise to me if you hit me." she said as if she hadn't heard him.  "You seem the type."  Arjun's eyes grew wide and the anger she suddenly saw in them made her try to take a step back.  Maybe she'd gone a little too far with that comment.  She knew Arjun would never hit her.  She bit her bottom lip looking at him, but trying not to show any fear.  She struggled but it was in vain.  "Arohi I have other ways to push back." With that he leaned down and kissed her.   The kiss was hard and punishing and Arohi instantly stopped struggling.  She let Arjun kiss her and when she moaned he slowed down releasing her hands.  Arohi kissed him back placing her hands on his chest.  Arjun groaned.  He couldn't even begin to think straight as he pulled her close and kissed her hungrily.  Arohi ran her hands through his hair pulling him closer.  The fight, the credit cards, the cruel words everything forgotten all of a sudden.

Arjun moved his lips from her mouth to her neck.  Arohi gasped as he kissed a particularly sensitive spot.  Pulling at his hair she brought his lips back to hers.  The kiss was wild and hot.  Arohi felt Arjun's fingers on the buttons of her shirt as he backed her against the wall.  His lips now on her shoulder as her shirt fell away.  She moaned when she felt his hands on her stomach.  Arjun kissed her again as he pulled her unbuttoned shirt off and threw it on the floor.  Now kissing her shoulder and neck.  Arohi was on fire.  She pulled at Arjun's shirt trying to unbutton it with her frantic fingers. 

Through the cloud of passion Arohi's brain registered a ringing sound.  She was so lost that it took her a while to actually figure out that it was her phone.  Arohi's eyes snapped open and she pushed Arjun away.  Arjun looked at her, his eyes still dark with passion.  He shook his head as if to clear it.  Arohi stared at him with horror.  WHAT WAS HAPPENING HERE?! she thought and then suddenly feeling the cold air, since she'd pushed Arjun away, she realized she was only wearing her bra.  She quickly looked for her shirt snatching it up and holding it against herself.  Turning around she slipped it on and with shaking fingers she managed to button it up.  Arjun stood watching.  What had gotten into him?  One minute they were screaming at eachother and the next minute they were practically on top of eachother.  What was it about Arohi that made him want her so much one second and made him want to kill her the next.  Arohi turned back around not meeting his gaze. "Listen.." he began.  "No Arjun I don't want to talk about this right now." she said in a shaky voice.  "I'm tired and I really don't have the energy right now to try and figure us out."  she said softly.  With that she grabbed her purse and walked out softly shutting the door behind her. 

Arjun stared at the closed door.  He couldn't figure them out either.  All he knew was that ever since their first kiss he hadn't been able to get kissing and touching Arohi out of his mind.  They have known eachother for ages, hated eachother for as long as he could remember.  Yet one kiss and now he couldn't stop kissing her.  But she is  your wife a small voice inside his head said.  As Arjun  leaned against his desk he thought about that some more.  She was his wife.  Was it so wrong to lust after your wife? Especially if she was as hot as Arohi.  And he knew Arohi was just as attracted to him as he was to her.   Smiling a plan started to form in his head.  Maybe being married to Arohi didn't have to be all bad. 

Arohi woke up alone in bed.  She didn't know what time Arjun had come home last night or for that matter left this morning.  She herself had returned from Arjun's office and taken a long shower and then complaining of a headache went straight to bed.  Sleep took a while to come, because she kept feeling Arjun's hands on her.  What was wrong with them?!  They were horrible at being enemies!!  They gave all enemy's out there a bad name.  Which enemy's behaved the way they did.  Kissing, touching, and then yelling and hitting.  Living with Arjun had addled her brain a little.  What other plausible reason could there be that she never resisted when he touched her.  Hell! she participated, and last night if that phone hadn't rung she probably would  have let Arjun make love to her on the floor of his office.  That's how messed up she'd become.  She shook her head in disgust at herself.   Today was a new day.  No more sexual tension, she wouldn't tolerate it.  She took a deep breath smiling to herself.  She would not allow herself to be tempted ever again.  She suddenly felt much better.  As she jumped out of bed she felt ready to start a new day.  Pulling out an royal blue fitted halter dress she looked at herself in the mirror.  This would the perfect dress to drive the boys cazy at uni she thought happily.  See she was already over the steamy make out session with Arjun.  She wasn't even thinking about his lips, and her lips and the kiss..."OH MY GOD AROHI!" "Get your mind out of the gutter!" she said to herself furiosuly.  Turning she stormed into the bathroom.

Arohi for once attended all of her classes and surprise surprise actually paid attention and wait for it...took notes!  "Arohi, we're going out tonight, right?" her friend Tina asked as they walked to their cars.  "No, not me."  "My parent's have invited us for dinner tonight."  "Let's go out clubbing tomorrow night."   "It's been ages,  since I've had a good time."  Arohi said with a sigh.   "Okay sounds good I'll let the others know." Tina replied getting into her car.  Arohi waved bye.  "Bhabhi, I mean Arohi." Rashi called running up to her.  "You're late" Arohi said sliding into the driver's side.  Rashi got in.  "Sorry!" she said rolling her eyes.  "I needed to speak to my teacher after class."  "Whatever."  "So are you coming over to my parent's place or do you want me to drop you off at home?"  "I'll come with you." Rashi said.  "What time is bhai getting there?" Rashi asked.  Arohi gave her a look.  "Do I look like your brother's secretary that I keep track of his schedule?"  "He can come or not come I don't care!"  Rashi rolled her eyes and turned to look out the window.  Lately Arohi's gussa was getting out of control.

Arohi stood next to her sister eating a carrot as her sister prepared a salad for dinner.  As Arohi reached for another carrot her sister pushed her hand away.  Arohi made a face.  "Arohi why don't you do something rather then hang over my shoulder." her sister snapped.  "I am doing something, I'm supervising!" Arohi said smiling.  Neha shook her head.    There was no point on arguing with her stubborn sister.  Neha grabbed a handful of strawberries and started cutting them up. As Arohi reached for another carrot she saw Neha pick up the strawberries to sprinkle over the salad.  "NO Di!" Arohi said pushing the hand full of strawberries away.  "You can't put strawberries in the salad, Arjun has a severe allergy."  And as the words left Arohi's mouth she felt her stomach sink.  She gulped and felt her face turning red.  Rashi, her mom and Neha di stared at her with knowing smiles.  "I meant...Arohi said trying to explain.  "We know what you meant Arohi." Neha said with a happy smile.  "Mom, Rashi, did you see the worry on Arohi's face for Arjun's welfare?"  "Shut up di." Arohi said.  "No, Arohi that was really wifey of you." Rashi said with a smile.  "Even I had forgotten about bhai's allergy."  "How did you remember  it?"  Arohi opened her mouth to say something but again her sister beat her too it.  "Rashi, when someone is in love with someone they make it their business to know everything about them."  "In love my foot!" Arohi snapped as she walked out of the kitchen.  She could hear laughter behind her.  She was such an idiot she thought to herself. Why did she even have to mention the stupid strawberries?!  The only reason she remembered it was because as a child Arjun had gotten severely sick on one of their vacations because he accidentally ate a strawberry.  Now no one was going to let her live it down!

Walking into the living room she saw her dad sitting there reading a newspaper.  She turned back around and left the room.  She wasn't ready to forgive him yet.  Her room might be the only safe place for her right now, she thought as she made her way upstairs.  Arjun and his family arrived about an hour later.  As they were seated and drinks were served Arohi's mom looked around for her pagal daughter.  Where had Arohi disappeared too?  As if reading her thoughts Arohi's dad asked where's Arohi.  "I'm not sure, maybe she's in her room?"  "I'll go check." Arohi's mom said as she stood up.  "No mom." Neha cut in giving her a look.  "Why doesn't Arjun go up to see her?"  "They're newlyweds and probably haven't seen eachother all day."  "That way they'll have a few minutes to themselves."   Arjun rolled his eyes.  These two sisters were alike in the scheming department.  "Yes Arjun you go up and get Arohi," his mom spoke up.  Arjun sighed and got up.

  Let's go and get princess Arohi he thought to himself.   He made his way up and stopped outside her room.  Her extremely pink room.  Walking in he looked around at all the stuffed animals, and the many many pictures with friends and family.  Looking over at the bed he found the ever present thorn in his side... Arohi, sound asleep on her bed.  Arjun walked over and stared down at her.  She looked so innocent, and beautiful, almost serene. A tiny smile played on her lips as she slept.  I wonder what she's dreaming about? he thought as he moved a wisp of her hair away from her face.  Then he smiled.  She's probably dreaming of ways to torture me.  That would bring a smile to her face.  He stared down at her for a few minutes before he noticed her stir.  Sighing he reached down and spoke softly near her ear.  "Wake up Arohi?" he said.  "Hmm.." she said still asleep.  "Arohi wake up." he said closer to her ear and louder this time.  This time she mumbled something in her sleep.  Exasperated, Arjun brought his lips right next to Arohi's ear practically touching it.  "WAKE UP?!"  he yelled.  Arohi sat right up!  "Hmm.. "she said looking around wide eyed like a deer caught in the headlights.  Seeing Arjun she rubbed her eyes.  "Why are you yelling?" she said as she stretched.  Her t-shirt rode up as she stretched yet again.  "I was having such a nice dream." she said smiling.  Arjun felt his mouth go dry.  This sleepy, tousled, messy Arohi always had a way of turning him on without even trying.  "What?!" she asked as she looked back at him staring at her.  "Nothing, everyone's waiting for you downstairs."  "Oh" Arohi said yawning and looking at the clock.  "Wow I must have been tired I never nap." she said swinging her legs over the bed and getting up. "You can leave now." she said dismissing him. 

Arjun was not one who took well to being dismissed.  "No, I think I'll hang out." he said as he sat down on her bed. Arohi narrowed her eyes at him.  What was he up to she thought.  She walked into her bathroom hoping that when she came out he would be gone.  But no such luck.  Now he was flipping through one of her albums.  Arohi marched over and tried to snatch it from his hands.  But Arjun kept it out of her reach.  "You can't just go through my personal things." she said furiously.  Arjun ignored her and instead asked "when was this taken?" Pointing at a picture.  Arohi glared at him but sat down next to him taking the album.  She looked at the picture he'd been looking at and smiled.  It was Arohi and Arjun as small children.  She was maybe 5 making him about 9.  He was pouting, holding a broken toy car and she was smiling evilly.   "We were at a family picnic at some park and you wouldn't let me play with your car."  "So I broke it, so you couldn't play with it either." she said with giggle.  Arjun shook his head.  "Somethings never change." he said.  "If you don't get your way you destroy everything around you."  Arohi elbowed him.    "Oh look at this one," she said pointing at a picture of Arohi sitting on top of Arjun with his face in the mud.  She looked to be about 2, making him about 6. "That is hilarious." she said laughing.   "Yeah hilarious, you big bully." he said pulling the album over to him for a closer look. "Look at how fat you were there?" Arjun said laughing.  "As a toddler you were probably about the same size as a 5 year old me."  Arohi shoved him.  "Hahaha funny... I was healthy not fat." she said.  The two sat flipping through more pictures.  Laughing and reminiscing. "Remember when we all went on that camping trip and di told us a scary story before bedtime and you were scared to sleep by yourself?" Arohi asked.  "I was scared to sleep by the other way around."  "You were afraid."  "You snuck into my tent and made me keep the flashlight on all night just incase some "boogey men" came to get you, that way atleast you could see them."  "You were so scared you held my hand while you fell asleep." he said.  "Yeah," Arohi said sheepishly and then laughed "Maybe that's what had happened."  "I think I was 5."  "And the next morning everyone was looking for me and found the two of us fast asleep in your tent."  Arohi smiled at that far off memory turning to Arjun she saw that he too was smiling remembering their childhood.  But as they looked at eachother, sitting so close, hovering over the album together their smiles vanished.  They weren't children anymore.  And as much as they wanted to deny it, something was happening between them.  Arohi looked away first, pulling herself away emotionally and physically.  "Let's go downstairs." she said quietly getting up and taking a step.  "Arohi, wait a minute." Arjun said stopping her.  Arohi turned around.  "I think we need to discuss what's happening between us."  "There's no us Arjun."  Arohi said. 

"There might not be an us on an emotional level but physically there is definitely an us."  Arohi stared at Arjun.  "What I'm saying is that you can't deny that we're attracted to eachother physically."  Arohi didn't say anything.  Good atleast she's not denying it he thought.  "So what?" she asked.  "Well I think since we are married and we are attracted to eachother, I don't think it would be a bad thing if we maybe see where that leads."  Arohi stared at him and as she started to comprehend what he was saying her eyes grew wide.  "So let me get this straight." she said.  "We hate eachother, but since we're married you think we should sleep together."  "I have a lot more then sleeping in mind." he said with a smile.  "You're disgusting!" she snapped.  "I can't believe you would even suggest something like that."  "You repulse me, I wouldn't sleep with you if you were the last man on earth."  "Sleeping with the enemy is not something I plan on ever doing."  "Are you done?!" Arjun snapped.  Arohi looked at him red faced with anger.  "You want me, I wanted you."  "I thought this would be the best solution to our problem but I see you're just as stubborn as ever."  "When we almost made love in my office last night that was okay.""But if I actually suggest a perfect solution to our problem..that's disgusting and suddenly I repulse you."  "When you're moaning and pulling me closer I should have understood that to mean I disgust and repulse you."  "Shut up!" she snapped.  "I don't care what you say I won't go along with your stupid plan!"  "Fine!" Arjun snapped.  "I was doing it more for you anyways."  "I was thinking I would put you out of your misery and let you have your way with me but now I'm no longer interested."  Arohi stared at him with shock.

"Excuse me!" she asked angrily but Arjun was already at the door.  "Don't you dare walk away Arjun Signhania!"  she practically yelled.  Arjun whistled as he walked.  Arohi ran to keep pace with him.  "Arjun, Arjun!" she hissed.  "I don't want you." she said angrily. "Do you hear me, I don't want you."   "You don't what what beta?' Arjun's dad said coming up behind her.  Arohi tried to smile.  "Nothing dad, just that I don't want too much dinner."   "I hope you're not on one of those diets all you young girls go on." he said  with a smile. 

Thankfully Arohi's mom chose that moment to call out dinner's ready.   As they walked to the dining room Arohi whispered so that only Arjun could hear.  "This discussion is far from over!" Arjun smiled at her. " It's over." he said.  Arohi felt like banging her head against the wall! How was she supposed to have a proper fight with him if he conceded so quickly.  As the food was passed around Neha spoke up.  "Arjun, you won't believe your wife's reaction today to me putting strawberries in the salad."  "She practically threw herself across the room as she saw the strawberries in my hand."  "NOOO di!" she screamed .  "My Arjun's allergic to strawberries, they could kill him."  "I don't want anything to happen to my husband." "She loves you so much." Neha said happily.  Arohi stared at her sister in shock, her face turning red with embarrassment.  Arjun gave Arohi a surprised look.  "You remembered my allergy?" he asked.  Closing her eyes she took a deep breath.  "Yes, but it sure didn't happen the way di just described it."  Arohi turned back to her food as everyone around her talked about the incident.  Arohi couldn't wait to give her di a piece of her mind.  Arjun ate his food silently.  Whatever, it wasn't a big deal he told himself.  But really it kind of was.  Her remembering such an important detail after so long.  It made him feel...happy.  He would never admit it to Arohi ofcourse.  But it did.

That night in their bedroom Arohi and Arjun didn't speak.  Arohi had planned a full blown fight but once she had calmed down, her anger had died down as well. But as she laid in bed and thought about that crazy kisses she'd shared with Arjun, in his office, she felt herself grow warm.  He knew how to kiss.  like really kiss.  She wondered if he was good at other things.  Feeling embarrassment and a warmth spread through she pushed her face into Mr. Softy Ahluwalia trying to not to think period. 

As usual Arohi woke up on top of Arjun, or atleast quite close to on top of Arjun.  Her arm and leg was flung casually on him. Her face lay against his chest.  She pulled away and he smirked up at her. "Shut up!" she said. Before he could open his mouth to speak, she was already in the bathroom.  This was going to be fun Arjun thought to himself.  Arohi came out wearing a pair of skinny jeans with a long fitted emerald green t-shirt that hung off one shoulder.  Her hair lay in waves down her back.  Arjun was still in bed.  "Aren't you going to work?" she asked.  "I am." he said as he leisurely checked her out,  his eyes going dark with an emotion she didn't want to think about.  She felt hot all over,  she quickly finished applying her lipstick, and grabbing her bag was almost at the door, when Arjun caught her hand. "What?" she asked.  "Nothing just wanted to thank you for saving my life last night." he said as he drew little circles with his fingertip on her wrist.  Arohi tried to concentrate on what he was saying.  "What?"  "Saved your life?"  "Yeah with the whole strawberries thing."  he said with a smile. 

"I didn't save your life." she said slowly.  "Okay." he said softly bringing her wrist up to his lips.  Arohi watched as his lips touched her wrist.  Those lips that had left an imprint on her, lips she could still feel on her own lips. Then suddenly he wasn't holding her wrist anymore let alone kissing it.  "Don't get any ideas Arohi." he said with a serious expression on his face.  "That was just a thank you."  "Thank you?" Arohi repeated until she actually understood what he was saying.  But, by that time Arjun was already in the bathroom.  Arohi shook her head to clear all thoughts of Arjun.  He was playing games with her, and she vowed she would not fall into his trap.

"Where are we going tonight?" Rashi asked as they sat down in their seats in class.  "I don't know, somewhere new and happening."  "Where the music is pumping."  Arohi answered.  "Oh let's go to Vibe."  "It's a new lounge/club and apparently its really popular."  "Yeah, I've heard of it." Arohi said.  "We'll leave home around 8:00ish then." Rashi nodded as the teacher walked in.  Classes were a little long today but knowing that she was going out tonight helped Arohi get through the day.  Once home she took her time to get ready.  Slipping on a mid thigh length red chiffon strapless dress that hugged all her body.  She left her hair in curls down her back and made sure her make-up emphasized her best features.   She walked into Rashi's room and heard a surprised "wow" from Rashi an Shefali.  "You look hot!" Rashi siad.  "Thanks,  so do you two." Arohi said with a big smile. "Okay, are you two ready?" she said taking in Rashi's lilac knee length dress and Shefali's blue and white sleeveless sheath.  The girls walked down and as they passed the family room Rashi reminded the girls that the parents were gone out to a friends place and would be home late. Following Arohi to her car the girls climbed in and took off 

The club was packed when they got there.  Seeing their friends they made their way over to them.    "Let's go get a drink and hit the dance floor"Arohi said to her friends..  The music was really good and and Arohi and her friends were having a great time.  Such a great time that she didn't even notice Arjun until Tina pointed him out.  "Isn't that Arjun?"she asked from the dance floor. "  Arohi groaned but followed the direction of Tina's gaze.  Sure enough it was Arjun, but he wasn't alone.  He was standing next to a tall girl with short brown hair.  She couldn't make out any features from this distance, but she could see that they were standing quite close together and Arjun was laughing.  Arohi glared at the two.  How dare he! She thought to herself.  How freakin dare he go behind my back and think he can cheat on me..  Arohi moved off the dance floor and slowly made her way over to the laughing"couple."

Arjun leaned in to hear what his old university friend Sonia was saying, when he felt the tap on his shoulder.  He looked back and Arohi stood infront of him.  Looking so hot except her eyes, her eyes were as cold as ice.  She put on a fake smile.  "Arjun, what a surprise!" she said with a fake laugh putting her hand on his arm.  Surprised he thought to himself,  What was she up to?  Looking at the girl infront of her Arohi saw that she was quite attractive.  Arjun Singhania, do you really think that I'm going to let you ruin my life by staying married to me and then keep girlfriends on the side?!  No way!  "Aren't you going to introduce me to your little friend?" Arohi asked with a sugary sweet smile.  Arjun's eyes narrowed.  "Arohi this is Sonia." "Sonia, This is  Arohi, my..wife."  Sonia's eyes widened.  "When did you get married?" she asked abruptly.  "Recently." Arohi answered for him.  "Very very recent,  we're newlyweds you know." Making lovey dovey eyes at Arjun she sighed.  "Marriage is just bliss."  "Arjun wouldn't you agree?"  "No I wouldn't." Arjun mumbled under his breath.  "How do you know my hubby?" Arohi asked.  "Oh, Arjun and I went to University together."  "But I haven't seen him in a while."  "I had no idea you were looking to get married right now? Sonia said to Arjun.  "I thought you were more focused on your company and wanted to wait for marriage.   Arohi narrowed her eyes at Sonia.  This girl was definitely upset that Arjun was off the market.  She looked ready to cry.  Before Arjun could answer  Sonia's question Arohi cut in.  "Oh that was Arjun's plan until he met me." "He proposed to me the night we met, because as he said he was so taken by my beauty."  "Isn't that right honey?" Arohi said looking at Arjun.  Arjun stared at her like she'd gone crazy.  "Anyways I hope you don't mind me stealing away my husband."  "We haven't seen eachother in a whole hour and he really starts  missing  me."  Sonia looked at Arjun and then with a sad smile she aid.  "You two stay, I'll go."  "Congratulations to you both and I'll see you around Arjun.   "Not if I can help it Arohi said" with that sweet smile again.    With that Sonia walked away. 

"What the hell was that?" Arjun asked shrugging out of Arohi's grasp.  "That was justice!" Arohi snapped.  "You want to flirt with someone, by all means, but, first give me a divorce!"  "I will not let you have your cake and eat it too."  "Understand! " Arjun stared at her and then his eyes crinkled and his face broke out into a dimpled smile.  "You were jealous" he said.  "JEALOUS!"  "Puhlease!" she said rolling her eyes.  "First of all I don't get jealous, I'm Arohi Ahluwalia."  "Second, what would I need to be jealous of?"  "I don't care what you do with whom, once you give me a divorce." "But... before that you will not, absolutely not have relationships with these whatever girls."  With a toss of her hair Arohi turned around but Arjun pulled her back holding onto her elbow.  "Let's go somewhere quieter." he said.  "No, I don't want to go anywhere with you." Arohi said as Arjun half dragged, half led her to a far corner booth hidden by a large plant.  "Let go Arjun!" she said as he pushed her into the booth blocking her in.  "Arjun, let me up." she said.  "Let me up right now."  "NO!  Arjun replied.  "Now let's discuss what just happened here."  "You were jealous, you don't want me with anyone else, yet you're not willing to move ahead in our relationship."  "What realtionship?" she yelled above the music.  "We have no relationship."  "But we could." he said with a smile.  "We both want it."  Hearing the way Arjun said that made Arohi's stomach muscles tighten.  She took a deep breath.  He could tell she was wavering.  "We'll start off slow." he said reaching out his finger and tracing her lips.   Arohi's mouth went dry.  "Slow." she repeated.  "Yes, very slow." he said as he leaned into her and kissed her lips. Slow, Arohi thought as she returned his intoxicating kiss.  As usual whenever Arjun kissed her she lost herself in him.  Arohi had no idea how long they were in that corner, hidden from everyone else as Arjun and her kissed over and over again.  They're hands skimming over eachother, and driving eachother crazy.  "Let's go home." Arjun said leaning his forehead against Arohi's.  Arohi slowly nodded.  She wanted to go home with Arjun.  As Arjun slipped out of the booth and grabbed Arohi's hand to help her out he pulled her one last time to him and kissed her roughly.  Pulling away Arohi stared up at Arjun and as her gazed shifted she stopped in her tracks, Arjun threw her a questioning look and followed her gaze.  "Sh*t he said gruffly.  Abhi stood infront of them staring at them with hatred and pain.  They could see it in his eyes.  Arjun let go of Arohi's hand and took a step towards Abhi, but Abhi turned his back to both Arohi and Arjun.  Arohi continued to stare at Abhi.  She'd hurt him so much, she thought.  Then she heard Arjun swear again, and clench his fists probably to stop himself from hitting something.  He scowled and didn't even glance back at her as he walked away. 

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