Chapter Twenty-Three

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Tia's heart was pounding against her ear.

"Abigail!" she yelled as she opened the door to the recovery room.

Tia's eyes darted to her bed. Rocks the size of watermelons laid there. "No!"


Tia's eyes darted to the corner of the room.

Abigail had her arms wrapped around Jenny and Chrissy.

Tia reached for them at once and grabber Abigail's arms. "We gotta go."

"Not without them."

"Ok," she said. Her brain was mush from the blow to her head and all the information she had received in the last ten minutes. "Let's go to Coyote." She knew he could help if he were still alive.

Abigail put Jenni on her hip.

Tia squeezed Chrissy's hand. "Take us to Coyote."

"Ok," answered Chrissy.

They ran outside the medical hall and saw Jacky evacuating people. She shot Tia a look.

"Coyote," Tia yelled.

Jacky nodded. "Good luck!"

The girls ran against the stampede of people leaving the compound, careful not to trip and die trampled.

"Hold on tight Jenni," said Abigail.

Jenni squeezed her arms around Abigail's neck and hid her face there. "I am scared."

"Everything will be ok," said Abigail, she rubbed the little girls back and felt her body shake.

Abigail shot Tia a look. She didn't know if everything would be ok, but she hoped that at least the three of them could make it out alive. She was bound to die either way, but they didn't have to suffer the same fate.

"Almost there," said Chrissy.

They turned a corner and stopped in their tracks.


A royal Army Soldier pointed his weapon squared on Coyote's chest. He cranked his head and looked at Tia. "Get out of here!"

But it was too late. The Soldier had spotted them. "You," he said and pointed his gun at Tia.

It was Herman, the Soldier she had locked in the shack. She raised her hands in the air. "Nice to see you doing well."

"The Queen should have killed your kind along with the rest of these vermin," he said. His hand shook as his finger squeezed against the trigger.

Coyote pulled his gun from behind his waist and aimed at the Soldier, but before his finger could reach the trigger, two Warrior Fairies hover beside Herman.



They both fire a shot each, squared on Coyote's chest. His lifeless eyes stay open, looking at the ceiling as smoke drifts upward from the gaping hole in his chest.

"No!" Chrissy rips her hand away from Tia and runs towards Coyote.



The warrior fairies discharge two rounds each again. Chrissy falls on her chest, with her eyes staring past Abigail. She opens her mouth to say something, but the life fades from her pupils before she could utter her last words.

Jenni's chin quivers as her eyes fill with tears. "MOM," she screams. She flails and kicks against Abigail.

"No, Jenni, please," Abigail screams.

"Stay still, baby," said Tia.

"Let me go!" her scream echos in Abigail's ear and one of her kicks lands on her kneecap.

Abigail let go and bends over to rub her knee as pain shoots up her leg.

"Please baby, stay," cries Tia.

NO THREAT; CHILD the warrior fairies announce.

A cold look comes over Herman as he aims his weapon towards the small girl running towards her mom.



Slowly like a leaf that falls under the mid-autumn sun, Jenni's body falls to the ground. The shine in her blue eyes fades as her small hands wrap around her mom's cold fingers.

Abigail's face twists in horror. She slaps her hand against her mouth, but a sound so strange, so alien she could not recognize as her own, escapes her lips. She falls to her knees, "NO!"

Tia's eyes filled with rage focus on Herman. "You are a monster," she spits at the Soldier.

"I don't have to bring them alive, only you two," he said.

The world around them disappears. Neither Abigail nor Tia notices the Soldiers surrounding them or the surveillance fairies closing in on them, recording every angle of the scene.

Bodies lay dead all around them, but all they could see was the three in front. Their ears rang from the explosion, and everything moved like a silent movie. Slow and quiet. Was it the dust or sadness that filled their eyes with tears? They didn't know. They felt nothing. The Soldiers around them came in and out of focus as they move and shouted orders to each other. The shine of the metal of the fairies and the camouflage was the only thing that stood out to them, and the blue eyes. Their bodies cold and numb didn't notice the blood trickling from their skin against the metal of the cuffs. All they could see were the blue eyes.

  All they could see were the blue eyes

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A Witch Fit to be a Queen- {COMPLETED} A Paranormal Novel (Book 1 of 3)Where stories live. Discover now