Chapter 2

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    During the rest of my weekend, I slept in bed. But sadly, Monday came quickly after.

   In the morning, I rushed to get ready for school because I forgot to set my alarm on for some reason.

"I made coffee. Want some?" My mother asked as she bursted into my room while I quickly grabbed my backpack off of my bed.

"No, thanks." I sighed as I rushed out the room right passed her.

  I quickly ran out my house and into Raiden's car.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Hey. Am I taking you to work after school today?" Raiden asked as he began to drive.

"Yeah, if you can."

  Raiden nodded his head.

   When we arrived to school, Olivia rushed over to the both of us in the the student parking lot while screaming "hey guys!"

"Hey Olivia." I smiled as I got out the passenger seat with my backpack.

"I'll see you later Ella." Raiden sighed before walking into our school.

"So—how was your weekend?" Olivia asked as we also walked into our school.

I shrugged my shoulders. "It was okay. What about yours?"

"It was so much fun! I went to Jade's house party after school on Friday, bowling on Saturday, and out to eat at a restaurant with my boyfriend on Sunday." Olivia recounted.

"Cool... I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend."

Olivia grinned. "Yeah, it was fun."

    After speaking to her, I went to math class.

    Towards the end of the school day, I went to lunch and met up with my friends.

"Do you want some?" Olivia asked me as she held a turkey sandwich in her hands while I sat next to her.

"No, thank you."

"Ella, why didn't you come to my party?" Jade asked.

"She was there." Raiden laughed.

Jade grinned. "Oh, my bad."

"Ella, I thought you said you weren't going to Jade's party." Olivia challenged.

"I wasn't going to go but Raiden really wanted me to." I explained.


"Ella, I'm having a beach party tonight. You should come." Brian, Olivia's boyfriend insisted before biting into a green apple.

"I can't, I have to work."

"Girl you always have to work. Spring break starts today." Jade declared.

I shrugged my shoulder. "Spring break doesn't change the fact that I have to work..."

"Ella just come to the party, it's going to be fun." Olivia insisted.

"Exactly! Everyone is talking about it! It's gonna be so lit." Alexa bubbled as she walked over to the lunch table and sat besides Raiden.

I shook my head. "I really can't go."

"Ella, you're going. I'll pick you up from work and we'll go straight to the beach." Raiden commanded.

"Well there you go, your best friend has spoken. Everyone, Ella is going to the party!" Jade grinned.

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