Chapter Thirteen

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"Mami! Why is there a black cat in my room?" Abigail rushed down the stairs with a black Bombay cat lazily on her trail.

"Quit screaming, and come down here," screamed Comphidance from the kitchen.

Abigail stopped and change directions towards the kitchen, with the cat and his long tail still in tow.

"Look," said Abigail, her small finger pointing at the cat who had stopped to lick himself.

"His name is Lento, and he's your familiar," said Comphidance, swirling the potion inside the cauldron one last time before the crystal emerged, harden and glistening with power.

"Wow," said Abigail. She forgot about the cat when her eyes, widened like pebbled fixated on the blue diamond shape crystal.

Lento took this time to wrap his body around Abigail's leg, purring for a scratch.

"I think you may have other matters to take care off," Comphidance said, pointing at the black fur wrapped around her daughter's ankle. "I think he's asking for a pet."

Abigail scrounged her eyes at her mother.

"Behind the ear to be exact."

Abigail narrowed her eyes. "You speak cat?"

"I speak a lot of things, mi niña."

The doors to the kitchen swung open, and Anya walked in. The dress Comphidance had left for her fit her perfectly. It was an old one from many years ago when pretty dresses and bonnets were all the rage. She had gauged her foot size and found her a pair of converse just the right size. She looked like a proper young lady, thought Comphidance, eyeing the young Fire Witch.

"Good morning," said Anya. A smile spread across her face when her eyes landed on the bright silver hair witch.

Abigail gasped. "Is she a familiar too?"

"No silly girl, she's... family," said Comphidance smiling over at Anya.

The cat's back arched before he ran off up the stairs, as Abigail let out a scream and jumped. "Yay, we have family again?!" She ran over to Anya and squeezed her waist in a hug.

Abigail's silver tresses reminded Anya of Jedda. She ruffled the silver curls with her hand. "You are funny."

Abigail looked up at Anya, "Do you want to go play?"

"Uh..." Anya looked over at her guardian, unsure of what her answer should be.

And Comphidance answered for her. "Not right now, we have some studying to do."

"But the Academy is not open yet, Mami."

"And it is why there's a lot of work to do. Anya and I are getting it ready for the grand opening."

She swirled her toe against the floor of the kitchen, making circles with it. With a disheartened tone, she asked. "Can I go play with Tia at least?"

"First, you must eat something and promise me you will be polite and ask Mrs. Kenia permission to play with her daughter."

Abigail grabbed a pear and some cheese from the tray on the kitchen table and lifted her right hand, "I promise," she said, before running off.

"Pero esta niña," Comphidance murmured. "Come back!"

Abigail rushed back through the still swinging door. "Yes, Mami."

Comphidance hammered a tiny hole into the crystal and slipped a black string around it, knotting it at the end. "Put this on," she said, handing it to her daughter.

"For me?!"

"Yes, it will protect you."

Abigail loved the crystal and felt so special as she pulled it over her neck.

Comphidance eyed her daughter, the pendant looked more prominent than it was because she was so tiny but will grow into it soon. "Now you can play," she told her.

Anya waved at Abigail and saw nothing but a silver flash before the doors swung closed.

"Don't forget to brush your teeth, no one likes to talk to someone with stinky breath," Comphidance called out.

But the sound of the front door closing told her Abigail had already left. She looked over at Anya. "We must get to work, but first have some breakfast," she pointed at the tray of fruit, cheese, jam, and bagels that stood in the center of the table.

"Ok," said Anya. She sat on the pink chair and reached for a bagel.

"Don't be shy, eat," urged Comphidance. She went over to the fridge to grab some milk, and when she looked back, the little girl's cheeks were filled like a squirrel stashing nuts.

"I hate my cheeks," mumbled Anya.

At the sight of Anya with the food poking from inside the girl's cheek and the barely audible mumbled, it was all Comphidance could do to not roll over on the floor and laugh. "Sweetie the food will not walk off, I promise, and if it does, we pick it from the garden or go down the street to the market and get more. Please have some milk, you will need it."

A few houses away, the small feet of Abigail Parris pounced against the sidewalk. She couldn't wait to show Tia her new necklace.

"Abigail slow down!" yelled Mrs. Graham who was almost run over by the small silver lighting running in front of her house.

"Sorry," Abigail yelled over her shoulder while she kept pumping her legs underneath her.

Sweat trickle down her temple when she stopped in front of Tia's house. She wiped her temple and sucked in some air to catch her breath. Abigail flexed her calves and stood on her tippy toes to reach for the bell. After two rings, Mrs. Kenia answered. "Can Tia come out to play? Please"

A smile crept over Kenia's face. "She's not here."

"When will she be back?"

"In seven years," she said with a mocking yet cold tone.

Abigail's bottom lip trembled, she looked at her hand and counted, but needed the other one. "But why?"

"She went to a boarding school."

"What's a boarding school?" Abigail had a hard time pronouncing the word.

"A far away school, Abigail," Mrs. Kenia said, looking behind her. She was running out of patience with the young girl.

"Why so long?"

"Because that's how long the classes are."

Abigail squeezed her pendant. "But my Mami..." She wanted to tell Mrs. Kenia about the Academy, but she had been at the meeting and knew.

"Goodbye, Abigail," said Mrs. Kenia before closing the door.

Tia didn't even say goodbye. Before her eyes swelled with tears, Abigail turned and ran as far away as possible.

The smug look on Mrs. Kenia's eyes shone brightly from behind the pulled curtains.

 Kenia's eyes shone brightly from behind the pulled curtains

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A Witch Fit to be a Queen- {COMPLETED} A Paranormal Novel (Book 1 of 3)Where stories live. Discover now