Chapter 20

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6 months later.

"Arjun, let me go!" "No, Arjun murmured as he kissed Arohi's neck.  "It's so late, we need to get up now!"  "No!" he replied again kissing her shoulder.  Arohi giggled as Arjun's stubble tickled her neck.  "Okay, that's fine we can stay in bed all day and you can miss your 10:00 meeting."  Arjun groaned and lifted his head looking down at her.  "Meeting...Mr. Ahuja."  "Thanks for the reminder" he grumbled as he fell back on his side of the bed.  "Your welcome" she said sweetly.  Arjun gave her a look but as Arohi reached over and kissed his cheek he grabbed her hand before she could turn away.  "I love you." he said softly.  "I love you too baby." she replied with a smile.  As Arohi got out of bed Arjun watched her.  She did all the things she normally did.  Open up her closet, call down for her tea, then rummage through her closet throwing clothes everywhere until she found what she was looking for. He'd gotten used to laying in bed watching her walk around their room, getting ready.  He'd gotten used to her dresses hanging next to his dress shirts, her pumps thrown haphazardly on top of his loafers, her perfume sitting next to his cologne.  This was the norm for him now, this was right for him now.  Just like her clothing and personal items completed their room, she completed him.  He loved coming home to find her sitting cross legged on their bed flipping through fashion magazines or working away on some aspect or another for her boutique.  Her face lighting up, at the sight of him.  Who would have thought that a quickie Elvis marriage in Las Vegas of all places would be the start of something so amazing.  He'd heard that everything happened for a reason, and now he believed it.  If he hadn't gone on that Vegas trip, then today things might have been different.  Arohi could have very well been married to Abhi, and Arjun would have missed out on the best thing that had ever happened to him...marrying and falling in love with Arohi.

"Arjun?" Arohi called snapping her fingers in front of Arjun's face.  "Where are you?" she asked with a small quizzical smile.  Arjun shook his head bringing himself back to the present.  Sitting up he pulled her down so that they were face to face.  "Right where I should be" he replied giving her a soft kiss.  Arohi smiled as she pulled back and Arjun got out of bed.  "Arjun, remember we're stopping by the boutique today to go over some details about the renovations."  "I need your input on a few things so you have to make sure you get there while the workers are still there."  Arjun nodded.  "I'm so excited with the way things are going!" Arohi said excitedly.  "I know it's just a small space and we've just started renovations but every time I go into the shop I can visualize what it's going to look like."  'And I am so excited that I got a meeting scheduled next week with that young new fashion designer."  "Rajeev Kandola, he was featured in the newest addition of Vogue!"  "If I can get him to design for us, it would be amazing."  "We wouldn't even need marketing if someone like him chose to have his product featured in my boutique!"  Arjun smiled at her exuberance.  "That's great Arohi, but don't get your hopes up."  "He might not be interested in working with a new boutique and besides you have some great designers you'll be working with already."  "If this Rajeev whatever doesn't work out it's not the end of the world."  "Yes, but if we can get him he will do wonders for out little shop that could!"  "Fine, but just meet with him with the mindset that if you get him you get him and if not then no big deal."  "Is that what you do when you want an important contract or client?" Arohi asked with hands on her hips and her eyebrows raised.  When Arjun didn't answer, she smirked.  "I didn't think so!"  "I know how ruthless you are when it comes to your company."  "And I know that's important sometimes if you want things to work in your favor."  "I'm not saying I'm going to be ruthless but I am going to fight so my baby can have the best.  "Baby?" Arjun asked confused.  "Yes, my little shop is my baby."  "She must be loved and nurtured to grow just like a baby."  Arjun shook his head as he walked into the bathroom mumbling something about crazy and wife under his breath.

"Di, how are you feeling?" Arohi asked her very pregnant sister.  "As big as a house."  "I feel as big as a house." her sister replied from her seat on their patio.  "And this heat is killing me."  "Just look at my swollen ankles!"  "I'm retaining water like there is no tomorrow!" Neha complained.  "Well just a few more days till your due date!" Arohi said happily.  And then I get to meet my niece or nephew."  "I've already been out shopping for him and her."  "But unisex clothing is blah, I can't wait to start buying pinks, purples, blues, and greys."  Arohi said excitedly making Neha smile.  "So, tell me when is this little one going to have a little baby cousin?"  Arohi stared at her sister like she was crazy.  "Not anytime soon di!"  "I have the boutique now and that's going to take all my time."  'I don't have time for a baby."  "Besides just like you and jiju waited, Arjun and I are going to wait too!"  "We want to just concentrate on the two of us for now and when we're ready make it 3."  "I understand that but I guess I'm being selfish cause I want our kids to grow up together."  "They will di, they will."  By the time I have a child your little one will be old enough to change diapers."  "It's imperative that I know lots of people that can change diapers."  "Because I sure won't be changing them."  Arohi said making a comical face.  "I've heard people say that when it's your own chid you will do anything for them, even if it's something simple as changing diapers!"  Arohi made a face.  "We'll see about that."  "So how are things coming along with the boutique?" Neha asked changing the subject.  "Great di!"  "I mean it took some time to get everything together but I'm really happy with the actual location and I love the layout."  "I just can't wait until it's ready!"  "I've got a huge grand opening planned!"  "What date are you thinking for the opening?"  "Um, Arjun and I were just discussing that recently."  "We think it'll be about another 2 1/2 to 3 months before the store and designers are completely ready."  "You should see some of the peices I've ordered."  "Gorgeous!"  Arohi said excitedly.  "I'm proud of you" Neha said with tears in her eyes.  "And I'm sorry I doubted you!"  Arohi put her arm around her big sister."  "I'm pretty proud of myself too but I couldn't have done it without Arjun."  "He's been with me every step of the way."  "Even when he doubts some of my decisions." Arohi said with a laugh.  "I just can't tell you di how much I love him."  "Every day I feel like I fall deeper and deeper."  Neha smiled and then with a teasing glint in her eye said "I told you so!"  Arohi burst out laughing.  "I have been waiting for months and months for you to say that!"  "You and dad both!"  "Have you seen dad's face every time he sees me and Arjun together?"  "He looks like he's going to burst from smiling so much."  Neha giggled.  "I know." "I seriously think he had doubts you would ever get married!"  'I think he thought he had to deal with you for the rest of his life!"  Arohi glared at her di. "I'm not as bad as all of you make me out to be!" she snapped.  Neha giggled.  "Little sis you're not bad at all."  'You're heart is pure and innocent that's why everyone loves and cares about you so much."  "It's the gussa that's always sitting on the tip of your nose that gets you in trouble."  Arohi smiled.  "Arjun loves my nose."  The two sisters continued to spend the afternoon talking and laughing. 

"Arohi, where do you want to go for dinner?" Arjun asked as he slipped off his tie.  "Um, anywhere...let's do Mexican."  "It's been a while since we've had that."  "Sounds good" "I'm going to take a shower" Arjun said looking pointedly at her.  "Okay" Arohi said distractedly staring at her laptop.  "I am going to take a shower Arohi"  "Go ahead Arjun!" Arohi replied still engrossed in the fashion article she was reading.  Arjun stared at his wife as she continued to ignore him.  "Forget this!" he said. The next thing Arohi knew she was bring picked up and carried.  "Arjun!"  What are you doing?"  she screamed.  "I am going to take a shower is a code word for something Arohi!"  Arohi stared at him like he'd lost his mind and then realization hit.  "It's only code if we're in front of other people Arjun!" she said hitting his chest.  "It's not code for I want you in the shower with me if you're just saying it to me!" A slow smile spread across Arjun's lips.  "You're right, my bad." he said setting her in the bathroom.  Arohi slipped her arms around his neck.  "That's okay you can make it up to me right now!" "Make it up to you how Arohi?" he asked as he nibbled on her neck.  "Just like you are now" was her soft answer as she melted against Arjun.  Suffice it to say they ran late for dinner that night.

"Don't you like your quesadia" Arjun asked as he watched Arohi pick at her meal.  They were at their favorite Mexican restaurant.  "Um, I don't know." "I don't feel that great suddenly."  "A little queasy"  "I wonder if there's something wrong with the meal." Arohi said poking at the quesadia and pushing it aside.  "Do you want something else?"  "No, not really." she answered willing the nauseous feeling to go down.  Arjun continued to stare at Arohi.  "You don't look good."  "Maybe we should..."  Arjun didn't get to finish because suddenly Arohi jumped up and rushed away.  Arjun stood up looking after her with a worried expression.  As Arohi washed up she couldn't believe she'd just thrown up in a public place!  "How embarrassing!" she mumbled.  And she had a pretty good idea what the reason behind it was.  Her and Rashi had gone out shopping earlier in the day and Rashi had stopped for gol guppeys.  Arohi usually didn't like stopping off at little roadside stalls but seeing Rashi eat had Arohi's mouthwatering.  So she'd given in pretty quickly and ordered some for herself too.  Oh they'd been delicious and now she was paying for them. 

Opening the bathroom door Arohi saw a worried Arjun standing outside.  "Are you okay?" he askeD.  "I'm fine Arjun."  "I think I've just got a slight case of food poisoning."  "Arjun slipped his arm around her shoulder.  "I've settled our bill let's go home so you can rest."  "Arohi nodded and leaned against him.  Once at home Arjun settled Arohi into bed.  "How are feeling now?" he asked handing her a glass of water.  "Better."  "Just tired"  "Okay close your eyes now and rest." he said tucking her in "and tomorrow Arohi I want you to take it easy."  "Promise me you're not going to over due it!"  "This running around for the boutique is taking a toll I can tell."  Arohi smiled at her sweet husband.  "I'm fine."  "But yes I promise to take it easy tomorrow if I'm not feeling better."  "I've got some work I need to finish up" he said kissing her forehead. "If you need anything I'll just be..." Arjun smiled as he looked down at a fast asleep Arohi.

Arohi woke up to find Arjun already gone.  How had that happened she thought as she stretched.  She was a pretty light sleeper, Arjun must have been extra quiet thinking she needed rest.  But she felt great today.  Whatever it had been, it was over now and she was feeling ready to take on the world..the fashion world that is.  Today she was going accessory shopping!  She was meeting with a jewelry designer to pick out a few pieces to carry in her boutique.  Getting ready she went down to have breakfast with the family.  "Mom, you made parathas!" Arohi said hugging her mother in law.  "I have been craving parathas since yesterday!"  "It was like you read my mind!"  Her mother in law smiled at Arohi.   She was just like Rashi and Shefali to her.  Maybe because she'd always considered her a daughter.  Had seen her grow up into a beautiful intelligent good hearted woman and now she was married to her son.  Everyone in the family could see how happy the two of them made eachother.  "Any word on Neha di yet?" Shefali asked.  "Nope"  "Nothing yet" Arohi said biting into her paratha and practically groaning with pleasure.  "I'll call her in a little bit and see what's happening."  "She's been feeling slight contractions since the day before yesterday" Arohi said grabbing another paratha.  "Sidharth and bhabhi are coming over for dinner tomorrow night" Arjun's dad piped in.  "Sid wants your special home made dosas" he said looking at his wife.  "I know Amirt already called me and let me know she's been craving my gulba jamun's. "  "I've already started them."  Arohi looked up at her smiling in laws and for the first time, actually realized how awesome it was to have married into a family that already loved you and your family.  She never felt uncomfortable in this house, even at the beginning when Arjun and her were fighting.  Maybe because she grew as a part of this house and family just as much as her own.  She grew up knowing as much about them as they knew about her.  And her dad's and father in law's friendships were so true and strong that it was nice that from friends they had become family.  Her and Arjun had made that happen, she thought smugly.  See Vegas shot gun marriages can last! she thought will a smile.  Her cell phones ring brought her out of her silly thoughts.  Seeing Jiju's number across her screen had her jumping up.  "Oh my god!" she said into the phone.  "Arohi, we're heading for the hospital!" said a panicked Arvind.  "Oh my god!"  "I'm on my way!" screamed Arohi.  "I'll meet you at the hospital!"  Hanging up she looked around to see excited faces.  "Our family is about to welcome it's first grand child!" Rudra said happily as he picked up his own phone to call his friend Sidharth.  "I'm heading to the hospital." "I will keep everyone posted."  "I'll come with you." Rashi said excitedly. "Okay Ill meet you back here in 5 minutes." Arohi said already rushing to the stairs.  As Arohi ran up the stairs her steps started to slow.  "DAMN!" she mumbled.  The nausea was back.  Great timing! she thought as she rushed into her bathroom. 

"It's a boy!" Jiju said rushing out to the full waiting room  Screams and happy laughter filled the crowded room.  "How's neha?" Arohi's dad asked quickly.  "She's great dad, she was unbelievable in there" he said getting a little chocked up. Her dad pulled Arvind into a bear hug.  Arohi pushed forward hugging her jiju next.  "When can we see them?" she asked excitedly.  "Soon." Arvind said as Arjun shook his hand and hugged him.  "Congrats man!" Arjun said to a still dazed Arvind.  "Okay I've gotta get back in there" he said rushing away.  "I'm a masi Arohi yelled as Arjun pulled in for a hug laughing at her excitement.  "A pretty hot masi" he whispered into her ear.  "You better believe it!" she said with a wink as she turned to her dad to congratulate him on becoming a nana.

"Isn't he precious?" Arohi whispered as she held Rohan her sweet little nephew in her arms for the first time.  "He is." Arjun said holding out his finger for Rohan to grasp.  "He's so soft" Arjun whispered.  "And so tiny."  "Look at how tiny his hands and feet are." "Are they always so tiny?" he questioned staring at a sleeping Rohan.  Arohi smiled at Arjun.  "Want to hold him?" she asked.  "Um, sure.."  Arohi placed Rohan into Arjun's arms and watched the sense of awe settle over Arjun.  Later on as they drove home together Arjun found himself still thinking of little Rohan.  "Babies have a way of grabbing your heart and giving it a little squeeze." he saidi softly.  "I know," "He's so perfect" Arohi said staring out the window.  "Di asked me the other day when we're going to have children" Arohi said with a laugh.  "What was your answer."  "Oh when Rohan is big enough to help out with diapers!"  Arjun shook his head at Arohi.  "You really want to wait that long?" he asked.  "Well maybe not that long but not anytime soon either." "We agreed on that right?"  Arjun paused and then smiling, nodded yes.  "You're right and we have lots of time before we need to start to think about starting a family."  "We can just practice starting a family for now." he said with a naughty smile.  "Practice does make perfect" she said as Arjun pulled into their driveway and pulled her towards him for a kiss.  Suddenly Arohi pulled away and yanked open her car door.  Arjun stared after her as she rushed to the front door.  "What the hell was that?" he wondered as he got out and went after her.

"Arohi,are you okay" he asked standing outside their bathroom door.  "hmmm" was her answer as she stared at herself in the mirror.  She's thrown up twice at the hospital too.  Maybe it wasn't food poisoning. Maybe she did have a stomach bug.  She vowed to take it easy the next day.  Coming out of the bathroom she faced a worried Arjun.  "What's wrong?" he asked looking at her slightly green complexion.  "I think I have the stomach flu" she said as she pulled out her pajamas.  "I'm so tired today too."  Arohi whined.  "Arjun, dress me please."  "You've been over doing it" Arjun said pulling her shirt off her and helping her into her tank.  "Tomorrow if I hear you even got out of bed to go anywhere but the bathroom I am going to be very angry!" he said as he helped her pull on her pajamas."  "Yes sir." she said with half closed eyes.  She was dead on her feet.  Arjun picked her up and placed her gently on their bed.  "I'm going to call Dr. Gupta tomorrow make an appointment..."  For the 2nd time in as many nights Arohi was asleep almost as soon as she hit the bed. 

"I seriously feel okay" Arohi said as she went down the stairs to breakfast.  "I told you to rest Arohi!" Arjun said into the phone.  "And I will, just as soon as I have a huge paratha breakfast!"  "I hope mom made aloo parathas today!" Arohi said excitingly.  "Arohi..." Arjun began starting to lecture her again.  Seeing the huge breakfast spread on the dining room table Arohi quickly said I gotta go and hung up.  "Love it!" she whispered almost licking her lips.  But then she scrunched up her face.  "what is that smell?" she asked Rashi.  "What smell?" Rashi said looking around.  "What smell?"  That's  overpoweringly nauseating smell!"  Rashi looked around confused.  "It's your coffee." Arohi said suddenly making a face.  She picked it up and brought it up to her nose and then quickly shoved it away running from the dining room.

"I love coffee" she said into the mirror as she washed up after yet another bout of nausea.  "Why would coffee make me nauseous?!" she wondered.  "Arohi, beta how are you feeling?" asked her worried mother in law as Arohi opened the door.  "I'm fine mom."  "I think I have the stomach flu."  "I should just rest" she said taking the glass of water from her mom's hands.  "You should see a doctor."   "I am."  "Arjun called Dr. Gupta and he insists on taking me there at lunch."  "Good."  "If it's a stomach virus she can give you something to help it." "Now, rest and I'll send up some tea and toast for you."  Arohi's stomach growled for parathas but the memory of her last bout in the bathroom had her thinking toast and tea were safer.

"Arjun and Arohi waited for Dr. Gupta in her office."  "I could have come by myself" Arohi said flipping through a magazine.  "The problem is you wouldn't" Arjun said glancing at his watch.  He had a meeting in an hour and hoped to god Dr. Gupta would see them soon.  "I am not a child!" Arohi said suddenly with tears in her eyes.  Arjun's eyes widened.  "I didn't say you were a child." he said slowly.  Not understanding what Arohi could possibly be crying about.  "I can take care of myself."  "I'm responsible!"  "I even take care of you!" she said as tears slid down her face.  Arjun pulled her chair closer to his and slipped his arm around her shoulder.  "You take excellent care of me." he said softly kissing her forehead.  "You have become so responsible, the way you've been completely hands on with the boutique shows how responsible you've become."  "And just like you take such good care of me, I want to take as good care of you."  "That's why I'm here." he said squeezing her shoulder.  Arohi nodded as Arjun wiped away her tears.  "Why am I crying?" she asked.  "I don't know." Arjun replied shrugging.  The two stared at eachother and then burst out laughing.  Seeing Dr. Gupta walk into the office they calmed down.  After exchanging hellos Dr. Gupta asked "So what seems to be the problem."  "Arohi's been throwing up over the last few days."  "Um, few weeks." Arohi said interupting and not making eye contact with an astonished Arjun.  "Few weeks?" he asked.  "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"  "Because you would have dragged me to see Dr. Gupta."  "And besides it wasn't that many times and not that bad."  "In the last week it's gotten much worse."  "I think I have a stomach virus" Arohi said looking at the doctor.  "Hmmm."  "Whatelse have you been feeling?" "Nothing else."  "What about fatigue?"  "Have you been increasingly tired or are any smells bothering you?"  "She's been tired."  "Twice she's fallen asleep with me still talking to her."  "And my mom was telling me she threw up after smelling coffee this morning."  Arohi glared at Arjun.  "I'm fine."  "I'm tired because I've been working hard and the coffee...well...that was just a one off."  "Arohi, when did you last have your period?" Arohi stared at the doctor as Arjun stared at Arohi.  "Um, you know what I'm not sure."  "I haven't had it this month."  "I must have had it last month" she said uncertainly.  "I've just been so busy with my boutique that I didn't even notice I missed it."  "But that's probably from stress." Arohi said.  "Could you be pregnant?"  "No!"  "Absolutely not."  "We're careful." Arohi said adamantly.  Arjun raised his eyebrows at Arohi.  They weren't always so careful.  "I see."  "Okay why don't you just do a pregnancy test so we can cancel that out."  "Sure, no problem" Arohi replied getting up. 

"What's taking so long!" Arjun asked as he paced the office floor.  "Dr. Gupta still wasn't back.  "Arjun, stop freaking out!"  "I'm not pregnant!"  "I think I would know if I was pregnant!"  "How would you know?"  "Have you been pregnant before?" he asked.  "No, but, but...I would know!" she said stubbornly.  Dr. Gupta walked in before Arjun could say anything else to Arohi.  "So Arohi, Arjun I think I know what's been making Arohi so sick."  "She's pregnant."  "Congratulations, you two are about to have a baby!"

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