Chapter Sixteen

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"All first years report to room 108 for your cape and materials," said the disembodied voice of one of the many administrative clerks in the Academy.

A rainbow of capes filtered through the hallway of the school. First years were the only bunch without capes as yet, but with white polos to set them apart from the others. They will get a white cloak. The second years wore yellow capes, third, blue, fourth red, fifth black, and sixth the Queen's brown-nosers, brown. With the extra half hour given to the First Years, one would think the other color capers wouldn't be loitering the hallways, but no, the extra achievers were early filling up the corridors and corners of the Academy, doing whatever shenanigans they wanted to do.

Abigail grabbed Tia's hand, she knew exactly where to go. There was a shortcut that no First Year knew and she doubted any upper-class creature did unless Anya opened her big mouth. "Put your backpack in front."

Tia opened her mouth to speak.

"Trust me," said Abigail.

Both slid their backpack's in front of their chest before Abigail opened the door to one of the closets. It was empty as it had been last week when she came over to test out for the last credit needed for Mundane High School certificate of completion. She didn't know what was the big deal, Anya didn't do it, but the agreement mom would say. Abigail rolled her eyes at the memory of all those conversations. Why did she have to be so demanding?

"Down there," she pointed at a smaller door that looked like the dog doors she's seen in oldies TV shows. It will lead to the other side of the school without putting up with traffic and even better people.


"C'mon," she unlatched the door and motioned for Tia to go in first.

"Oh no, this is your idea."

Huffing she crawled in and stuck her arm out to motion Tia forward. "Jeez, this will ruin my trousers."

Abigail rolled her eyes inside the tunnel. Once Tia was behind her, they crawled the thirty meters to the other closet.

Hitting her head in the back of the door, told her they'd reached their destination. "Shit."

"What happened?"

"Oh nothing," she pushed on the door. She'd forgotten if it was opened or locked. Where's Anya when you need her? Abigail flickered her mobile Comms Device on her inner wrist, but there was absolutely no signal, and she had no magic either. "Move back," she told Tia, brute force will do it.

The banging on the door was heard outside the janitor's closet, it was a good thing none of the kids had gotten here to listen to it. Abigail slammed her shoulder three times before the door opened enough for her to slide her finger through and lift the latch. "Voila!" said Abigail opening the door to a closet filled with cleaning supplies, but when she swung the door open her right shoulder throbbed in pain.

Tia bit her lip at the pain her friend felt. "We can go to the Nurse's office?" she suggested.

But Abigail waved the comment away. "No, I'm fine." Maybe if she ignores the pain, it will go away. She shifted her backpack to her left shoulder, just to make sure.

"You haven't changed," whispered Tia behind her.

Abigail turned around and caught her breath at the sight of Tia with half her braids over her face and a smirk as she shook her head jokingly at her. What is wrong with me? She's my friend!

"Yup that's me, Abigail the unchangeable, well let's go, Mademoiselle," she mocked a courtesy and opened the door to the closet, but forgotten about her shoulder again and winced underneath her breath.

She was right, the First Years had not gotten here.

"Look at you," said Tia, digging her at the ribs.

"What can I say, stick with me kid, I know all the secrets of this building," said Abigail with a gleam in her eyes.

Tia linked her arm with Abigail and put her head on her shoulder.

Abigail let out a sigh of relief that it was her left one.

They walked towards the office with an open window. The blue hair fairy hovered by the window. "Chirp, Chirp."

"Shit! She saw me."

Mrs. Kenia stuck her head out the window with a scowl plastered all over her face.

"Shit! She saw me," said Tia.

"I guess we are fucked," mumbled Abigail.

At that moment the two couldn't help but laugh at the synchronicity of the moment. Neither one wanted to approach the window, but a mob of First Years was behind them, and an angry fairy and mom were in front of them. They looked at each other, weak from laughing, shrugged, and walked forward with their arms linked to meet the angry ladies.

"Tiandra," said Mrs. Kenia as if her daughter's name was bitter.

"Tia, mom, please."

"I will call you by your Goddess-given name young lady," said Kenia. She rolled her eyes over at Abigail. "Ms. Parris."

"Mrs. Dubois, how nice to see you," Abigail curtsy to Kenia, causing fits of giggles from Tia.

"Kaiai, hand these students their materials," she slid the cape to them and left the window.

"Chirch, Chirp, Chirp, Chirp."

Abigail facepalmed. "You are so extra," she said. "You don't have to show your muscles, I know exactly how much you can lift."

"Chirp, Chirp."

"I promise I'll bring a pear from the garden tomorrow."

Kaia, the fairy smiled and handed both of the girls their school materials, two bag fulls.

"I will not make her mad, ever again," whispered Abigail.

"I wished pears would work on my mother," said Tia.

"What did you say? TIANDRA?" Abigail mocked Kenia's voice, for which she got a jab on her ribs harder than the last one.

"Very funny," she said.

But she smiled, and Abigail loves to see her smile.

"Let's get some good seats in the auditorium, but first..."

"Selfies?" asked Abigail.

"No! That's so old school, we have panorama now, besides that, let's put on our capes." Tia laid her backpack on the floor and tied her white cape over her shoulders. "Here let me help you." She slid Abigail's bag off her shoulders and put her cloak over it. Her fingers brushed Abigail's neck, and a current of electricity traveled to her toes, leaving her belly filled with butterflies.

"Umh, thank you," said Abigail, she reached for the spot Tia touched, thinking it had burnt, but the skin felt fine.

"Now we look like proper First Years," she grabbed Abigail's hand before they set out to the auditorium.

Neither of them felt it. They were too consumed with their own emotions to have felt the burn from Kenia's eyes on their back. Nor hear the hissing sound, telling her precisely what do do, to break up this unacceptable union.

 Nor hear the hissing sound, telling her precisely what do do, to break up this unacceptable union

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A Witch Fit to be a Queen- {COMPLETED} A Paranormal Novel (Book 1 of 3)Where stories live. Discover now