Chapter 12

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    Today marks five months since my mother's passing. I had to call all of her family members and get help to plan her funeral. It was a really difficult time for me, but I made it through, slightly.
It's still hard to believe that she's gone but I have to move forward with life. My mother would want me to do that.

    Olivia and I are no longer friends. We haven't been friends since my whole incident with Sophia and I'm okay with that.
   I'm currently living with Justin, because my parents house is in the process of being sold after going into foreclosure without any other options.

   On the brighter side, my relationship with Justin is great and so is my friendship with Jade. Jade and I actually graduated high school last week. Crazy right?
It's officially summer and I'm excited because I can work full time now.

Present day:

"Good morning." Justin mumbled as he rubbed his eyes and walked into the kitchen with only grey sweat shorts on.

"Look who's up early today." I smiled as I washed dishes.

Justin smiled as he sat on a barstool. "You look so beautiful."

I giggled. "I'm starting to think that you lie about me being beautiful all the time. I look like a mess."

"You always look beautiful."

  I smiled as I shook my head and continued to wash the dishes.

  Justin walked over to his living room and turned on some old school music. He played "sexual healing" by Marvin Gaye.

"You know this song?" Justin asked.

   I began to laugh.

  Justin began to bop his head as he walked over to me and stopped me from washing dishes.

"Baby I'm hot just like an oven,
I need some lovin'. " Justin sung as he wrapped his arms around my waist and started to dance with me.

  I kept laughing.

"And baby, I can't hold it much longer
It's getting stronger and stronger." Justin sung as he smiled.

"And when I get that feeling,
I want Sexual Healing." I sung as I laughed.

Justin spun me around and we continued to dance as we laughed and smiled together.

He then leaned in and began to make out with me as I ran my fingers through his hair.

  Momentarily, someone rung the doorbell.

"Looks like someone is at the door." Justin said.

"Mmm–mhm." I mumbled as he began to kiss me on my neck.

Momentarily, we stopped and I opened the front door as Justin turned off the music.

Ryan walked in. "Hey! Do y'all have anything to eat? I'm hungry."

  Justin rolled his eyes as he shook his head in disappointment.

I chuckled. "I made breakfast, it's in the kitchen."

Ryan hurried past Justin and over to the kitchen.

  I laughed as I began to walk back over to Justin, but someone rung the door again.

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